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Fatima M.

Aljezani Uni ID: 4570325

Changing Views of English Teachers: Sociocultural Approaches to

Language Teaching and Learning
This report examines the evolving perspectives of English teachers based on the
reference "Sociocultural Approaches to Language Teaching and Learning" by
Hamdamova Nilufar, a master's student at USWLU, and Ergasheva Aziza Erkin qizi,
a student at GulSU.
Sociocultural Approaches to Language Teaching and Learning:
English teachers are increasingly embracing sociocultural approaches to language
teaching and learning. The referenced work explores the significance of sociocultural
theories in language education, emphasizing the role of social interaction, cultural
context, and collaborative learning in language acquisition.
Focus on Social Interaction:
English teachers now emphasize the importance of social interaction in language
learning. The referenced work highlights how interactive activities promote
meaningful communication, negotiation of meaning, and the development of
language skills. Engaging students in dialogues, group discussions, and collaborative
tasks fosters language acquisition within authentic social contexts.
Integration of Cultural Context:
English teachers recognize the significance of cultural context in language teaching
and learning. The referenced work underscores the importance of incorporating
cultural elements into language instruction to enhance learners' cultural competence
and intercultural communication skills. Teachers integrate cultural materials, real-life
scenarios, and cross-cultural discussions to promote a deeper understanding of
language and culture.
Collaborative Learning Approaches:
English teachers have embraced collaborative learning approaches in line with
sociocultural theories. The referenced work emphasizes the benefits of cooperative
Fatima M. Aljezani Uni ID: 4570325
activities, group projects, and peer interaction in language classrooms. Collaborative
learning enhances students' language proficiency, critical thinking skills, and social
Teacher as Facilitator:
English teachers now assume the role of facilitators in sociocultural language
teaching and learning. The referenced work highlights the importance of teachers
creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment, offering guidance, and
scaffolding students' language development. Teachers encourage active participation,
provide constructive feedback, and promote learner autonomy.
The changing views of English teachers reflect a growing recognition of sociocultural
approaches to language teaching and learning. Hamdamova and Ergasheva's work
highlights the significance of social interaction, cultural context, collaborative
learning, and teacher facilitation in language education. English teachers now
embrace these approaches to foster meaningful language acquisition, intercultural
competence, and student engagement.

Hamdamova, N., & Ergasheva, A. E. q. (2023). Sociocultural Approaches to
Language Teaching and Learning. Unpublished master's thesis, USWLU [or

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