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Solutions Intermediate Unit 1

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Solutions Intermediate Unit 1

Solutions 3rd edition Intermediate Unit 1 Short Test 1

? Запитання №1 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.
Lucy and Johan decided to start a family soon after …

А) A) they’d got married. Б) B) they were getting


? Запитання №2 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.
What were you doing …

А) A) when I’d come home? Б) B) when I came home?

? Запитання №3 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.
I was born in Bangkok while...

А) A) my parents were living Б) B) my parents had lived in

in Thailand. Thailand.

? Запитання №4 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.
Robbie met his future wife when ...
А) A) they were sitting on a Б) B) they’d sat on a train.

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Solutions Intermediate Unit 1

? Запитання №5 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.
Grandad started painting ...

А) A) when he was retiring. Б) B) when he had retired.

? Запитання №6 (з вибором правильної відповіді у тексті)

Read the email and choose the correct words.

Hi Jessica,

Thanks for your email. You asked me about my future plans. It’s my last year

at school so I’m going to________________________________ ‎(Обери: grow up, go

to university) and study modern languages next year. After that, I’ll

probably______________________________________________ ‎(Обери: get my first

job, have a change of career). I want to be a tour guide and travel around the

world. But after a few years, I’ll probably come back to Britain and

______________________ ‎(Обери: emigrate, settle down). My boyfriend and I will

probably get ________________ ‎(Обери: engaged, divorced) one day too. Then,

of course, we’ll ______________________ ‎(Обери: pass away, get married), and I’ll

invite you to the wedding! Anyway, what about you? What are your future



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Solutions Intermediate Unit 1

? Запитання №7 (на встановлення відповідності)

Match the quotes (in the left column) with the words (in the right
column). There is one extra word or phrase.
1) After thirty years in this factory, А) be brought up
Mary Watson is leaving us today. Б) fall in love
2) Tom had no father or mother, so В) inherit some money
his aunt looked after him when he
was growing up. Г) retire

3) Paul is crazy about Mary − and Д) split up

Mary thinks about Paul all the Е) start school
4) When my poor uncle Arthur died,
he left me £5 million.
5) Katie and Rick aren’t together
any more.

Вкажіть відповідність:

? Запитання №8 (із заповненням пропусків у тексті)

Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use one verb in the

past simple and one verb in either the past perfect or past continuous.

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Solutions Intermediate Unit 1

Megan ______________________ (not know) about Rob and Mary’s party

because they ______________________ (not tell) her.

Sorry! __________________________________ (you / sleep) when I ________ (ring)?

We ________ (feel) very hungry because we ________________________ (not eat)

anything all day.

Danny____________________ (live) in America when he______ (get) engaged.

No, we ______________________________ (not talk) about you when you

________(come) in.

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