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This paper consists of 6 pages including cover page and information sheet

1. Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions.

2. This question paper consists of 6 questions.
3. Answer ALL the questions.
4. Clearly show ALL calculations, diagrams, graphs, et cetera that you have used in
determining your answers.
5. Answers only will NOT necessarily be awarded full marks.
6. You may use an approved scientific calculator (non-programmable and non-graphical),
unless stated otherwise.
7. If necessary, round off answers to TWO decimal places, unless stated otherwise.
8. Diagrams are NOT necessarily drawn to scale.
9. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question
10. Write neatly and legibly.
Question 1

The data below shows the number of laptops sold by 15 sales agents during the last
financial year.
43 48 62 52 46 90 58 37 48 73 84 68 54 34 78

1.1 Determine the median of the number of laptops sold. (2)

1.2 Calculate the range of the data. (2)

1.3 Calculate the interquartile range (IQR). (3)

1.4 Draw a box and whisker diagram for the data above. (3)


Question 2

A learner did a project on climate change. At 14:00 each day, she recorded the
temperature (in 0C )for a certain town. The information is given in the frequency
table below.


20  T  24 2

24  T  28 4

28  T  32 9

32  T  36 5

36  T  40 7

40  T  44 3

2.1 For how many days did the learner collect the data? (1)

2.2 Write down the modal class for the data. (1)

2.3 Estimate the mean of the data. (3)

2.4 Calculate the percentage of days on which the temperature was at least 28∘ C. (2)


Question 3

The table below shows information about the number of hours 120 learners spent
on their cellphones in the last week.


0h2 10

2h4 15

4h6 30

6h8 35

8  h  10 25

10  h  12 5

3.1 Identify the modal class for the data. (1)

3.2 Estimate the mean number of hours that these learners spent on their cellphones in (3)
the last week.


Question 4
4.1 For two events A and B, it is given that P(A) = 0,30; P(B) = 0,65 and P(A or B) =

4.1.1 Calculate P(A and B). (2)

4.1.2 Hence, represent the above information in a Venn diagram. (4)

4.1.3 Are the events A and B mutually exclusive? Give a reason. (2)
4.2 In a random physical sciences experiment, A and B are two different events. It was
found that:

2 3 5
P(A) = , P(B’) = and P(A or B) =
5 8 7

4.2.1 Calculate:
(a) P(B) (2)
(b) P(A and B) (3)

4.2.2 Hence, determine whether events A and B are mutually exclusive. Motivate your (2)


Question 5

At a certain school there are 64 boys in Grade 10. Their sport preferences are
indicated below:

• 24 boys play soccer

• 28 boys play rugby
• 10 boys play both soccer and rugby
• 22 boys do not play soccer or rugby

5.1 Represent the information above in a Venn diagram. (4)

5.2 Calculate the probability that a Grade 10 boy at the school, selected at random,
plays: (1)

(a) Soccer and rugby (1)

(b) Soccer or rugby

5.3 Are the events a Grade 10 boy plays soccer at the school and a Grade 10 boy plays
rugby at the school, mutually exclusive? Justify your answer.

Question 6

6.1 One morning Samuel conducted a survey in his residential area to establish how
many passengers, excluding the driver, travel in a car. The results are shown in the
table below:

Number of passengers, excluding the

0 1 2 3 4

Number of cars 7 11 6 5 1

Calculate the probability that, excluding the driver, there are more than two (3)
passengers in a car.

6.2 If you throw two dice at the same time, the probability that a six will be shown on
one of the dice is and the probability that a six will be shown on both the dice,
1 (3)
is What is the probability that a six will NOT show on either of the dice when
you throw two dice at the same time?


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