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Reños, Mark Joseph E.


1. How would a manager following a laissez-faire style approach and guide the
team through this challenge? What differences would you expect compared to a
manager following a more directive style?
In laissez-faire leadership, leaders have an attitude of trust and
reliance on their employees. They don't get too involved with them.
Instead, they let them use their creativity, resources, and experience to
help them meet their goals. Compared to directive leadership which is a
more task-oriented style where the leader or manager actively sets clear
objectives and ensures that his, or her, employees follow through on them.
2. How would a transformational leader inspire and motivate the team during the
challenge? Contrast this with the approach of a transactional leader.
Transformational leadership is a type of leadership where the leader
causes change in social systems and individuals to help them become better
leaders. In contrast, transactional leadership, also known as managerial
leadership, is a type of leadership style where the leaders rely on rewards
and punishments to achieve optimal job performance from their
3. How does a leader using a transformational communication style address
uncertainties and inspire confidence? Compare this with a leader using a more
transactional communication style.
Transformational leaders show their subordinates different qualities
like confidence and certainty so they would be able to learn these qualities
and use them when they become leaders. Compared to transactional
leaders, these leaders set an example by rewarding certain employees who
perform confidently and certain and reprimanding those who do not.
4. Evaluate how leaders following different styles handle and communicate the
change. How does a leader using a transformational style inspire commitment
during times of change compared to a more transactional approach?
Transformational leaders have qualities like passion, intelligence,
and commitment that inspire their subordinates which is different from
transactional leaders who utilize rewards and punishments to motivate
and direct followers.
5. How do leaders with different time-management styles (e.g., time-focused vs.
relationship-focused) influence the team's approach to completing the task?
How might this impact overall effectiveness?
Time-oriented management focuses on time management to lighten
up the workload and improve effectiveness while relationship-oriented
ones focus on the relationships and talents of each individual to work more
effectively. Time management is more effective compared to relationship
management since it can still be used even if a team member or employee
is absent.

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