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by design

Welcome to the Money by Design Guide! This guide will help you use your
Human Design to identify how you best manifest money. When learning
about your manifestation type you can finally start tailoring your
manifestation practice to YOUR needs instead of trying to use someone else's.

If you don't already have your Human Design Chart copy and paste this link
into your browser and generate your chart
Hi! My name is Eden, I'm the creator of this
guide, and a leading expert in Human Design
and manifestation.

Before I found Human Design I had been

studying money mindset for about 5 years. I
had read every book, taken every course, done
every meditation, and still didn't feel like I
could actually manifest money consistently. I
was convinced that I must have some deep
subconscious limiting belief that was holding
me back (can you relate?). So I did everything I
could to figure out what the final thing was
that was holding me back from being
When I found Human Design I realized that everyone's energy is completely
unique. It finally hit me that this was the guide that could tell me if I still had
limiting beliefs, if I was out of alignment, and how I was supposed to show
up. I started diving deeper and I realized that Human Design also shows you
how you are supposed to manifest money for YOUR energy.

Manifestation is not a one-size-fits-all process! Your energy is made to

communicate with the universe in a very specific way. Your energy is made
to manifest and receive money in a very specific way. When you try to use
someone else's process it can feel like you are never doing it right, which
can throw you out of alignment. This guide will teach you how to manifest
money for YOUR own energy by using your unique Human Design.



Now that you have your Human Design chart I am going to walk you through
how to figure out what kind of manifestor you are. There are two types of
manifestors in Human Design and a this is an important part of mapping out
YOUR money manifesting process!

I teach a three step money manifestation process and knowing your

manifestation type is KEY for this first step of the process. The first step is
about figuring out what it is that you want to manifest, even when it comes to
money, we need to know how much you want to call in. Based on your
manifestation type, the way you decide what you want is going to change.
Pull out your chart and compare to the pictures below to identify what type of
manifestor you are before moving on to the next page!

look at the arrow that is circled in both of these

pictures and make note of which direction it faces on
your chart. if it faces to the left, you are a specific
manifester. if it faces to the right, you are a non-
specific manifester.



specific manifesting
Specific manifesting is also known as
ACTIVE manifesting. Being a specific
manifestor means that your energy does
best when you are actively participating
in the manifestation process. when
choosing what you want, include as
many details as you can about what you
want. The more detailed the better!

Your manifestation process includes

getting really clear on what it is that you
truly want. When you are calling in
money get specific on exactly how
much you want to call in. Down to the
last dollar! A fun practice could be
making a list of all of the bills you have
as well as the fun activities you want to do, the vacations, and the items
you would like to purchase. To get even more specific, at the end of the
day how much do you want to see in your bank account? Your savings
account? Do you want to be investing a certain amount each month? How
much do you want to be putting towards debts? Get detailed and have
fun with this! At the end, you can see how much money you get to
manifest to support the life you desire to live.

Also get specific on the exact things that you are going to spend this
money on. Choose the colors you want, the brands, the exact hotel
locations, and the dates you want to go on that trip. Only include the
details that actually matter to you. For example, if you are calling in a new
apartment, does the exact color of carpet matter to you, or do you really
just want it to have carpet? If the color does matter, include it in your list. if
it doesn't matter to you don't add it to your list. Manifestation should never
feel like checking of boxes just to say you did, it's about calling in exactly
what you desire.



non-specific manifesting
Non-specific manifesting is also called
passive manifesting. When you are a non-
specific manifestor you do best when you
don't need to actively participate that
much in your manifesting process. For
you, the process of choosing all the
details can feel a little tedious or
unnecessary. You do better when the
details are taken care of for you by the
Universe! Instead of getting detailed
about what the exact amount of money is
that you want, focus more on how you
want to feel. The feeling of the
manifestation is what you energetically
connect with better than the exact details
of what you are calling in. Often after hearing that you are a passive or
non-specific manifestor their can be a sense of relief that you don't have to
do as much and you can still receive all that you desire. Other times there
may be a fear of not doing enough to manifest what you want. I want to
assure you that even if you don't choose a specific amount you an still
manifest the money you desire. What does abundance feel like? What
does overflow feel like? What does it feel like to have multiple five or six
figures in your bank account? What does financial freedom feel like?
A lot of the manifestation literature is directed towards specific
manifestors, so if you have tried to manifest in the past and felt frustrated it
is likely because you were going against your natural energetic flow.

The things you manifest are designed to support you feeling the way you
desire to feel. It isn't about the things for you, it's about feeling like all your
desires and needs are taken care of for you, no matter what you do or
don't do. You are designed to connect to feelings and have the actual
money just support your desired feelings.


The second step is about checking in with your motivations and desires.
In Human Design we have something called a Monopole. This is an
electromagnetic field in your heart space that pulls to you all of your
desires, it is located in the G center. If you are in alignment when you
decide you want something it will show up effortlessly for you. If you are
out of alignment when you decide you want something you will attract
the situation you need to get back into alignment, which may not be the
manifestation you thought you wanted!

Money tends to be a really hot topic and can be tangled with a lot of our
shadow motivations. If you are trying to manifest money from one of your
shadows you will likely attract a situation that cause frustration, anger, or
bitterness, but might not bring you money. In this step you will work on
cutting the cords from money and your shadow. When you do this you
align with a high frequency of abundance and will be open to receiving
true abundance!

look at the open or white

centers (shapes) in your
human design chart. each
center deals with a
different type of energy. in
our white centers we are
open to picking up on
limiting beliefs and
resistance towards
receiving. check in with the
resistant thoughts and see
what area it might be
associated with. use the
following affirmations for
each of your open centers
to help return your energy
to alignment so you can
manifest effortlessly!



head center
I don't need to figure it all out how to make this money. The answers will
show up because I am always guided.

ajna center
I may not be certain that this money will come and that's okay. I don't need
to feel certain for it to show up.

throat center
I don't need this money to get the attention of others. I get to be seen with
or without this money.

g center
I am worthy of love with or without this money. I don't need to be rich to
be lovable.

ego center
I have nothing to prove. I can manifest this money because it feels good.
My value is not a direct reflection of the money that I call in.

emotional solar plexus

I choose to feel good now. I release my desire for more money from the
pressure of making me feel better.

sacral center
I allow the universe to support me. I don't need to do more to have more
money, I get to have more money because I do.

splenic center
I acknowledge my fears and choose to not let them control me. I am open
and ready to be guided to receiving this money.

root center
There is nothing I need to do before I am good enough to receive. I am
open and ready to receive this money now.



Now that you know what you want and are clear on why you desire to
have it you are ready to start practicing alignment. You see, when you
are in alignment you are automatically open to be guided to the
abundance you desire. You have done you part and now all you need to
do is show up ready to take inspired action and ready to be guided. You
get to surrender! While you wait for your desired abundance to show up
practice living in alignment. Lucky for you, your Human Design chart
shows you exactly what you need to do to be in alignment. This is going
to be following your strategy and listening to your authority.

If you enjoy quantum physics you may know that time does not actually
exist outside of our 3D dimension. The Universe doesn't work on a time
line, source energy is not limited by time. The universe works on
alignment. The money you are calling in can manifest today, all you
need to do is practice living in alignment with your own energy.

Alignment looks differently for everyone based on your Human Design.

In this section you will learn about how to use your strategy and
authority as your key to practicing alignment.

when you practice flowing

with your strategy and
authority you practice
alignment, the more you
practice alignment the more
open you are to
receiving guidance as well
as the manifestations you
have called in. by
following your strategy
and authority you
surrender to the fastest
path to your desires.



manifestors and mgs: inform and initiate

Allow yourself to go inward and connect with source. You now have a vision for
what you are manifesting. Inform those around you. Inform the Universe of your
vision for how it looks when you receive this money? Talk about what it looks
like and what it feels like (connect with your specific or non-specific here). Talk
about what you need from the world for this to manifest easily. Your voice is
powerful and you have the ability to speak your desires into existence. Talk out
loud if that feels good for you, to others, or just to yourself.

Generators and mgs: respond

Follow the pings and respond to what shows up for you. When you are
responding, you want to make sure that you are responding to external things,
not just ideas or thoughts. This deepens your connection to the Universe and
gives you more certainty that you are actually responding. Remember, an
honest no in response is just as good as a yes. Create your own language with
the Universe, ask for signs, angel numbers and very obvious signs that you can
respond to. You will be guided to the money you desire!

projectors: wait for the invitation

Wait for the energy to invite you in. This doesn't always look like an enveloped
formal invitation. Your job is to open and focus on what you are available for.
What opportunities for abundance would you enjoy? Then allow the right
people to show up, see you in your aligned glory, and request your presence,
energy and assistance. Spend time doing the things you are good at, play with
your zone of genius, rest, and take care of your energy. This will invite
abundance into your experience.

reflectors: wait 28 days

Fear not, all of your manifestations will not take 28 days. The key for you is to
put yourself into the environment of your desire. Expose yourself to it's energy,
absorb it's energy, feel it and embody feeling at home in that environment.
What environment makes you feel abundant? What people make you feel
abundant? Use Pinterest, vision boards, window shopping, and watching
reviews to connect with your desires. Spend time clearing your energy and
resting, especially if you are calling in new opportunities or adventures!


use this page to map out your desires and manifesting
process. feel free to share your manifestations and
breakthroughs on instagram and tag me @intuitionlifestyle

what do you want?

why do you want what you want?

release any non-self patterns.

What does true alignment look like for you?


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