Causes of Civil War

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Causes of civil war

1. Industrialization: The rapid industrialization that occurred in the late 19th century resulted in the
growth of large corporations and the concentration of power in the hands of a few wealthy individuals.
This led to concerns about the impact of these corporations on democracy, labor rights, and the

2. Urbanization: The growth of cities in the late 19th century created new challenges related to housing,
sanitation, and public health. The lack of government regulation and oversight led to the growth of slums
and the mistreatment of urban workers.

3. Political corruption: The Progressive movement emerged in response to the widespread corruption
that existed in American politics in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Political machines, which were
organizations that controlled the political process through bribery and other means, had a significant
influence on government policies and decision-making.

4. Social inequality: The Progressive movement was also motivated by concerns about social inequality.
Many Progressives believed that the government had a responsibility to address issues like poverty, child
labor, and discrimination.
5. Intellectual and cultural developments: The Progressive movement was influenced by a range of
intellectual and cultural developments, including the rise of scientific thinking, social Darwinism, and the
belief in the potential for social progress through government intervention.


1. Passing laws to regulate monopolies and trusts: The Progressives believed that large corporations had
too much power and influence in society, so they pushed for laws that would limit their power and
prevent monopolies.

2. improving working conditions: The Progressives supported better working conditions for laborers.
They advocated for shorter working hours, safer working conditions, and the elimination of child labor.
3. Expanding democracy: The Progressives worked to expand democracy by advocating for the direct
election of senators and giving voters more say in the political process.

4. Curbing political corruption: The Progressives fought against political corruption by working to
eliminate political machines and lobbying groups that had too much influence over politicians.

5. Providing social welfare: The Progressives believed that the government had a responsibility to
provide social welfare programs to help those in need. They supported the creation of programs like
workers' compensation and unemployment insurance to help people who were struggling.

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