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Free Exam Academy 

 August 3, 2019

Production of

Sound is a result of vi-

brating objects that
cause a vibration in air
molecules that lead to a
series of compressions
and rarefactions.

Recall the sound is a lon-

gitudinal wave. Compres-
sions are when air mole-
cules are closest togeth-
er and rarefactions are
when they are furthest

We hear sound when the

sound waves reach our
ear and cause our ear
drums to vibrate. We can
hear frequencies from
about 20 Hz to 20 kHz –
Any more or any less is
very difficult for our ears
to pick up.

Remember that all waves

(including sound) have a
frequency and an

The frequency of a
wave is the number
of waves that pass
a fixed spot per
second (unit=Hz).
The higher the fre-
quency, the higher
the pitch of the
The amplitude of
the wave is the
maximum displace-
ment of the vibrat-
ing particles. The
larger the ampli-
tude, the louder
the sound will be.

Speed of sound

Speed of sound

through various


Sound waves cannot

travel through vacuum.
They must be transmit-
ted through vibrations of
particles within a medi-
um. The closer the parti-
cles are within the medi-
um, the faster sound will
travel. For example, the
speed of sound is:

330 m/s in gases

i.e. air
1500 m/s in liquids
i.e. water
5000 m/s in metals
i.e. metals

Air is a gas so particles

are very spread out,
which is why sound does
not travel very fast. Met-
als on the other hand are
generally solids, and par-
ticles are very closer to-
gether allowing fast
transmission of sound

Determining the speed

of sound in air

Above we state that the

speed of sound is approx-
imately 330 m/s in air.
We can experimentally
prove this by using this
Two microphones are
separated by exactly 1m.
They are connected to a
digital timer that starts
when it gets signal from
microphone 1 and stops
when it gets signal from
microphone 2.

A hammer is used to hit a

metal block which gener-
ates sound. The sound
waves will hit micro-
phone 1 first which
starts the timer, and
then hit microphone 2
which stops the timer.

Since the microphones

are separated by 1m, the
sound has traveled 1m in
0.003 seconds.

Since speed = distance /

time, 1/0.003 = 330


Just like light waves can

be reflected off a
boundary, so can sound
waves. When sound gets
reflected off a surface, it
generates an echo.

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