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Given: The data provided by the Psych Department is as follows:

Year Level Black White Gray Seniors 30 20 10 Juniors 15 15 15 Sophomores 10 20 30 Freshmen 20 10 30
We need to find the expected frequencies and calculate the values of (O-E)2/E for each cell.
B. Problem: We need to determine whether each year level has a certain color preference or not.
C. Hypothesis: Ho: There is no association between year level and color preference. Ha: There is an
association between year level and color preference.
D. Formula and Test Statistic: The formula to calculate the chi-square statistic is:
𝑥2 = Σ (𝑂−𝐸)2 / 𝐸
Where, O = Observed frequency E = Expected frequency
Degrees of freedom = (R-1) x (C-1) Where, R is the number of rows and C is the number of columns.
Table: The expected frequencies and values of (O-E)2/E are as follows:
Year Level Black White Gray Seniors 20.8 17.3 22 Juniors 15 15 15 Sophomores 15.6 16.4 18 Freshmen
18.6 15.3 26
Observed Frequency Expected Frequency (O-E)2/E 1 30 20.8 2.37 2 15 15 0 3 10 15.6 1.03 4 20 18.6 0.16
5 20 15.3 2.26 6 10 17.3 2.58 7 30 22 2.12 8 15 15.6 0.07 9 30 16.4 10.84 10 10 16.4 3.76 11 30 18.6 3.68
12 30 26 1.42
χ2 = Σ (O-E)2/E = 29.01
Degrees of freedom = (4-1) x (3-1) = 6
E. Decision Basis: We will use both the traditional method and the p-value method to make a decision.
Traditional Method: The critical value for a chi-square test with 6 degrees of freedom and alpha level of
0.05 is 12.59 (from the chi-square distribution table). Since our calculated value of χ2 (29.01) is greater
than the critical value, we reject the null hypothesis.
p-value Method: The p-value for our calculated value of χ2 (29.01) with 6 degrees of freedom is less than
0.001 (using a chi-square distribution table or calculator). Since the p-value is less than the significance
level of 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis.
F. Statistical Decision: We reject the null hypothesis using both the traditional method and the p-value
G. Contextual Decision: At alpha level of 0.05, we can conclude that there is sufficient evidence to
suggest that each year level has a certain color preference

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