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Null hypothesis (H₀): There is no correlation between the number of hours played sports and test scores.
Alternative hypothesis (H₁): There is a correlation between the number of hours played sports and test
Table of computations:
Hours Played Sports (X) | Test Score (Y) | XY | X² | Y²
3 | 74 | 222 | 9 | 5476
1 | 68 | 68 | 1 | 4624
1 | 66 | 66 |1 | 4356
3 | 72 | 216 | 9 | 5184
4 | 80 | 320 | 16 | 6400
2 | 68 | 136 | 4 | 4624
4 | 78 | 312 | 16 | 6084
2 | 70 | 140 | 4 | 4900
ΣX = 20 | ΣY = 556 | ΣXY = 1480 | ΣX² = 59 | ΣY² = 36668
Solve for r: Using the formula: r = [nΣXY - (ΣX)(ΣY)] / sqrt{ [nΣX² - (ΣX)²][nΣY² - (ΣY)²] }
n = number of data points = 8 ΣXY = 1480 ΣX = 20 ΣY = 556 ΣX² = 59 ΣY² = 36668
Substituting the values: r = [8(1480) - (20)(556)] / sqrt{ [8(59) - (20)²][8(36668) - (556)²] } r = (11840 -
11120) / sqrt{ [472 - 400][293344 - 308336] } r = 720 / sqrt{ [72][-14992] } r ≈ 0.666
Solve for Coefficient of Determination (r²): r² = 0.666² r² ≈ 0.444
Decision basis using r critical value (α = 0.01): Using the critical value table for a two-tailed test, with n =
8 and α = 0.01, the critical value of r is approximately ±0.879.
Traditional method: If |r| > 0.879, reject the null hypothesis. If |r| ≤ 0.879, fail to reject the null
Statistical Decision using r critical values (Traditional method): Since |0.666| ≤ 0.879, we fail to reject the
null hypothesis. There is no significant correlation between the number of hours played sports and test
Transform the correlation coefficient (r) to a t-value: Using the formula: t = r * sqrt[(n - 2) / (1 - r²)]
n = number of data points = 8 r = 0.666
Substituting the values: t = 0.666 * sqrt[(8 - 2) / (1 - 0.666²)] t = 0.666 * sqrt[6 / (1 - 0.444)] t = 0.666 *
sqrt[6 / 0.556] t = 0.666 * sqrt[10.791]
t ≈ 2.156
Decision basis using t-table (α = 0.01): The critical t-value for a two-tailed test, with (n - 2) = (8 - 2) = 6
degrees of freedom and α = 0.01, is approximately ±3.707.
Traditional method: If |t| > 3.707, reject the null hypothesis. If |t| ≤ 3.707, fail to reject the null
Statistical Decision using t-table (Traditional method): Since |2.156| ≤ 3.707, we fail to reject the null
hypothesis. There is no significant correlation between the number of hours played sports and test
Contextual decision: Based on the statistical analysis, there is no significant correlation between the
number of hours Mark plays sports and his test scores. Therefore, we cannot conclude that playing
sports has a direct impact on test scores.

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