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of Printed Pages : 4 MPS-001


Term-End Examination
December, 2014


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer five questions in all selecting at least two

questions from each section. Answer each question in
about 500 words. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain the growth and evolution of Political

2. What is the relationship between procedural and

substantive notions of democracy ? Explain.

3. Discuss the different dimensions of equality.

4. What do you understand by group - differentiated

citizenship ? Elaborate.

5. Explain the concept of political obligation.

MPS-001 1 P.T.O.

6. Explain the evolution of positive freedom.

7. What is Mao's Theory of Contradictions ? Discuss.

8. What are the major characteristics of

conservatism ? Describe.

9. What are the major arguments of radical

feminism ? Discuss.

10. Analyze the idea of republican freedom.

MPS-001 2
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1. ft:rztt liog 31 1-4wm oelltSql W11

2. cif *7.7 t77704 (procedural) 37%11i17 3-111 3-114

(substantive) fq7T4 T1 qzfll:t*T t? cikstif WI!

3. 11111-ICII aTPTA I

4. (.14-0-f44kff TzTftwm 377 -4zET f? Pi ilt

citil • I

5. TrAFT 3-1-41IT otiitstif W11

MPS-001 3 P.T.O.
tgus - II

6. tichlticHcb -ciclicll t' fqTR:1 -1. otiito-il chi I

7. 1713-td>T fdtNTITR4 (Contradictions) "Wf #1-

41.7 cKil
t? li-cii ct) I

8. Tfq-lrq (Conservatism)' IlLal. kruT TTT t? clu -I

9. 4 ia -Ichlt (Radical) 1-ft-d7t 31p1 oci) all t? lli

.0 1

10. 4 I u lclicilql k-cidAdf (Republican freedom) t .r.q""q7 iT

<=w tlu t cf,) 1

MPS-001 4

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