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Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 1265–1274

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Evaluation of fiber volume fraction of kenaf-coir-epoxy based green

composite by finite element analysis
Shikha Parashar a,b, V.K. Chawla a
Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, IGDTUW, Kashmere Gate, Delhi 110006, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sanskriti University, Mathura 281401, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Scientists and specialists have moved their attention from conventional synthetic composites to green
Received 24 May 2021 fiber composites. These fiber strands are light in weight as well as high in strength and more reasonable
Received in revised form 7 August 2021 and economical in comparison to the regular fibers. Additionally, the green fibers are biodegradable, sus-
Accepted 18 August 2021
tainable, and environmentally friendly. Among various other natural fibers, the kenaf fibers show higher
Available online 13 September 2021
and better properties as composite reinforcement compared to other fibres, in presence of varying load-
ing conditions. Whereas coir fibers have been found to possess excellent strength and durability. Epoxy
resin possesses magnificent binding characteristics and is treated as a good matrix for the development of
Green composite
composites. In previous researches, it has been seen that fiber stacking or fiber part volume, influences
Finite element analysis the mechanical strength, qualities, and properties of green fiber- composite. Therefore, this study has
Kenaf been focused on evaluating the fiber volume fraction and strength of kenaf coir fiber-based epoxy com-
Coir posite material by analytical as well as finite element analysis techniques. This paper likewise proposes
an analytical model based on the rule of hybrid mixtures, and solutions of flexural and tensile tests con-
ducted on ANSYS 15.0. Based on this research, it can be stated that kenaf-coir composite may be utilized
for a varying loading modern application.
Copyright Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Con-
ference on Functional Material, Manufacturing and Performances

1. Introduction are significantly lightweight as contrasted to traditional fibers

[5–10]. In addition, green fiber is bountiful and hence is especially
Green fibers are plant-inferred strands like sisal fiber, banana, affordable compared to synthetic fibers [11–15]. Fiber composites
coconut, flax, abaca, wood, hemp, rice husk, cotton, Bagasse, kenaf, are generally characterized by green and natural materials. Such
Kapok, Jute, Ramie, bamboo, Sisal, and wheat straw [1]. Environ- fiber composites are environment-friendly and thereby produce
mental concern has provoked the search for Green materials and no contamination. Additionally, they viewed it as a chance to
composites. Many projects in various countries these days are change over the horticultural bio-waste to a useful and valuable
based on the recycling and processing of animal and agricultural industrial product. These qualities of characteristic fiber are
by-products, for the characterization of Green materials useful to attracting the consideration of specialists and researchers to
the environment. Also, according to a survey, 33 billion coconuts explore this area of green fiber composites [16–18].
are annually harvested, and out of which only 15% of them are Commonly studied natural fibers at present are bamboo, sisal,
being used for extracting chips and fibers [2,3]. These fiber fila- jute, coconut, hemp, and kenaf fiber. Out of all these fibers, Kenaf
ments when supported along with a plastic folio, structure a hard fiber is very well recognized for its potential to substitute glass
and strong composite. Synthetic fiber development was viewed as fibers [19]. Kenaf fiber is described to have very high tensile
a superior option to the customary types of materials like alu- strength and high modulus [20]. Coir fibers are also present in wide
minium and steel [4]. Synthetic fibers are more grounded and research for composites development. Coconut shell is treated as
stronger as contrasted to steel and surprisingly lighter than alu- waste and finds low economic value. Many researchers have found
minium. The green fiber composites being relatively less strong that coir fiber and coconut powder have excellent strength and
are having up to approximately 70% strength of steel, however have been found suitable as reinforcement in present-day compos-
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Functional Material, Manufacturing and Performances
S. Parashar and V.K. Chawla Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 1265–1274

ites [21]. Therefore, in this paper, the composite taken is a combi- A 3-dimensional model of samples was arranged utilizing model-
nation of Kenaf and Coir fibers along with an epoxy matrix. ing and programming software. Various samples were prepared
Finite element analysis is an interaction of evaluating problems and exposed to the tensile test under ANSYS as well as experimen-
related to engineering and designing issues in which a 3- tally. The extreme load versus % CNSL qualities of the sample was
dimensional model of sample is distributed into a limited measure plotted with different composition. Silva et al. [22] analyzed the
of exceptionally little components utilizing finite element analysis mathematical and experimental examination of green fibrous bio-
(FEA) programming. Different shapes of mesh can be picked by the composites. The prepared sisal and banana composites were
surface construction of the sample. The solutions of the examination respectively arranged and were utilized to perform the tensile test
are determined at the mesh nodes. It is found in the literature writ- as well as check for scanning electron microscopy. 2-Dimensional
ings that the FEA was quite near the outcomes acquired in the prac- and 3-dimensional models of the sample were set up on displaying
tical testing, therefore FEA may be viably utilized in examining the software for programming and modeling and had to undergo sim-
mechanical attributes of green fiber composites when a balance ilar conditions for testing. The FEA analysis results conformed to
and symmetry of fiber exists in a particular composite [22–25]. the trial outcomes, and thus it had been inferred that the FEA is
Prasad et al. [26] applied the FEA technique on Jute- Banana capable to be utilized for the assessment of machining features
supported matrix. The composite samples were set up with fluctu- of characteristic fiber composite if a balance exists between fiber
ating cashew nutshell fluid (CNSL) percentages between 5 and 40%. positioning in the real composite.

Fig. 1. Tensile test specimen under ASTM D638.

Fig. 2. Total Deformation for sample 1 using tensile test.

S. Parashar and V.K. Chawla Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 1265–1274

Fig. 3. Equivalent Stress for sample 1 using tensile test.

Rajesh [23] examined the outcomes of FEA of coir and banana posite to assess the performance of the composite. The hand lay-up
fibers-driven hybrid green composite. A sample with measure- strategy had been utilized in developing the composites. Samples
ments of 100 mm  100 mm  10 mm had been set up by the had been developed according to the ASTM measurements of flex-
incorporation of coir banana fortified epoxy, and banana-coir rein- ural, impact, and malleability tests. NX NASTRAN 9.0 was used to
forced epoxy composite. It was analyzed by FEA solutions that it is perform FEA. It had been observed that FEA models and experi-
feasible to decrease stress concentration by increasing fiber pro- mental analysis both anticipated the composite’s mechanical attri-
portions and the minute variations in FEM and experimental butes accurately, and subsequently, the FEA model will be
results are because of a few variables as anisotropy, interphase considered genuine. Adeniyi et al. [31] studied the sisal fiber poly-
attributes, and porosity being neglected. Dixit [27] executed FEA styrene composite by endeavoring the multiscale FEM technique.
on fiber-reinforced composite and contemplated their characteris- The samples weighing 10, 20, 30, and 40% of fiber were developed
tics. The samples were readied utilizing five unique sorts of fiber, by a hand-worked molding machine. The FEM demonstration was
planning 25 distinct blends of it. The sample was planned on performed on ABAQUS 6.14. The model had been developed utiliz-
ANSYS APDL software for examining and measuring its mechanical ing a representation strategy that was 3D. Different bends of fiber
traits. Ramesh et al. [28] utilized FEA to examine the mechanical stacking versus modulus were graphed.
and morphological characteristics of flax and glass composite mix- Devireddy et al. [32] contemplated the impacts of the geometry
ture. A hand lay-up strategy had been utilized in developing the of fiber and representative volume element (RVE) towards flexural
composite specimen. The samples had been set up according to as well as thermal characteristics of unidirectional fibered compos-
the particular ASTM guidelines of flexural, impact, tensile, and ites. The model was developed utilizing the RVE model in ANSYS.
bending tests. The model was developed, tested, and examined Likewise, bends were plotted to examine how the thermal conduc-
using ANSYS 12.0. The patterns in experimental outcomes were tivity gets impacted by varying volume fractions. Balasubramanian
observed, and fiber with the most extreme strength was called et al. [33] broke down the mechanical traits of the natural compos-
attention to. The experimental investigations likewise appeared ite mixture by trial and FEA. The hand lay-up technique was used
to check the FEA results; subsequently, the FEA model can be to build up the composite sample. The samples had been devel-
thought of as reliable and worthy. oped following the standard ASTM measurements of various tests
Prasad [29] reviewed the mechanical attributes of green fiber including tensile and flexural. The FEA of 3-Dimensional models of
composite inculcating jute with the use of FEM. A hand lay-up the sample was completed utilizing ANSYS. Both the FEM models
strategy was utilized to set up the cashew nutshell-jute fluid were contrasted with experimental models which accompanied
(CNSL) composite. An Instron machine conducted the tensile test to be in reasonable concurrence with one another along these lines,
on the sample. Evaluation of the FEA model had been done utilizing thus approving the FEA model to be appropriate for investigation
ANSYS. Ramesh et al. [30] conducted FEA on kenaf-glass fiber com- of mechanical qualities of the material.

S. Parashar and V.K. Chawla Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 1265–1274

Fig. 4. Total Deformation for sample 2 using tensile test.

Therefore, in order to increase the utilization of green fibers in reported for improving the properties and traits of green fibres
fiber mixture composites and various applications, an extensive lit- and composites [39–42]. For analyzing the kenaf-coir composite,
erature survey has been made on various green fibers and their the composite specimen is prepared using parallel layers of epoxy,
composites, as well as modeling techniques. The study suggests kenaf, and coir fibres. The two of them, the kenaf and the coir
that the potential capability of some fibers and their hybridization fibers, have altogether different strength properties [43,44]. In this
with other fibers have not yet been completely discovered. So, here way, the general strength of the composite is evaluated with the
in this research, a combination of kenaf and coir fibers is consid- assistance of the Rule of Hybrid Mixtures shown by Eq. (1), where
ered and their varying composition in different composites has also the strength of kenaf fiber is seen as 930 MPa and of epoxy as
been discussed. 60 MPa [45–48]. As indicated by the rule, here tensile strength of
the composite is being evaluated by Eq. (1), where, Ec represents
2. Material & methodology Elastic Modulus of the composite, Vf1 & Vf2 represent the volume
part fiber of both the fibers respectively, Ef1 & Ef2 are the Elastic
The Epoxy-Kenaf-Epoxy-Coir-Epoxy-Kenaf-Epoxy (E-K-E-C-E- Moduli of both the fibers respectively, Em represents the Matrix
K-E) stacking sequence has been used in the composite which Elastic Modulus and Vm shows volume part of the matrix in com-
enables more contact area within the composite, similar to the posite [49,50].
stacking sequences available in the literature [34]. The composite Rule of Hybrid Mixtures [49]:
sample for modelling was formulated in the E-K-E-C-E-K-E stock- Ec ¼ V f 1 Ef 1 þ V f 2 Ef 2 þ V m Em ð1Þ
pile, and the fiber orienting adjustment is taken as 0. Three sam-
ples have been taken for modelling, both for the tensile and For Sample 1:
flexural test, with varying proportions of kenaf and coir fibers. Ec ¼ V f 1 Ef 1 þ V f 2 Ef 2 þ V m Em
The content of kenaf and coir fibres has been varied between
12.5% and 37.5% in various samples prepared based on previous lit- Ec ¼ ð0:125Þð53000Þ þ ð0:375Þð5000Þ þ ð0:5Þð3810Þ
erature [35].
Ec ¼ 10405MPa
3. Theoretical modelling
For Sample 2:
Many algorithms and techniques have been applied to evaluate Ec ¼ V f 1 Ef 1 þ V f 2 Ef 2 þ V m Em
and optimize the behaviour of composite specimens and their var-
ious attributes [36–38]. Various methods have been analyzed and
S. Parashar and V.K. Chawla Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 1265–1274

Ec ¼ ð0:25Þð53000Þ þ ð0:25Þð5000Þ þ ð0:5Þð3810Þ above each other. Finite element meshing has been done on the
specimen. On one end of the specimen, fixed support has been
Ec ¼ 16405MPa applied, whereas on the other end a tensile load has been applied.
The results corresponding to total deformation and equivalent
For Sample 3:
(von-mises) stress have been calculated for all three specimens.
Ec ¼ V f 1 Ef 1 þ V f 2 Ef 2 þ V m Em The total deformation was found to increase, as the content of
kenaf fibres was seen to increase in the different composite sam-
Ec ¼ ð0:375Þð53000Þ þ ð0:125Þð5000Þ þ ð0:5Þð3810Þ ples, indicating increased tensile behaviour as shown in Fig. 2,
Fig. 4, and Fig. 6 in comparison to banana reinforced epoxy com-
Ec ¼ 22405MPa posites [34]. The tensile strength of kenaf fibres is proven to be
high also on basis of available literature [21]. Also, the equivalent
(von-mises) stress was found to increase, as the content of kenaf
4. Results & discussions fibres was increased in the samples as shown in Fig. 3, Fig. 5, and
Fig. 7.
4.1. Tensile test

Two specimens had been designed to test the mechanical prop- 4.2. Flexural test
erties on ‘‘Ansys-Workbench” software. The dimensions of the
specimen were as defined below for the tensile test and flexural A total of three flexural test specimens of the specified dimen-
test. The different properties of the material have been taken from sions as stated above were prepared and tested. The specimens
the literature available for both fibers. A total of three samples had contained varying percentages of kenaf and coir content ranging
been developed for tensile test and testing was performed on from 12.5% to 37.5% respectively. A flexural test had been per-
them. The specimens contained varying percentages of kenaf and formed under the ASTM D790 standards (Fig. 8). The dimensions
coir content ranging from 12.5% to 37.5% respectively. The tensile of the test specimen had been taken as 60  10  4 mm [34]. This
test was performed under ASTM D638 standards. The dimensions specimen was made to restrict at both left–right ends, by apply-
of the test specimen had been taken as 145  20  4 mm (Fig. 1) ing for fixed support at both the ends. A force of 20 KN was
[34]. ANSYS 15.0 was utilized for preparing samples of composite applied at the centre of the specimen to deform it flexurally.
mixture and results of FEA were also carried out on ANSYS 15.0. ANSYS 15.0 was utilized for preparing samples of kenaf-coir com-
posite mixture and results of FEA were also carried out on ANSYS
4.1.1. Conditions and loads 15.0.
Material properties have been taken as linearly isotropic. The The results corresponding to total deformation and equivalent
layup of the layers has been made in the form of 7 layers stacked (von-mises) stress were calculated for all three specimens. The

Fig. 5. Equivalent Stress for sample 2 using tensile test.

S. Parashar and V.K. Chawla Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 1265–1274

Fig. 6. Total Deformation for sample 3 using tensile test.

Fig. 7. Equivalent Stress for sample 3 using tensile test.

S. Parashar and V.K. Chawla Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 1265–1274

Fig. 8. Flexural Test Specimen under ASTM D790.

Fig. 9. Total Deformation for sample 1 using flexural test.

total deformation was found to decrease, as the content of kenaf technique. The solutions and observations from the test were cor-
fibers was seen to increase in the different composite samples, related between the three specimens prepared and were also
indicating increased toughness behaviour as shown in Fig. 9, approved from the past study which was discovered to comply
Fig. 10, and Fig. 11. Therefore, the flexural strength was found to with one another subsequently demonstrating the unwavering
increase by increasing the content of kenaf fibres in the composite quality of the results.
After carrying out the finite element modelling and load analy- 1. Applying the Rule of Hybrid mixtures, it was found that the
sis on ANSYS software, the solutions obtained by the test are illus- Elastic Modulus of the green composite was brought into being
trated below in Table 1. to increase concerning the increment of the concentration of
kenaf fibers in the kenaf-coir composite samples from 12.5%
to 25% to 37.5%, in comparison to a sample of Coir fiber
5. Conclusion
2. During the tensile test on ANSYS, the total deformation was
The current research was intended in order to track down an
found to increase, as the content of kenaf fibers was seen to
interpretive and analytical relation among the varying fiber vol-
increase in the different composite samples, indicating
ume rate and different mechanical characteristics, utilizing an
increased tensile behaviour of kenaf fibers in the kenaf-coir
information-driven method. The mechanical tests like tensile and
hybrid composite.
flexural tests were executed utilizing the finite element method
S. Parashar and V.K. Chawla Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 1265–1274

Fig. 10. Total Deformation for sample 2 using flexural test.

Fig. 11. Total Deformation for sample 3 using flexural test.

S. Parashar and V.K. Chawla Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 1265–1274

Table 1
Results of Flexural and Tensile Test.

S. No Test Properties Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

6 6
1. Tensile Test Equivalent Stress (Von-Mises) 8.278e12  10 MPa 8.285e12  10 MPa 8.362e12  106 MPa
Total Deformation 5.0011 mm 5.0014 mm 5.0016 mm
2. Flexural Test Equivalent Stress 14.726e9  106 MPa 10.111e9  106 MPa 9.0723e9  106 MPa

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