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1. What does A.T.S. stand for?

2. How old is the narrator? Justify by quoting the text.
3. What is the narrator’s social status/financial situation? Justify by giving the key
4. Use different colours to highlight her life at home (blue), her dreams (green) and the
difficulties (red).

5. Why do you think Ken Follett chose the title “A girl’s prospects”?

1. What does AT.S. stand for?

The A.T.S. means Auxiliary Territorial Service.

2. How old is the narrator? Justify by quoting the text.

She is a minor, under the age of 18 or 21 years old, depending on the State of the US she lives in. “She was
under age” (l.7)

3. What is the narrator’s social status/financial situation? Justify by giving the key details.
She belongs to the upper middle class / wealthy / rich family “Father’s chauffeur, Digby” (l.18). Her parents
are wealthy enough to have a Rolls-Royce with a chauffeur and a yacht. They lead a conventional life and
expect their daughter to behave according to her social status.
4. Use different colours to highlight her life at home (blue), her dreams (green) and the
difficulties (red).

5. Why do you think Ken Follett chose the title “A girl’s prospects”?
The author refers to new opportunities the young girl faces. She looks forward to enlisting/joining the army.
She wants to break free / escape from her conventional life. She wants a life full of adventure.

1. to long to/for: desire, crave for, wish 3. eagerly: with enthusiasm 6. astride: across
2. under age = minor, legally too young 5. dispatch rider: delivery boy/girl

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