Higher Surveying

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10, LAB EXERCISE NO. 31 HIGHER SURVEYING QBECTIVES + a) To gath To gather’ ata, for a, ew /order triangulation system coraleting iota: chal of ingle triang! Dat nog fow 2 ‘apply the approximate method of paket 6 Sreoaaation system and how to determine LAB EXERCISE OUTLINE Directional Theodolite or Engi- A & ACCESSORIES : A Mer's Transit, Steel Tepe, Range Poles, Chaining Pins, ‘and Hubs oF Pegs. 8, PROCEDURE : tations at designated places on the B, C, and s0 4. Establish the triangulation st 1 hubs ‘to mark area assigned to be surveyed. forth (See accompanying samp! these stations. 2. Designate lines AB and DE as the pate line ef Tespectively. Measure precisely each ength in two trials and record ‘the actual length of each line. these stations A, le sketch). Use pegs oF check base the mean measurement 88 3. Set up and orient the theodolite (or transit) at A then,, determine ith) of AB. it horizon the bearing (or azirnut 4. At station A, measure in four repetitions eech relevant tal angle and record the ‘observed values ‘accordingly- i it and 5. Repeat receding procedure of setting tf, the instrument ieaaltinay fetes) ee ‘at all other Yesignated triangulation stetions. Fig. 5-17. Ohain of aingle triangle- 6 Tebulate observed and calculated values accordingly. Ref, accompanying sample formats for the tabulation of field dacs” %h MEASURED VALUE CORRECTION pa ve 2. Station Adjustment : a) If the sum of the engles ab : out each is not equa yo dp rh he Ui en 1s equal 10,260 dea minus the eum of the interior and exterior sngiee ‘measur jut ‘ation. This computed value maj bea th @ negative quantity, Y Soe b) To determine the correction te 0 be applied to each about @ station, divide the computed error at the station by the umber of angles observed about the station. c) The adjusted values of angles about a station are dete ined by adding algebraically to each me o by siseeralcally jasured snd averaged value the ) As a check the sum of the adjusted jles about station seul equal to Sel green aot cached ein stot 3 Figure Adjustment + 8) A final adjustment is made to see to it that the eum of the adjusted interior angles of any single triengle in the system is equal to 180 degrees after station adjustment, b) If the above condition is not satisfied, the correction is determined by subtracting the sum of the interior angles of any single triangle from 180 deg and dividing by the number of interior angles (op 3). This computed value may be 2 positive or @ negative quantity. c) The adjusted values of interior angles of the triangle are then determined by adding algebraically to each measured and ave- aged value the computed correction for the particular, triangle, @) As’ @ check the eum of the adjusted interior angles of any ‘ingle triangle should naw equal to 180 degrees. ‘Computing Lengths of Unknown Side ) Starting with the firet trisngle (ABC), the length of side AC may be computed by sine law AB AG or AC = (AB)Sin5/Sin 7 Redon: OBOP finally adjusted interior engles, and hich angles 7 and 5 are the finally Mo and AC ate thet lengtna of the sides opposite the two angles "Wpectively, 5) After the value of 3 & the known length of side termined, this value may now be “a ein triangle ACD to compute side TIE: meee ©) A similar tation OE (the Procedure of comput heck base) is determined. ¢ If needed, the lengths of tlso be computed ih a similon prow 5. Determining Relative Precision. 8) Determine the difference between the taped distance of De ‘and its distance es computed through the chain of trisngle ) Divide the difference by the taped distence of DE ang Teduce the numerator to unity to determine the relative precision, im continued Until sig ther sides (BC, AD, and CE) may | D. REMARKS, HINTS & PRECAUTIONS : 1. Triangulation is not ordinerily employed for surveys involv small areas, how simple triangulation systems are sometimes needed for engineering constructions requiring @ high degree of precision such as for tunnels, waterways, transmission lines, bridges, and other long and narrow surveys. 2 A single chain of triangles does not provide accurate results ey compared to other triangulation systems. Through this system, there ig ‘only one route possible and it frequently requires the measurement o Intervening bese lines or check bases for purposes of cross checking the work. 3. ° The choice of instruments to be used for measuring angles of triangulation system -depend on the accuracy , desired. Directi theodolites are usually employed in first and second order survey: lower order triangulation surveys, an engineer's transit with a | count of 20" may be sufficient as long es the angles are measured repetition, 4, Base lines and check bases are usually selected in relatively ley and open areas, and have to be measured with invar tapes. If | base lines are used, unknown lengths in the triangulation 6 be calculated more accurately. 5. In precise triangulation, adjustments are made by the method o least squares but for lower order triangulation a much simpler pf cess, called the approximate method of adjustment, is often used. method of least squares involves com that the epproximate method of adjustment is more desirable. To acceptable, however, it must result in geometric consistency should yield corrections approaching as neerly as possible the resul by least squares adjustment. 6. The acceptable precision for this exercise should be at |e within 1/5,000. If this is not attained the messurements should repeated. 7. In the adjustment of chain of triangles by the approxim method, the first adjustment to be performed should be station local adjustment. Figure adjustment is only undertaken after stet adjustment is completed, 216 cms 00802" 8. The purpose of stat angles sbout ‘each ‘statin objective is to make the equal to 180 deg. 9. When the system ares, the curvature “of necessary to use computatinns cectnanke eaiistakee. “Most Computailone ue necks ter if an: electronic calculator or @ digital computer le Und. of the triangulation system ere me tony te natrumentman must be extremely careful in manipulating ho late screws end clamps. To minimize undetected enon observation, the instrument ‘must be in good adjustment end ite core rect working position checked from time to time. 12 A reading glass should be used when reading the verniers if en engineer's transit is employed in triangulation work. eins eel

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