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Nama Perusahaan :

Company Name
Bidang Usaha :
Pendirian Perusahaan :
Date of incorporation
Modal Dasar :
Authorized capital
Modal Ditempatkan dan Disetor Penuh :
Issued and Fully-Paid Capital
Pencatatan di Bursa :
Share Listing
Kantor Pusat :
Head Office
Alamat Kontak :
Contact Address
PT Electronic City Indonesia Tbk
Perdagangan Ritel Produk Elektronik
Retail electronic products business
11 Nopember 2001
11 November 2001
Rp. 400.000.000.000 terdiri dari lembar saham
dengan nominal Rp 100 per saham
Rp. 400.000.000.000 consist of shares with
nominal value of Rp 100 per share
Rp. 133.433.300.000
Saham Electronic City telah dicatatkan di Bursa Efek
Indonesia pada tanggal 03 Juli 2013 dengan kode
Perdagangan ECII
Electronic City’s shares were listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange on July 03 2013 with the trading code ECII
Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD), Jl Jend Sudirman
Head Office Kav 52-53 Lot 22, Jakarta Selatan 12190, Indonesia
Corporate Secretary
Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD), Jl Jend Sudirman
Kav 52-53 Lot 22, Jakarta Selatan 12190, Indonesia
Telpon : (62-21) 515 1177
Faksimili : (62-21) 515 5919/20
Website :

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