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Current Dilemma at Workplace and it’s solution in the light of teachings of Islam

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Sexual harassment is basically a “behavior”. It is an unwelcomed and unwanted sexual behavior. It
can be verbal, visual and physical. Any gesture, physical touch or
a conversation that is sexually uncomfortable is sexual
harassment. Sexual harassment is a type of sexual violence –
the phrase we use to describe any sexual activity or act that
happened without consent.

Sexual harassment in Pakistan

The 2022 report of Pakistan's Federal Ombudsman Secretariat
for Protection against Harassment at Workplace states that
from 2018 to 2022, there were 2,169 complaints of harassment
filed in the government sector, 582 lodged by women and 148 by men.

Harassment in Workplaces
Though time is changed and Pakistan has become modernized as compared to past years but still
women are not safe at their public places and work places. There are many working women who may
or become the victim of sexual harassment. Besides working places safety of women is not
guaranteed in public places. Harassment is one of the serious and unreasonable conducts which are
routinely practiced at many workplaces. Many women are unable to make allegations or file
complaints against their culprits due fear of losing jobs and shame or embarrassment in society.

QUESTION: Is sexual harassment practiced at workplace in Pakistan?

Harassment at workplace is a social stigma which promotes unhealthy environment. Sexual
harassment is increasing day by day in workplaces in Pakistan and it is taken more leniently.
 By the reference to article of sexual harassment by Munir Moosa Sadruddin: the
respondents for this particular research were working in banks, multinational companies,
government sectors, educational institutions, advertisement agencies and media. When the
respondents were asked if they are familiar to the work harassment, all the respondents
(100%) agreed which show that the working women in Pakistan (both in public and private
sector) are familiar to the word ‘harassment’.
This piece of information shows that sexual harassment is common in workplaces in Pakistan.
Harassment complaints Harassment complaints
( private sector ) ( government sector )
Female Female
Male Male

Resource: Article by Jamil Shahid in DAWN newspaper

Reasons behind sexual harassment at workplaces

 Fear of losing jobs

 Workplace relationships
 Gender inequality
 Power imbalance between men and women

Statements of respondents by the article written by “Munir

Moosa Sadruddin”
The trend of gender inequality is very common in Asian countries. Women are not considered as
much important to make decisions or work independently at any organization. Sociologists co-relate
this gender inequality with sexual harassment. Unfortunately, society does not value woman and
unwelcoming act makes female uncomfortable. Maintaining physical distance comes under the ethics
of organization but the culprits does not value these key ethical considerations.

 One of the respondents shared:

“Harassment is a form of abuse that affects one’s performance at work adversely, due to another
person’s inappropriate behavior. It disturbs individuals (mentally and physically) during the course
of his work performance.”

 Another respondent said:

“Harassment means any unwelcome sexual advance, aggressive demand for sexual favors or other
verbal or written communication or physical conduct of a sexual nature or sexually demeaning
attitudes, causing interference with work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or
offensive work environment or the attempt to punish the complainant for refusal to comply to such a
request or is made a condition for employment.”

 One of the respondents said:

“It does take place everywhere including office environments where females are in minority and are
working shoulder to shoulder in performing their job responsibilities. Females continue to suffer in
our hostile lawlessness environment due to lack of organizational policies and human resources.”

There are many types of sexual harassment at workplaces as mentioned above. Like touching, gazing,
hate speech, intimation, watching porn or sensitive content videos, touching private parts like hips,
chest and placing hand on their shoulders etc.

 One of the respondents shared bitter reality:

“My boss asked me that I have to sit for late to complete the assignment. He called me to his cabin
and asked me to wait. Later he tried to show me a porn movie and apologize me that it was opened by
mistake which gave me the sign that his intentions were bad. I ran away, and rather leaving job, I
complained police and he was penalized”

 One of the respondents shared disturbing element of racial harassment:

“I was racially discriminated. One of my bosses played a blame game with me and tried to label me
black. I wanted to slap him but I can’t because that would worsen the situation.”

 Another respondent said:

“One of my colleagues who work in the industrial sector always faces harassment. Many men try to
look deep into her neck and make fun of me when they sit with other boy’s gang.”

 Another respondent shared experience:

“Many years ago, my friend’s boss tried to grab her but when he realized that she wasn’t going to
cooperate him, he just fired her on the pretext that her work wasn’t satisfactory.”

The statements of respondents stated above shows that the sexual harassment is practiced by senior
officers or bosses who take wrong advantage of their higher post just to fulfill their disgusting desires.
The female workers who are weak and junior to men become the victim of sexual harassment. The
bosses take a chance by noticing their weak points and take a bold step.

SH incidents and reports Number of cases

( female sample = 30 )
Experienced SH at work 25
Did take a formal action 5
Did not take a formal action 20
Organizational response: Strict Action 0
Organizational response: Mild Action 2
Organizational response: no action taken 3
RESOURCE: Table by Faiza Ali

Effects of Sexual Harassment

Victims of sexual harassment can suffer psychological effects
 Including anxiety
 Depression
 Headaches
 Sleep disorders
 Weight loss or gain
 Nausea
 Lowered self-esteem
 Sexual dysfunction
 Self-esteem, self-confidence and ability to trust others can also be negatively impacted

Current Situation
Harassment is routinely practiced at workplace in Pakistan and has genuinely impacted the
working women to carry out their work effectively

• Sexual harassment mostly takes place in private sector than in public institutions.
Harassment mostly takes place in the form of verbal abuse, mental torture and threats

• Mostly boss or senior management staff harasses junior women clerk at workplace

• To secure job, most of the working women, particularly those who are the sole bread
earners are unwilling to take any action; as a result, culprits are misusing women
 Most of the respondents were aware of women rights but were unaware about
Protection against Harassment of women at the Workplace Act, 2010
Solution of Sexual Harassment in the
Light of Teachings of Islam
Islam is the religion which talks about peace. Islam always
stresses about honoring the relationships of one’s with the
people around him. Islamic teachings based on anti-
harassment are based on “modesty (haya)”.

 Prophet Muhammad ( P.B.U.H ) once said;

“Modesty is a branch of faith”. (Sunan an-Nasa’i: 5006)

 He also said;

“The Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hands the people are safe, and the
Believer is the one from whom the people’s lives and wealth are safe”. (Sunan an-Nasa’i:
 Allah has mentioned in Quran in verse 04:36;

“And worship Allah and do not set up any partners with Him. And treat the parents with
moral excellence and (do good to) relatives, orphans, the needy, the close as well as
unacquainted neighbors, and your fellows and the wayfarers and those whom you
possess. Surely, Allah does not like the arrogant one (i.e., self-conceited) and boastful
(i.e., egoist);”
This verse of Quran shows that there shouldn’t be sexual harassment at workplace with any
worker. All of the workers around one’s surroundings should be treated respectfully.
Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said;

“Anybody who believes in Allah and the Last Day should not harm his neighbor, and
anybody who believes in Allah and the Last Day should entertain his guest generously
and anybody who believes in Allah and the Last Day should talk what is good or keep
quiet. (i.e., abstain from all kinds of evil and dirty talk)”
 Islam prohibits all harassment and bullying, as Allah’s Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬said,

“By Allah, he does not believe! By Allah, he does not believe! By Allah, he does not
believe!” It was said, “Who is that, O Allah’s Messenger (‫ ”?)ﷺ‬He said, “That
person whose neighbor does not feel safe from his evil. (Sahih Bukhari: 6016) (See
also Adab al Mufrad: 121)
 Allah has mentioned in Quran;
And do not force your maids into prostitution to obtain the benefit of the worldly life if
they desire to keep themselves chaste (or wish to safeguard their chastity through
marriage). And whoever will compel them, then (even) after they are compelled, Allah is
Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful”
This verse implies the prohibition of sexual harassment, sexual trafficking and other kinds of
sexual misconduct as well as forced labor, especially in employment relationships of
employer and worker. The verse also implies that workers/subordinates cannot be forced to
engage in immortal activity due to their economic dependence on the employer.

 The Quran also forbids any kind of sexual harassment. The verse 07:81 says,

“Verily, you go after men for your lust, leaving the women; you are in truth given to
transgression”. (07:81)

This verse prohibits employers from forcing workers into illegal activities at the workplace,
including sexual harassment. Employers carrying out and/or allowing any sexual harassment
of their workers to gain any undue benefit is forbidden in Islam

 The Quran has instructed employers to create an environment free of sexual

harassment. As stated in 17:32

“And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a Fahishah [i.e.,
anything that transgresses its limits (a great sin)], and an evil way (that leads one to Hell
unless Allah forgives him)”. (17:32)

 Moreover, the verse 24:02 says,

“The woman and the man guilty of illegal sexual intercourse, flog each of them with a
hundred stripes. Let not pity withhold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by
Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of the believers witness their
punishment. (This punishment is for unmarried persons guilty of the above crime but if
married persons commit it, the punishment is to stone them to death, according to Allah’s

 Whether harassment is through the sharing of pornography or other obscene images, it

is prohibited.
“And of people, there are those who buy absurd narrations to make the people lacking
in knowledge lose the path of Allah and to mock this (path). It is they for whom there is
a painful torment”. (31:06)

 Sa’ad b. Ubada brought the Prophet ( H.U.B.P ) a man deficient in build and sick, a
member of the clan, who had been found in the act of having illicit intercourse with a
slave woman of theirs. The Prophet said, “Get for him a stalk of the raceme of a palm-
tree with a hundred twigs and strike him once”. (Mishkat al-Masabih 3574)

 The Quranic verse 24:6-9 also sets the punishment for workers or employers on
making fake sexual harassment allegations at the workplace.

“And those who accuse their wives (of adultery) and have no witnesses except
themselves, the testimony of such a person is to swear (himself) four times by Allah that
he is truthful (in his accusation). And the fifth time (to say) that Allah’s curse be upon him
if he is a liar. And (similarly) this can avert the punishment from that (woman too) if she
(herself) gives evidence, swearing four times by Allah that he (the husband) is a liar (in
accusing her). And the fifth time (to say) that Allah’s wrath be upon her if he (the husband)
is truthful”. (24:6-9)

 The Quran says,

“And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a Fahishah [i.e.
anything that transgresses its limits (a great sin)], and an evil way (that leads one to Hell
unless Allah forgives him)”. (17:32)

 In the same way, Quranic verses 24:19 and 31:06 also imply that workers who disrupt
the work environment through actions leading towards harassment should be punished
by the employer in order to prevent further sexual harassment and ensure the
protection of all workers.

“Indeed, those who like that lewdness should spread amongst the Muslims, for them is an
agonizing punishment in this world and in the Hereafter. And Allah knows (the intentions
of such people) and you do not know”. (24:19)

Having a sexual relation with someone other than your spouse is called as “ZINA”. Zina is one
of big and major sins in Islam.

 Abu Huraira reported Allah's Apostle as saying:

“Allah has decreed for every son of Adam his share of zina, which he will inevitably
commit. The zina of the eyes is looking, the zina of the tongue is speaking, one may wish
and desire, and the private parts confirm that or deny it.”
Islam condemns any form of sexual harassment, emphasizing respect, modesty, and the
protection of individual rights. Muslims are encouraged to uphold high moral standards in
their interactions with others and to create a society where all individuals feel safe and
respected. Islamic teachings promote a culture of accountability, justice, and compassion.

Moreover sexuality and adultery is considered as major sins in Islam. A man even cannot look
at women having some other intensions. From above mentioned references of Hadiths and
Ayaats of Holy Quran it is clear that whoever man or women commits sexual assault or
harassment will meet hellfire.

Workplace is a public place and according to Islam one should save others from his own evil
side or desires. By honoring relations with and respect other colleagues , a peaceful and happy
environment is created. People must have respect other and does not disturb them. This is
known as “Haqooq-ul-Ibaat” and Allah has given very importance to it.

Zina factor is increasing day by day and Muslims must have to get aware of what they are

The best tools to eliminate sexual harassment are education, training and prevention.
Women should be provided with training to deal with such situation and provided with safe
working environment and strict internal policies should be made by each organization to
function effectively. At the same time, Women rights should be implemented practically by
the Government of Pakistan.

 Further researches can be conducted all over Pakistan with a large sample size to
investigate the similar case.
 Case Study can also be conducted to understand the in-depth of harassment at
 Sexual harassment face by male gender can also be evaluated.

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