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Finding industry context

Read newspapers and reports on Vietnam's overall situational finance

Locate appropriate industry
Read newspapers and financial reprorts of selected industry
Determine the context of the selected industry
Industry context identified
Identify business's issues
Read newspapers and researches about industry issues
Select suitable issues
Assess the relevance of issues to the industry context
Research issues identified
Create PMP
Create WBS
Create Gantt Chart
Define resources
Create table of Cost management plan
Create table of Risk management plan
Create table of Quality management plan
Create table of Stakeholder management plan
Project management plan finished
Literature Review
Review academic researches and articles
Find 10 articles in relation to topic
Read the articles
Sumarize the articles
Present structure of Literature Review by theme
Literature Review finished
Research project design
Data description
Sampling method
Review academic researches and articles
Define sampling method
Select suitable method (snowball method)

Assess the suitability of the method to the sample size and scope of the survey
Descption of the data collection process
Select data collection method
Create variable measurements
Variable affected: Employees' satisfaction
Variable influence No.1: Employee reduction
Variable influence No.2: Salary reduction
Variable influence No.3: The appliance of technology
Research project design finished
Data Collection
Define key question from previous researches
Create new survey for the research
Post on Google Form
Select suitable partcipants

Send a survey to 30-50 candidates(employees of energy firm)

Receive Data
Data collection finished
Data Analysis
Export Data on Excel
Ultilize tools to analyzed Data
Identify the relationship between employee reduction, salary reduction and the the ultilization of
technology on employees' satisfaction
Determine the hypothesises between employee reduction, salary reduction and the appliance of
technology on employees' satisfaction
Data analysis finished
Finalize & Submission
Disscuss data with results of the previous researches
Evaluate a discussion
Revise finished
Review the situation by following actual problems of energy firms
Make a conclusion
Indicate several limitations
Make recommendation
Add Abstract
Add Introduction
Finalize finished
First submission
Review the first draft
Second submission
Submission the final draft finished

Question 1: Quickly mindmap all obove tasks in a WBS

Question 2: Quickly visualize Gantt chart

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