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“Pronouns, Nouns, and Verbs”

Dosen Pengampu : Ahyaudin Midun M.Pd.

Disusun oleh :
1. Amanda Putri Rahmadani (2323130171)
2. Arora Yuliani (2323130163)
3. Arya Gunawan (2323130176)
4. Hikma Karunia Lestari (2323130158)


TAHUN AJARAN 2023/2024


We praise and thank Allah SWT for all His blessings so that we can complete our paper entitled
"Pronouns, nouns and verbs" within the specified time period. We don't forget to offer our
prayers and greetings to the great prophet Muhammad SAW who has given us the opportunity
to experience a world full of advanced technological knowledge today.
Apart from that, we would like to thank Mr. Ahyaudin Midun as a lecturer in the English course
who has given us the opportunity to learn more deeply about pronuons, nouns and verbs, as
well as to all parties involved in writing this paper.
Our aim in making this paper is to make it easier for students to learn English. Apart from that,
we hope that this paper can help friends to understand this material more deeply. We as the
authors of this paper are aware that there are still many shortcomings in both the preparation
and delivery procedures in this paper, therefore we are ready to accept constructive criticism
and suggestions from readers so that we can improve and be even better in the future. We hope
that this paper can provide benefits for everyone

Bengkulu, 27 October 2023


COVER .............................................................................................................................. 1
FOREWORD..................................................................................................................... 2
LIST OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 4
A. Background................................................................................................................... 4
B. Problem Formulation ................................................................................................... 4
C. Goals .............................................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ........................................................................................... 5
A. Definition of Pronouns ................................................................................................. 5
B. Types of Pronouns ........................................................................................................ 5
C. Definition of Nouns ...................................................................................................... 8
D. Types of Nouns ............................................................................................................. 8
E. Function of nouns in sentences .................................................................................... 9
F. Definition of Verb ......................................................................................................... 10
G. Types Verb Tenses ....................................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER III CLOSING ................................................................................................ 12
A. Conclusion..................................................................................................................... 12
B. Suggestion ..................................................................................................................... 12
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................. 13

A. Background
After mastering English well, we will be able to communicate with other nations in
the world. Apart from that, we can also increase our insight and knowledge for the
progress of our nation and country, because we will be able to read English literature,
listen to foreign radio broadcasts, and watch other scientific films. There are many rules
that must be taken into account when using it, especially in the field of writing.
Therefore, we try to present three rules from the many rules of the English language,
apart from fulfilling college assignments, we also aim to help all of our friends to better
understand the rules of the English language in our short paper.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is meant by pronouns?
2. What is meant by nouns?
3. What is meant by a verb?

C. Goals
From the problems above, the author of course aims to explain or explain these
points, according to the knowledge we have obtained, both from source books and from
our teachers. Hopefully everything will benefit us. If there are errors in writing or
words in writing this paper, the author apologizes profusely.

A. Definition Of Pronouns
Pronouns are words that are used as pronouns for objects or noun phrases. The
Cambridge Dictionary also states that pronouns are usually used to refer to nouns that
have been mentioned previously. In Indonesian, a pronoun has the meaning of a
pronoun. Pronouns are used so that when writing or pronouncing, we do not mention
the same noun repeatedly.

For example :
Rani likes to read romance novels. She can read her novel for 2-3 hours a day
(Rani likes reading romance novels. She can read her novels for 2-3 hours a day). In
the example sentence, the pronoun she and her are used to refer to rani. In this way,
we do not keep writing the word rani

B. Types Of Pronouns
a. Personal pronouns
Personal pronoun are pronouns on subjects and objects that refer to people or
I Me
You You
She Her
He Him
It It
We Us
They Them

Example :
1. I made a lemonade and gave it to my mom yesterday. She said she likes it.
The word it is the pronoun for lemonade and she is the pronoun for my mom.
2. She is reading a book in the library.
In this sentence, the word "she" is a personal pronoun that is used as the
subject of the sentence. The pronoun should be placed in the subject
b. Possessive pronoun
Possessive pronoun used to show ownership of an object. They include mine,
yours, his, hers, its, ours, and theirs.
Example :
1. This is my book, that one is yours
In this sentence "my" is a possessive pronoun which indicates ownership by
oneself. These examples can be identified by looking for pronouns that show
ownership. In this case "my" shows ownership by the subject "I" who is
speaking in the sentence (First person).

2. His book is on the desk
In this sentence "his" is a possessive pronoun which indicates ownership by
the man whose book was found on the table. This example can be identified
by looking for pronouns that show ownership by the man.
3. Our house is big and beautiful
In this sentence "our" is a possessive pronoun which shows shared
ownership by the subject in the sentence. This example can be identified by
looking for a pronoun that shows shared ownership, in this case "our" which
shows ownership by several people.
4. Their dog loudly barks at strangers
In this sentence "their" is a possessive pronoun which shows ownership of
several people. This example can be identified by looking for a pronoun
that shows shared ownership, in this case "their" which shows ownership
by several people.

c. Reflexive pronoun
Reflexive pronoun used when the person performing the action is also the direct
or indirect object of the verb. Like myself, myself, himself, himself, himself,
and themselves.

Example :
1. I injured myself while playing basketball
"myself" is a reflexive pronoun because it refers back to the subject "I"
2. She hurt herself while playing tennis.
In this sentence "herself" is a reflexive pronoun because it refers back to the
subject "she"
3. They blamed themselves for the mistake.
In this sentence "themselves" is a reflexive pronoun because it refers back
to the subject "they"

d. Demonstrative pronoun
Demonstrative pronoun digunakan untuk menunjukan orang, tempat, atau
benda tertentu. Seperti This, that, these, dan those.

Example :
1. This is my car
In this sentence "this" is a demonstrative pronoun that refers to an object
that is close to the speaker.
2. That is your car
In this sentence "that" is a demonstrative pronoun which refers to an object
that is far from the speaker.
3. These flower are so pretty
In this sentence "these" is a demonstrative pronoun which indicates a plural
object that is close to the speaker.

e. Indefinite pronoun
Indefinite pronoun used sat refers to an unidentified person, thing, or place. Like
somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody, something, anything,
nothing, and several
Example :
1. Anybody can join the competition
In this sentence "anybody" is an indefinite pronoun that refers to a non-
specific person.
2. Somebody wants to speak to you
In this sentence "somebody" is an indefinite pronoun that refers to a non-
specific person

f. Interrogative pronoun
Interrogative pronoun used to ask questions. They include who, whom, what,
which, and whose.
Example :
1. Who is coming with us to the party?
In this sentence "what" is an interrogative pronoun for information about a
2. Who is the new teacher in the science department?
In this sentence "who" is an interrogative pronoun that asks about someone's
3. Which option do you prefer, A or B?
In this sentence "which" is an interrogative pronoun that asks about the two
options given.

g. Relative pronoun
Relative pronoun used to introduce a dependent clause that explains or provides
additional information about a noun. Such as who, whom, whose, which, and
Contoh :
1. The book that I am reading is very interesting
In this sentence "that" is a relative pronoun that refers to the word "book".
2. This is the cake which I bought for the party
in this sentence "this" is a relative pronoun that refers to the word "cake"

Conclusion Pronouns are an important part of English grammar and are useful
for replacing nouns in sentences. personal pronoun, possessive pronoun,
reflexive pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, indefinite pronoun, interrogative
pronoun, and relative pronouns all have specific uses in communication.
Understanding the various types of pronouns and how to use them will help you
improve your writing and speaking skills.

C. Definition Of Nouns
Nouns are a class of words in English that are used to name people, places, things,
events, ideas and everything that can be identified, both concrete and abstract. Nouns
are one of the important elements in English because nouns can be subjects, objects,
object complements, and preposition objects in sentences

D. Types of nouns
Nouns are divided into several types based on their characteristics, namely:
a. Proper nouns
Proper nouns (special nouns) refer to the unique names of certain people or places
and must be written with a capital letter at the beginning of the word
Example :
1. My favorite singer is Beyonce
In this sentence "Beyoncé" is a proper noun which refers to the singer's name
2. The White House is located in Washington, D.C
In this sentence "White House" and Washington, D.C" are proper nouns which
refer to the names of historic buildings and cities in the United States)

b. Common nouns
Common nouns are nouns that refer to people or things in a general category.
Example :
1. I need to buy some milk from the grocery store
In this sentence "Milk" is a common noun which refers to milk products
2. She is studying literature in college
In this sentence "literature" is a common noun that refers to a field of study

c. Abstract nouns
Abstract nouns (abstract nouns) refer to ideas, feelings, emotions, or concepts.
Example :
1. Love is a powerful emotion that can change lives
In this sentence "love" is an abstract noun which refers to feelings or emotions
2. Courage is necessary to overcome difficult challenges in life
In this sentence "courage" is an abstract noun which refers to the ability to
overcome obstacles and challenges

d. Concrete nouns
Concrete nouns are nouns that refer to objects, people, or places that can be seen,
touched, or felt directly.
Example :
1. My car needs new tires
In this sentence "car" and "tires" are concrete nouns which refer to physical
objects that can be seen and touched.
2. The beach was covered in beautiful seashells
In this sentence "beach" and "seashells" are concrete nouns that refer to physical
objects that can be seen

e. Countable dan uncountable nouns
Countable nouns can be counted and are generally used in the plural. Meanwhile,
uncountable nouns cannot be counted and are generally used in the stump form.
Example countable :
1. I have three books on my desk
In this sentence "books" is a countable noun because it can be counted in
2. She wants two apples for her snack
In this sentence "books" is a countable noun because it can be counted in
Example uncountable :
1. I need to buy some milk for my cereal
In this sentence “milk” is an uncountable noun because it cannot be counted
2. She loves to drink coffee every morning
In this sentence “coffee” is an uncountable noun because it cannot be counted

f. Compound nouns
Compound nouns are a combination of two or more words that form a new word
with a new meaning.
Example :
1. My brother-in-law is coming to visit next weekend. ("Brother-in-law" is a
compound noun consisting of three words)
2. The babysitter is watching the children tonight. ("Babysitter" is a compound
noun consisting of two words)

g. Collective nouns
Collective nouns refer to groups of people or things.
Example :
1. he herd of cows grazed in the field. ("Herd" is a collective noun, referring to
the same group of animals)
2. The team is practicing for their upcoming game. ("Team" is a collective noun,
referring to a group of people who are part of a team)

E. Function of nouns in sentences

Nouns function as the subject, object, complement, or position in English sentences.
Here are some examples:

1. Nouns as the subject Example: The cat is sleeping on the couch. ("Cat" is the
subject in this sentence.)
2. Nouns as the object Example: She gave the book to her friend. ("Book" is the
object in this sentence.)
3. Nouns as the complement Example: He was happy with the result. ("Result" is the
complement of the verb "was happy.")
4. Nouns as the position Example: I live in the city. ("City" is the position of the place
where someone lives.)

In every English sentence, nouns are an important element that describe the
person, place, or thing being referred to or discussed in the sentence. The function
of nouns depends on their position in the sentence as the subject, object,
complement, or position, and they are usually followed by a verb to indicate the
action being taken. By selecting the correct noun in a sentence, it can help clarify
the meaning of the sentence and provide more detailed and clear information
about what is being discussed.

F. Definition of verb
The verb (verb) is the most important word in the sentence because the verb
expresses the action carried out by the subject in the sentence. There are several types
of verbs in English, including auxiliary verbs and position verbs, as well as tanses to
indicate the time of events.

a. Types of verbs
1. Regular Verbs
Regular verbs are verbs whose basic form is added with "ed" to give the verb
and past participle.
Example: work-worked-worked, play-played-played

2. Irregular Verb
Irregular verbs are verbs that have an irregular form, or the basic form cannot
be added with "ed"
Example: go - want – gone, eat – ate – eaten
3. Auxiliary Verb
Auxiliary verbs are used to help the main verb in the form of tenses, questions,
negatives, and other forms of a sentence.
Example: be, do, have

4. Modal Verb
Modal verbs are used to indicate possibilities, tendencies, desires, abilities, or
Example: should, may, can

5. Transitive Verbs
Transitive verbs (intransitive verbs) do not have an object that receives action
from the subject.
Example: I read a book

6. Intransitive Verbs
Intransitive verbs have no object and do not refer to actions that occur with the
Example: He walked to the park (he walked to the park)

G. Types Verb Tenses
Verb tenses are a way to show the time of events in a sentence. There are three types
of verb tenses in English, namely:
1. Simple tense
Simple tense expresses events that occurred at a specific time and in the present or
Example: I walked to the park yesterday

2. Progressive tense
Progressive tense or continuous tense, states events that are taking place in the
Example: I am walking to the park right now

3. Perfect tense
Perfect tense menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi pada masa lalu, tetapi masih
berdampak pada masa kini.
Example : I have walked 5 kilometers today

Verbs are very important in English because they express the action of the subject
in the sentence. There are several types of verbs, modal verbs, transitive verbs,
auxiliary verbs, modal verbs, transitive verbs. Apart from that, verb tenses are
used to show the time of events in a sentence. Mastering verbs in English is very
important to be able to master the language effectively.

A. Conclusion
Pronouns, nouns, and verbs are the three basic elements in English that must be
mastered to understand and produce sentences in English well. Pronouns are pronouns
that are used to replace nouns in a sentence. Pronouns are divided into several types
based on their use and consist of personal pronouns, reflexive pronouns, possessive
pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, and indefinite pronouns.

Nouns are nouns that are used to name people, places, things, events, ideas and
everything that can be identified. Nouns have several types based on characteristics,
such as proper nouns, common nouns, abstract nouns, concrete nouns, countable nouns,
and uncountable nouns, compound nouns, and collective nouns.

Verb is the most important verb in a sentence because it expresses the action carried
out by the subject in the sentence. There are several types of verbs, including regular
verbs, irregular verbs, auxiliary verbs, modal verbs, transitive verbs, and intransitive
verbs. Perlu dipahami bahwa penggunaan pronouns, nouns, dan verb harus
memperhatikan fungsi dan posisi dalam kalimat. Pronouns digunakan untuk
menghindari pengulangan atau merujuk pada noun, noun menunjukan apa yang akan
dibicarakan dalam kalimat, sedangkan verb mengungkapkan tindkan yang dilakukan
oleh subjek dalam kalimat.

By mastering the use and function of pronouns, nouns and verbs in English, we can
build sentences well and make it easier for other people to understand the meaning of
the sentences we produce.

B. Suggestion
There are several suggestions that we can convey based on material about pronouns,
nouns and verbs:
1. Learn the characteristics and use of each type of pronouns, nouns and verbs in
English. This will help you understand how to use and position the word in a sentence.
2. Read and practice the use of pronouns, nouns, and verbs in many different example
sentences. This will help improve your understanding and mastery of English.
3. Develop the habit of speaking or writing in sentences that are clear and easy to
understand. Using pronouns, nouns and verbs correctly and precisely can help make
your sentences easier to understand by readers or listeners
4. Don't be afraid to ask questions or look for reviews from teachers or people who are
more experienced in English. Asking for help can help hone your skills and improve
your understanding.
5. Study verb tenses carefully, because this helps you express the time of events in
sentences correctly.

Take the time to correct the mistakes you often make in using pronouns, nouns and
verbs. In this way, you can correct mistakes and improve your abilities in this matter.



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