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Sunlight refers to the electromagnetic radiation of the sun that reaches the earth, particularly

infrared, visible light, and ultraviolet light. The electromagnetic radiation consists of electromagnetic
waves that can be characterized by frequency or wavelength of oscillations. However, not all of it
reaches the earth. The earth’s atmosphere filters the electromagnetic radiation allowing a part of it
to pass through, especially visible light. Most of the sun’s radiation does not reach the earth’s
surface. Some of it is absorbed in the atmosphere while others are scattered to space.

Sunlight, also called sunshine, solar radiation that is visible at Earth’s surface. The amount of sunlight
is dependent on the extent of the daytime cloud cover. Some places on Earth receive more than
4,000 hours per year of sunlight (more than 90 percent of the maximum possible), as in the Sahara;
others receive less than 2,000 hours, as in regions of frequent storminess, such as Scotland and
Iceland. Over much of the middle-latitude region of the world, the amount of sunlight varies
regularly as the day progresses, owing to greater cloud cover in the early morning and during the late

Solar radiation is sunlight and energy that comes from the sun and travels to Earth in the form of
light waves. Light waves come in different forms, vibrate, and have different lengths and energy
levels. They are electromagnetic, which means that they contain vibrating electric currents and

Light waves are forms of moving energy made of tiny microscopic particles called photons. Scientists
usually refer to light waves as electromagnetic waves because they make up what is known as the
electromagnetic spectrum. The term electromagnetic means the waves are both electric and

Infrared radiations is also referred to as heat or thermal waves or electromagnetic waves. This is
because they have a heat-inducing property. Sometimes infrared rays are used in applications where
heat production is required, like in infrared heaters or for therapeutic purposes where a patient
requires physical therapy.

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