STS Long Exam

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1. Which of the following philosophers is known to be supporter of existentialist philosophy?

A. Aristotle
B. Martin Heidegger
C. Jacques Ellul
D. Friedrich Nietzschea

2. How did Aristotle view technology?

A. Technological progress creates more problems.
B. Technology will be judged as either good or bad, based on the value given to the
product based on its use and effect on society.
C. Even though technological problems may arise, technology will still be the solution to it.
D. Technology is a non-stop revealing.

3. Which among the following best describes why technology is dangerous?

A. Because of the essence of technology, we are only able to see the world and things in one
way, as resources.
B. The essence of technology is dangerous because it is impossible to understand, and
that is why we must keep questioning about it.
C. Technological stuff is the essence of technology and therefore all technology should be
avoided so that it does not take over our human way of understanding.
D. We should get rid of any technologies we have because they are destroying our human

4. Which of the following is NOT included?

A. Technology is progressive and beneficial but it is also doubtful in many ways.
B. Even though technological problems may arise, technology will still be the solutions
to it.
C. Technological progress has a price.
D. Technological progress creates damaging effects.

5. From the Aristotelian point of view, what is the ultimate goal for a human being to flourish?
A. wealth
B. happiness
C. Success
D. prosperity

6. Which of the following is implied by Eudaimonia?

A. A life of pleasure
B. Simply existing, surviving at all costs
C. Being fully alive as opposed to merely existing
D. That each person defines his or her happiness

7. What is the assertion of Heidegger on "Dasein"?

A. Humanity
B. The explanation of being
C. Synonymous with the individual
D. A being for whom being is an issue
8. Scientific progress becomes problematic as human flourishing because of
A. campaigns for tourism and economic growth
B. information technologies for global communication
C. human rights infringements
D. industrial production efficiency

9. Which of the following conforms to the specification of Good Life by Socrates?

A. Life of relationships
B. Balance and temperance
C. Experience precedes worthwhile living
D. Identifying the functions of human beings

10. Which of the following is NOT a philosopher's view of a good life?

A. To live life by his/her preferences.
B. To achieve a good life is to seek a good life with others.
C. To live a worthy life in which it is filtered with experiences.
D. To achieve a good life is to adhere to ethical and moral laws.

11. Hedopism: ________:: Epicureanism: Anything in excess is bad

A. The ultimate goal
B. Attaining pleasure
C. Meaningful existence
D. Authentic life

12. Which of the following statements supports the concepts of being good?
A. Correctly applying a norm
B. Guided by conscience
C. Fulfilling duties and upholding rights
D. Nurturing character and fostering relationship

13. The use of artificial intelligence as a platform for online learning ensures that no students
are left behind. However, it does not inspire students or resolve conflicts. What limitation of
technology to humanity is this best illustrated?
A. The law of physics
B. The influence of teaching
C. The problems of functionality
D. The law of software and algorithms

14. In the new normal scheme, teachers tried to record their virtual class meeting so that those
students who missed the discussion could assess and update their knowledge based on
continuous learning. Which of these ethical issues is NOT considered in protecting student
participants from attending online activities?
A. Security
B. Data privacy
C. Informed consent
D. Energy consumption
15. It is a term that is used to define or portray the progressions, abilities, creations,
happenings, interpretations, and knowledge of a singular group of persons.
A. Society
B. Science
C. Technology
D. Development

16. Which of the following is NOT a feature of a Post Human Condition?

A. Population bigger than I trillion persons
B. Larger than 500 years' life expectancy
C. Near-complete control over the sensory input.
D. Psychological suffering become a common occurrence

17. It refers to the concept that is of an advance level of technological or economic development
that would involve a radical change in the human condition.
A. Post humanity
B. Societal Collapse
C. Artificial Intelligence
D. Technological Usability

18. Which of the following is NOT a positive view of technology?

A. Reduction of suffering
B. Untimely death is reduced
C. Lack of willingness to think before act
D. People work hard to get on oar with increasing standard of living

19. A patient with autosomal single gene disorder went through a gene therapy treatment.
Which DNA did the medical experts manipulate?
A. DNA of the egg cells
B. DNA of the sperm cells
C. DNA of the sex chromosomes
C. DNA of the non-sex chromosomes

20. A patient is suffering from a heritable genetic disease. He can be treated by either replacing,
repairing, or turning on or off the genes of the patient’s cell. Which of the following describe the
patient's treatment method?
A. Gene Editing
B. Gene Repair
C. Gene therapy
D. Gene modification

21. The following are the disadvantages of gene therapy EXCEPT:

A. High cost
B. Ethical issues
C. The viral vector's recovered ability to cause a disease
D. The technology's capability of replacing defective cells
22. The following are the potential impact of GMOs in the environment, EXCEPT:
A. Direct effects on non-target organisms
B. Emergence of super weeds and super pests
C. Genetic hazards
D. Biodiversity loss

23. Which of the following is NOT an example of genetic hazards of GMOs to humans?
A. BT Corns can directly affect non-target insects.
B. BT Corns could possibly cause toxicity to humans.
C. Transgenic Soy Beans could possibly cause allergic reactions to some people
D. Monsanto cucumbers could possibly alter consumers' genes and cause genital

24. Which of the following best explains how GMOs could cause biodiversity loss?
A. Introduction of GMOs in the wild might cause invasion, affecting the population of
those native species in the area.
B. Consuming GMOs can cause changes in gene pool of organisms.
C. Pests and weeds could develop resistance to BT crops which could increase its population
even more
D. Production of GMO-derived products in the market can cause decrease of non-GMO
organisms in farms.

25. Which of the following is NOT an importance of biodiversity?

A. Ecosystem stability
C. Providing food and medicine
B. Ecological biodiversity
D. Aesthetics and existence value

26. Which of the following statements describe biodiversity hotspot?

A. It must contain 50% or less of its original vegetation
B. It must be a rainforest located in the tropical region
C. It must have at least favorable climate for the different organisms to exist
D. It must have at least 1,500 species of vascular plants classified as endemic

27. In what ways does nanotechnology contribute to water treatment?

A. Nanoparticle ingredients called "Nanoceuticals" in many nutritional supplements products
B. Developing nanomembranes for water purification.
C. Applying nanotechnology in agriculture.
D. Incorporating nanoparticles in medicine.

28.The following statements are true about climate change, EXCEPT:

A. Climate change is a long-term effect of enhanced greenhouse effect.
B. Climate change is the rapid increase of temperature in different regions of the world.
C. Climate change is the long-term change in the average weather patterns in different regions
of the world.
D. Climate change can cause an emergence of many health-related problems.
29. When was the term "nanotechnology" coined, and who is known as the Father of Modern
A. 1979, Richard Feynman
B. 1981, Norio Taniguchi
C. 1974, Richard Feynman
D. 1985, Norio Taniguchi

30. Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?

A. Biofuels
B. Landfill gas
C. Nuclear energy
D. Geothermal energy

31-32. Three main categories of genetic disorders

Single-gene disorder
Chromosomal disorder
Multifactorial disorder
33-35. Three samples of potential impacts of GMO to Human Health
Allergic reaction
Antibiotic resistance

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