HW Lecture 3

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Define the term “network topology,” and identify three common

network topologies in use today.
-A network topology is the physical and logical arrangement of nodes and
connections in a network. Network topologies are often represented as a graph.
*3 common network topologies
- Bus topology
The bus topology connects each device on the network to a common main cable,
creating a single communication path for all nodes. . Linear Bus Topology is the
term used for this topology when it has exactly two endpoints and is primarily
utilized for small networks.
- Star topology
In a star topology network, all devices directly link to a central switch or hub,
serving as the central connection point.
- Mesh topology
Mesh topology is a point-to-point connection, which means that there are multiple
paths that data can take between any two devices, providing redundancy and fault
tolerance in case of a network failure.
- Mesh topology
Mesh topology is a point-to-point connection, which means that there are multiple
paths that data can take between any two devices, providing redundancy and fault
tolerance in case of a network failure.
2. Identify the names of the three primary frequency ranges used for
wireless communications.
-3G wireless communications supports wireless voice and broadband speed data
communications in a mobile environment at speeds of 2 to 4 Mbps.
-4G Wireless Communications : phone conversations were encrypted, mobile
phone usage was expanded, and short message services (SMS) or texting
- 5G will bring with it higher data transmission rates, lower power consumption,
higher connect reliability with fewer dropped calls, increased geographic coverage,
and lower infrastructure costs.
3. What is the Internet of Things (IoT), and how is it used?
-The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects or “things”
embedded with sensors, processors, software, and network connectivity
capability to enable them to exchange data with the manufacturer of the device,
device operators, and other connected devices
- How is it used?
+ In the smart home, everything connected to the Internet, can ask Siri that used
their voice assistance to find or do anything we want. It helps to improve our
energy eficiency and helps us livea more connnected life
+ Agriculture
+ Healthcare

4. What is cloud computing? Identify three approaches to deploying

cloud computing
- cloud computing: A computing environment where software and storage are
provided as an Internet service and are accessed with a Web browser
- 3 approaches to deploy cloud computing
+Public Cloud In a public cloud, computing and storage resources are provided to
the customer over the internet.
+private cloud computing: A single tenant cloud.
+hybrid cloud: A cloud computing environment is composed of both private
and public clouds integrated through networking.
1. What is the difference between regular email and secure email?
- Regular email: anyone can access or hack your email easily, it turn into insecurity
- Secure email: the more way to protect your email such as: sent SMS to your
phone, or verified by your face, enhance the secure to make users feel safety.

2. If standard email is not secure, doesn't that generally make email

unsafe to use? What should I pay attention to when choosing a
secure email solution?
-It is not about not using a solution because it wouldn’t be secure. But, by offering
a secure solution to enable the secure exchange of it.
-a solution that has proven effectiveness will also be able to keep your data secure.
In addition, there are three other things you need to keep in mind:
+Comply with regulations
+Raising awareness

3. Why Should Businesses Outsource Email Security?

-Outsourcing email protection is not only a good step in better company security, it
is also a requirement to deter anyone attempting to breach a network. When used in
conjunction with educating employees on security awareness and email safety, a
company will be much safer from damaging cyberattacks and data breach.

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