Chapter 5 Quiz

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Canto 01, Chapter 05:

Narada’s Instructions on
Srimad-Bhagavatam for
Vyasadeva – Quiz
01. In the Moon planet, sense
enjoyment is obtained
by _________.
a) Charity work.
b) Drinking Soma Rasa.
c) Fruitive work.
d) Meditation.
02. The mission of everyone’s
life should be _________.
a) Maximum sense
b) Donate everything to the
c) Dig wells.
d) Endeavor to go back to

03. Narada Muni, in his last

life was the son of
a _________.
a) Merchant.
b) King.
c) Maid servant.
d) Saintly person.

04. Narada Muni, in his

previous life, as a child
was _________.
a) Not naughty.
b) No attachment for sports.
c) Self controlled.
d) All the above.
05. Narada Muni, in his
previous life became purified
by _________.
a) Charity work.
b) Taking the remnants of the
Bhathi Vedantists.
c) Worshipping the Lord daily.
d) Meditation.

06. True or False : One

cannot be cheerful by
nature unless one is
factually seated in self-
realization, which is
transcendental to the
material body and mind.

07. True or False :

Śrīla Nārada is a cent
percent perfect living being,
and equal to the Personality
of Godhead.

08. True or False: The

Personality of Godhead is
the last word in
transcendental realization.
09. Read the paragraph
below and answer the
“The miseries and mixed
happiness of all living
beings are only of different
degree and quality, but no
one is free from the miseries
of birth, death, old age and
disease. Similarly, everyone
has his destined happiness
also. No one can get more
or less of these things
simply by personal
endeavors. Even if they are
obtained, they can be lost
again. One should not,
therefore, waste time with
these flimsy things; one
should only endeavor to go
back to Godhead. That
should be the mission of
everyone's life.”
What should be mission of
everyone’s life?
10. Read the paragraph
below and answer the
“ In the Bhagavad-gītā it is
also said that such fallen
devotees are given a chance
to take birth in a family of
qualified brāhmaṇasor in a
rich mercantile family. A
devotee in such a position is
not as fortunate as one who
is chastised by the Lord and
put into a position
seemingly of helplessness.
The devotee who becomes
helpless by the will of the
Lord is more fortunate than
those who are born in good
families. The fallen devotees
born in a good family may
forget the lotus feet of the
Lord because they are less
fortunate, but the devotee
who is put into a forlorn
condition is more fortunate
because he swiftly returns
to the lotus feet of the Lord,
thinking himself helpless all
Why the fallen devotees
born in good families are
less fortunate than the
devotee who is put into a
forlorn condition?

11. Read the paragraph

below and answer the
“Pure devotional service is
so spiritually relishable that
a devotee becomes
automatically uninterested
in material enjoyment. That
is the sign of perfection in
progressive devotional
service. A pure devotee
continuously remembers
the lotus feet of Lord
Śrī Kṛṣṇa and does not
forget Him even for a
moment, not even in
exchange for all the
opulence of the three
What is the sign of
perfection in progressive
devotional service?

12. True or False : For a

pure devotee the conception
of Mukunda, Lord Krsna is
only Personal and there is
no impersonal conception.

13. True or False :Srila

Vyasdeva is not all
dependant on Spiritual
14. True or False: Service of
the Lord begins with the
service of the Lord's bona
fide servants.
15. True or False: by the
association of pure devotees
only, one can get rid of all
sins accumulated by
mundane association.

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