New York Times - Committee Report 2 - UNHRC

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Aftermath of Committee Session One:

Returning to the hallowed halls of

UNHRC (United Nations of Human
Rights), the air marked the heated
debate sessions brought by the last
committee. To recap, the DPRK
compared LGBTQIA+ individuals to
filth, asserting that they need urgent
and severe mental health therapy, then
admitting to executing LGBTQIA+
people as “eliminating filth”. Israel
called Palestine “a so-called state”,
implying divisions between the two
states in this committee. Additionally,
Israel acknowledges the Taliban as the
main sovereignty of Afghanistan,
hinting at a possible alliance between
the two countries as multiple countries
in the committee do not consider the
Taliban as the main power of
Afghanistan. Moreover, the People’s
Republic of China maintains its neutral
stance, stating that “countries can
between the delegate of the
UNHRC United States and China. The
right to reply later put the United
States in the spotlight as they were
the first of many to call out
China's "hypocrisy" (stated
delegate of the U.S.) stating
creates their policies China's defiance of human rights
around the agenda”; this against Muslims. This statement
stance could result in a stands as Uyghur Muslims are
bloc being created as it is being detained in Chinese
the most prevalent stance re-education camps where
in the committee. Finally, Articles 15 and 18 of the
Iran, notorious for its Universal Declaration of Human
strong Islamic Regime and Rights are being violated.
its disapproval of However, China did not succumb
LGBTQIA+ states that to the United States calling them
“Money is more important out and instead stated: "The
than religious beliefs” United States is pushing back a
when questioned about its million refugees at the
legalizing of gender border…[this] failing to protect
reassignment surgery. basic rights of its citizens… just
some mere examples of the
Furthermore, chatter hundreds and thousands of
surrounds the committee domestic violations this failed
walls, as delegates form nation has committed." This
their blocs (alliances) and statement, paired with the
discuss/debate the agenda. delegates' commanding and
“The United States has assertive tone, shook the
committed the genocide of committee, throwing rocks at the
world moral values like Nazi glass house of the United States.
Germany” declared the However, when one throws
delegate of the People’s enough rocks, the glass house
Republic of China in a shatters; exemplified by the later
crescendo of pitches, where events, the delegates of the
the echo of their speech People's Republic of China
reverberated through the declared with true passion
committee halls, leaving a lingering in their voice that
profound mark on those "Nothing will give the United
present, especially the States more peace than minding
Delegate of the United States. their own business.” One might
This statement marked the think that this statement originated

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during a moderated victorious in this violates the human
caucus or an interview, instance, faced backlash rights of Muslim
but, in actuality, this back in the UNHRC Women. Additionally, it
powerful statement committee as the is noteworthy to mention
echoed through the walls Delegate of France that the Chinese
of the UNGA stated that China was led government detains
committee; which by an “Outdated, selfish, individuals of the
discussed the the low on testosterone Muslim faith in
impeachment of the freak”. Additionally, the re-education camps,
United States from the delegate of the United where they are subjected
UNHRC committee. Kingdom stated that the to labor and harsh
Yes, the delegate of Chinese leader was a treatment against their
China created a “made in China, will, solely based on
resolution to impeach retarded, hypocritical their religious affiliation.
the United States out of imbecile.” In a right to In a nutshell, this intense
committee based on the reply against France, diplomatic confrontation
United States responding to this shed light on the
endangering “millions of statement about their complexities
refugees at the border leader, China acted out a surrounding human
and separating children “common” scenario in rights violations,
from their parents.” France where a Muslim including the treatment
Moreover, while this woman was shot, just of Uyghur Muslims in
resolution faced a because she wore the Chinese re-education
setback within the hijab. The delegate of camps and the cruel
UNHRC committee, it China then stated how endangerment of
garnered unanimous Muslim individuals “are refugees in the United
support from the entire tortured by the police”, States.
UNGA committee. implying that the nation
Nevertheless, though of France constantly

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In a dramatic turn of present activities have a
events, right after the significant impact on the
United States was global scene.
impeached, the
Afghanistan swiftly
seized the opportunity.
They leveraged a
resolution mandating a
48-member UNHRC for
its very survival, leading
to the astonishing and
suspenseful replacement
of the United States
within the UNHRC
committee. Conversely,
lurking in the shadow of
their accomplishments,
Afghanistan (Taliban),
remains haunted by the
specter of their past
missteps, a history that
still brands them as a
"terrorist organization."
In a startling moment,
France accused
Afghanistan, under the
Taliban's leadership, of
“so blind that it failed to
recognize a mass
terrorist group residing
on their soil, which
conveniently drove two
planes straight into the
twin towers.” The
This is a poem that the
turbulent history of the
UNHRC committee delegates of Australia wrote
highlights the intricate about their Moderator
interaction of world
politics, where
Afghanistan's past and

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