Transes - Assessing Abdomen

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Assessing Abdomen


• ABDOMINAL QUADRANTS o Peritoneum Lines
o Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ) - Thin, shiny, serous membrane
o Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ) - Provides a protective covering for most
o Right Lower Quadrant (RLQ) internal abdominal organs.
o Left Lower Quadrant (LLQ)
Within the abdominal cavity are structures of
several body systems: gastrointestinal,
reproductive (female), lymphatic, and urinary.
These structures are typically referred to as the
abdominal viscera and can be divided into two
types: Solid Viscera and Hollow Viscera.

o External Abdominal Oblique - Largest solid organ in the body.
- Outermost layer - Located below the diaphragm in the
right upper quadrant of the abdomen.
o Internal Abdominal Oblique
- It is composed of four lobes that fill
- Middle layer most of the right upper quadrant and
o Transverse Abdominis extend to the left midclavicular line.
- Innermost layer • Pancreas
o Rectus Abdominis - Located mostly behind the stomach
- Connective tissue from these muscles deep in the upper abdomen.
extends forward to encase a vertical - Normally not palpable.
- The pancreas has two functions: it is an
muscle of the anterior abdominal wall.
endocrine gland and an accessory organ
o Linea Alba of digestion.
- a tendinous, fibrous raphe that runs - Approximately 7 cm wide
vertically down the midline of the - In some healthy clients, the lower tip
abdomen. It extends between the can be felt below the left costal margin.
inferior limit of the sternum and the • Spleen
pubis, separating the rectus abdominis - Functions primarily to filter the blood of
cellular debris, to digest
microorganisms, and to return the
o Abdominal Wall Muscles breakdown products to the liver.
- Muscles protect the internal organs • Kidneys
- Allow normal compression during - Glandular, bean-shaped organs
functional activities such as coughing, - Approximately 10 x 5 x 2.5 cm
sneezing, urination, defecation, and - The tops of both kidneys are protected
childbirth. by the posterior rib cage.
- Primary function: filtration and
elimination of metabolic waste

ako gumawa neto – ibyangca adrianca

- Also plays a role in blood pressure • Urinary Bladder
control and maintenance of water, salt, - A distensible muscular sac located
and electrolyte balances. behind the pubic bone in the midline of
- They also function as endocrine glands
the abdomen.
by secreting hormones.
- Function: acts a temporary receptable
• Right Kidney for urine.
- Positioned slightly lower because of the NURSING PROCESS
position of the liver.
• Pregnant Uterus ASSESSMENT
- May be palpated above the level of the • Abdominal Pain
symphysis pubis in the midline.
- COLDSPA (Character, Onset, Location,
• Ovaries
- Located in the right lower quadrant and Duration, Severity, Pattern, Associated
left lower quadrant Factors)
- Normally palpated only during by a - Indigestion
bimanual examination of the internal - Nausea and Vomiting
genitalia. - Appetite
- Bowel Elimination
- Personal Health History
• Stomach
- Family History
- Not usually palpable.
- Lifestyle and Health Practices
- Main function: store, churn, and digest
• Gallbladder
- Muscular sac approx. 10 cm long
• Visceral Pain
- Functions: to concentrate and store the
- Occurs when hollow abdominal organs
bile needed to digest fat.
─ such as the intestines ─ become
- Not normally palpated.
distended or contract forcefully, or
• Small Intestine
when the capsules of the organs such as
- The longest portion of the digestive
the liver and spleen are stretched.
- Poorly defined or localized and
- Two major functions: digestion and
intermittently timed, this type of pain is
absorption of nutrients.
often characterized as dull, aching,
• Colon/Large Intestine
burning, cramping, or colicky.
- Composed of three major sections:
• Parietal Pain
ascending transverse, and descending.
- Occurs when parietal peritoneum
- Functions: secrete large amounts of
becomes inflamed, as in appendicitis or
alkaline mucus to lubricate the intestine
and neutralize acids formed by the
- This type of pain tends to localize more
intestinal bacteria.
to the source and is characterized as
- Water is also absorbed in the large
more severe and steady pain.
intestine, leaving waste products to be
eliminated in a stool.

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• Referred Pain • Feces
- Occurs at distant sites that are - Hard stools in the colon appear as
innervated at approximately the same localized distention. Percussion over the
levels as the disrupted abdominal area discloses dullness.
organ. • Fibroids and other Masses
- This type of pain travels, or refers, from - A large ovarian cyst or fibroid tumor
the primary site and becomes highly appears as generalized distention in the
localized at the distant site. lower abdomen. The mass displaces
bowel, thus the percussion tone over
Equipment: the distended area is dullness with
o Small pillow or rolled blanket tympany at the periphery. The
o Centimeter Ruler umbilicus may be everted.
o Stethoscope (Warm the diaphragm and • Flatus
the bell) - The abdomen distended with gas may
o Marking Pen appear as a generalized protuberance
or it may appear more localized.
PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT - Tympany is the percussion tone over the
Common Abnormal findings include: area.
o Abdominal Edema, or swelling, signifying • Ascitic Fluid
ascites - Fluid in the abdomen causes
o Abdominal masses, signifying abnormal generalized protuberance, bulging
growths or constipation flanks.
o Unusual pulsations such as those seen - Percussion reveals dullness over fluid
with an aneurysm of the abdominal and tympany over the intestines.
aorta • Umbilical Hernia
o Pain associated with appendicitis - Results from bowel protruding through
a weakness in the umbilical ring.
ABNORMAL FINDINGS - This condition occurs more frequently in
infants but occurs in adults.
• Pregnancy - Occurs when the bowel protrudes
- it causes a generalized protuberant through a weakness in the linea alba.
abdomen, protuberant umbilicus, a The small bulge appears midline
fetal heartbeat that can be heard on between the xiphoid process and the
auscultation, percussible tympany over umbilicus. It may be discovered only on
the intestines, and dullness over the palpation.
uterus. • Incisional Hernia
• Fat - Occurs when the bowel protrudes
- Obesity accounts for most uniformly through a defect or weakness resulting
protuberant abdomens. The abdominal from a surgical incision. It appears as a
wall is thick, and tympany is the bulge near a surgical scar on the
percussion tone is elicited. The abdomen.
umbilicus usually appears sunken.

ako gumawa neto – ibyangca adrianca

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