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The Costa Concordia was an Italian cruise ship operated by Costa Crociere. On
January 13, 2012, the ship struck a reef and ran aground off the coast of Isola del Giglio,
Italy. The ship capsized and eventually came to rest on its side, with over half of its hull
The Costa Concordia disaster was one of the worst maritime accidents in recent history.
Thirty-two people died in the accident, and over 4,000 people were rescued.
The captain of the ship, Francesco Schettino, was convicted of manslaughter and other
crimes and sentenced to 16 years in prison.
The Costa Concordia was eventually salvaged and scrapped in 2017.
The disaster had a significant impact on the cruise industry and led to new safety
regulations being put in place. It also raised questions about the responsibility of cruise
lines for the safety of their passengers and crew.
The Costa Concordia disaster is a reminder of the dangers of sea travel, even on
modern cruise ships. It is also a cautionary tale about the importance of safety regulations
and the need for cruise lines to take responsibility for the safety of their passengers and


1. What is the topic or title all about?

- The Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia struck rocks off the coast of Giglio
Island in the Tyrrhenian sea, and sank in shallow waters off Tuscany,
resulting in 32 deaths.

2. What gone wrong?

- The ship deviated from its planned route. On the night of the accident,
Captain Francesco Schettino ordered the ship to sail closer to the island of
Isola del Giglio in order to perform a "salute" maneuver for the island's
residents. This maneuver was not authorized by Costa Cruises, and it
brought the ship dangerously close to shore.
3. What could be the reason why it gone wrong?
- Poor safety procedures also contributed to the disaster. The ship's crew was
not properly trained to handle an emergency situation, and there were delays
in evacuating the ship. Additionally, the ship's lifeboats were not fully
loaded, and some of them were damaged, making it difficult for passengers
to evacuate safely.

4. If you are in the same situation as the Captain what will you do with regards to
passenger on board and the Mayor on what will you do being in charge of the

- If I were in the same situation as Captain Schettino of the Costa Concordia,

my top priority would be to ensure the safety of all passengers and crew on
board. I would immediately order an evacuation of the ship and work with
the mayor of Giglio to coordinate rescue efforts.

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