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He Was The Secret Blacksmith Who Made Divine Weapons For Common Players.

- Manhwa

Weapon maker

One day, out of nowhere, a giant crack appeared, a blue aura emerged from it and rapidly spread
throughout the world, people called her mana, and a minority that is particularly mana sensitive has
also emerged, a minority that has gained a special ability from this influence, such people have come
to be called awakened, after that night, the storm of mana suddenly ended, but the mysterious crack
in the sky remained, and, after a while, as people became accustomed to the existence of the
awakened ones, storms of mana went all over the world, however, this time, it wasn't a normal crack
that just appeared in space, it turned out to be something more horrible, a portal-like substance, for
the first few hours, people couldn't understand what could have caused this phenomenon, until the
passage between dimensions cracked, these portals came to be called gates, unseen monsters have
broken into our world, instantly sowing panic among living beings, the governments of the countries
could do nothing against these creatures, and so the peaceful citizens had no choice but to flee, from
that day on, everything changed beyond recognition, the world everyone knew had gone through a
cataclysm, and now, getting things back to normal is going to be quite a challenge, the human race
has only one choice left, fight to gain the right to live and prevent the destruction of the entire
species, this guy thought everything would change when he became awakened, he didn't want to
work hard anymore, not that the young man wanted to be worshipped by everyone, he did not
desire power over anyone, nor did he crave to be feared, what the guy wanted most wasn't
something beyond fantasy, the only thing he wanted was to not be beaten or ripped off, no matter
what happened, however, he was unwilling to use violence, this young man just wished he had
someone he could call a friend, but even that was probably too much of a pipe dream, the boy also
turned out to be extremely sensitive to mana, and accordingly, he was also dubbed the awakened
one, but even that was probably too much of a pipe dream, unfortunately this guy's abilities were
incredibly weak, despite being an awakened one, the young man's strength manages to be inferior to
even a normal human, one of the weakest among the special people gifted with mana management
skills, a low life, unable to fight alone or help his squadmates in any way, useless D rank, this guy was
ridiculed every time he introduced himself as a hunter, the boy knew that one day he would die so
ignominiously, he always realized that, however, the young man wasn't going to put up with it so
easily, he didn't want to die anyway, the guy doesn't want to die so helpless, if he just died now,
there would simply be no point in his existence before that, perhaps if the boy gets stronger, things
will change, no longer would he have to hide behind the backs of his comrades and put them in
harm's way to save his life, there would no longer be any need to shake with fear at the sight of even
the weakest enemy, if he can become the strongest even though he is a sapport, then maybe his life
will turn out completely differently, this is the voice of the system, you have opened the stream, the
mission is complete, you have met all the conditions to become a player, welcome, player, shin jong
seong, turning behind a tree, the guy in white sneakers, continued running through the woods
without losing speed, having already run several hundred meters without stopping, the young man is
in a big hurry to get somewhere, trying to control his breathing, shin jong seong can't understand
how he could be late on such an important day, there he is, said the girl to her partner, looking at the
rapidly approaching panting boy, a man sitting on a stump with a shield behind him, grudgingly
remarked that newcomers were almost always late, however, a woman standing nearby reminded
her comrade that he was no better for his years, this man's name is Lim Doohwan, and he is a C rank
hunter, class, defender, he is the main tank of the Doohwan guild, the girl standing next to her is also
a C rank hunter, Kim Chimun is a fighter, she is one of the main melee fighters of the Doohwan guild,
awkwardly scratching the back of his head the young man who ran up to them, apologizes for being
late, shin jong seong, D rank hunter, class, creator, Doohwan guild support, a creator who specializes
in creating weapons, standing up from the stump, Lim asked the boy not to be frightened, explaining
that he was just kidding, the young man wasn't that much late, after patting jeong seon on the back,
the girl said that it was time for them to go, hyun and toyin were already waiting for them, after they
said that, the guy went down, it's really bad, 3 months had passed since he joined the guild, this was
his first dungeon, and he was late, either way, jeong seon needs to get his act together, this is his first
dungeon he's going to as a dungeon sapporter, you need to prove your usefulness, once inside, the
masked man decided to ask the guy about something, mun toyin of the assassin class, and part time
head of the doohwan guild, asked the young man if this was his first raid, lowering his gaze, jeong
seon confirmed it, and explained that this was his first time going as a sapporter, he then added that
he had helped out in dungeons a couple times before, in that case toyin decides to explain
something, sapports, unlike fighters, can't fight, so you have to pay attention to where you are, if you
get too close, there's a chance of getting into a fight, and if you stand too far away, your allies won't
be able to protect you, the point is to stay at an optimal distance, and since jeong seon is the creator,
he needs to keep his distance and create daggers, when the guild leader gives the signal, easy, isn't it,
toyin said contentedly, glancing at the agitated boy, the young man then remarked that it was really
quite easy, but did he not need to create any other weapons besides blades, in turn, the assassin
confirmed this, explaining that of the entire squad, he was the only one who needed additional
weapons, the man added that this is a simple dungeon, since it's the first one for jeong seon, the
guild leader asks him not to overdo it, while they were talking to each other, c rank mage lee hyun
asked his teammates to wait for a while, he sensed an incredible amount of mana ahead, there's
most likely a monster nearby, alright, everyone prepare for battle, hold formation, mun toyin
shouted confidently, after that, he turned to the mage and asked him to clarify the number of
opponents, hyun told him that there were 3 small auras and 1 large aura in front, this aura was big
enough for the boss, without saying it out loud, the assassin's implication was rather odd, usually the
boss didn't show up here, he told his companions that he would have to take on the boss, and asked
his partners to deal with the rest, turning to jeong seon, the masked man asked how long it would
take to create the dagger if one hurried, the boy replied that it would take about 20 seconds if one
tried hard enough, but, in that case, the dagger wouldn't even last a minute, good, then start
creating, i'll be done with him in 40 seconds, mun toyin said, pulling the mask down from his face,
these creatures are called crystal lizards, threat level, d a monster that grows on stones and
dungeons, appearance and abilities change depending on the mana stone consumed, as chinun
kneaded his fists, the shield partner standing next to him mouthed his commencement, in the same
instant, a terrifying purple aura enveloped his entire body, with a single step, lim broke through the
stone floor beneath him, after that, he raised his shield high above his head with a speedy swing, in
the next second, the man swung his shield to the ground, scattering the enemies in different
directions with the shockwave, meanwhile, without a moment's hesitation, chiming hopped down
from her seat and rushed towards her opponents, while in the air, the girl slid her arm behind her
back, preparing to deliver her strongest blow, with a lightning fast attack, she immediately sealed the
crystal lizard into the ground, breaking the creature's jaw, after finally finishing off the enemy,
chiming pushed off the corpse with her hand, and did a somersault in the air, the moment she
landed, the monster behind her fell dead to the ground, however, when she turned around, the girl
noticed that the two crystal lizards, had already managed to recover from lim's stunning attack,
realizing that these creatures were recovering faster than expected, chiming shouted, alerting her
partners that two monsters were running at them, putting his shield in front of him, covering hyen,
lim asked his partner where his magic was, casting a spell, the mage explained that everything was
almost ready, extending his hand forward, hyen shouted furiously, after which a bright flame
materialized from his palm, in the next second, dozens of fireballs flew around his partner's shield
and headed towards his opponents, in a moment, after several blinding explosions, most of the
dungeon became filled with red flames, burning everything in its path, when the enemies were
finished, lim suggested that his partner go and help the others, shin chongsun, who was observing
this, noticed the striking order of the comrade's attack, is this really how a guild fights, when toyin
asked the guy what about the weapons, he replied that everything was almost ready, that's right,
now is not the time to be distracted, we need to focus, shin jeong seon uses the f rank creator ability
to craft weapons, this is a basic creator skill that uses the user's mana to create an item, the item's
longevity and quality depends on the user's mana, after a while, the guy finally finished making the
weapon, after that, he immediately threw a dagger at toyin, in turn, the guild leader, without slowing
down, easily caught the blade in his hand while running, at the same instant, the dagger in his palm
was filled with dark matter, this is the famous A rank shadow weapon, this skill uses the user's
weapon to transform it into a shadow weapon, the shadow weapon increases quality and mana
depending on the user's mana, it disappears after a while, running up to his opponent, the assassin
ducked and swung his blade, in the same second toyin covered several meters in one dash and
chopped off the crystal lizard's head, leaving a trail of dark aura behind him, when the monster's
severed head fell to the ground, the man was already walking towards his partners without turning
around, with a glance in his hand, the guild leader noticed that the blade had begun to vaporize,
walking up to his teammates, a satisfied limb asked them if anyone was hurt, meanwhile, looking at
his comrades, chonson realizes they're a lot tougher than he imagined, everyone is great, yet their
teamwork is beyond praise, they can become the best at what they do when they achieve more,
compared to them, chonson could do absolutely nothing, the guy only managed to create one
dagger, he was no help, and he got distracted, the annoyed young man is convinced he doesn't
deserve to be with them, nice work, you're not hurt, toyin suddenly said as he approached him,
pulling his mask down from his face, laughing disappointedly, chonson said that he was fine thanks to
his comrades, the guy then remarked that he wasn't so helpful in turn, what are you talking about,
thanks to your skill, i've saved so much money, the guild leader replied to him in disagreement, as
the young man could see, the assassin skill absorbs weapons, toyin couldn't afford it even if he
bought the cheapest ones, placing a hand on chonsiong's shoulder, the man added that this was why
he needed a creator, moreover, toyin seemed to need a mana filled weapon to activate his skill,
anyway, great job for a first dungeon, i'll be looking forward to the next one, don't leave us, okay,
muttered the guild leader, encouraging the boy with that, uplifted by such words, chonson thanked
the man, promising that he would try harder, walking up to toyin, lynn suggested that he gather all
the loot and get out of here, but at that moment, the ground beneath their feet shook with
tremendous amplitude, looking around frightened, the squad tries to figure out what's going on, is it
an earthquake, the cave can't just collapse because they killed the boss, right, as the comrades panic
trying to figure out what happened, a terrified chonson pointed a finger somewhere, not far from
them, a crystal wall collapsed, when the earthquake was over, a puzzled hyun decided to check what
was behind the fallen wall using magic, turning around, he informed his teammates that some sort of
path seemed to have opened up in the dungeon, moreover, it was connected to something, looking
at him interestedly, toyin wondered where such a low level dungeon had gotten a secret path from,
at this moment, the admiring lynn remarked that it couldn't be anything other than a passageway to
a secret treasure, they should definitely go there and check it out, running up to him, chiming, who
was equally enthusiastic, agreed with her partner, however, with an uncertain look at them, hyun
said to wait a bit, they can't just go there, but when the guild leader asked him if there was anything
dangerous ahead, the mage replied that he couldn't sense anything, good, i don't think it's going to
collapse here, we'll be quick, toyin said confidently, realizing that there was no danger to this path,
the enthusiastic teammates immediately cheered him on, exhaling, hyun realized that he had no
choice, and so he decides to go with his comrades, turning to chonxion, the guild leader beckoned
him along and advised him to keep up, immediately after his words, a group of adventurers went to
explore the secret path that had opened up before them, and it's only been a few minutes since
then, the ferocious crystal monster opened it's huge maw and roared deafeningly, in a panic, shin
chonxion running away from him, can't understand how this could have happened, god damn it,
everyone's dead, everyone but him, a d rank dungeon shouldn't have monsters like this, the guy had
never heard of a creature that magic didn't recognize, trying to keep himself alive by fleeing, the
young man looked around to see where the enemy was, he followed right behind him, the second
the guy realized it, the huge crystal monster swung it's fist and immediately slammed into him,
throwing chonxion back a few dozen meters, as he landed on the ground, the boy's back hit the
ground, and blood spurted from his mouth due to his damaged lungs, with trembling hands resting
on the floor, the guy realizes he urgently needs to get up, however, while he was trying to get to his
feet, an opponent had already run up to him from behind, sitting down on his knees, the gasping
young man immediately produced a dagger, he can't die like this, although this blade was created in
a couple of seconds, the time it exists is enough to hit the target, this is his last chance, screaming in
despair, chonxion threw his dagger at his opponent with all his might, but as expected, this blade was
completely useless, when the knife hit the monster's body, it simply bounced off and crashed into
the wall of the cave, ignoring this, the creature swung it's fist again, preparing to deliver a crushing
blow to the kid, a devastating explosion erupted a moment later, raising a column of shrapnel and
smoke, after one blow from the monster, the floor shattered into pieces, and chonxion, who was
within the radius of the collapse fell down, after flying some distance downward, the guy fell into the
water, and because of finally exhausted strength began to sink, so that's what it's like, a d-ranked
main deck support who can't use basic effects like heal, he finally found the guild that needed him,
but they ended up leaving him, how cruel, shin chonxion is sure someone else would have done
more good if he hadn't become awakened, things would have turned out differently, in any case, it's
just his pipe dream, this is the voice of the system, you've opened stream, the mission is complete,
you have met all the conditions to become a player, welcome, player, shin chonxion, suddenly a
system window appears in front of the dying guy's face, it informs the young man that a new reward
is available to him, and asks if he wants to look into it, staring doomedly at the mysterious window,
chonxion can't figure out what's going on, a player, what kind of reward, while the guy was thinking,
the oxygen in his lungs ran out, and he immediately tried to inhale some air, the boy doesn't know
what's going on, but it doesn't matter anymore, whatever, he thought, reaching out to the system
window, though as imaginary as possible, it was his last hope, he touched the yes button with his last
strength, staring blankly at the system window, the young man continued helplessly submerged, but
at that moment, a two-handed sword filled with mana materialized under his feet, creating blades in
front of him, the chonxion shrouded in a terrifying aura, began to climb them from the bottom, as if
they were stairs, once again facing the crystal monster, the guy clenched his fists coldly with all his
might, gunsmith shin chonxion, you get memories of your previous life, award distribution is over,
when the system stopped alerting, the young man raised his head and glared grimly at his opponent,
in the same second, he created dozens of sharp blades and hurled them at the enemy, the swords
filled with pure mana immediately stabbed into the crystal monster, piercing through it several times,
unable to stay on its feet, the creature fell to the ground with a loud clatter, meanwhile, gripping his
head, a tense chonxion can't figure out what it was, some incomprehensible memory popped into
his head, as the boy pondered, trying to realize whose memories these were, he heard a deafening
roar nearby, rising to its feet, the crystal monster immediately rushed towards the young man,
preparing to launch a powerful attack, the next instant his fist made contact with the sturdy wall,
chonxion was able to block his opponent's jab using the shield he created, even though this shield
was spiked, the guy noticed that the enemy was taking absolutely no damage, it's a golem shaped
monster, after all, it has incredible survivability, trying to hold back the crystal creature's attack, the
young man realized that he would not be able to resist such power, immediately afterward, the mana
shield shattered into pieces, and the guy in turn recoiled without taking a single bit of damage, if
those memories he got are true, then although it's a pretty strong golem monster, its weaknesses
and tactics will be the same as before, the so called golem monster has no particular weaknesses, if
he does take damage, he can immediately recover, in such a case, it is recommended to deal damage
from different sides at the same time if possible, the skill of the networking world will help chonxion
in this endeavor, we need to create nets with equal radius of removal, using the skill user as the
center point, and whoever gets caught in the net will move as the user tells them to, when the
monster ran into the range of the skill, chonxion clenched his fist, glaring ruthlessly at his opponent,
at the same moment dozens of blades flew out from various points in the net, and swept at the
golem, there was an explosion and huge shards of crystal scattered in all directions, when the smoke
from the destruction cleared, chonxion saw the golem shaped monster in front of him falling apart,
stepping closer to the corpse, the young man exhaled with relief, the guy used to think that this net
world was just an auxiliary skill with which he could create items faster, it seems that the
effectiveness of the skill tends to increase, also, this ability can now be used to attack on its own,
suddenly, the system alerted chonxion that the boss had been defeated, when the guy saw the
system window in front of him, he wondered if he could look up information about the monster or
the dungeon, as suddenly, an unknown purple energy began to gather from the collapsed body of
the golem monster, while the guy looking at the cluster of mana in his palm was wondering what it
was, the system alerted him that the passive skill magic absorption had been activated, there's an
incredible magical power emanating from this thing, what could it possibly be, absorbing this strange
energy, chonxion decided to finally figure out what had happened to him in the last few minutes,
memories from his previous life, he doesn't know what exactly this previous life means, but the guy
knows for sure that these memories are his, and the one the young man remembers is definitely
him, or to be more precise it's another him in a couple of years, in this future, the whole world has
fallen, things too horrible to mention were happening, shin jiyong seong inherited all the memories
of that, but even if it is the future, it may not be the future of the world the guy is in now, too much
of what he just learned didn't add up to actual events, even the status screen in front of him wasn't
there in his past life, and that can only mean one thing, shin jiyong seong really became a player,
player is a term used for a select few who have awakened, based on many of chonxion's memories,
players do not yet exist at this point in time, about 2 years from the current events, in another reality,
a small number of awakened ones were chosen to become players, a blue screen appeared that only
a select few could see, and mon toyin was among them, in the future, this mysterious thing was
called a system, which sounded more like a joke, it was enough to shock the awakened ones, it
wasn't just the system that was given to the players, all players were given different rewards, for
example, strength and skills different from what they had before, the system and rewards came out
of nowhere, they were used by the players and caused them to boom in comparison to other
awakened, thanks to the guild leader toyin, who also happened to be the chosen one, the duoin
guild, of which shin jiyong seong was a member, was able to become a first class guild, the boy had
nothing to do with it, but it encouraged him to grow, to make sure that he would stay in the growing
guild, the young man made a constant effort to develop his skills, in the system window, you can find
out the skills and experience you have learned, when the guy first heard about the system, he
thought it must be very convenient, and so it turned out to be in fact, if his skills and experience
carried over from a previous life, then the passive magic absorption skill used on the corpse of the
golem, was one that didn't exist in his previous life, chonson had never heard of any player having
something like this, the description says that if the amount of magic collected exceeds the limit, then
a reward will be given, i wonder if the rewards are only given to chonson himself, also, it says that
this skill gathers energy from infected mana, after realizing this, the guy immediately had an idea on
how to get this magic, however, now is not the time to think about that, as he approached the
corpse of the dead head of the duoin guild, the young man looked at it sadly, the guy decided he
needed to take care of the bodies of his former comrades first, a few hours later, hunters association
headquarters, as the man pulls down the blinds and looks out into the street, a girl standing nearby
asks the senor if they really should have let this kid go home, when he asked what she was talking
about, the woman pointed out that there was something very strange about the situation, a small
guild was mopping up an unidentified dungeon and got caught in an incident, 4 out of 5 people died,
however, the only survivor is a d-ranked sapport, as the man with the tie in his pocket continues to
stare at the boy outside the window, the girl adds that it wouldn't have been unusual if that guy had
just run away while the others fought, but it wasn't like that, he even took care of the bodies and
delivered them to the association, the gate to the dungeon had already disappeared and so no more
clues could be found, what do you think, i think there's something wrong here, could a d-ranked
sapport have killed a hunter, with a concerned glance at her colleague, the woman inquired, in turn,
after hitting her on the head with a file folder, the man asked the girl to come to her senses, this is
not a civil case, she knows it herself, even if something strange happened, you can't find out what
happened in the dungeon, you can only gather evidence as it emerges, when the girl holding back
tears and holding her head, tried to find the words to say something in response, the colleague asked
if she had any objections, he then added that this happens quite often at this time, waving a folder of
documents, the man with the tie in his pocket, explained that hunters often don't report finding a
gate and go missing there, if they reported the discovery of the dungeon to the association, there
would be an auction, however, instead of getting paid for it, the awakened usually choose to risk
their lives and go there secretly, after all, it's almost impossible for a small guild to win at auction,
leaving back to his office, the man advised a co-worker to call that kit in for further investigation or
something, heading back to his office, he looks thoughtfully at the file of that boy in his hands, so his
name is shin jeong seon, isn't it, the man has talked about it before, but this doesn't seem like a
normal case, the situation is understandable, but he still feels like something is wrong, first of all, that
kid was too calm during the interrogation, he had witnessed the incident with little to no experience
in dungeons, so it would make sense that he would panic, something had been missed, but this guy
was explaining everything clearly, of course, maybe it's just that kind of person, the investigator had
met people like that many times before, either way, something is definitely wrong, but the man
doesn't know what it is, and it's upsetting him, exhaling unhappily, he realized there was no need to
worry about that right now, the only thing is to check everything more thoroughly, meanwhile, chon
son pensively walks down the street, staring at his phone, every way you look at it, something's
wrong, an unidentified gate, the guy doesn't remember this dungeon from his past life, on top of
that, all the guild members had seen the gate request form, it was definitely stamped by the hunters
association, however, the association itself said that all the dead members of the duen guild were
registered as having died in an unidentified dungeon, it can only mean one thing, someone
impersonated the association and deceived the duen guild, or the hunters association itself is
involved, but what worries chon son the most, is that this kind of thing might not only happen to the
duen guild, as the investigator said, missing people in unidentified gates had already become a
problem, the guy doesn't know the whole story, but there's only one topic in all the guilds in the
news, they all have players, such as the guild leader, moon toyin, and even young talents who will
become heroes in the future, someone wants to wipe these heroes off the face of the earth, which
means that shin jeong seon must now carefully conceal his abilities, he's the only survivor of an
unsolved case, if the guy behaves suspiciously, he's going to be under attack, the youngster has
about two years to prepare before his first player selection, and so you should not delay, and it's time
to activate all the skills and develop them, chon son needs to find a way to develop quickly without
attracting attention, if there was one useful skill, it would make the guy's job a lot easier, and, just as
he was leafing through the list, the young man noticed something interesting, got it, i found it, chon
son pronounced, extending a finger toward the system window, it's been a whole year since those
events, deep in the forest, there are loud sounds of fierce fighting, striking with his sword, the blonde
guy once again runs into his opponent's block, from the force of the strike, the blunted blade of the
blade immediately cracked, at the same moment, the green jacketed hunter's sword broke in half,
while the guy was desperately looking at his broken weapon, the enemy hit him with the hilt of his
mace with all his might, fortunately the blonde had time to put up a successful block with his hands,
and wasn't particularly hurt after such a powerful attack, after flying a few meters away, the guy
stuck the blade of a broken blade, and used it to slow down, the hunter, who had risen to his feet,
looked with genuine horror at the fierce foe approaching him, in turn, the monster jumped into the
air with great speed, bringing his mace behind his back, when the enemy landed on the spot where
the blonde stood with a thunderous crash, the frightened boy had already managed to jump back to
a safe distance, looking at the monster with fear, the panting hunter with the broken sword, crawled
back to his teammates, in contrast, his opponent was feeling fine, and after pulling his mace out of
the ground, he was already heading towards the squad of hunters staring helplessly at him, this
monster is called the lord of the gnolls, da gnoll of high rank, physical abilities are higher than the
average gnoll, its skin is tough not only physically, but it is also resistant to magic, helplessly pointing
the stump of his sword at the monster with a trembling hand, the blonde can't understand what the
gnoll lord is doing in the e-rank dungeon, even d-rank hunters said this creature was difficult to fight,
while the frightened guy was saying this, the monster had already taken off, pouncing on its victim, at
the same second, a tank with a shield popped up from the rear of the squad, once on the front lines,
the man barely managed to block an enemy attack, from the power of the blow, the day's tank felt its
shoulders crack and shift, realizing that he couldn't stand up to this monster alone, the man shouted
to his partners, that they wouldn't be able to hold out much longer this way, do what you want, but
do some damage to him, shouted the tank in desperation, urging his comrades into action, the god
of death of low level hunters, the gnoll lord is so called not only for his physical abilities, since
monsters at this rank are vulnerable to magic, any team of hunters relies on just that, but the gnoll
lord defied that logic, the hunters confident in low level magic, were frightened for the first time, the
price of such insolence and negligence is usually the total destruction of the team, there is only one
physical damage fighter in their squad, but the blonde man is bad at hand to hand combat, and his
weapon is broken, and if there is nothing else to fight, how is he supposed to attack, if he'd known
this was going to happen, he wouldn't have been greedy and gathered as many people as possible,
who would have thought that this guy's desire to use as few people as possible and hire a mage,
would backfire on him, in a moment of utter despair, the hunter suddenly heard a strange sound
nearby, near a nearby rock stands a man swinging a pickaxe, this is a helper and does not participate
in battle, but plays the role of a gatherer and loader of side resources, such as magic stones, anyone
with even a small amount of mana sensitivity can handle this, and so such people don't get much
recognition or respect among the awakened, simply put, they are the errand boy for the team,
noticing him, the blonde remembered that they had a helper, how could he be so careless with his
pickaxe when his teammates might die soon, but in that instant, the hunter noticed something
unusual, 3 this young man can create items out of mana, although this guy has the ability to create,
you can't expect high quality from him, but unfortunately, you don't get to choose, realizing that this
was his last chance to save his life and the lives of his partners, the blonde man called out to the
helper standing calmly to the side, hearing this chanson indifferently turned around and looked at
him, you're a maker, aren't you, you know how to make swords, the hunter who ran up to him asked
worriedly, still looking at the blonde unemotionally, the guy replied that of course he knew how to do
it, holding out the stump of his broken sword to him, the hunter politely asked the young man to
make him a sturdy new blade, however, after apologizing, chanson explained that he is a helper, not
a support, and therefore such actions are not part of his duties, in turn, the exasperated blonde
shouted that now was not the time to talk like that, doesn't the guy see what's going on, his squad
could be dead soon, and if they can't handle the boss, chanson will die too, after hearing him out,
the helper closed his eyes and exhaled unhappily, after starting to create the sword, the guy agreed
to help and explained that he had one condition, when we clear the dungeon, everyone should
forget about my ability, and when we divide the loot, I want to get as much as the amount of loot as
a normal sapport would get, if you agree, I'll help, chanson said, handing the blonde man the sword
he had just created, the hunter looked at the sword in his hand in surprise, and noted that for
someone who couldn't find a job as a creator, and got a job as a helper, the quality of the work was
excellent, but still, did the guy really think that the dungeon could be cleared with only this weapon,
why is he so stubborn, and what do you mean, forget about his ability, only, that's funny, shin jong
seon muttered with a smirk, good weapons are an essential element of dungeon sweeping, and the
creator can give some assurance, as long as you have that element, you'll be able to mop up the
dungeon, the next day, the mass murder guild, one of the three largest guilds in korea, a woman in
low black shoes walks down the hallway, walking up to the door she gently knocked inside, come in,
the man said, leaning his elbow on the desk, upon entering the office, the red haired girl informed
the leader that the hunters association had sent a request for cooperation, looking thoughtfully into
the void, the man in the chair asked if it was about the errors in the dungeon ranks, in turn, the
woman replied that it was, at first glance, it's an ordinary request for cooperation, but it seems that
the association is willing to pay as much as the other party to the contract wishes, the leader then
remarked that it appeared that the hunters association simply had no choice, it was on the news
today that a squad of low level hunters were able to mop up a dungeon with an A rank bug, if you
look at it, those youngsters aren't anything extraordinary, yet they managed to get out of there alive,
however, the leader noticed some familiar faces, he's definitely seen this guy somewhere before,
secho don also had a dungeon with an A rank error a couple weeks ago, a man was sent to the area
and so he ended up on the scene, and the leader is pretty sure he saw this guy there, according to
the information given to him, he was a regular helper, even with the new gates, the chances of
making a mistake in a dungeon are still incredibly small, and the situations in which there were
survivors in case of a rank error can be counted on the fingers of one hand, but this helper was a
member of a team that turned out survivors not once, but twice already, this can't be a mere
coincidence, the girl standing next to him interrupted the leader's musings, noting that it seemed like
there were more and more dungeons with rank errors lately, for example, a D rank dungeon that had
become a B rank dungeon a few days ago, and the entire team that had gotten there was instantly
destroyed, closing his eyes with annoyance, the man remarked that the hunters association must
have a lot of problems, meanwhile, the girl agreed with him, adding that many people criticize the
association, after all, it was their job to analyze, predict, and announce the dungeon ranks, that uncle
at the hunters association must be suffering from the whole situation, turning around to his ward,
the leader said that those with the trespass skill were getting more and more, therefore, he
suggested that an additional commission be introduced and observed the situation, the man then
inquired of the woman regarding what he had asked her to look into, the girl, on the other hand,
replied that she had searched everywhere, but had not found any A rank or higher weaponsmiths,
however, she did manage to get a B rank weapon from a Japanese blacksmith, when she suggested
that the leader check this sword, he reminded her that any weapon below A rank is destroyed when
he applies his skill, rising from the table, the man noted that few gunsmiths were sapports, he asked
his ward to look for more, or he would soon ruin all his weapons, suddenly there was a knock on the
door behind, a man with a sturdy build entered the office and informed Teeheeing that something
had happened, coming out from behind the desk, the leader inquired as to what had happened, the
bully said that he had received an urgent message from the hunters association, he checked the
location, and it was the D rank dungeon where the newcomers from the mass murderers guild had
gone as a free attack team, and when Teeheeing asked the man what rank the dungeon was now, the
man replied that the rank had risen from D to C, with an irritated sigh, the leader remarked that
there was no way they could lose the newcomers right now, the situation seemed to be an
emergency, and that's why Teeheeing will personally go there, several reporters have already arrived
at the scene of the ill-fated locked gate, and a large crowd of gawkers has gathered, this is the mass
murder guild, suddenly shouted someone from the crowd, the reporters immediately started asking
questions of the guild head, asking him to say something about the ongoing dungeon ranking errors,
someone shouted out that they had heard that the hunters association had sent the massacre guild a
proposal for cooperation, there was also the question of whether Teeheeing had come in person
because his guild members were inside, running up to the leader who had ignored all the press, the
woman with glasses thanked him for coming, she didn't expect the guild leader, Yoon Teeheeing to
personally come here, when the man asked her what the situation was like inside, the girl told him
that the attack team that had entered had 6 hunters, 2 sapports, and 1 helper, they were all stronger
than necessary, but the numbers didn't matter since the dungeon was now C rank, looking at the
locked gate with concern, the guild leader asked how long they had been there, the woman said that
the newcomers had crossed the portal border about 2 hours ago, 2 whole hours, Teeheeing said he
didn't know how many of them were still alive, but he promised he'd do his best, after a while, the
leader, holding a leather case in his hand, along with the red haired girl, approached the gate,
stopping just before the portal, the man lowered his suitcase to the ground, he then extended his
palm to the ward standing behind him, at the same moment, the woman slipped her hand into her
purse and started pulling something out, Min Hissu, B ranked support, class, space opener, she is the
secretary of the mass murder guild, and is able to create subspaces in closed places, 9 taking a
katana out of her bag, Hissu held it out to the guild leader, taking the sword in his hand, Yun
Teeheeing brought the weapon up to his face, whereupon it immediately burst into bright flames,
skill, trespassing, the man swung his sword in a moment, drawing the fiery blade across the entire
diameter of the locked gate, when the flames went out, the portal appeared to be chopped in half,
the lower part of the dungeon entrance collapsed, revealing a passage in front of Yun Teeheeing, it
was a skill that forcefully pierced its way to the mono-accumulation, and could break down any wall
as a barrier, including the gate, however, when travelling to another dimension, the encroachment
skill only affected the user, in addition, as expected, not every sword could withstand the power of
such an incredible skill, when the guild leader gave her the broken katana, Hissu asked him to be
more careful, good, Yun Teeheeing, who had lifted the suitcase, answered her as he crossed the
border of the cracked gate, after a while, he found himself in another dimension, on the other side of
the portal, the picture that opened before his eyes was not a comforting one, looking around the
area, Teeheeing immediately noticed the temperature and humidity of the air, given that disgusting
odour, it must be a reptile, judging by the fact that the floor is clean, it's a somewhat intelligent
monster, given the rank of the dungeon, the answer is simple, lizardmen, threat level, d a lizardmen
that lives in tribal groups, compared to other humanoid monsters, it lives for quite a long time, life
expectancy is proportional to intelligence and combat power, a glance at the corpses suggests the
size of the group and their combat strength, as well as the level of the affected party, as determined
by the preliminary calculation, all the newcomers must be long dead by now, Teeheeing couldn't help
but think the worst in a situation like this, all things considered, but when the guild leader arrived at
the location where the team was, he saw something he absolutely could not expect, the high level
lizard opened its fanged maw and pounced on the enemy, meanwhile, a blonde haired man with a
two handed sword, blocked the enemy's attack, the archer standing to the site immediately began to
help her partners, firing metal tipped arrows at the enemies, one of the arrows hit its target, piercing
the lizardmen's liver, things aren't going the way the guild leader expected, these newcomers
managed not to die after waiting for reinforcements, what's more, it's the opposite, they're winning,
judging from their movements, the lizardmen are much stronger, then how do the differences even
out, while Teeheeing was trying to figure out what was going on, he noticed something dangerous on
the battlefield, the lizardmen fighting the blonde hunter knocked the weapon out of his hands with a
swing of his sword, realizing the helplessness of his situation, the man looked at his opponent
doomedly, approaching him, the monster swung his sword, preparing to cut him in half, in a
moment, the guild leader who had rushed towards the newcomer, snapped out of his seat, realizing
that it wasn't too late to save him, but, unfortunately, he didn't have time, there was a loud clang
from the impact, which subsequently raised a cloud of dust and dirt, when the fog cleared, everyone
saw that the lizardmen's sword had made contact with the mana blade, dazedly looking at the thing,
the monster can't figure out where it came from, in turn, Teeheeing, who runs up to help, tries to
realize what's happened, is that magic, no, it's a weapon made right in the air, but by whom was this
sword created, at that moment, their gazes crossed, there he is, the very creator that the head of the
mass murder guild, Yoon Teeheeing, was looking for, this guy is definitely the strongest helper in the
world, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and, after hesitating for a moment, Chonson glanced suspiciously at the
man standing across from him, 10, the young man said pointing his finger at the stranger, when the
guy pointed out that it was very strange, explaining that he remembered exactly what 9 came out,
and annoyed Teeheeing asked him what the hell he was doing, at the same second, on the
battlefield, a red lizardmen struck one of the newcomers with his sword with all his might, the grey
haired swordsman immediately flew back at the mage, hitting his back hard against the ground,
approaching him, the monster swung his sword, bringing it behind his head, this tense situation was
noticed by the guild leader, in the same instant, he took off, leaving Chonson behind, the man
immediately swung the katana he took out of its leather case before dashing out, preparing to block
his opponents attack, the guy who stayed back looked at the open suitcase, and remarked that he
didn't expect Yoon Teeheeing to personally come to the rescue, plus why is this man carrying around
a weapon he doesn't even use, is it a backup, while Chonson, who was holding the pickaxe on his
shoulder, was pondering this, a gust of hot wind blew into his face, the glowing blade of the guild
leader, made contact with the enemy's sword, stopping the strike completely, in a moment the entire
space around him was filled with scalding flames, enveloping Teeheeing's katana and his opponent,
waving his hand, the man shouted for the newcomers to retreat from the area, taking his mangled
partner under his arm, the mage turned around and thanked the leader, while the two were running
away, Teeheeing had already knocked the weapon out of his opponent's hands with one swing,
immediately afterward, he activated the trespass skill again, making a narrow swing with his katana,
in the next second, Yoon Teeheeing was behind his enemies back, making several lightning fast
sweeps with his red hot sword, the lizardman, before he even realized what had happened, suddenly
found himself cut several times, due to wounds incompatible with life and profuse bleeding, the
monster immediately fell dead to the ground, Teeheeing isn't even fighting at full strength yet, it's a B
rank weapon, but even it's too weak to withstand the power of trespass, however, the battle was still
not over, while the leader was wondering what to do with his broken sword, another ferocious
lizardman pounced on him, running up close to the man, the monster delivered a sudden blow with
its tail, although this attack was incredibly strong, Teeheeing was still able to block it, but the man
himself flew a decent distance away, when the guild leader who had miraculously stayed on his feet
was beside him, Chonsun called out to him, with a glance pointing at the cracked blade of the blade,
the boy wondered if this was what happened every time Teeheeing used the skill, helper remarked
that this was just incredible wear and tear for such a weapon, the annoyed leader asked if the boy
was getting into a fight, as suddenly the displeasure on his face was replaced by genuine surprise,
Shim Chong Seong standing in front of him had already managed to create a katana, moving the
sword in space, the young man suggested that Teeheeing take this and not ruin the poor weapon,
dazedly looking at the blade, the guild leader couldn't understand for a while, how this guy had
created a katana with a single swing, a gunsmith, and not just any gunsmith, but a very skilled one,
but why is he a helper, Teeheeing had heard that low ranked sapports sometimes went to dungeon
as helpers, but why this guy, his thoughts were interrupted by Chonsun reaching out his palm to the
bloody katana the leader held in his hand, taking the damaged sword, the boy explained that he had
one condition, if Teeheeing wanted to use the weapon he had created, he had to forget about the
boy and his skills, after he had cleared the dungeon, however, as he reached out his hand to the
sword hanging in space, the leader gestured that he wouldn't just forget about it, if the man wanted
him to, unfortunately for him it was the wrong answer, if you don't want that, then go ahead and
chop everyone down with your high class weapon, Shin Chong Seong indifferently said as he began
destroying the blade he had recently created, exhaling unhappily, Teeheeing realized that the
weapon was destroyed as soon as this guy used a skill on it, whatever the case, the man needed at
least a couple of these swords, got it, I promise to forget, said the leader agreeing to the helper's
terms, fine, go forth and burn, with a satisfied smirk Chonsun answered him, grabbing the katana in
his hand, Teeheeing immediately rushed into battle without delay, the green lizardman swings his
sword and strikes his opponent, the man across from him holding a blade in his right hand, used his
special skill encroachment, immediately after, he put his weapon in front of him, blocking the
enemy's attack, the heated katana blade immediately began to melt the dazed monster's sword, the
next instant, to Teeheeing's surprise, his opponent's weapon shattered into small pieces, the man
only wanted to repel the attack, but this monster's weapon was simply blown apart, and the control
is noticeably better than usual, is the weapon itself that much stronger, a creator capable of making
weapons of at least B rank, that's interesting enough, while the guild leader was pondering this, the
lizardman who had approached him, had already prepared to strike, however, that didn't bother
Teeheeing one bit anymore, the only thing he was curious about was to see what this weapon in his
hands could do, would he be able to use his skill to its full potential, as he stabbed the katana blade
into the monster's chest, the leader activated trespass at full power, a stream of deadly red flame
was immediately released, melting everything in its path, and leaving only ash behind, after that,
Teeheeing grabbed the lizardman's shoulder, leaning against the molten monster, the leader pulled
his sword from its body, and in one deft movement jumped on its back, bringing the blade above his
head, the man activated trespass for the second time in a row, at the same moment, he cold-
bloodedly pierced his opponent's skull with his sword, once again scattering punishing fire all over his
body, the monster died on the spot before Teeheeing even removed the katana from its head, as the
compressed remains of the lizardman fell to the ground, the guild leader brought the bloody blade
up to his face, not a scratch, so he needs at least, his pensive thoughts were interrupted by the
cheers of the newcomers, they delightedly thanked the guild leader for coming to their aid in time,
they had survived only because of him, no one seems to be badly hurt, that's good to hear, Yoon
Teeheeing muttered as he approached his charges, the newcomers told him that they couldn't even
fight with their weapons, but they had only managed to hold out thanks to that guy promptly
creating new swords for them, then the leader looked suspiciously at the young man sitting nearby,
based on the newcomer's words, his assumptions proved to be correct, what's your name, Teeheeing
asked, approaching the squatting boy from the back, zipping up his backpack, the guy asked the guild
leader why he needed to know the name of some assistant, the man explained that they should
know each other at least by name, after that, he introduced himself to the boy as Yoon Teeheeing,
taking the backpack in his hands, the boy looked thoughtfully at the leader, my name is Shin
Chongseong, he said as he approached the man, turning to the blonde haired swordsman standing
behind Teeheeing's back, Chongseong said he would leave the monastones at the entrance, but,
suddenly taking the young man by the shoulder, the leader asked him to wait for a while, Yoon
Teeheeing suggested that the boy leave his things here and go with him to the room with the boss,
when the man snatched the bags from his hands, Chongseong reminded the man that he was only a
helper, placing the backpacks with monastones next to the blonde haired hunter, the leader
explained that they had already discovered a bug in this dungeon, if they didn't defeat the boss, no
one would be able to get out, be it a helper or a support, however, when the boy pointed out that
Teeheeing could defeat the boss on his own, the man reminded him that the boy had already seen
the fact that no weapon could handle his skills, no matter how capable the leader was, wouldn't it be
pointless if he destroyed the weapon the helper had created for him, my weapon can't break,
Chongseong said suddenly, glaring at him confidently, in turn, Teeheeing explains that it's only the
guy who thinks that, they're in a dungeon with a bug right now, the creatures living here are not
ordinary lizardmen, and if the boss is the same, extra caution doesn't hurt, realizing that there was
no way he could get away with it, Chongseong sighed unhappily, okay, the young man said, not
picking up the bags and leaving them on the ground, approaching the leader, the boy clarified
something, after all, he just needs to walk beside him, doesn't he, without answering him, the man
just smirked, soon the two were in the boss's chambers, as it turned out, no one was going to be
hospitable to them, the lizard lord sat on his throne, danger level, c+, the final form of the lizard lord
after over a hundred years of survival and molting, despite its small size, it is several times greater in
strength and speed than its kin, it is better to ignore existing hazard levels and information on them,
let's put an end to this as soon as possible, Dehyun said confidently, activating trespass, but when
the man explained that if they delayed, the weapon might fall apart, an irritated Chongseong
wondered if he was mocking him, the guy said it wouldn't fall apart, and if the guild leader doesn't
believe it, then it's about time we put it to the test, just seeing the two men at the entrance to the
room, the lizard lord raised his spear and pointed it at the uninvited guests, at the same second, the
monster harnessed beside it snapped out of its seat, pouncing on the enemies, as the creature
smacked its paws hard into the spot where they stood, Dehyun and Chongseong jumped back to a
safe distance, dodging the attack, at the same instant, the guild leader pushed off the wall behind
him and swung his sword, preparing to slash his opponent, however, the enemy was not so simple,
only when he noticed the man with the sword approaching him, he bounced back a few meters,
although Dehyun knew that these monsters were quite intelligent, he hadn't expected such a deft
and deliberate move from a common underhanded beast, but no matter how strong the enemy was,
he didn't care one bit, the man immediately rushed towards the monster with confidence, preparing
to strike again, this time, the enemy had nowhere to retreat to, he was trapped in a corner, but,
suddenly, a lizard lord jumped out from behind the back of the underhanded beast, holding a long
spear behind his back, the next moment, there was a loud clang as the metal sword blade and spear
tip made contact, blocking Dehyun's attack, the monster pushed him away from him and then, out of
inertia, jumped farther away himself, the lizard lord sat on the back of his beast and grabbed the
reins, fire began to spurt from the huge writhing monster's mouth, after that, he roared loudly and
bright flames from his throat were released outwards, but as he thrust his katana forward to try and
block the attack, Dehyun noticed a strange blue matter in front of him, a huge shield was created in
front of his face, blocking the entire flow of all sizzling flames, and as expected, it was Shin Chong
Siong standing nonchalantly behind him who put up that shield, when the writhing monster pounced
on him again, the guild leader immediately bounced back to the helper, he asked the boy if he wasn't
a regular armor maker, the boy explained that a shield could also be a weapon under certain
circumstances, when we get out of here, I'll have a lot of things to ask you about, Shin Chong Siong,
Yoon Dehyun said with a satisfied smile as he activated trespass, in the same instant, he snapped out
of his seat, breaking the speed of sound in the blink of an eye, but even such an incredibly high
speed dash didn't strain the lizard lord, suddenly, the tip of his spear turned into a long metal chain,
flying towards the red hot katana, the chain immediately tied tightly around it, after shackling his
opponent's weapon, the monster yanked on the hilt, trying to wrestle the sword from Dehyun's
hands, but instead of letting go of his sword, the guild leader took advantage of the situation and
rushed towards the enemy, stop suffering nonsense and fight, Shin Chong Siong irritably muttered,
extending his arm forward, when another katana appeared in Dehyun's other hand, he asked the guy
with a chuckle, didn't he just ask him to test this sword, hearing those words Chong Siong advised
not to speak of his blades as if it were a pet, in the next instant, the guild leader flew towards the
riding monster and inflicted a deep wound on it with a single swing of his katana, immediately then,
the man hurled one of his two swords at the lizard lord sitting on the back of the underhanded beast,
not without difficulty, but the creature managed to dodge the attack and not get injured, however, it
was already completely useless, while he was trying to anticipate his opponent's movements,
Dehyun was already in his face, the man swung his foot and slammed his foot into his enemy's chest,
knocking the spear out of his hands, while the monster that had fallen to the ground was trying to
get back to its feet, the guild leader had already managed to leap out of his seat and pounce on it in
one leap, bringing the katana behind his back, Dehyun made a wide swing and activated the trespass
skill, launching a full amplitude fire attack, he severed the lizard lord's arm with his sword, holding
onto his knees, the monster even with his arm cut off, was not going to give up, and was looking for a
way out of this situation, suddenly he noticed a lone armorer standing nearby, realizing that this was
his last chance, the lizard lord immediately picked up his spear from the ground and dashed towards
the young man, but when he ran up close and tried to thrust his spear into the boy's neck, the tip hit
a barrier that suddenly appeared, who do you think you're pointing your weapon at, shin chong xian
eerily uttered, suppressing the enemy's confidence with his terrifying aura, while the monster was
trying to realize what its spear tip had hit, an angry Dehyun came up behind it, holding trespass at
the ready, meanwhile, outside the dungeon, there is still a crowd of reporters and gawkers watching
the situation, suddenly, the color of the locked gate began to change from red to blue, the gate is
finally opening, did they really succeed in clearing the dungeon, at the same moment, a group of
people from the mass murder guild, came out of the portal, immediately, reporters ran up and
started asking the guild head, yun tehyun, what had happened in the dungeon, and whether he had
managed to defeat the boss, hisu, who approached him after a while, inquired if the leader was
injured, when the man replied that he was fine, the newcomers standing behind him, thanked their
savior again, explaining that they would have been dead by now, if yun tehyun hadn't come to the
rescue, meanwhile, jong seong approached his blonde partner and handed him the bag of mana
stones, and said that he had already received the money in advance, so he had to go, the hunter took
the backpack from his hands and thanked him for a job well done, handing over the burden, the
young man immediately turned around, not wanting to linger here, the boy walked off into the
sunset, leaving behind him the press surrounding his now former dungeon partners, holding out a
microphone to dehyun, one of the reporters asked the head of the mass murder guild, how he
managed to clear the dungeon so quickly, it must have been easy for him, when the man turned
around, however, he replied that it wasn't quite as people imagine it to be, he was not there alone,
while a surprised dehyun looks through the crowd, trying to find that kid there, his partners tell the
press that as the whole team was defending themselves, the guild leader handled everything, yes,
that's exactly what happened, all their weapons broke, and the newcomers can't imagine how it
would have all ended, if the guild leader hadn't shown up in time, grabbing one of the newcomers by
the shoulders, dehyun asked what they were talking about, the weapon was to thank the person
who made it for them, it's only because of that guy that they've been able to last this long, not
understanding what the leader was saying, the puzzled subordinate immediately asked who he
meant, to the sap porter who was there as an assistant, weapons master, young dehyun reminded
him without letting go of his shoulders, however, to his surprise, the perplexed newcomer asked the
witch armorer he was referring to, glancing awkwardly at his companions, he explained that he knew
that the helper was a sap port, but that boy had no such abilities, the archer standing next to him
also remarked that she hadn't seen anything like the creature, when dehyun asked the newcomers if
they hadn't seen that boy creating weapons, all of the wards responded that they didn't understand
what the man meant, maybe he's talking about the pickaxe, wait, I don't even think that helper has a
pickaxe, no he had one, but he must have lost it, but luckily, he was able to collect all the mana
stones, meanwhile, while the newcomers were discussing this, young dehyun looked at them
dumbfoundedly, what had happened, this guy had created weapons for all of them in front of their
eyes, and these people had apparently forgotten about it, suddenly the leader remembered the
moment when the boy had created him a katana, and asked him to forget everything about his
ability, what the hell, how did he use the A rank or higher skill pay, after noticing the guild leader
acting strangely, a bulky man and a red haired girl came up behind him and asked him what was
wrong, suddenly, dehyun turned around and threw the leather case into the hands of the man
standing behind him, in the same second, he took off from his seat and headed somewhere with
great speed, leaving his subordinates behind, the two men stared at him in bewilderment, and for
some time they could not understand what had suddenly come over their leader, in turn, young
dehyun continued to run somewhere very fast, where the hell did he go, is he gone already, how
could he get out of everyone's sight so quickly, realizing that he would no longer be able to find him,
the guild leader stopped where he was, at this very time, a few buildings away from him stands a
chanson hidden behind a wall, yoon dehyun had missed him, why did everyone forget about this
boy's abilities, while the man's memory remained unchanged, for what reason is this boy hiding his
power, these and many more questions the head of the mass murder guild will have to solve in the
near future, meanwhile, he had already been overtaken by a bewildered thug and a red haired girl,
they ran up to him and asked the leader what had happened, heesoo, right now, i need to find

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