Fall Newsletter 2

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Turkey Lurkey
This week students will get sent
home with a paper turkey
(Jimmy) and it is their job to
hide him so that he doesn‘t get
eaten at thanksgiving dinner.
Jimmy‘s disguise needs to hid
him well, while also being
Follow the classroom appropriate. Use what ever you
instagram to get more have, and make it fun!

for the classroom party, treats are
welcome, just keep in mind we do have
students with allergies to peanuts so
please refrain from bringing treats with Classroom Party
Our last classroom party was a
blast and I‘m hoping to do it
again! It is going to be our last
thing before sending students
Final Turkey Project Due Nov 17 on Thanksgiving break, so I
want to do as many activites as
Fall Party Nov 21
we can. For this however I am
Fall Break Nov 22-26 desperate need of parents
willing to help. Whether it is
time, snacks, games, arts, etc.
anything is welcome!

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