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How to talk like a Historian (Bounce Cards)

As a Historian, not only are you making interpretations, but you will have to talk with others and
share opinions. Remember, history is up to interpretation, so own your interpretation but also open
up to other interpretations! After sharing your initial interpretations, discuss whether you agree,
disagree, or are uncertain on your peers’ opinions. Here are the guidelines to discussing history
Agree with what your peer said? Take what your peer said and bounce an idea off of it. For example,
you could start with-
“I agree with you because…”
“I like your interpretation, could you say that it also…”
“That makes me think of…”
“That’s interesting because…”
Alternatively, do you disagree with what your peer said? Here are some examples of how to
respectfully disagree and bring up your opinions.
“I am not sure if I agree with you because…”
“I see it differently; this is how I see it…”
“That’s an interesting idea, but I believe…”
Are you unsure of what your peer said? Don’t understand their idea? Not sure whether to
agree or disagree? You can always ask your peers questions. For example, you could start with-
“I’m not sure I understand, could you tell me more?”
“Why do you think so?”
“What else could you say about that?”
Remember, as historians you will run into peers who either agree or disagree with you. That’s not a
bad thing, it’s actually a great opportunity to challenge or defend your interpretations! But always
remember: everyone’s interpretation is their own.

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