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Talanta 156-157 (2016) 87–94

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Bio-assisted potentiometric multisensor system for purity evaluation

of recombinant protein A
Edita Voitechovič a,n, Anton Korepanov b, Dmitry Kirsanov a,c,nn, Igor Jahatspanian c,
Andrey Legin a,c
St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Chemistry, St. Petersburg, Russia
Protein Contour LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia
Laboratory of Artificial Sensory Systems, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recombinant proteins became essential components of drug manufacturing. Quality control of such
Received 18 February 2016 proteins is routine task, which usually requires a lot of time, expensive reagents, specialized equipment
Received in revised form and highly educated personnel. In this study we propose a new concept for protein purity evaluation that
18 April 2016
is based on application of bio-assisted potentiometric multisensor system. The model object for analysis
Accepted 2 May 2016
Available online 2 May 2016
was recombinant protein A from Staphylococcus aureus (SpA), which is commonly used for monoclonal
antibody purification. SpA solutions with different amount of host cell related impurities (Escherichia coli,
Keywords: bacterial lysate) were analyzed. Two different bio-transducers were employed: proteinase K from Tri-
Potentiometric sensor tirachium album and baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It was shown that both bio-transducers are
Baker's yeast
able to induce changes in pure and lysate-contaminated SpA samples. Different products of yeast di-
Proteinase K
gestion and proteolysis with proteinase of pure SpA and lysate were detected with size exclusion high-
Protein A
Protein purity performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC). The induced changes of chemical composition are de-
tectible with potentiometric multisensor system and can be related to SpA purity through projection on
latent structures (PLS) regression technique. The proposed method allows for estimation of the impurity
content with 12% accuracy using proteinase K and 16% accuracy using baker's yeast. The suggested ap-
proach could be useful for early contamination warning at initial protein purification steps. The analysis
requires no expensive materials and equipment, no bio-material immobilization, and its duration time is
comparable with other commonly used methods like chromatography or electrophoresis though the
main part of this time is related to the sample preparation.
& 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction major source of therapeutic recombinant proteins. Well-studied

genetics, fast growth dynamics and high target product yield make
Protein production for pharmaceutical use and biochemical E. coli a preferred choice for non-glycosylated protein expression
studies has become a highly developed technological discipline in [4]. Besides pharmaceutical protein production, E. coli is widely
recent years [1]. Rapid evolution of modern medicine and bio- employed in production of proteins for a broad range of bio-
technology significantly increases the demand for recombinant technological and biochemical needs. Different recombinant forms
proteins [2]. Since the first recombinant protein, insulin, was in- of Staphylococcus aureus protein A (SpA) are examples of such
troduced in early 1980s, more than 100 new recombinant proteins objects. SpA, a cell-wall protein, is extensively used for detection
were approved for therapeutic use [3]. About 30% of these phar- and purification of antibodies including therapeutic monoclonal
maceuticals are produced in Escherichia coli, showing that it is the antibodies due to its high affinity to immunoglobulins and rela-
tively high chemical stability, comparing to other im-
munoglobulin-binding molecules [5–7].
Correspondence to: Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of Chemistry, Quality control comes to the foreground when the protein of
Mendeleev Center, Universitetskaya Nab. 7-9, Saint Petersburg 199034, Russia. interest is produced for pharmaceutical needs or as a tool for
Corresponding author at: St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Chem-
pharmaceutical manufacturing. Competitive biopharmaceutical
istry, St. Petersburg, Russia.
E-mail addresses: (E. Voitechovič), market increases quality requirements for modern products, (D. Kirsanov). creating a growing demand for quality monitoring instruments.
0039-9140/& 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
88 E. Voitechovič et al. / Talanta 156-157 (2016) 87–94

The proteins produced in any biological source including E. coli 2. Materials and methods
must be extremely well purified from any impurities that can
potentially cause adverse side effects [9,10]. The main group of 2.1. Materials
impurities in recombinant protein products is the host cell related
one including host cell proteins, endotoxins (e. g. pyrogenic lipo- Yeast extract and CaCl2 (dihydrate) were from “Fluka Analytical”
polysaccharides derived from Gram-negative bacteria like E. coli), (Germany), peptone (Bacto™ Tryptone) was from “BD Diagnostic
nucleic acids and cell debris [8,11]. Conventional list of methods, Systems” (United States). D( þ)glucose, Na2HPO4, KH2PO4, NaCl,
suitable for effective protein analysis and recommended by the KCl, glycerin, and NaOH were from “Vekton” (Russia), Tween-20
International Pharmacopoeia for purity control, includes high- was from “Helicon” (Russia) and HCl was from “Reaktiv” (Russia).
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass spectrometry Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) was from “Merck” (Ger-
(MS), capillary electrophoresis (CE) and gel electrophoresis [12– many). All chemicals were of analytical grade.
14]. These methods provide reliable versatile data on the compo- Recombinant proteinase K from Tritirachium album was pur-
sition of protein solutions, thus being indispensable for pharma- chased from “Thermo Scientific” (Lithuania). The activity of en-
zyme solution in storage buffer (10 mM Tris–HCl (pH 7.5) with 50%
ceutical manufacturing. However, there are certain disadvantages
(v/v) of glycerol) was 60 U/ml and protein concentration was
of these methods such as expensive equipment, expendable sup-
2 mg/ml. Active dry baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was
plies and a need for highly educated personnel involvement. HPLC,
from “SAF NEVA” (Russia) and was purchased from the local retail
MS, CE and gel electrophoresis usually require sample pre-treat-
ment, utilization of toxic reagents and/or special dyes, labels,
Molecular weight markers for SE-HPLC: bovine thyroglobulin
sorbents [11,15,16]. Thus, there is always a need for novel analy-
(670 kDa), bovine γ-globulin (158 kDa), chicken ovalbumin
tical approaches that could allow solving the same tasks but at
(44 kDa), horse myoglobin (17 kDa) and vitamin B12 (1.35 kDa)
lower cost.
were from Bio-Rad Laboratories (USA). Other materials that were
It was shown earlier that multisensor systems based on elec-
used for bacteria growth, protein purification and HPLC analysis
trochemical methods can be used for analysis of complex and
were of analytical grade and were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich.
dispersed liquids, including fermentation broth [17,18], pharma-
ceutical solutions [19], beverages [20–22] and clinical samples
[23,24]. Simultaneous detection of endotoxins and other bacterial 2.2. Samples for analysis
lysis contaminating species in purified water using impedance
technology was reported in [25]. Multisensor systems based on SpA was expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) strain (Protein Contour
potentiometric sensors have got certain advantages compared to LLC, Russia) in the presence of 0.1 mM isopropyl-β-D-thiogalacto-
other methods such as rapid response, good reproducibility, the side for 3 h. The composition of growth media was: 1% peptone,
0.5% yeast extract and 1% NaCl and the culture was grown with
ease of construction and miniaturization [26,27]. However, po-
shaking according to the standard protocol. Cells were harvested
tentiometric sensors are normally not sensitive to biological
by centrifugation at 10,000  g for 30 min and re-suspended in
macromolecules and non-ionized compounds. A special transdu-
10 mM Tris–HCl buffer (pH 8.0), containing 1 mM EDTA, 0.1 mM
cer should be employed to analyze such substances. Low mole-
PMSF and 1 mg/ml lysozyme. Cells were sonicated and frozen at
cular weight compounds like sugars can be determined by po-
 70 °C. Defrosted lysate was divided into two parts. One part was
tentiometry using enzyme- or microorganism-catalyzed reactions
dialyzed against distilled water for preparation of the “E. coli ly-
that would increase sample acidity according to sugar concentra-
sate” sample. Another part was acidified by 85% phosphoric acid to
tion [28]. Such an analytical technique usually employs im-
pH ¼3 and centrifuged at 4000  g for 20 min Supernatant was
mobilized bio-recognition element and it can be applied for ana-
loaded onto C10/10 column (GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB,
lyte quantification in aqueous solutions [26,29,30]. In order to
Sweden), packed with 4 ml Sepharose SP (GE Healthcare Bio-Sci-
simplify potentiometric measurements and to avoid microorgan-
ences AB, Sweden), and eluted with 10 mM citrate buffer pH 5.5.
ism immobilization a new approach for sugar analysis employing a
Elution pool containing purified SpA was dialyzed against distilled
yeast-assisted pH glass electrode was recently suggested [31]. The
water for further use as “purified SpA” sample. Purification quality
overall idea of the approach is to pretreat a sample through yeast
was controlled using size-exclusion high-performance liquid
metabolism and to detect corresponding changes in ionic com-
chromatography (SE-HPLC) (Fig. 1). The “purified SpA” sample was
position by potentiometric sensors. This approach seems being
diluted by distilled water to match the concentration of SpA in the
applicable not only for sugar quantification but also for other non- “E. coli lysate” sample (2 mg/ml).
ionized substances.
In the present research we were aiming to study the applic-
ability of bio-assisted potentiometric multisensor system for im-
purity detection in complex protein solutions. The model objects
were purified SpA solution and SpA solutions, contaminated with
E. coli components from the source biomaterial. In order to modify
initial media sample pretreatment with two different bio-trans-
ducers was done: proteinase K from Tritirachium album and ba-
ker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proteinase K is an en-
dopeptidase, which hydrolyzes a broad range of proteins yielding
oligopeptides and amino acids and it is widely applied in different
molecular biology processes [32]. Baker's yeast can metabolize
macromolecules like proteins, oligopeptides, lipids, nucleic acids
into simple compounds and ions [33]. Thus, both proteinase K and
yeast can work directly as SpA sample modulators without their Fig. 1. SE-HPLC chromatogram of E. coli lysate containing SpA and purified SpA.
immobilization on sensor surface. Both samples were dialyzed against distilled water.
E. Voitechovič et al. / Talanta 156-157 (2016) 87–94 89

2.3. Baker's yeast cultivation and preparation for analysis acquisition and processing. Measurements were performed in
thermostated electrochemical cell using Julabo FP-50 thermostat
Standard liquid medium for yeast cultivation was employed at 25 °C and analysis time was 3 min. To increase reproducibility of
(yeast-peptone-dextrose (YPD)), 1% yeast extract, 2% peptone and results the sensor array was washed after each measurement ac-
2% glucose at pH 6.5–6.6. 1 g of dry yeast was added into 100 ml cording to the following sequence: 1 min in distilled water, 2 min
sterile YPD medium and was cultivated under stirring at 150 rpm/ in 0.05% (v/v) Tween 20 water solution and three - five times in
min at 30 °C for 1 h. In order to obtain induced yeast, 0.5 vol% of distilled water for 3 min. This procedure allowed for stable re-
dialyzed against water E. coli lysate was introduced into standard sponse values of the sensors in distilled water for at least
YPD medium and the rest of the procedures were the same as in 2 months.
the case of common yeast cultivation. After cultivation the yeast
cells were harvested by centrifugation at 4000  g for 5 min at 4 °C 2.6. HPLC analysis
and washed once by phosphate buffered saline solution (PBS,
10 mM Na2HPO4, 2 mM KH2PO4, 137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, pH SE-HPLC analysis was performed using Agilent 1260 Infinity
7.3–7.6) and then centrifuged once over again under the same HPLC system (Agilent Technologies, Germany) and Superose 12 10/
conditions. After that 1.07 g of obtained yeast biomass were re- 300 GL column (GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB, Sweden) with PBS
suspended in 1 ml PBS buffer and were stored at 4 °C and em- buffer (pH 7.5) as mobile phase, flow rate 0.75 ml/min and spec-
ployed for experiments within one week. trophotometric detection at 280 nm.

2.4. Sample preparation for analysis 2.7. Data processing

2.4.1. Sample preparation for potentiometric measurements Exploratory analysis of the data from potentiometric sensor
Samples of dialyzed bacterial lysate and purified SpA were array was performed using principal component analysis (PCA).
mixed in different ratios to obtain the mixtures with varying im- PCA is a widely applied tool in chemometrics [35]. This method
purity content (while SpA amount was the same). The ratios of projects the initial multidimensional data onto a new coordinate
lysate (%) and SpA (%) were as follows: 100/0, 94/6, 92/8, 87.5/12.5, system formed with so called principal components – orthogonal
82/18, 75/25, 62.5/37.5, 60/40, 50/50, 37.5/62.5, 25/75, 20/80, 18/ coordinate axis in the directions of maximal variance in the data.
82, 8/92, 5/95 and 0/100. Two reaction mixtures were prepared: One of the main outcomes of PCA is a score plot visualizing initial
one for digestion by yeast and another one for hydrolysis by pro- data as points on a two dimensional plane according to their dif-
teinase K. The reaction mixture for digestion by yeast contained ference or similarity in terms of the initial variables (sensor re-
48% (v/v) of PBS buffer (pH 7.0), 50% (v/v) of prepared “purified sponses in our case). A projection on latent structures (PLS)
SpA” and “E. coli lysate” samples and 2% (v/v) of 1.07 g/ml yeast technique was used for establishing quantitative relation between
suspension. This mixture was incubated without stirring at 30 °C response of sensor array and E. coli lysate content in the analyzed
in water bath of Julabo FP-50 thermostat (Julabo GmbH, Seelbach, samples. PLS is a multivariate regression technique which can be
Germany) for 1 h according to the recommendations of enzyme employed for construction of predictive models for estimation of
producer. The reaction mixture for hydrolysis with proteinase K dependent variable (E. coli lysate) from a set of independent
contained 48% (v/v) of proteinase K working buffer (8 mM KH2PO4, variables (sensor responses). Estimation of the predictive ability of
4 mM NaCl, 3 mM CaCl2, pH 7.5), 50% (v/v) of prepared purified the PLS model is performed through validation procedure where
SpA and E. coli lysate sample and 2% of 2 mg/ml proteinase K so- unknown samples are presented to the model and the resulted
lution. The reaction mixture was incubated without stirring at model prediction is compared with real value of the parameter
37 °C in water bath of Julabo FP-50 thermostat for 1 h. obtained from a reference method. Since the available number of
samples was limited, full cross-validation was employed to assess
2.4.2. Sample preparation for SE-HPLC the model performance. As a quantitative measure for model as-
Samples for SE-HPLC were taken directly from the mixtures sessment root mean squared error of cross-validation (RMSECV) is
that were prepared for potentiometric analysis. These samples usually employed:
were centrifuged at 20,000  g for 5 min before SE-HPLC
measurements. ∑i = 1 (yi, pred − yi, ref )2
n (1)
2.5. Potentiometric analysis
where n is a number of samples in the test set, yi,pred is the value
Potentiometric sensor array consisted of 8 chemical sensors for predicted by model, yi, ref is the reference value. The Unscramblers
determination of H þ , K þ , Na þ , NH4 þ , NO3  , HCO3  , Cl  and Pt 9.7 (CAMO, Norway) software was used for PCA and PLS data
wire as redox-sensitive electrode. K þ , Na þ , NH4 þ , NO3  , HCO3  processing.
sensors were based on PVC-plasticized membranes produced ac-
cording to Flukas company recipes [34] employing valinomycin,
sodium ionophore X, nonactine, tridodecylmethylammonium ni- 3. Results and discussion
trate and 3-bromo-4-hexyl-5-nitrotrifluoroacetophenone as iono-
phores correspondingly. PVC membranes were employed together 3.1. Protein purity estimation with proteinase K-assisted sensor
with solid contact based on conductive graphite glue made of array
graphite/PVC mixture dispersed in cyclohexanone. Cl  sensor was
polycrystalline membrane pressed of AgCl/AgS2 mixture. The Proteinase K from Tritirachium album was employed as pro-
commercial pH glass electrode (ES-106017) from Izmeritelnaya teolytic enzyme for hydrolysis of SpA and bacterial lysate. Ex-
Tehnika (Moscow, Russia) was used for H þ determination. Elec- pected products of hydrolysis are different oligopeptides and
trochemical measurements were performed against Ag/AgCl re- aminoacids, which can form zwitterions, cations or anions de-
ference electrode (Gamry Instruments, US) with 0.1 mV precision pending on pH of a sample solution. At the first step the sensor
using digital 32-channel high input impedance mV-meter (Sensor sensitivities to the intact SpA and lysate were explored. It was
Systems, LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia) connected to PC for data found that even 0.2 mg/ml of pure SpA and lysate containing the
90 E. Voitechovič et al. / Talanta 156-157 (2016) 87–94

Fig. 2. PCA score plot for control experiments and for sample medium after digestion with proteinase K (A). PCA score plot for reaction mixtures with pure SpA and E. coli
lysate, containing SpA, after digestion with proteinase K (B). Symbol's shape stands for measurements at the same pH. White symbols correspond to the samples with pure
SpA, black symbols – samples with bacterial lysate, gray symbols with white border are controls. The arrows on the B plot correspond to the increase of reaction mixture
amount (concentration of hydrolysis products) in analyzed medium.

same SpA concentration did not affect the signal of the sensors. products) in analyzed medium normally follows the PC2 direction.
The response of the sensors to the reaction mixtures after hydro- An interesting observation is that the points corresponding to pH
lysis with proteinase K was observed. Aiming to obtaining opti- levels 3.3, 6 and 7 are grouped closely together, probably due to
mum conditions for the potentiometric measurements the amount the fact that the ionization of the products is not that well pro-
of reaction mixture in analyzed medium and the incubation time nounced at these conditions. Another important issue is that the
with proteinase were varied. The best results (in terms of differ- measurements at pH 9.7 can provide for better discrimination
ence between pure and contaminated SpA samples assessed by between proteolysis products of purified SpA and bacterial lysate.
PCA score plots) were achieved for the samples containing at least Therefore, all further potentiometric measurements were per-
0.5% (v/v) of reaction mixture in the analyzed medium, which formed in strong basic medium with 0.5% (v/v) of proteolysis re-
corresponds to 5 mg/ml of initial SpA concentration. Proteolysis action mixture. The studied pH values correspond to the following
duration was 60 min The shorter times did not yield significant solutions: 10 mM H2SO4, 0.1 mM H2SO4, 1 mM H2SO4, 0.035 mM
response of the sensor array in analyzed media with 0.5% reaction NaOH and 1 mM NaOH.
mixture. Since pH value affects ionization of reaction products, Once the optimal conditions for potentiometric measurements
potentiometric measurements were performed at different pH were established proteolytic hydrolysis of mixture with different
values. pH of the medium was adjusted by H2SO4 and NaOH. The ratio between pure SpA and lysate was performed. PLS regression
buffer systems were not employed since they can mask the modelling of sensor responses was employed to establish pre-
changes in sample acidity or basicity. Fig. 2A represents relation- dictive models for lysate amount in the reaction mixture (which
ship between control experiments when the incubation of bac- corresponds to the purity of SpA) (Fig. 3A). Full-cross validation
terial lysate was performed without proteinase and reaction was employed to assess the model performance. Optimal PLS
mixtures when the incubation of lysate and SpA was made with model was based on five latent variables (according to the mini-
proteinase for 1 h. In this case pH sensor response was excluded mum at #LV-RMSECV plot). In order to confirm the validity of
from the PCA analysis because the changes of its response would results we also employed permutation testing of the PLS model
have strong influence on the results that can suppress the impact [36]. The vector of dependent variable (lysate content) was ran-
of the other sensors. Control and reaction mixtures are well dis- domly rearranged 50 times and in each case PLS modelling with
criminated as one can see in Fig. 2A. First principal component full cross-validation was performed. The results are shown in
(PC1) describes more than 85% of the variance in sensor responses Fig. 3B. The model based on original non-permuted data has the
and corresponds to the differences between control and reaction lowest RMSECV, which confirms statistical validity of the model-
medium. The second principal component (PC2) stands for 12% of ling result.
total variance and is likely related to pH since in the both cases These results imply that quantification of lysate amount in SpA
(control and reaction) the clusters of sensor responses obtained at solutions can be performed with the approach based on po-
different pH are organized from the top to the bottom and fol- tentiometric multisensor array and proteinase K and the corre-
lowing the increase of pH level. sponding errors are around 12%.
Control experiments were excluded from PCA analysis in order
to find the most suitable pH for potentiometric measurements. 3.2. Protein purity estimation with yeast-assisted sensor array
Obtained PCA score plot (Fig. 2B) represents distribution of sensor
response clusters at different pH values. PC1 describes more than SpA can potentially interact with yeast and affect its metabolic
90% of total variance and can be related to pH, while PC2 explains behavior. A standard growth medium was examined by potentio-
only 4% and can be associated with the amount of ionic species metric multisensor array in order to evaluate the effect of SpA on
produced by proteolysis products at extreme pH levels (1.7 and yeast ability to metabolize D-glucose. No evolution of sensor po-
9.7). Moreover, the distribution of points corresponding to differ- tentials was observed since SpA has no influence on yeast under
ent amount of reaction mixtures (concentration of hydrolysis the studied experimental conditions. No effect can be detected
E. Voitechovič et al. / Talanta 156-157 (2016) 87–94 91

Fig. 3. Regression model for prediction of lysate amount in the medium (A). Plot of RMSECV vs. random permutation number (B). (A) Black line stands for ideal
diagonal. Calibration: slope 0.970, offset 1.528, R2 0.970, RMSEC 5.61; validation: slope 0.966, offset 0.684, R2 0.880, RMSECV 12.22 (B) Bar graph represents RMSECV values
after 50 permutations of the original data. Black bar represents the original RMSECV with non-permuted data.

Fig. 4. PCA score plot for medium after digestion with yeast at acidic and basic conditions (A). PCA score plot for medium after digestion with commonly grown and induced
yeasts at pH 10 (B).

with multisensor array either. Bacterial lysate can be a good sub- reaction mixture employed for electrochemical measurements
strate for the yeast due to its chemical composition. Depending on was 0.5% (v/v). PCA score plot derived from these data (Fig. 4A)
the carbon sources and environment, yeasts, like other micro- shows that 96% of total variance in the data (PC1) is related to pH
organisms, can induce special metabolic pathways for adaptation value while only 3% (PC2) is likely associated with the difference
and optimal utilization of nutrients. Consequently, it is possible to between pure and lysate-contaminated SpA. The discrimination
enhance the sensitivity of wild type baker's yeast to the bacterial was somewhat better when potentiometric measurements were
lysate. Aiming to obtaining such yeast culture we performed yeast performed at pH 10 (wider span along the PC2 axis).
cultivation following the common method in standard YPD med- PCA score plot in Fig. 4B demonstrates the influence of induced
ium with 0.5% (v/v) of dialyzed against water E. coli lysate and in and commonly grown yeasts on reaction mixtures. The difference
typical YPD medium. The baker's yeast culture, which was ob- between SpA and lysate contribute to about 69% of total variance
tained with lysate cultivation, will be further referred to as “in- in the data and clear separation of corresponding samples along
duced yeast”. The reaction mixtures with pure SpA and lysate were PC1 can be seen. Separation along the PC2 is due to the difference
incubated with both yeast cultures during 1 h similarly to the case in nutrients digestion by common and induced yeast. The appli-
of proteinase K. Potentiometric analysis of obtained reaction cation of induced yeast culture resulted in a more significant
mixtures was performed at pH 6 and 10. The concentration of changes in the analyzed medium composition and thus in better
92 E. Voitechovič et al. / Talanta 156-157 (2016) 87–94

Fig. 5. Regression model for prediction of lysate amount in the media (A). Plot of RMSECV vs. random permutation number for the validation model from plot A. (A) Black
line stands for ideal diagonal. Calibration: slope 0.959, offset 1.751, R2 0.959, RMSEC 6.69; validation: slope 0.874, offset 6.725, R2 0.804, RMSECV 16.22 (B) Bar graph
represents RMSECV values in 50 permutations of the original data. Black bar represents the RMSECV for original data.

separation of lystate and SpA samples. All further potentiometric low molecular part of lysate and leaves the most “heavy” peak
measurements were performed with induced yeast and at pH 10. almost unchanged. The chromatogram in Fig. 6D displays a very
The obtained results confirm that the yeast can metabolize bac- weak yeast effect on purified SpA, which leads to insignificant SpA
terial lysate, producing low molecular weight ionic species stipu- peak height reduction. The changes in the lysate chromatogram
lating the response of potentiometric sensors. after digestion by yeast pointed out that yeast mostly change the
Reaction mixtures with different ratio of pure SpA and lysate left-hand peak corresponding to some heavy lysate components,
were also incubated with induced yeast. Data processing em- probably peptidoglycans of bacterial cell envelope.
ployed to establish the relationship between sensor signals and SE-HPLC results imply that proteinase K decomposes SpA into
lysate concertation in reaction mixtures was similar to the ex- low molecular weight compounds, including ions providing ob-
periments with proteinase K. PLS regression modelling with full
served potentiometric response, while the yeast does not affect
cross-validation yielded reasonable results (Fig. 5A) in prediction
the SpA molecule. At the same time yeast affects some lysate
of contamination degree of SpA with RMSECV values around 16%.
components with high molecular weight, which are not affected in
Optimal model was based on four latent variables. In order to
the presence of proteinase K, and this interaction likely results in
confirm statistical validity of this result, 50 permutations of ori-
formation of ions that can be detected by potentiometric multi-
ginal concentration vector were performed and the results are
sensor system.
shown in Fig. 5B. The original concentration vector allows for the
lowest RMSECV, which confirms statistical validity of the model-
ling result. It must be noted that the employment of proteinase K
for sample digestion allows for higher precision of contamination 4. Conclusion
assessment. Probably, this fact is associated to poorer standardi-
zation opportunities while employing the whole microorganism We demonstrated the applicability of bio-assisted potentio-
culture rather than particular enzyme. metric multisensor system for quantification of bacterial lysate
impurities in protein samples. Such an approach including pre-
3.3. Results of SE-HPLC analysis liminary sample modification by means of bioactive compounds/
microorganisms appears being promising for extension of po-
SE-HPLC was applied for determination of the main changes in
tentiometric multisensor system capabilities. These systems are
macromolecular sample composition after incubation with yeast/
normally not applicable for quantitative analysis of complex bio-
proteinase K. Three control reaction mixtures were prepared be-
logical molecules due to the lack of sensitivity towards these
sides typical reaction mixtures. The first control mixture contained
compounds. However, an appropriate sample modification
bacterial lysate only (without proteinase or yeast). The second
through biological digestion of certain components in the media
control mixture contained SpA only (without proteinase or yeast).
provides for reproducible response towards various metabolic
The third control mixture contained proteinase (or yeast) but did
not contain SpA or lysate. Incubation of all reaction mixtures fol- products and thus, for indirect potentiometric analysis of target
lowed the protocols described in the Section 2.4.2. The obtained analyte. Both enzyme and whole microorganism were employed
SE-HPLC chromatograms are presented in Fig. 6. The chromato- as media bio-modificators in this research and both have shown
gram of molecular weight markers is shown in Fig. 6A. Fig. 6B and promising performance in promoting potentiometric sensitivity.
C demonstrate the differences between proteolytic hydrolysis of An important advantage of the suggested approach is that it does
pure SpA and bacterial lysate. SpA proteolysis is close to 100% not require immobilization of a biological object onto sensor sur-
resulting in the disappearance of corresponding protein peak just face, thus making the overall measurement procedure quite sim-
as expected. Fig. 6C indicates that proteinase K mainly affects the ple and inexpensive.
E. Voitechovič et al. / Talanta 156-157 (2016) 87–94 93


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