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Group Development -Believes that poverty is due to lack of everyone works towards the

education, lack of resources such as accomplishment of a goal. This stage

- means, forming the is characterized by flexibility and
capital and technology.
association of people to work as a interdependence. The team members
3. Transformatory
group and direct their actions towards know each other so well that they can
/Participatory Approach
the accomplishment of a common handle any complex problem that
goal. The jobs of each group member -this is the process of empowering the comes before the team. Also, the
are interdependent and hence the poor and the oppressed sectors of roles and responsibilities of member
performance of one will affect the society so that they can pursue a changes according to the situation
entire group’s performance. It is often more just and humans society. frequently, because at this stage
called as a team building or team everyone is equally a task-oriented
development. -Believes that poverty is caused by and people-oriented and thus can
prevalence of exploitation, perform efficiently.
Community Development - is a oppression, domination and other
process designed to create a unjust structure. 5. Adjourning:
condition of economic and social
progress for the whole community STAGES OF GROUP DEVELOPMENT This is the last stage of group
with its active participation and fullest development, where the group is
1. Forming ( Orientation)
possible reliance on the community terminated, and the group members
initiatives are separated from each other. Every
At this stage, the formation of a
group is created for a purpose, and
new group begins, wherein the
This is achieved through: once the purpose is fulfilled the group
members come together and get to
*Democratic procedures is adjourned. Some authors call this
know each other through the
*Voluntary cooperation stage as “mourning or
interactions. Here the individuals are
*Self-help deforming,” because, the sense of loss
excited and anxious to know about
*Development of indigenous is felt by the group members, at the
the scope of the task and the ways to
leadership time of separation from each other
approach it. Generally, the individuals
come with a desire to get accepted by CONFLICT
How can we say that the community others and avoid controversy or
is developed? conflicts -A state of disharmony between
*the people are working together incompatible or antithetical persons,
2. Storming:
*have the vision know ideas, or interest a clash.
*how capabilities and experience to Once the forming stage is over, the
confront and solve problems of under -Opposition between character or
individuals will start interacting with
development forces in a work of drama or fiction,
each other in the context of the task especially opposition that motivates
to be achieved. The conflict and
APPROACHES TO COMMUNITY or shapes that action of the plot.
competition among the group
1. Welfare Approach
members will be highest at this stage. CAUSES OF CONFLICT
-This is an immediate and/ or
spontaneous response to ameliorate The most dominant group members 1. Security
the manifestation of poverty, come in the front while the 2. Inability to control self and
especially on the personal level. confrontational members remain others
-Assumes that poverty is caused by silent and continue to be in the 3. Respect between parties
bad luck, natural disasters and certain security or calm stage (forming). The 4. Limited Resources
issues related to the leadership, 5. Frustrations
circumstances, which are beyond the
responsibility, strategies, rules,
control of the people. TYPES OF CONFLICT
authority, evaluation, reward system,
etc. arises at the storming stage.
2. Modernization Approach 1. Intra-sender – conflict
-This is also referred to as the project 3. Norming: originates in the sender who
development approach. Introduces gives conflicting instructions.
Once the role of every member is 2. Inter-sender – arises when a
whatever resources are lacking in a
cleared along with the authority and person receives conflicting
given community. Also considered a
responsibility of each, the team messages from one or more
national strategy, which adopts the
members start settling in a group. sources.
westen mode of technological
Here, everybody works cohesively 3. Inter-role – occurs when a
development. towards the target and appreciate person’s belongs to more
-Assumes that development consists each other’s experience and skills than one group.
of abandon ing the traditional 4. Person-role – results of a
methods of doing things and must 4. Performing:
discrepancies between
adopt the technology of industrial internal and external role
At this stage, synergy gets created
between the team members, where
5. Inter-person – between group process, focus on 2. Recording, retrieving, & mining
people whose positions goals of conveying data in an electronic medical record
require interaction with together. (EMR)
other persons who will 2. Tentative exploration
various roles in the same and mutual 3. Providing patient teachings with
organizations or other org. acknowledgement the aid of electronic tools such as
6. Intragroup – occurs when a 3. Trust Building- radio, TV, computers, smartphones, &
group faces new problem, determines the degree tablets.
when new values are to which reliance on
The Power of Data and Information
imposed on the group other can archieve,
outside. examines congruence Nurses are knowledge managers.
7. Intergroup – common when between words and They constantly process raw patient s
two groups have different behaviors. into valuable information to deliver
goals and can only achieve 4. Collegiality- defines the evidenced – based & individualized
their goals at the other responsibilities/ relation interventions.
expenses. of the members with
8. Role-Ambiguity- conditions each other. Data are the fundamental elements
where an individual do not 5. Consensus – determined of cognition, & are defined as
know what is expected of the issue for which unannalyzed raw facts that do not
them. consensus. Determine imply meaning. When meaning is
9. Role- Oriented – individuals the process reevaluating attributed to data & when data are
cannot meet the consensus outcomes. processed & annalyzed, then data
expectations placed on them. 6. Commitment- realize become an information.
the physical, emotional
APPROACHES TO CONFLICT Emerging problems with paper-
and material actions
RESOLUTION based methods
directed towards the
goal. 1. Continuity & &
1. Accommodating- the
7. Collaboration – initiate interoperability of care stops in the
persons neglects personal
process of joint decision unlikely event that a record gets
concern to satisfy the
making reflecting the misplaced.
concerns of others. It is
synergy that results from
cooperative but unassertive.
combining knowledge 2. Illegible hand writing pose
2. Compromising- the
and skills. misinterpretation of data .
individuals attempts to find
mutually acceptable 3. Patient privacy is compromised.
solutions that practically
satisfy both parties in reflects INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & 4. Data are difficult to aggregate.
assertiveness and COMMUNITY HEALTH
cooperation. 5. Actual time for patient care gets
3. Collaborating – the Fundamental to technological limited.
individual attempts to work development, is the establishment of
human, political & economic Overall Impact of problems of
with others toward solutions
arrangement that ensures the manual – traditional data gathering to
that satisfy the work of both
efficient use & application of both clinical & community settings:
parties it is both assertive
and cooperative. technology.
1. Ability to manipulate large amounts
4. Competing- the persons of data
However, it should be emphasized
pursues personal concerns at
that technology was never meant to
another expense. It is a 2. The ability to relate data to
replace the nurse to provide quality &
power oriented mode that is cohorts/ group of people who share
holistic care, but rather to make each
assertive but uncooperative. similar health problems
caring situations meaningful both for
CONFLICT MANAGEMENT the nurse & for the patient. 3. Ability to link to genomic data

 Negotiation – is a strategic eHealth – the use of ICT for health Benefits with a well- managed
process used to move care services, health surveillance, patient information system
conflicting parties towards an health literature, health education,
and research. 1. Data are readily mapped, enabling,
more targeted interventions &
 Collaboration- is a achieved
Uses/ purposes: feedback.
through a developmental
process. 1. Communicating with a patient 2. Data can be easily retrieved and
1. Awareness – makes a through a teleconference, electronic recovered.
conscious entry into a mail (email), SMS
3. Redundancy of data is minimized. 3. The perception that EMR is just - combination of EMRs,
a simple replacement of the paper telemedicine, eLearning and other
4. Data for clinical research becomes
record ways by which ICTs impact health
more available.

5. Resources are used efficiently. 4. Managing data privacy and Roles of Community Health
confidentiality Nurses in eHealth
Good Data Qualities
Telemedicine With the eHealth, nurses
The nursing process begins with are made available to several
obtaining data through assessing the - WHO defines as “ the clients at a single time, making
patient’s signs & symptoms, & delivery of health care services health care delivery more efficient.
interpreted by health care where distance is a critical factor,
professionals into useful information by all health care professionals Major roles of an eHealth nurse:
and diagnosis.
using ICT for the exchange of valid
information for diagnosis, 1. data & records manager
Data Must have the following 2. change agent
characteristics: treatment & prevention of disease
3. educator
& injuries, research & evaluation & 4. telepresenter
1. Accuracy for continuing education of health 5. client advocate
2. Accessibility
care providers, all in the interest 6. researcher
3. Comprehensiveness
4. Consistency / reliability of advancing the health of an
individual’s & the communities. Roles of Community Health
5. Currency
6. Operational Definition Nurses in the National and Global
Specific elements of telemedicine Health Care Delivery System
eHealth Utilization in Public
a. provide clinical support Nurses are well positioned
1. to improve access to health to help meet the evolving needs of
b. intended to overcome
information & services the health care system,” They
geographical barriers, connecting
have vital roles to play in achieving
2. improve public health users who are not in the same
patient-centered care;
surveillance for data informed physical location.
strengthening primary care
decision – making services; delivering more care in
c. Involves the various types of ICT
the community; and providing
3. upport health promotion efforts
d. improve health outcome. seamless, coordinated care.”
Electronic Medical Record Sytems
(EMRs)- are automated systems
that stores patient demographic, - basically the use of electronic
clinical & administrative data. tools to aid in teaching which can Filipino cultures/ customs &
be done either by synchronous/ traditions
Community health centers have
asynchronous or both.
the capacity to rapidly adapt EMR 1. Filipinos love to hold
because they utilize the standard - It can be in a form of simple celebrations and fiestas.
process nationwide, & aside each instructional videos information 2. Filipinos love to eat
patient record is frequently used text blast to social network help 3. Filipinos have the longest
groups & interactive simulations. Christmas celebrations
Advantage of EMR use: 4. Filipinos love to
- useful in correcting sing/Competitive karaoke
1. Easily retrieve patient data
misconceptions on health & health 5. Filipinos love art and
especially on their follow up visits
caree. It permits access to reliable architecture
2. Track patient progress over time health information. (ex, control of 6. Cock fighting
communicable diseases which 7. Courting
3. Monitor and improve overall requires community participation). 8. Whole-neighborhood
quality of care.
- can be used for continuing beach outing
3 Most Common Challenges to education for health professionals. Filipino values, traits & beliefs
EMR Implementation
eHealth projects The Filipino value system or
1. Double charting
Filipino values refers to the set of
2. Interference with face- to- face values that a majority of the
Filipino have historically held 3. EXCELLENCE: co-creating Every step in the medical field is
important in their lives. This and implementing transformative one that can have far-reaching
Philippine values system includes strategies with daring ingenuity. consequences. A great nurse pays
their own unique assemblage of excellent attention to detail and is
consistent ideologies, moral PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES OF A CHN careful not to skip steps or make
codes, ethical practices, etiquette 1. Communication Skills errors.
and cultural and personal values
that are promoted by their Solid communication skills are a 6. Interpersonal Skills
society. basic foundation for any career. Nurses are the link between
But for nurses, it’s one of the most doctors and patients. A great
1. Filipinos are very resilient important aspects of the job. A
2. Filipinos are family – nurse has excellent interpersonal
great nurse has excellent skills and works well in a variety of
oriented (Strong Family communication skills, especially
Ties) situations with different people.
when it comes to speaking and They work well with other nurses,
3. Filipinos are very listening. Based on team and
respectful doctors, and other members of
patient feedback, they are able to the staff.
4. Filipinos are helpful problem-solve and effectively
5. Filipinos are very religious communicate with patients and 7. Physical Endurance
6. Filipinos are hospitable families.
7. Filipinos are naturally Frequent physical tasks, standing
generous people 2. Emotional Stability for long periods of time, lifting
8. Filipino has strong work heavy objects (or people), and
Nursing is a stressful job where performing a number of taxing
traumatic situations are common. maneuvers on a daily basis are
9. Filipinos are loving &
The ability to accept suffering and staples of nursing life. It’s
death without letting it get definitely not a desk job.
Superstitions Many Filipinos Still personal is crucial. Some days can
Believe seem like non-stop gloom and
1. The number of steps of
staircases at home should
not be divisible by three.
3. Empathy
8. Problem Solving Skills
2. Turn your plate when someone
Great nurses have empathy for the
leaves in the middle of a meal. A great nurse can think quickly
pain and suffering of patients.
They are able to feel compassion and address problems as or before
3. Don't go straight home after
and provide comfort. But be they arise. With sick patients,
attending a wake.
prepared for the occasional bout trauma cases, and emergencies,
4. Reassure your host that you're of compassion fatigue; it happens nurses always need to be on hand
human. to the greatest of nurses. Learn to solve a tricky situation.
how to recognize the symptoms Whether it’s handling the family,
5. Siblings should not marry within soothing a patient, dealing with a
the same year. and deal with it efficiently.
doctor, or managing the staff,
4. Flexibility having good problem solving skills
QUALITIES & VALUES OF A is a top quality of a great nurse.
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE Being flexible and rolling with the
punches is a staple of any career, 9. Quick Response
Core values of a community but it’s especially important for
health nurse nurses. A great nurse is flexible Nurses need to be ready to
1. INTEGRITY: respecting the with regards to working hours and respond quickly to emergencies
dignity and moral wholeness of responsibilities. Nurses, like and other situations that arise.
every person without conditions doctors, are often required to Quite often, health care work is
or limitation; work long periods of overtime, simply the response to sudden
late or overnight shifts, and incidences, and nurses must
2. DIVERSITY: affirming the always be prepared for the
uniqueness of and differences weekends.
among persons, ideas, values, and 5. Attention to Detail
ethnicities. 10. Respect
Respect goes a long way. Great also to a new way of approaching degradation of housing facilities ,
nurses respect people and rules. the life of each client. water, air, and soil pollution.
They remain impartial at all times
and are mindful of confidentiality Wellness clinics 1.2. Composition
requirements and different > are health facilities that Health needs may vary because of
cultures and traditions. Above all, combine traditional medical differences in population
they respect the wishes of the services with alternative health composition by age, sex,
patient him- or herself. options occupation, level of education, etc
HEALTH RELATED > are a hallmark of our times – 1.3. Rapid growth or decline of a
INTERPRENEURAL ACTIVITIES one-stop shopping centers for population
Enterpreneurship in Nursing health. Some of these innovative
health facilities focus on specific - Rapid growth result to increase
 Recently gaining diseases or ailments, while others demand of a health care services.
momentum in the field of concentrate on enhancing inner However, rapid decline means
health care practice beauty as well as outer beauty. decrease in economic activity in
among nurses. the community and lower the
Total integration with the govt’s, revenue result in decrease
 Focuses on nurses to method. resources accessible to the
pursue independent community.
practice & establish singly Diet, exercises and programmed
or in collaboration, activities are always tailored to 1.4 Cultural Characteristics
healthcare related respect the needs and conditions whether members of
business establishments. of each person. thecommunity belongs to:

AIMS : The method includes a more a. Cultural homogeneity or

balanced diet, an exercise similar cultural group where
1. Reduce the cost of health program, continuous check-ups feelings of belongingness and
care for the country’s with doctors and complementary participation in community action
indigent population by activities such as visits of are more readily achieved.
bringing primary health specialists.
care services to poor b. Multicultural group is more
rural communities. PREVENTIVE MEDICINE challenging to deal, it requires
cultural competence on the part of
2. Maximize employment It is essential to anticipate the nurse & other members of the
opportunities for the country’s a disease and to avoid it. The use health team.
unemoloyed nurses of an up to date and efficient
medication prepare your body 1.5 Mobility
3. Utilize the country’s ready so that your stay in the clinic
unemployed human resources can be revulsive that will enable - People move from one place to
for health for the delivery of you to face a new stage in your another for various reasons, such
public health services & the life. as to take a new job, start of a
achievement of the country’s new family, etc. With this , feeling
MDG on maternal & child FACTORS AFFECTING HEALTH of belongingness & participation
health. are less likely when large segment
 Population/ People of the community is composed of
WELLNESS CLINIC 1.1 Size & density a new / transient residents .

is a building or facility that is - influence the number and size of 1.6. Level of education & social
devoted towards the promotion of health care institutions. This class
healthy living as well as the explains the concentration of
prevention of illness > health status is affected because
healthcare institution in urban of differences in living conditions
The term wellness refers to the areas. & degree of access to resources
well-being of the person. - Overcrowding may result to easy &opportunities.

It is not, therefore, exclusively transmission of communicable  LOCATION

linked to aesthetic treatments but diseases, increased stress among
members of the community, rapid
> health of the community is
affected by both natural & man –
made variables related to location

> Philippine has 2 seasons : rainy &

dry season.

> The effect of climate change on

human health are evidence by
seasonal diseases such as heat
stroke, diarrhea, dengue etc. ,


> the patterned series of

interrelationships existing
between individuals, groups &
institutions and forming a
coherent whole.

> its components that affect

health include the family,
economic, educational,
communication, political, legal,
religious , recreational and health



1. Healthcare Provider
2. Health Educator
3. Program Implementer

4. Community Organizer
5. Manager/ Leader
6. Researcher & Epidemiologist
7. Client Advocate



1. Client Oriented Roles

2. Delivery Oriented Roles
3. Population Oriented Roles
4. Counselor
5. Consultant
6. Health Educator
7. Researcher
8. Case Manager

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