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rena tee etd equations * constant + intercept * Line segment + Midpoint + Expand = constant term * Quadratic expression * Factorisation * ifference between two squares = Quadratic equation In this chapter you will learn how to: * construct a table of values and plot points to graphs * find the gradient of a straight line graph * recognise and determine the equation of a line * determine the equation of a line parallel to a given line - © calculate the gradient of a line using co-ordinates of points on the line * find the gradient of parallel 2 and perpendicular lines 5» find the length of a line segment and the LL co-ordinates ofits midpoint + expand products of algebraic expressions A facts quatt Z-expressons « solve quadratic equations Bp by acorsaton BY oss 20 Geolf wishes he had paid more attention when his teacher talked about negative and positives rates of change, On 4 October 1957, the fist artificial satellite, Sputnik, was launched. ‘Ths satelite" the Earth but many satellites that do experiments to study the upper atmosphere fy” sub-orbital flights. The flight path can be described with a quadratic equation, so scie" know where the rocket will be when it deploys its parachute and so they know where the instruments. The same equation can be used to describe any thrown projectile in: baseball! Oe ricec ald ryready be familiar withthe Following algebra and graph work: rier ana sgh ine ‘graphs (Stage 9 Mathematics) oat ges vena set Foner pals (9) hat you can . use to plot graphs on a coordinate grid. ab 3 1s {1.8) and (2,6) are all points on the graph ae deawa Tine through them. pote sqite form of y= m+ (our 9 Mathematics) seis cation fragt ie graph isy= met cs grient or stepness) oe graph eine where the graph cross: ‘he wal he pntereep) | no | + cisthe sof astraight line (Year 9 Mathematics) Geen se _changeln y-valics Gadient ("= Fan ~ change in x-values snga straight line graph (Year 9 Mathematics) en ase the equation of a graph to find the gradient and wu feeptand use these to draw the graph. ine Forexample jove brackets (Chapter 2) | | Expand expressions to rem tiply the term outside the bracket Toexpand 3x(2x~ 4) you mul tyeach term inside the first bracket Se(@x—4) = 3x Qe — Bex 4 =6x°- 12x unit 3: Algebra straight lines é sing equations to plot lines ee i serra, ' ‘rea ost = ft charge tte eharge oral hours di Fr cor (rearranging) ‘You will recognise that the formulae y= 15x+40 esearch trang fir eine ceauatons used inthis chapter: one hour: cost= 15 1 + 40= $55 two hours: cost = 15 x2+40 = $70 three hours: cost = 15 x 3+ 40 = $85 and so on. you pt these values int a table (with some more added) you can then pot a grphot ea cost against the number of hire hours: Number ofhours(=) | 1 | 2 ‘Total cost (y) 35 | 70 a5 [100 [1s [130 [145 — Equations of motion, in ij physics, often include terms that are squared, To solve some problems relating to Physical problems, therefore, [ 150 Costs for hiring Mr Keele’s boats Dhysicists often need to solve ‘quadratic equations —— 4 cost (8) a PES: ple A straight li line on a labelled pair of axes Substituting the values -3, -2, following table: bas equation y= 2+ 3. construct a table of values forx and y and draw the Use integer values of x rom -3 to 2. =1,0, 1 and 2 into the equation gives the values in the FE}. Notice that the y-values range from -3 to 7, Gonph of y= 2e +3 Draw the line with equation The table for this line would be: ai an pep ys Vee feast] ise |? sa your pa sould aw rt Exercise 10.1 Unit 3: Algebra ordinates ofa east thre poi “* is ic of values and alin the and 7 ro upa tobe of val ~— © yu may beaver ee Lap i bel your set of axes for the range of Se a ber plane yack point on the an + et tomers , fo tus rom 3103 foreach ofthe Folens eqations arable forval Chaplet the table of values and plot the graphs onthe same set of axes. ayext? b ‘A Use your graphs from question 3 above ‘Where do the graphs cut the x-axis? ‘Which graphs slope up tothe right? ‘Which graphs slope down to the right? Which graphs cut the y-axis at (0,2)? Which graphs cut the y-axis at (0,~2)? oes the point (3,3) leon any of the graphs? If so, which? Which graphs are parallel to each other? Compare the equations of graphs that are parallel to each other. How are they sini How are they different? Gradient te grain of ane syeu how sep the line is. For every one unit moved to the rghit Othe heyhavethe same aden Pt down) When graphs oe Vertical and horizontal lines Lookat the two lines shown inthe following diagram: © yex-2 to answer these questions. +2 ‘The gradient tea exercise 10.2 2. Draw the following graphs onthe same st of axes without ploting points or drawing up a table of values. a ys3 boxs3 © y peal ote 1 3 f ys4 g xt eat ey y 5 2 _aigraph parallel to the x-axis which cuts the J-ais 8 (0.4) ja graph parallel to the y-axis which goes through the point (~2, 0) RIM tines that ore neither vertical nor horizontal ‘You wil deal wih grachent asa rate of change when you werk wth {kinemabe graphs in Chapter een epten ati) The ram shows two diferent lines. fyou take a point A on the line and then mow oe ‘ig then, on graph (a) you need to move upto return tothe line, and on graph) ya ely move down, he stadient of line measures how step the line is and is calculated by dividing the chant the y co-ordinate by the change in the x co-ordinate: y-change increase gradient (a) the 8 and the x-increase is 2, so the gradient ‘Another good way of remembering FoF Braph (a): the y-change is 8 and the x-increase is 2 80 the gradient is the gradient formula is ‘ For graph (b): the y-change is ~ i 5 to return to lot padient = the tun’ must or graph (b): the rchangeis-9 (negative because you need to move dow ‘eure and the x-increase is 4, so the gradient is ~2 = 2.25. ‘ways be to the sgh (increase x). 4 1tis essential that you think about x-increases only. Whether the y-change is postive or" tell you what the sign of the gradient willbe 7 i gf Pe Be See LAR RIEHL a ALE Be B® ne ik ay Calculate the gradient ofthe line that passes through the (3) and ‘Think about where the points would be, in relation to each other, on a { of axes. You don't need to draw this "accurately but the diagram wl give | you an idea of how it may appear. errr ot oid angers 44 factlon shoe gradient of exch line. Leave YOU" » 3 1 Calculate the = Exercise 10. ‘ ether 2 Calculate the gradient ofthe line that passes through both points in each case Seiegesonctcpoe —” Leveyuraerarsaic net ay ou oh pons ine mm @ A(1,2) and B(3, 8) b A (0,6) and B (3,9) © (2-1) and B(4,3) d@ A(G3,2)andB(7,-10) © ACI, -4)and B(-3,2) £ A(,-5) and B(7, 12) Applying your skills [Fegce ay abou ep robiem | > Hthecar climbs 60m ‘vertically how far must the car have travelled ‘horizontally? and bat mathematics you needa o to find the soluton Jd SIC dd at See BER Finding the equatios :, . ow, © gradient of tine (c) = 1 ; Notice that the gradient of e: ee eee: | a ae eae te fee cat intercept) has a y co-ordinate that is \ = In fact this is always true when y isthe subject of the equation: - r + © i ‘vis the subject sradient a In summary: f@- equations ofa straight Line graphs canbe writen in the form afy= ms + ¢ (the constant term) ells you where the graph cts the y-axis (the yintereep) | ‘em (the coefficient of x) is the gradient of the graph a negate value means the graph slopes | aasent he tothe right, a postive value means it slopes up tothe right. The higher the value of tm, the steeper the gradient ofthe graph te graphs which have the same gradient at parallel wo cach other (therefore graphs that are parallel have the same gradien)- gradient and yintercet ofthe nes gen by each ofthe following equations. 1 by=5-3« cyayxto dxty=8 | | the coefficient of xis 3 “The constant ‘term is 4. | Re-wnite the equation as y=—34+ 5: | The coefficient of x is ~5- | he constant term is 5. Unit 3: Algebra ar aC You should always label your axes x and y when drawing graphs ~ even when they are sketches. Exercise 10.4 ‘Look carefully at your sketches for answers 1( and 1() you daw them ont the same aes you wl see that they ae paral. These lines have the same gradient but they at the ans at diferent places to ‘or more lines are paral, they wall have the same gradient. : Gradient = -1 subject, gives y=—* + 8. yrintercept=B i, eo ee ase Make y the subject of the equation, fe 3x+2V= Gradient ==> ene 7 Dy =-3x+6 intercept =3 Worked example 6 #6 Find the equation of each line shown in the diagrams. o b a and the y-intercept =—1 6 So the equation isy =6x--1 Gradient =F 6 Graph crosses y-axis at -1 = ARES Zz ae b Gradient ==> A radient = and the yintercept=1 | Gradient = ee So the equation is deat Graph crosses y-axis at 1. npn el 1 ie cee ent and y-intercept ofthe ines with the following equations. Sketch raph in each case, taking care to show where the graph cuts the y-2x8. a yaae—5 hee eee e yetxa2 5 i & xty= ixtts i ! k 1 2-3-9 PPE Unit 5: Algebra a 2 Rearrange each equation so that it sin the form y= mx + ¢ and then find the ‘gradient and y-intercept of, : is each graph, a dyex-4 b rsy-100 ¢ xeZ-2 0d Be-y-520 2 © 2x-y+S=0 fF x43y-600 ho axty=2 y s Zager ee Stange =t 27% cy cama 1 2 Find the equation (in the form of y = mx +c) of a line which has: a gradient of 2 and a y-intercept of 3 \ient of -3 and a y-intercept of -2 dient of 3 and a y-intercept of 1 ‘nt of —3 and a y-intercept at (0, -0.5) 4 y buercept of -3 and a gradient of $ 4 intercept of -0.75 and a gradient of 0.75 a y-ictercept of -2 and a gradient of 0 a gradient of O and a y-intercept of 4 4 Find an equation for each line. a ape oe anes Unit 3: Algebra Ifthe product ofthe gradient of two lines is equal to ~1, it flows thatthe lines ae perpendicular to each other eter PT TC ea rrur un cd '5- Find the equation ofthe line which passes through both Points in each cage ‘A(2,3) and B 411) b AG,5)and B(8,-7) f ACL Sand 6) a AG.-s)and BC, 12) {6 Write down the equation of a line that is parallel to: ayers b y=2e-3 dy=-x-2 e x28 7 Which ofthe following lines are parallel to y= $x? 8 Find the equation of a line parallel to y = 2x + 4 which: asa pinercep of -2 posses through the origin passes through the point (0.4) basa y-nercept of 9 A graph has the equation 3y—2=9, |4 Write down the equation of one other graph that is parallel to this one. }b Write down the equation of one other graph that crosses the y-axis at the same point as this one. {€ Write down the equation of line that passes through the y-axis atthe same point a this one and whichis parallel to the x-axis. Parallel and perpendicular lines ‘You have already seen that parallel lines have the same gradient and that lines withthe same gradient are parallel Perpendicular lines meet at right angles. The product of the gradients is ~1 So, m, xm, ==1, where mis the gradient of each line. “The sketch shows two perpendicular graphs. Unit 3: Algebra Exercise 10.5 1 yen5xt Zhasa gradient of! y= 3x4 has a gradient of 3 The product of the gradients ip— 1.x 3.0 -1, ; ; Ne eee’ b Using m =—3 from part (a) above. Substitute the values of x and y for the given point to sole for c. 1 Aline perpendicular to y= + 3 passes through (1,3). What isthe equation of the line? 5 Show that the line through the points A(6, 0) and B(0, 12) is: perpendicular othe line through PC, 10) and QU4.8) 5 perpendicular tothe line through M(-4, -8) and N(-1, >>) Given A(0, 0) and B(1, 3) find the equation ofthe line perpendicular to AB with a y-intercept of 5. Find the equation of the following lines: a perpendicular to 2x-y-1 =O and passing through (2, ») b_ perpendicular to 2x + 2y = 5 and passing through (1,-2) Line A joins the points (6,0) and (0, 12) and Line B joins the points (8, 10) and (4,8). Durcenne the gradient of each line and state whether is perpendicular to B. Line MN joins points (7,4) and (2,8) Find the equation of AB, the perpendicular rian tow that points A(-3,6) B(-12, 4) and CUB, -5) could nate the verte ofa rectangle ABCD, Alget TH Rogie cect ad with the x-0xis Intersection the graph or from the found, either from the gra | otarconly te intercept has Bee sta a, “6 Stequrse, an x-intercept 100 The following, [Notice thatthe line crosces the x-axis atthe point where x= 2 and, importantly. y=0. Ifa aa ght sani have yco-ordnate = 0, you substitute y= Ont the equation tg n> ‘Yeu wil need to understand this (puttingy=0) Ce a (add 6 to both sides) (dividing both sides by 3) this is exactly the answer that you found from the graph. ‘You can also find the y-intercept by putting x = 0. The following worked examples show calculations for finding both the x- and y-intercepts. Dr Cd) cok died Find the x- and y-intercepts for each of the following lines. Sketch the graph in each @s® | -12 by=-"+3 ¢ 2x+5y=20 Unit 3: Algebra Fe nT IIR T Teta eee aT ea * Exercise 10.6 1 Find thex- and y-intercepts foreach ofthe following lines Sketch the graph in each case a yest} © ye-tts ds yadee? 2 e years foyeeez gp yet dh yeh x 2 : = = Kk teyet 1 toyed irk yak s 2 For each equation ind ifthe given pot es onthe graph. a yasere (5) Bb ynerte (2) c yertete (3-3) d yekete (4-5) e yekte (239) f yre-ie 45) Bysctde CL) Reteny 4) | Unit 3: Algebra | ee ee Ce TI Pythagoras’ theorem is covered in more detail in chapter 11 Remember though, that in any right- angled tangle the square on the ‘hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides. ‘We wnite this aso? +b? =, id eCard Worked example 10 Finding the length of a straight line segment ‘Although lines are infinitely long, usually just apart of alin is considered, Any gq, era line joining two points is called a line xegment. on Ifyou know the co-ordinates ofthe end points of line segment you can use Pytha theorem to calculate the length of the line segment. tora ee Find the distance between the points (1, 1) and (7, 9) 10 8 6 4 2 ress 0 H 22 ET a on8 6 a= B® +c (Pythagoras’ theorem) = 64+36 Work out each expression. = 100 Undo the square by taking the | a= W106 square root of both sides. | a= 10 units | Given that A(3, 6) and (7, 3), find the length of AB. 10) @ = b+ € (Pythagoras theorem) Work out each expression. | | ee ON OMT ad dd dk Midpoints ' Itis possible to find the that is exactly halfway Consider the followin 9g | <0-ordnates of them oo midpoint ofthe line segment (Lethe ‘between the two original points). nt (Le the point \ Hines i ‘line segment and the points A(3,4) and (5,10) | os | “TREBEMMN> «you ada both co-ordinates nd then divide by to you get O58 Ley dg 12 0am about fae fenan of wo ormore numbers. If you add both y co-ordinates and then divide by two you get (+20) _ 14 _ 7 Fenepait uses the mean ofthe 2a veces and the mean of the This gives anew point with co-ordinates (4,7). This point is exactly halfway between A and B. yds. Exercise 10.7 1 Find the length andthe co-ordinates ofthe midpoint of the line segment joining each pair of points. a (3,6) and (9, 12) b (4,10)and (2,6) ¢ (8,3) and (4,7) 4 (5,8)and(4,11) € (47)and(1,3)_f(12,3)and(11,4) g Ch2)and(3,5) hk (4-Iand(5,5) i (-2,—A)and(-3,7) 2. Use the graph to find the length and the midpoint of each line segment. x

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