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English Exercises 1 E11 New


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions
1. Many teenagers do not like it when their parents impose their decision ………… them.
A. in B. on D. to
2. Students……… cheat in the exams; it is against the rules.
A. must B. have to C. don't have to D. mustn't
3. I have a 10 p.m ……….. I would be in trouble if I returned home after that time.
A. homestay B. conflict C. curfew D. banning
4. Parents often claim that …… and soft drinks are not good for their children’s health.
A. soft food B. junk foods C. mutual D. conflicting
5. Students ……… go to school on Sundays; there is no class then.
A. must B. have to C. don’t have to D. mustn’t
6. He …….. me to see a doctor.
A. permitted B. complained C. suggested D. advised
7. We were made …….. hard when we were at school
A. to study B. study C. studying D. studied
8. We have just been told some …….. news
A. surprised B. surprise C. astonished D. astonishing
9. He studies …….. his two brothers.
A much better than B. more better than
C. more good than C. very better than
10. They …….. for 3 hours when the storm suddenly broke.
A had been running B. have been running
C. are running D. will be running
11. The young are …….. more concerned with physical attractiveness than elderly people.
A. much B. as C. many D. as much as
12. You are not …….. to say anything unless you wish to do so.
A. obliged B. willing C. equal D. attracted
13. He …….. email before, so I …….. him how to use it.
A. did not use / had shown B. had not used / showed
C. has not used / showed D. was not using / will show
14. The mother told her son …….. so impolitely.
A. not behave B. not to behave C. not behaving D. did not behave
15. I am leaving the key under the pot in the garden …… you should be home earlier than
A. because B. in case C. so that d. though
16. I was ...... to find that the film was quite ……
A. surprised - frightening B. surprised - frightened
C. surprising - frightening D. surprising - frightened
17. Neither Mary nor her two brothers …….. superstitious.
A. is B. was C. are D. have
18. Unfortunately, we’ve made ……
A. little progress B. little progresses C. few progress D. few progresses
19. It was surprised …… that she didn’t pass the exam
A. hearing B. to hearing C. at hearing D. to hear
20. We all agree ….. him …… what he said

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English Exercises 1 E11 New

A. on – at B. in –for C. to – with D. with – on

21. You ……… any friends if you ……… talking like that.
A. will win/ carry on B. won't win/ carry on
C. wouldn't win/ carried on D. would have won/ had carried on
22. Does he tell you how he is getting ………….. his new friends?
A. on with B. on of C. away with D. out of
23. The school appeared essentially ………… since my day.
A. changed B. unchanged C. changeable D. unchangeable
24. It was ……………. that everyone answered it correctly.
A. so a simple question B. such a simple question
C. too simple question D. a more simple question
25. We are going to have my house ……………. tomorrow morning.
A. paint B. painting C. painted D. to be painted
26. She …………. working on that manuscript for 2 years now.
A. will be B. has been C. had been D. is
27. Billy has been seriously ill, and he was taken to …………. hospital yesterday
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
28. You shouldn’t …….. fun of those orphans who are very sensitive.
A. take B. make C. get D. lose
29. Can you find a place …… is suitable for all of us?
A. which B. where C. in which D. when
30. The richer you are ……
A. the more worried you may become B. the more worry you may become
C. the more you may become worried D. you may become more worried
31: I'll stay behind after the party and help you …………...
A. turn on B. give in C. give up D. wash up
32 : My mother often cooks big meals, so we have ………….. for days.
A. remainders B. surplus C. leftovers D. dishes
33: In Vietnam, two, three or even four generations live ………….. one roof.
A. in B. over C. with D. under
34. If she had known how awful this job was going to be, she ………….. it.
A. would accept B. wouldn't accept C. wouldn't have accepted D. would have
35: ………….., we tried our best to complete it.
A. Thanks to the difficult homework B. Despite the homework was difficult
C. Difficult as the homework was D. As though the homework was difficult
36. Laura works really hard and………a pay rise.
A. Worth B. values C.requires D.deserves
37. The President expressed his deep ………….. over the bombing deaths.
A. grief B. sorrow C. sadness D. all are correct
38. He……….. at the spot where the house used to stand.
A. pointed B. showed C. directed D. glanced
39: The use of computer aids in teaching, ………… the role of teachers Is still very
A. yet B. unless C. despite D. where
40. In the early years of the 20th century, several rebellions……………. in the northern
parts of the country.
A. turned out B. rose up C. broke out D. came up

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English Exercises 1 E11 New

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that
needs correcting
41. Stayed strong, family members have to be engaged in each other's lives.
42. When I found Linda, she was busy to play table tennis with her friend.
43. During a curfew it is not possible walking on the streets after a specified hour.
44. In science, the results of an experiment are not generally accepted until they had been
duplicated in other laboratories.
45. She was amazing to find that no one died in the tragic accident yesterday.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest
in meaning to the given one
46. Could you help me with the dishes please?
A. Would you mind to help me with the dishes please?
B. Would you mind help me with the dishes please?
C. Would you mind helping me with the dishes please?
D. Would you mind helped me with the dishes please?
47. If you don’t have his number, you can’t phone him
A. You can phone him unless you have his number
B. You can’t phone him unless you don’t have his number
C. You can phone him unless you have his number
D. You can’t phone him unless you have his number
48. Although he doesn’t have much money, he seems happy
A. Despite he has not much money, he seems happy
B. Despite his lacking money, he seems happy
C. Despite having much money, he seems happy
D. Despite his lack of money, he seems happy
49. Wendy asked an artist to paint her husband’s portrait
A. Wendy had an artist paint his husband’s portrait
B. Wendy had an artist to pain her husband’s portrait
C. Wendy had an artist painting her husband’s portrait
D. Wendy had an artist painted her husband’s portrait
50. It was easy for Lisa to get tickets for the show
A. Lisa didn’t have any problem getting tickets for the show
B. Lisa found no difficulty in getting tickets for the show
C. Lisa didn’t have any problem getting tickets for the show as she used to
D. Lisa had no trouble in getting tickets for the show

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that best
fits the numbered blank in the reading passage
It seems like world is becoming (51) ……… almost by the minutes. When I was a
child I could not (52) ……… to meet someone from another part of the planet. However,

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English Exercises 1 E11 New

now I have (53) ……… friends from Africa, I can meet many Chinese people on the streets,
have dinner at a Mexican restaurant, buy some delicious cookies at a café run by the French.
It is really wonderful and amazing to see people from all over the world, communicate and
work with them. I agree with those people who move a number of times throughout their
lives. However, I believe that people who spend their (54) ……… lives in one place have
many advantages too. First of all, I will focus on the reasons why I support the idea about
moving and then I will (55) ……… on analyzing the opportunities that people have stayed
at one place.
51. A. smallest B. smaller C. bigger D. biggest
52. A. need B. like C. imagine D. want
53. A. little B. few C. many D. much
54. A. entire B. complete C. beautiful D. big
55. A. get B. walk C. focus D. base

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response
to each of the exchanges in the following questions
56. “ I've been awarded a scholarship to Harvard University.” – “……”
A. Just kidding! B. It's up to you. C. Good job! D. Same to you. Thanks!
57. “Don't forget to finish your homework before class.” – “………….”
A. I'll do it later. B. Not much.
C. It's quite difficult. D. Thank you for reminding me.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part that is pronounced differently from that of the others
58. A. picked B. considered C. stayed D. received
59. A. autumn B. sunny C. summer D. much
60. A. athlete B. father C. together D. these

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose stress
pattern is different from that of the others
61. A. industry B. proficiency C. redundancy D. industrial
62. A. advertise B. practice C. advise D. promise
63. A. conversation B. extinction C. international D. recognition

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions
64. Mary has a strong desire to make independent decisions.
A. dependent B. self-confident C. self-confessed D. self-determining
65. My mother mistakenly believes that my fashion style breaks the norm of society.
A. routine B. barrier C. rule D. conflict

I. Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions

1. Some high school students take part in ……the handicapped.
A. helping B. to help C. help D. being help
2. The mission of this society is …………community education for street children.
A. to provide B. provide C. providing D. provided
3. Shy people often find it ........................ to take part in group discussions.
A. difficult B. difficulty C. difficultly D. be difficult

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4. I am unable......................... to the meeting on Monday evening, please apologise for my

A. to come B. come C. coming D. to be come
5. ....................... it several times, he didn’t want to read it once again.
A. Reading B. To read C. To have read D. Having read
6. ......................... that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare.
A. Knowing B. Known C. Knew D. Having knew
7. ....................... photographs of the place, I had no desire to go there.
A. Seeing B. Seen C. Saw D. Having seen
8. I hate ....................... a child ........................ .
A. see/ crying B. see/ cry C. seeing/ to cry D. seeing/ cry
9. I notice the lorry ........................ down the hill.
A. to come B. came C. coming D. having come
10. I observed a blue car ...................... very fast towards the motorway.
A. having driven B. driven C. driving D. to drive
11. They left the restaurant, ......................... two hours over lunch.
A. spending B. spent C. after spend D. having spent
12. The police accused him of..................... fire to the building but he denied .......................
in the area on the night of the fire.
A. setting/ being B. setting/ having been
C. set/ be D. having set/ having been
13. Someone told us ........................... sit on the stairs.
A. don’t B. not C. not to D. to not
14. “Don’t forget to ring me”
A. I advised David to ring me B. I reminded David to ring me
C. I offered to be run D. You promised to ring me
15. The doctor advised him ......................... and to take up some sport.
A. stop smoke B. stop smoking
C. to stop smoking D. to stop to smoke
16. I have told him never ........... to buy some potatoes on the way home.
A. come B. comes C. came D. to come
17. Professional people expect ................... when it is necessary to cancel an appointment.
A. you to call them B. that you would call them
C. you calling them D. that you are calling them
18. The conductor asked ......................... in the bus.
A. them to please not to smoke B. that they should not smoke
C. them not to smoke D. them not to smoke
19. I’d rather ........................... at home.
A. to stay B. staying C. stayed D. stay
20. They noticed him .......................... the agreement.
A. sign B. to sign C. signing D. signed
21. Jack admitted ....................... the money.
A. steal B. to steal C. stealing D. stolen
22. Don’t ......................... him to arrive early. He’s always late.
A. think B. judge C. hope D. expect
23. I wouldn’t ..................... of going to the party I hadn’t been invited to.
A. dream B. intend C. depend D. rely
24. The instructor warned the students ............ sailing alone on the lake.

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A. on B. for C. of D. against
25. Her mother prevented her ..................... going out tonight.
A. against B. from C. about D. at
26. I apologized ........................ the book at home.
A. for leaving B. to leaving C. leaving D. to leave
27. I heard Fred is going to work for the ambassader . ”
– “ Yes , he was lucky _______ such a good job.”
A. to give B. about getting C. to be given D. to be giving
28. “Why are you mad ?” – “ I dislike ________ by my first name .”
A. you call B. you to call me C. your calling me D. you call me
29. Stacey seems like a bright student .”
- “ She’s always the first ________ her work.”
A. to finish B. finishing C. to being finished with D. to be finish with
30. She was worried about ________ by thieves.
A. being robbed B. robbing C. being rob D. be robbing
31. You can’t go to England without _________ to Bucking ham Palace .
A. go B. being gone C. to go D. going
32. We insisted ___________ by the manager .
A. to be seen B. to see C. on being seen D. on seeing
33. _______ for director must have surprised you .
A. Your being nominated B. You nominated
C. Your nominating D. You’re being nominated
34. “ We were opponents of the political regime in our country.”
“ And that led to ____ to the United States thirty – five years ago .”
A. us coming B. our coming C. come D. us to come
35. I think ________ at the train station will surprise Aunt Kate .
A. your being B. you are C. you being D. you to be
36. Who is responsible _______ the garbage – the husband of the wife ?
A. to take out B. for take out C. for taking out D. with taking out
37. I can hear a cat ______ at the widow .
A. scratching B. scratches C. to scratch D. was scratching

II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets
1. I didn’t have enough time ……… (finish) my work yesterday.
2. As she drove past his hours, she noticed him ………(run) away from home.
3. I was relieved ……… (find out) that I had passed the exam.
4. She made her son ……… (wash) the windows before he could go outside ……… (play)
with his friends.
5. She lets her children ……… (stay) up very late.
6. We had nothing ……… (do) except look at the cinema posters.
7. It’s important ……… (start) the meeting on time.
8. It took ages ……… (download) the pictures from the Internet.
9. That was a very strange question (ask) ........................... .
10. It was very kind of you (show)................................. the way.
11. The teacher let him (stay) ..................... at home to finish the assignment.
12. It was quite a surprise (see) .............................. him again.
13. I overheard him (say) ..................... that he didn’t want to learn Math.
14. She stood there and watched him (drive) ............................. away.

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15. It was very difficult for her (drive)............................ the motorbike.

16. I could feel the robber (come) ............................. from the backdoor.

Read the passages and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the following questions
Passage 1:
"Happiness is not having what you want but wanting what you have," according to
James Stewart. Although scientists now under-stand the roots of depression more clearly
than they used to, happiness still remains a mystery. Recently, however, some interesting
discoveries have been made.
Those who say they are happy, for example, tend to be less self-centred, less hostile and
abusive, and are less prone to disease and general ill health. Interestingly, the affluent are
not notably happier than their less-well-off counterparts, and seemingly, no particular time
of life is significantly happier than any other. Even though some people see life as a tragedy,
when questioned, most people said they were generally happy - painting a much rosier
picture regarding people's general and dispositions.
Research has shown that people have two basic reward centres in their brains that are
stimulated by two different chemicals which cause happiness. The first, dopamine, is
triggered by activities like exercise, relaxation and the quieter pleasures. The second
comprises a set of adrenaline-type chemicals which are triggered by exciting or frightening
activities. Dopamine provokes a response of passive happiness, while| the second set of
chemicals provokes a high-energy state of happiness, the feeling one might get from public
speaking or mountain climbing.
While understanding the chemical process behind happiness is important, it does not
explain why only some people are consistently happy. The answer may lie in people's
perceptions of happiness.
One of the reasons we have such a problem with happiness is that many confuse it with a
life untouched by anxiety, rage, doubt and sadness. The belief that happiness means that
nothing ever goes wrong is naive; in order to be happy, we must know not how to avoid
disturbing events, but how to deal with them.
The key to coping with life's unpleasant aspects, while remaining content, comes
from an everyday practice which Mihaly Csikszentimihalyi calls "the flow". He describes
"the flow" as the state one is in when doing something completely absorbing. It comes when
one is pushed right up to the limit of one's ability, but not beyond it. "People can get a
feeling of flow from dangerous sports like mountain climbing or driving fast," he says "but
it can also come from something relaxing like painting or reading a good book." The point
is that it's an activity you do for the pleasure of doing it. You are not looking for praise or
reward. What is important is to keep your brain busy if you want to be happy. The professor
explains, "If you leave someone on their own with nothing specific to do, most of their
thoughts will be worries." People tend to think about all the things they want and haven't got
rather than how good their life is. It seems the key to happiness lies in having an active and
challenging lifestyle.
The scientific study of happiness will help us understand how to build a world that
improves human well-being and self-esteem, and how to get the most satisfaction from their
goals and circumstances.
1. Studies have shown that happiness …..
A. is positively influenced by wealth. B. is not influenced by wealth.

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C. is negatively influenced by wealth. D. does not influence wealth.

2. Dopamine is produced by …...
A. recreational activity B. fright C. high-energy activity D. pleasure
3. A common misconception about happiness is that ….
A. rich people are happier. B. happy people perceive things differently.
C. happiness implies never having problems. D. happiness stems from being naive.
4. In reality, consistent happiness lies in …..
A. not feeling anxious. B. being able to handle problems.
C. not having problems. D. not confusing our feelings.
5. What does "it"
A. people B. a dangerous sport C. "the flow" D. research
6. According to Csikszentimihalyi, "the flow" is triggered by …..
A. external reward. B. doing nothing.
C. challenging others. D. activities done for personal pleasure.
7. When we are inactive…..
A. we don't get what we want B. we try to challenge ourselves
C. we experience more anxiety D. we think everything is fine

Passage 2:
A recent international study has shown some surprising and apparently contradictory
results on the question of the priorities parents around the world have when raising their
children. While the survey showed that some virtues are universally prized, interesting
regional and national trends emerge wrhen parents are asked to rate the importance of
various qualities they wish to instil in their children.
Parents around the world seem to agree that good manners, a sense of responsibility
and respect for others are important qualities to teach their children. But while West
Europeans give all three qualities more or less equal importance, East Europeans and North
Americans rate a sense of responsibility as by far the most important, and relegate respect
for others to fourth place.
Interestingly, a sense of imagination ranked the lowest priority worldwide, although
West Europeans gave the quality of flexible thinking twice the importance any other group
did. The Italians stress the virtue of cultivating their youngsters' imagination more than
most others surveyed, with the exception of Switzerland. The supposedly staid Swiss prize
imaginative youth.
Etiquette-minded Belgians, Spaniards and Greeks placed the highest premium on
politeness, while the Danes and Swedes put good manners lowest on the list. The newly-
capitalist Eastern bloc countries also rated good manners as relatively unimportant, perhaps
because they are being confronted with commercial competition for the first time. Together
with the Swiss and the Turks, on the other hand, they prized the ability to communicate with
The virtues of tolerance and respect for others were most highly regarded in
Scandinavia, France, Britain, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Spain. This was not the case
in Greece and the former Eastern bloc nations, which rated these as being of lesser
Germans, Austrians and Swedes esteem personal independence, but the industrious
French hold the quality of conscientiousness at work more dear than any other European
nationals. The responses in the industrialized nations of Sweden and Britain showed,

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perhaps bewilderingly, that nationals of those countries gave little importance to

conscientiousness at work.
Polite Belgians answered that for them, obedience is among their paramount values;
this sentiment is shared to a lesser degree by the British, Greeks and Irish. The Italians,
according to their questionnaires, ranked this very low.
When rearing their children, the Greeks, Turks and Irish are alone in their emphasis on
instilling strong religious beliefs.
One of the primary difficulties the researchers faced was translating the questions as
perfectly as possible in order not to distort the result. "Imagination", for example, can be
translated into Dutch as "conceited-ness''; perhaps this explains why the Dutch appeared to
give imagination a low priority.
Also, some qualities are so ingrained in certain cultures that they are taken for
granted, while others are given great emphasis because thev are felt to be lacking in a
particular society.
1. The survey shows that .....
A. some values are general and others vary. B. no patterns emerged.
C. different nations contradict each other. D. there are no clear results.
2. For the North Americans, a sense of responsibility is ....
A. more important than it is for East Europeans.
B. more important than respect for others.
C. as important as it is for West Europeans.
D. as important as respect for others.
3. A sense of imagination is .....
A. most important to the Italians. B. most important to the Swiss.
C. important to all except the Swiss. D. equally important to the Italians and the Swiss.
4. Politeness is less important in the Eastern bloc because ....
A. they enjoy confrontation. B. they are competitive people.
C. they are still getting used to capitalism. D. they are relatively uncommunicative.
5. "They" (underlined) in paragraph 4 refers to....
A. commercial competitors. B. the Swiss and Turks.
C. good manners. D. Eastern bloc countries.
6. Although their societies are industrialized, the British and Swedes....
A. are not conscious of it. B. are bewildered by industry.
C. do not think hard work important. D. do not think their nationality important.
7. The research was difficult because .....
A. the researchers made so many mistakes.
B. the results were distorted.
C. no one knew how to translate certain words.
D. it had to be conducted in so many languages.

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