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Distributed systems question bank

Part –a

1. Why do we need a distributed system ?

2. List out the distributed system challenges.
3. Name the various message ordering paradigms used in distributed systems.
4. Define causal order execution.
5. What are the different models of deadlocks ?
6. What is the purpose of the wait-for-graph (WFG) ? Give an example for WFG.
7. What do you mean by local checkpoints ?
8. What is the drawback of a checkpoint based rollback recovery approach ?
9. List out the characteristics of P2P systems.
10. What is the difference between shared memory and distributed memory ?
11. List out the features of Distributed Systems.
12. Difference Between Synchronous and Asynchronous Execution.
13. What is meant by Group Communication In Distributed Systems.
14. Write the Applications of Casual Order.
15. Name the two types of Messages used by Ricard Agarwala Algorithm
16. What are the Conditions for Deadlock?
17. Write the Purpose of using Checkpoints.
18. What do you mean by agreement problem in distributed system?
19. List the characteristics of Peer to Peer system
20. Mention the Three types of Consistency Model in DSM.

Part- b
11 a) i)How do you classify a parallel system and brief them ? (8)
ii) Compare Synchronous versus asynchronous execution. (5)

b) What are the functions must be addressed while designing and building a distributed system ?

12 a) Illustrate the necessary and sufficient conditions for causal ordering.(13)

b)Discuss in detail about Snapshot algorithms for FIFO channels.(13)

13 i) Summarize the koo–toueg coordinated check pointing algorithm.(7)
ii) Demonstrate in detail about the juang–venkatesan algorithm for asynchronous check pointing and
recovery. (6)

a) Discuss in detail the requirements that mutual exclusion algorithms should satisfy and
discuss what metric we use to measure the performance of mutual exclusion algorithms
14 a) What do you understand about Content-Addressable Networks (CAN) ?(7)
b) Explain how it is useful in P2P networks.(6)
b) Describe in detail about Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) and its application.

15 a) Discuss in detail the requirements that mutual exclusion algorithms should satisfy and discuss what
metric we use to measure the performance of mutual exclusion algorithms.(13)

b) List out the four classes of distributed deadlock detection algorithms and explain any two of

16. Show that in the Ricard Agarwala Algorithm the critical Section Is Accessed incresing order of
Timestamp. (13)
What is Consistency? Differentiate between Sequential and Causal consistency Model . Discuss the
Stragies employed for Replacement while the shared memory gets filled with replicated or migratory

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