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Current Status and Potential of Embryo Transfer

and Reproductive Technology in Dairy Cattle
Em Tran, Inc.
Elizabethtown, PA 17022

ABSTRACT (Key words: embryo transfer, reproduc-

Significant use of embryo transfer in tive technology, cloning, in vitro)
dairy cattle commenced with the in- Abbreviation key: ES = embryonic stern, ET
troduction of nonsurgical embryo recov- = embryo transfer, IVC = in vitro culture, IVF
ery in the mid-1970s and developed with = in vitro fertilization, IVM = in vitro matura-
the use of nonsurgical transfers in the tion, PMSG = pregnant mare serum
late I970s. Numbers of registered Hol- gonadotropin.
stein calves from embryo transfer dou-
bled yearly through 1980, after which the
rate of increase slowed; the total reached INTRODUCTION
nearly 19,000 calves in 1990. However, Commercial embryo transfer (ET) in cattle
the efficacy of superovulation procedures began in North America during the early 1970s
and commercial success rates of trans- largely because of the availability of PGF2a.
ferred fresh embryos have not improved and the high prices and demand for several
the past 10 to 15 yr. Fertilization rates in breeds of "exotic" beef cattle. During the early
superovulated donors remain low. years of the ET industry, embryo recoveries
Although embryo-splitting techniques were performed via a midventral surgical tech-
were perfected in the early 1980s, they
nique; the donor was under general anesthesia
are not used widely. A practical, com-
in a surgical facility. During this period, ET
mercial embryo-sexing procedure re-
mains unavailable. Recent significant was not widely utilized in the dairy industry
improvement is apparent in the technol- because the udder of dairy cows hindered mid-
ogy of ultrasound-guided oocyte collec- ventral access to the reproductive tract. In ad-
tion and in vitro oocyte maturation, fer- dition, in some donors, the formation of adhe-
tilization, and embryo culture. In the sions following surgery sometimes led to loss
future, this technology may be used in or impairment of fertility (49). Consequently,
conjunction with sperm separated by sex few reproductively healthy dairy cows were
with a flow cytometer. Modest numbers transported to surgical ET facilities.
of embryo clones have been produced in Early attempts at nonsurgical recovery of
several commercial programs via nuclear bovine embryos did not prove successful for
transfer techniques. However, the effi- various reasons (43, 45, 184, 208). However,
ciency of gene transfer experiments in- in 1976, several groups (44, 50, 183) reported
volving ova of cattle and other domestic an efficient, nontraumatic, nonsurgical tech-
species has been low. Recently, DNA nique utilizing Foley catheters (C. R. Bard
probe technology has begun to provide Inc., Covington, GA). Following the introduc-
genotype information for cattle and will tion of the nonsurgical "flushing" technique,
ultimately be applied to embryos. the application of ET in the dairy industry
grew rapidly. As shown in Table I, the first
Holstein calves produced by ET were
Received October I, 1991. registered in 1974. Nonsurgical transfer tech-
Accepted March 16, 1992. niques were developed and refined by numer-

1992 J Dairy Sci 75:2857-2879 2857


TABLE 1. Holstein registrations from embryo transfer 11,756 cattle registered. The application of ET
(ET) for 1974 to 1990.
to genetically superior dairy cows is reflected
Birth year Males Females Total to some degree by the number of sires
1974 1 1 2
produced by ET. The percentage of bulls
1975 5 10 15 produced by ET represented as much as 44%
1976 41 93 134 of the highest index bulls in 1990 to 1991
1977 101 164 265 among three dairy breeds (Table 2).
1978 293 332 625
1979 705 782 1487
1980 1598 1968 3566 SUPEROVULATION
1981 2419 3403 5822
1982 3166 5132 8298 There have been no significant improve-
1983 3807 6399 10,206 ments in techniques for the superovulation of
1984 4359 8452 12,811 cattle in the last 15 yr. Much of the early
1985 4616 9952 14,568
1986 4957 10,393 15,350 research on superovulation involved the use of
1987 5187 9975 15,162 pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG).
1988 6252 11,387 17,639 Elsden et al. (51) showed that a higher ovula-
1989 6783 11,138 17,921 tory response was obtained with the use of
1990 1 7188 11,539 18.727
Total 51,478 91,120 142,598
FSH than with PMSG. In addition, there is no
commercially available source of PMSG ap-
1990 Non-ET
total -30,000 -365,000 -395,000
proved by the FDA for use in cattle in the US.
Consequently, most research has utilized FSH
INot completed. as the gonadotropin for superovulation. A good
deal of attention has centered on the amount of
LH contained within FSH preparations. All
commercially available FSH are pituitary ex-
ous ET practitioners during the late 1970s. The tracts from domestic species and contain varia-
adoption of both nonsurgical embryo recovery ble amounts of LH. The FSH:LH ratio in one
and ET techniques enabled ET to become an product varied over a 20-fold range among
on-farm procedure, and the number of ET different production lots (126). Laboratory rats
calves increased by more than 100% annually superovulated better when low LH concentra-
through 1980. The rate of growth slowed dur- tions were added to FSH than with pure FSH
ing the 1980s, reaching a total in 1990 of (4). Above a certain concentration, however,
18,727 Holstein ET registered. The ET calves addition of more LH resulted in lower su-
constituted 3% of all females and 19% of all perovulation responses. In cattle, however, this
bulls registered in 1990. Assuming that ap- detrimental effect of LH is not as clear-cut;
proximately 51% of all ET calves were bulls some studies failed to find an effect of the
(103), between 40 and 50% of ET bulls variation in FSH:LH ratios in commercially
produced over the last 5 yr were not registered, available FSH on superovulation (126, 234),
and the actual number of ET Holstein calves whereas, in other studies with controlled ratios
for 1990 was nearly 23,000. Baker's (7) data of FSH:LH, there was a detrimental effect with
covering 1973 through 1988 are the latest
available on ET calves of all breeds in North
America. We adjusted Baker's (7) totals on ET
calves by estimating the number of un- TABLE 2. Top bulls of three dairy breeds for 1990 to
registered male and female ET calves. Hol- 1991.
steins constituted 95% of the total ET calves Percentage
from 7 dairy breeds in 1988 and 37% of all ET Breed Evaluation Number by ETI
calves born, including those from 26 beef Holstein TPI! 100 44
breeds. By comparison, in the Jersey breed, a Jersey PTA-Protein 1 50 22
total of 566 ET were registered in 1990, which Brown Swiss PTII 33 27
represents 1.1 % of the 49,569 total registra- lET = Embryo transfers; TPI = Type-Production In-
tions for the breed. In the Brown Swiss breed, dex; PTA-protein = PTA for percentage and pounds of
365 ET (3.1 %) were registered out of a total of protein; PTI = Production-Type Index.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 75, No. 10, 1992

TABLE 3. Variation in superovulation among 5 Holstein cows.

Super- Mean Mean ova

Cow ovulations total ova Fertilized Degenerate Freezable
(no.) (%) (no.)
A 13 12.2 74 3.8 5.2
B 13 5.4 64 .8 2.6
C 11 18.6 55 1.3 8.9
D 9 10.3 93 .1 9.2
E 15 8.7 90 1.2 6.3

high LH concentration (28, 41, 88). In studies GnRH or analogs (61, 163, 164) nor the use of
utilizing commercial FSH preparations in human chorionic gonadotropin (108) in con-
which the LH content was assumed to be junction with superovulation regimens has in-
higher in one product than another, there were creased the number of embryos.
no differences among superovulatory responses The number of small follicles observed via
because of the use of different products or ultrasound prior to superovulation was posi-
different batch lot numbers of the same tively correlated with the size of the response
product (15, 33, 242). and the number of embryos collected (181).
In 1983, the first superovulation of 984 There have been a number of attempts to in-
Holsteins at Em Tran (Elizabethtown, PAl crease the number of follicles likely to respond
yielded an average of 5.1 embryos (81), and to superovulation by injecting one or two small
this average has not improved during the inter- doses of FSH or PSMG early in the estrous
vening years. With a range of 0 to 101 ova and cycle. This treatment resulted in increased em-
o to 50 embryos, the average, during a bryo production in some studies (155, 215,
13-yr period at Em Tran, with over 6000 224) but not in others (71, 73, 171, 176).
different Holstein females superovulated one Ultrasound also was used to increase the un-
or more times, was approximately 4.5 to 5.0 derstanding of follicular wave cycles during
usable embryos per superovulated Holstein the bovine estrous cycle (62, 106). This work
donor. Enormous variation is evident in the indicated that a dominant follicle develops in
responses of individual cattle to superovula- each follicular wave and inhibits the matura-
tion. Table 3 shows very large differences (P < tion of other follicles in that wave. Some re-
.001, by ANOVA) in fertilization rates and cent work (72, 77) suggests that initiating su-
embryo numbers among 5 Holstein cows su- perovulation in the presence of a dominant
perovulated 9 to 15 times each. On the low follicle reduces ovarian responses. However,
end, cow B averaged only 5.4 ova per su- several studies failed to demonstrate a correla-
perovulation compared with 18.6 for cow C. tion between the presence of a dominant folli-
Simply increasing the amount of FSH ad- cle and the size of the superovulatory response
ministered to a cow has not resulted in the (71, 238). The mere presence of a dominant
production of more embryos (36, 153). follicle may be less important than its suppres-
Some other variables related to superovula- sive capability (189). More research in
tion are relatively well understood. For exam- methods of assessing the functional charac-
ple, initiating superovulation early in the es- teristics of dominant follicles may lead to im-
trous cycle resulted in reduced responses (70, provements in superovulation of cattle.
125, 205). Age, to at least 10 yr (37, 81, 124), Recently, bovine FSH has been produced
and repeated superovulations (40, 42, 81) had, by recombinant DNA technology (27). Initial
at best, only a small effect on the number of tests of this product for superovulation of cat-
embryos produced. However, older cows tle indicated a remarkably high production of
selected for superovulation and females under- embryos because of both a high level of su-
going repeated superovulations represent perovulation and a high fertilization rate (239).
highly selected individuals. Neither the use of In a subsequent study, the degree of superovu-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 75, No. 10, 1992


lation was moderately large in Hereford heifers is tempting to use more semen from bulls
and very high in Brahman heifers with high suspected or known to be less than average in
fertilization rates for both (12). This recom- fertility. However, fertilization rates in Hol-
binant FSH has not yet been approved for use stein cows at Em Tran did not increase when 4
by the FDA. or 5 versus 3 straws of semen were used.
Hawk et al. (83) increased the fertilization rate
FERTILIZATION from 53% in superovulated cows inseminated
with 70 million frozen spenn to 93% when 4.4
Fertilization of the ova produced by su- billion fresh sperm were used. Even with 93%
perovulation is a component of ET with sig- fertilization, however, only 32% of the ferti-
nificant room for improvement. In a 1984 lized ova exhibited accessory sperm.
study of 984 Holstein cows and heifers su- Fresh and frozen semen from bulls selected
perovulated one time each, 61 % of the 8771 for high and low nonretum rates was used to
recovered ova were fertilized (81). In a current inseminate 160 superovulated beef heifers, and
study of 1337 repeat superovulations of ap- ovulated ova were recovered from the heifers
proximately 150 Holstein cows at Em Tran, at slaughter (25). The 89 and 70% fertilization
64% of the 11,537 ova were fertilized. Another rates of superovulated ova for the two treat-
large commercial ET company reported a fer- ment groups correlated highly with the non-
tilization rate of 63% in 476 superovulated return rates of the sires. Analysis of some
Holsteins (124). Cows in these studies were currently popular Holstein sires used on su-
inseminated with 2 to 4 straws of frozen semen perovulated cows at Em Tran indicated signifi-
from a variety of commercially popular bulls. cant differences (P < .001, by ANOVA) in
Fertilization was higher (70 to 80%) for su- fertilization rate and in the number of embryos
perovulated beef cattle in some commercial ET per flush (Table 4). The differences in fertility
programs (23, 127, 191). In single-ovulating of the 9 bulls listed in Table 4 are representa-
cows that were not superovulated, fertilization tive of the variation seen in the total data set of
rates often range from 85 to nearly 100% (84, inseminations using 96 bulls, resulting in 1210
180). In direct comparisons between superovu- embryo recoveries. The differences in fertiliza-
lated and nonsuperovulated cattle, fertilization tion rate among bulls were demonstrated wi-
rates were inevitably higher in the single- thin in vitro studies (201) in which significant
ovulating females (84, 187, 196). It has not differences existed among bulls in the propor-
been proven that sperm transport is inhibited in tion of fertilized ova that continued to develop
superovulated versus single-ovulating cattle. to the blastocyst stage. In another in vitro
However, accessory sperm counts have aver- study, fertilization and first cleavage rates were
aged fewer than 1 per zona from superovulated similar among bulls, but neither was correlated
cows versus over 40 per zona of ova from with the percentage of development to
single-ovulating cows in some studies (84, blastocysts (55). Similarly, in Table 4, which
187). A histological study demonstrated represents an in vivo comparison, differences
bilateral spenn reservoirs in the uterotubal were significant among bulls in the percentage
junctions and isthmus of single-ovulating cat- of degenerate embryos. These data demon-
tle, whereas superovulated cattle exhibited strate differences among bulls not only in fer-
only unilateral or a lack of reservoirs (91). In tility, but also in the viability of preimplanta-
some studies (129, 198), but not in others (84, tion embryos. This concept is further supported
139), fertilization rates in single-ovulating cat- by the report from a commercial ET program
tle were higher following semen placement in that the pregnancy rate of transferred embryos
the uterine hom versus insemination in the was significantly affected by the Holstein sire
body of the uterus. Fertilization rates in su- used to inseminate the donor (29). Recent data
perovulated cattle were not improved by in- demonstrated a positive relationship in the
seminating more than twice (12 and 24 h number of accessory sperm and the quality of
postestrus) in one study (225) or once (at 12, embryos in single-ovulating Holstein cows
15, or 24 h) versus three or four times in other (32). These data appear to indicate that in-
studies (130, 190). creasing the number of spenn contacting su-
The cost of semen in a commercial ET perovulated ova might improve not only fertili-
program is often an important consideration. It zation rate, but also embryo quality.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 75. No. 10. 1992

TABLE 4. Fertility of AI sires used on embryo donors.

Degenerate Frozen Mean

Bull flushes UFOl ova ova frozen oval
(no.) (%) (no.)
Ambrose 46 40 10 49 4.9
Blackstar 206 38 13 48 4.8
Cubby 39 35 5 60 4.1
Leadrnan 178 32 16 49 4.6
Michael 74 20 18 61 4.7
Southwind 61 31 15 62 4.3
Tesk 51 39 8 51 3.8
Wister 37 55 10 35 2.5
Laban 20 53 19 27 2.2
TotaI2 1210 35 13 51 4.4
1UFO = Unfertilized ova; mean frozen = mean number of embryos frozen per flush.
2Total values for all 96 bulls used in 1210 flushes.

RECIPIENTS (63%) in this study became pregnant following

ET than either beef cows (57%) or heifers
Any ET procedure ultimately depends on
the availability of a suitable recipient. Numer- (49%). Synchrony may become less important
ous factors related to bovine females have been with a higher average pregnancy rate. In four
studied in order to maximize the rate of preg- of the five programs, it was advantageous that
nancy. A classic concern is the importance of the recipient was in estrus before the donor.
the synchrony of estrus between the recipient Heifers sychronized with PGF2a exhibited a
and the donor of the embryo. In 1969, Rowson higher pregnancy rate following ET than
et al. (186) showed that a deviation of ± 2 d recipient heifers in natural estrus in one study
could result in pregnancy, but a later study (80), but there was no difference in another
(185) indicated a large drop in pregnancy rate
with a deviation of only 1 d. However, the data
from the second study (185), which form an
almost perfect bell-shaped curve, do not apply
in all situations. The effect of asynchrony on
pregnancy rate in that study (185) may have 10
been magnified by the young age of the em-

bryos. The graphs in Figure 1 represent preg- ....0
nancy rates as they relate to donor versus .., 60
recipient estrous synchrony from five large
commercial ET programs. The bottom curve "..,
. ., .
represents over 13,000 transfers, primarily into .....,Z 50
beef cows that came into estrus naturally.
Similarly, the two curves in the middle "
. ., 40
represent transfers primarily into beef cows.
The top two, very similar curves represent a
total of more than 8000 embryos transferred 30 + - ~ _ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ _ - - i
-60 -48 ·36 -24 .12 0 -12 -24 -36 --48 -60
into Holstein heifers, most of which had been
synchronized with PGF2a. It is not clear why
there are such differences among some of the Figure 1. Effect of donor-recipient synchrony of estrus
commercial programs represented. The curve on the pregnancy rate of recipients. Recipient in estrus
before donor (+) and recipient in estrus after donor (-).
from Putney et al. (168) is based on more than Key to references and sample sizes: (0) (29) (n = 1202);
13,000 transfers, of which 1320 were dairy (.) (80) (n = 6996); (e) (168) (n = 13,205); (ll) (38) (n =
cattle. A higher percentage of dairy heifers 13,164); and (0) (199) (n = 2016).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 75, No. 10, 1992


study (29). The quality of the corpus luteum of possible to culture bovine embryos with excel-
recipients was not correlated with pregnancy lent survival at ambient temperature (80) or
rate (29, 39, 80, 207). Determination of serum O·C (121) for at least 24 h. suitably syn-
progesterone concentrations in recipients on chronized recipients still must be available.
the day of ET has been investigated by numer- Only by long-term storage, necessitating freez-
ous workers as a possible means of predicting ing, can surplus embryos be preserved for
the success of ET. In most studies, there was transfer at a later date to suitably synchronized
no difference in average blood progesterone on recipients.
the day of ET in recipients that became preg- In 1972, the survival of cryopreserved
nant after ET and those that did not (79, 147, mammalian embryos was proven for the first
154, 207). However, in some reports (3, 147, time with the birth of live mice that had been
148, 174, 207), pregnancy rates were lower frozen as 2- to 8-cell embryos, stored at
among recipients for which progesterone con- -196·C, and transferred to recipients (227).
centrations were below 1 to 2 ng/ml of serum. Amazingly, this study reported a 65% post-
Pregnancy rate in recipients injected with thaw survival rate for almost 1000 mouse em-
progesterone at the time of ET was not higher bryos. Although the birth of the first calf
than that in control females (223). However, in resulting from ET of a frozen embryo was
another study (188), recipients that received announced in 1973 (237), it was some years
progesterone either by injection or by in- before the reliability of freezing cow embryos
travaginal sponge and that were in estrus 12 to approached that of mice. Improved techniques
48 h after the donor sustained a pregnancy rate for the freezing of bovine embryos resulted
of 53 versus 37% in untreated controls. Injec- from the investigation of a number of factors,
tion of progesterone on d 1 to 5 in recipients including comparisons of types and concentra-
reduced the effect of a 3-d asynchrony between tions of cryoprotectants, optimal rates of freez-
d-8 embryos and d-5 recipients (64). The preg- ing and plunge temperature, influence of the
nancy rate in progesterone-treated females was stage and quality of embryos. methods of
47 versus 5% in untreated controls. In attempts cryoprotectant removal, thaw temperature, and
to increase progesterone secretion from the cryoscopic examination of cytoplasmic
corpus luteum, human chorionic gonadotropin responses during freezing and thawing (18. 52,
was injected into ET recipients without im- 102, Il2, 113, 145, 146, 231). By the early
proving embryo survival (76, 128, 188). Simi- 19805, some commercial ET companies
larly, treatment of recipients with a GnRH reported pregnancy rates from frozen bovine
analog, either at the time of ET or 4 to 7 d embryos exceeding 50% (157, 200, 241).
later, did not increase pregnancy rate (47). The Reliable freezing technology led to the rapid
f3-mimetic agent clenbuterol, utilized in order development of an international trade in frozen
to maintain uterine quiescence, did not in- embryos; pregnancy rates exceeded 60% in
crease pregnancy rate when it was injected some cases (143, 214, 219).
prior to nonsurgical ET (1, 9, 132, 223) or Pathogens have not been demonstrated in-
surgical ET in one study (9), but pregnancy side the zona of cattle. It is now generally
rate increased when clenbuterol was used prior accepted that the intact zona pellucida is an
to surgical ET in other studies (30, 132). effective barrier to the passage of microbes.
including viruses (202). A number of both
viral and bacterial pathogens are effectively
removed from the outside of the bovine zona
During the 19705, commercially recovered pellucida either by rinsing the embryos 10
bovine embryos in most cases were either times in culture medium or, for some patho-
transferred to recipients within hours or dis- gens. by exposing the embryos briefly to tryp-
carded. The unpredictability of embryo sin (202). The pregnancy rate of embryos ex-
production from a given donor and the neces- posed to trypsin was not compromised (82).
sity for donor-recipient synchronization of es- These findings have led to the adoption by
trus frequently created discrepancies between many countries of specific import regulations
the number of embryos and the number of that recognize that it is safer to import properly
suitable recipients available. Although it is handled preimplantation embryos than live

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 75, No. 10, 1992

animals. For example, between 1983 and 1986, TABLE 5. Category 1 diseases recognized by the Interna-
France imported more than 1000 Holstein em- tional Embryo Transfer Society in 1992. 1
bryos from donors tested only for brucellosis Trypsin
and tuberculosis (214). The embryos were Diseases required
rinsed 10 times prior to freezing, and none of Leukosis No
the resulting calves was clinically positive for Foot and mouth disease No
any diseases. Although a significant number of Brucellosis No
the embryo donors were positive for bovine Bluetongue No
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis Yes
leukemia virus and infectious bovine Pseudorabies (swine) Yes
rhinotracheitis virus, all of the recipients re-
mained serologicaIly negative. The Interna- lCategory I diseases are those for which sufficient
evidence has accrued to show that the risk of transmission
tional Embryo Transfer Society (Champaign, is negligible. provided that the embryos are properly han-
IL) recognizes a yearly updated list of patho- dled between collection and transfer.
gens ranked according to scientifically
documented risk of transmission by ET. Table
5 lists the pathogens for which the risk was
considered to be the lowest as of 1992. These
freezing: vitrification, a phenomenon in which
findings facilitated the export from North
highly concentrated solutions of cryoprotec-
America of frozen embryos from Holstein
tants fail to crystallize when rapidly cooled,
donors. The Holstein Association (Brattleboro,
passing instead from the liquid state to an
VT) reported that 3200 export certificates for
unstructured glassy state. Vitrification involves
frozen embryos were processed in 1990, which
exposing embryos to a mixture of different
may represent 10,000 to 12,000 embryos.
permeating cryoprotectants and abruptly
Several additional approaches to embryo
plunging them into liquid nitrogen (118).
freezing may have the potential to impact the
Although relatively toxic cryoprotectants are
ET industry in the future. In 1982, Leibo et al. used in the vitrification procedure, 80% of
(120) first described a system in which an frozen thawed mouse embryos developed in in
embryo is frozen in a straw along with a vitro culture (IVC), and a 17% pregnancy rate
separate volume of liquid necessary to rehy- was produced by ET (173). There are a few
drate the embryo. After thawing a one-step reports (35) of ET pregnancies produced from
straw, the freeze solution, containing glycerol vitrified embryos; one study (134) cited 9
and the embryo, and the rehydration solution, pregnancies from 23 ET. Other than the ease
containing sucrose, are mixed by shaking the of the verification freezing procedure, advan-
straw. Within a few minutes, the embryo can tages over conventional freezing procedures
be transferred nonsurgically directly from the are not clear.
straw. The patented one-step system (115)
eliminates the need for using a microscope,
unloading thawed embryos, rehydrating them,
and then reloading them again into straws. The word "clone", derived from the Greek
Consequently, it eliminates the need for word for twig, suggests the asexual production
specialized technical expertise, reduces equip- of new plants by breaking off twigs (193). In
ment needs, and saves time. This technique has the context of animal breeding and ET, cloning
not been widely adopted by the ET industry, implies the production of a number of identical
probably because the pregnancy rate was be- copies of an individual animal. Unfortunately,
tween 26 and 42% (116, 117), which is lower no one has been successful in making clones
than that rate achieved with traditional technol- from the somatic cells of adult mammals.
ogy in the ET industry. However, this may be Clones in mammals have been produced by
a reflection of the conditions under which the several techniques only from preimplantation
field trials were conducted rather than of the embryos. Consequently, in the case of dairy
potential of the freezing system. Pregnancy cattle, if predictable phenotypes and milk
rates approximated 50% for other, similar, production are desired, cloned female embryos
single-step systems (134, 175). must be frozen and stored for approximately 3
Fahy et al. (58) first described different yr while one clone reaches maturity after ET
approach to preservation of embryos during and goes through progeny testing. The im-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 75, No. 10. 1992


TABLE 6. A comparison of percentage of pregnancies obtained with split bovine embryos by different researchers.

Transfer Zona (105) (74) (8) (210) (3) (197) (119)
Surgical With 60 64 76
Nonsurgical With 57 50 60 57 52
Nonsurgical Without 57 72

mediate advantage of cloning to cattle breeders form a competent blastocyst. It was recently
is as a tool for increasing the number of em- shown that a high percentage of embryos der-
bryos produced through superovulation. For ived from single blastomeres, isolated from
research purposes, identical animals provide a 4-cell bovine embryos developed in culture
large advantage over randomly bred animals (131). These embryos contained approximately
(14). Nicholas and Smith (144) described the one-third the number of cells found in normal
predicted rapid genetic advances of breeding control blastocysts. Although Willadsen and
programs based on genetic selection of clones. Polge (230) reported a high initial survival rate
of bovine "quarter" derived from separating
Embryo-Splitting 8-cell embryos into four 2-cell embryos, the
pregnancy rate after ET was low. In addition to
Embryo-splitting on a commercial basis low success, blastomere separation of 4- or
owes its roots to experimental studies of 8-cell embryos is not commercially feasible
separating the early embryonic blastomeres of because it necessitates the surgical recovery of
species such as the mouse (211), rabbit (141), the embryos from the oviducts and the use of
and pig (142). Willadsen and Polge (230) fIrst an intermediate recipient, such as a sheep, until
described a technique in 1981 by which bovine the embryos are old enough to be transferred
monozygotic twins were produced from the to the uterus of a bovine. Splitting of bovine
bisection or splitting of one embryo. Following morulae would theoretically be even less suc-
this, the technology was refined, and successes cessful than blastomere separation because of
were achieved with different kinds of splitting the inevitable loss of some cells by the split-
instruments and embryos of varying ages (149, ting process (203).
232). Application of embryo-splitting within At least one bull stud embarked on a pro-
the ET industry began in the mid-1980s, and a gram of purchasing pairs of twin bulls and
number of groups reported high success rates evaluating them in a progeny test program
after both surgical and nonsurgical transfer of (19). The Holstein Association recently in-
both zona-clad and zona-free demi-embryos itiated a study of performance and type differ-
(Table 6). The pregnancy rates in this table, ences between female twins produced by
which range from 50 to 76%, translate into 1.0 embryo-splitting (1 to). An initial finding,
to 1.52 pregnancies per original embryo, an based on 40 pairs of twins maintained within
obvious advantage over the transfer of intact the same herds, was that 53% of the females
embryos. To date, cloning by embryo-splitting produced at the same level, within 909 kg
in commercial ET has been limited in the (2000 lb) of milk per lactation, as their twins.
bovine to production to two demi-embryos per The currently used mathematical model
parent embryo. Early research in the mouse predicted that only 37% of the pairs would be
suggested that the embryological transition within 909 kg. Continued studies of this type
from morula to blastocyst, occurred after a may increase the understanding of heritability
genetically determined number of cleavage di- versus environmental components of milk
visions, not after a certain number of cells production and other traits. In spite of the
were present (213). As a consequence, the usefulness of such studies, embryo-splitting
number of segments into which an embryo has not become widely adopted by the dairy
could be divided, with survival, is limited by breeders utilizing ET. Table 7 shows the an-
the minimum number of cells necessary to nual registration of Holstein calves that were

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 75, No. 10, 1992

TABLE 7. Registration of Holsteins resulting from split ing pronuclear zygotes as the recIpIent were
embryos for 1982 to 1990.
unsuccessful (136, 179). Additional research
Birth led to a clearer understanding of the impor-
year Males Females Total tance of synchrony between the donor and
1982 4 0 4 recipient eggs, involving various nuclear and
1983 19 25 44 cytoplasmic factors. Tsunoda et a1. (216) were
1984 39 51 90 able to produce mouse clones by fusing
1985 100 149 249
1986 64 158
8-cell nuclei to enucleated 2-cell blastomeres.
1987 34 73 107 Cloning technology was significantly im-
1988 3S 61 96 proved when Willadsen (228) showed that sin-
1989 39 73 112 gle blastomeres from 8- and 16-cell sheep
1990 36 81 117 embryos that were fused to enucleated, unferti-
Total 370 671 1041
lized sheep ova supported development to the
blastocyst stage. Lambs were born after ET of
clones from the 8-cell donors. The percentages
of cloned embryos that reached the blastocyst
produced by embryo-splitting. Clearly, after a stage were similar whether Sendai virus or an
peak in 1985 to 1986, the number produced electrofusion apparatus was used to achieve
yearly declined and reached a plateau at a fusion between the donor and recipient mem-
modest number. There are several possible rea- branes. The success in using unfertilized 00-
sons for this. The splitting equipment em- cytes as recipients led to the concept that the
ployed by most ET practitioners is not easily oocyte cytoplasm had the capacity to "repro-
utilized on the farm. Simplified splitting tech- gram" the mitotic clock of the donor nucleus,
niques (182, 233) that do not require the use of thereby turning it back to start the first cell
a micromanipulator have not been widely cycle [for discussion, see (204)].
adopted by the ET industry. Perhaps more The first cloned calves resulted from the
importantly, the inability to know the sex of electrofusion of blastomeres from 9 to
embryos to be split may discourage breeders IS-cell morulae to enucleated oocytes (165).
from increasing the number of calves produced The first report from a commercial bovine
by this technology. As seen in Table 7, only cloning program indicated a 23% pregnancy
approximately one-half of the bull calves rate in recipients receiving embryos cloned
resulting from splitting have been registered from S- to 6-d-old embryos composed of be-
since 1986. tween 16 and 64 cells. (17). Pregnancies were
obtained from clones derived from both fresh
Nuclear Transfer
and frozen donor embryos. In addition, preg-
nancies were obtained from second generation
Mammalian cloning evidenced by the birth clones, i.e., clones derived from clones. The
of three live mice was announced first in 1981 efficiency from the start of the procedure to the
(92). This achievement resulted from the trans- end was low. For example, using blastomeres
fer of nuclei from the inner cell mass of obtained from S-d-01d donor embryos, electro-
blastocysts into fertilized ova from which the fusions between donor blastomeres and
pronuclei were removed. These results have recipient oocytes were attempted 882 times,
not been repeated (136, 179). In 1983, the resulting in 636 fusions (72%), of which 196
success rate of cloning in mice was high, (22%) developed to at least the morula stage
resulting from an improved technique of after 6 d of culture in sheep oviducts. If all 196
removing the pronucleus from the recipient clones had been transferred, the quoted preg-
egg and from the use of Sendai virus to fuse nancy rate of 23% would have produced 45
the donor pronucleus and recipient egg (135). pregnancies, or 5.1 % of the original 882 donor
However, because single-cell pronuclear donor blastomeres. This involved the use of recipient
embryos were used, this technique only had oocytes surgically recovered just prior to ovu-
the potential to produce one copy of each lation from superovulated cattle. A subsequent,
donor embryo. Further attempts to produce much less expensive approach utilized in vitro
clones from multicellular mouse embryos us- matured oocytes from ovaries obtained from

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 75. No. 10. 1992


the slaughterhouse (10). The rate of cloning cattle commercially. However, it may be possi-
and the pregnancy rate after ET of clones were ble to produce transgenic cattle by inserting
similar between recipient oocytes matured in the desired gene into embryonic stem (ES)
vitro and in vivo. The birth of the fIrst 100 cells, which then would be injected into the
calves resulting from ET of cloned embryos blastocoelic cavity of the host embryo, as has
was recently announced by another commer- been done in mice [for review, see (21)]. The
cial organization (229). The pregnancy rate in resulting chimera mayor may not express the
that study (229) was 38% at 90 d of gestation. transferred gene in its germ line. This would
No technology related to production of the be a slow and expensive approach, requiring
clones was presented, but it was noted that two generations to produce the desired geno-
some calves seemed exceptionally large at the type, and then only if the gene is in the germ
time of birth. Although over 30 clonal preg- line.
nancies have been produced from one original
donor embryo, a large degree of variation ex- SEXING OF EMBRYOS AND SEMEN
ists in the ease with which individual embryos
can be cloned (K. Bondioli, personal commu-
nication). As of April 1991, the Holstein As- Embryos
sociation and registered 64 calves resulting Sex determination of preimplantation cattle
from ET of cloned embryos. embryos utilized in ET has economic impor-
tance. The sex ratio at birth in dairy cattle
CHIMERAS produced by artifIcial insemination was
According to Greek mythology, chimeras reported to be 50.8% males (60), which com-
were fIre-breathing monsters, with a lion's pares closely with the 51.1 % recorded in ET
head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail. Em- calves of mixed breeds (103). Male embryos
bryologically, chimeras represent an organism develop, on the average, faster than female
composed of genetically different cell popula- embryos, both in vivo (5) and in vitro (6).
tions. Tarkowski (212) and Mintz (138) in- However, this phenomenon cannot be utilized
dependently produced the fITSt mouse chimeras accurately for sexing embryos on an individual
by aggregating two early cleavage stage em- basis (5). Karyotyping is an invasive approach
bryos that combined into a single embryo. The to embryo-sexing that involves obtaining cells
resulting offspring had tissues derived from from an embryo, preparing metaphase spreads,
both embryos. Subsequently, mice with 6 or 8 and identifying the sex chromosomes. DefIni-
parents have been produced (156). Mouse tive karyotypes were obtained in only 58% of
chimeras have been extremely valuable in hatched blastocysts (78) and in 62% of d-7
studying germ cell distribution, sexual embryos (172). In addition to its low effI-
differentiation, and immunological tolerance. ciency, this invasive technique is not suitable
Manipulations to produce chimeras with for embryos requiring an intact zona in order
trophoblast and inner cell mass originating to be frozen or exported.
from embryos of different species may provide Two noninvasive approaches to embryo-
a means to overcome placental incompatibili- sexing have been investigated: 1) colorimetric
ties between donors and recipients. For exam- monitoring of X-linked enzyme activity prior
ple, neither domestic goats nor sheep carry the to X chromosome inactivation and 2) im-
embryo of the other species to term. However, munodetection of H-Y antigen with antibodies.
chimeras were constructed so that each Both of these techniques were only moderately
recipient carried young of the opposite species, accurate in sexing mouse embryos [for review,
whereas the placental tissue was derived from see (218)). The H-Y antigen technique resulted
the same species as the recipient (59). in correct sex determination in 84% of
Chimeras were produced in cattle by aggregat- 8-cell to blastocyst stage bovine embryos (226)
ing morulae (22) and by injecting the cells of but has not been adopted by the ET industry.
one embryo into the blastocoelic cavity of Seidel (194) reviewed the economics, advan-
another (209). Because of the unpredictable tages, and disadvantages of producing ET
composition of chimeric offspring, it is not calves from sexed embryos based on a
likely that this technology will be applied to hypothetical 80% rate of accuracy.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 75. No. 10. 1992

Development of probes specific for Y chro- etry, this technology is not currently useful in
mosomes has led to an evolution of increas- cattle insemination programs. However, this
ingly accurate and rapid sexing techniques. technique can possibly be used to provide ade-
Embryo sex detennination with probes specific quate numbers of sex-selected sperm for in
for Y chromosomes required about 30 h using vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures.
an immunocytochemical technique (123) and 8
d with a radioactive isotope technique (16). GENE TRANSFER
Utilization of the polymerase chain reaction
for amplification of DNA sequences specific Mammalian gene transfer was first
for Y chromosomes shortened the assay time described in mice in 1980 (68). Shortly there-
to a few hours (86, 159). In spite of the speed after. Palmiter et al. received a great deal of
and accuracy of this technique, it still requires attention for the production of transgenic mice
invasion of the zona and the use of a carrying the structural gene for rat (150) and
micromanipulator. In addition, current poly- human (151) growth hormone. Some of the
merase chain reaction technology is not likely transgenic mice grew twice as large as con-
to be usable in on-farm ET situations because trols, and growth hormone concentrations were
of risk of contamination (87). Consequently, as much as 800 times higher. Half of the
the primary use of this technology in the future transgenics (151) transmitted the growth hor-
may be in conjunction with cloning. mone gene to their offspring, which also grew
faster than controls. These early successes in
Semen mice catalyzed numerous attempts to produce
transgenic livestock; a major effort was
In many cases, even if a group of bovine directed to pigs. In the previously mentioned
embryos could be accurately and rapidly frrst success with growth hormone (150), 7
sexed, some of them would be discarded. Use transgenic mice resulted from 170 injected ova
of sex-selected semen on superovulated donors (4%). In contrast, Pursel et al. (167) reported
would increase, if not double, the number of in a review paper that only 73 transgenic pigs
embryos of the desired sex. Theoretically, se- were produced out of a total of almost 11 ,000
men can be sex selected either by physical (.7%) ova injected. In addition to the very low
separation of the X- and Y-bearing sperm efficiencies, there has been no expression to
populations or by selectively killing or inac-
date of a commercially useful transgene in
tivating one or the other population. Over the
pigs. Although some pigs that were transgenic
years, success has been claimed for many
for growth hormone exhibited enhanced
different bovine semen-sexing techniques
growth rates and feed efficiencies, they ex-
[reviewed by Amann, (2)]. None of these tech-
niques has been credited with significantly hibited a variety of problems, including lame-
skewing fetal sex ratios in field trials. ness, gastric ulcers, and lack of libido.
Dead sperm from mice (Microtus) were Progress in producing transgenic livestock
separated by flow cytometry into sex- has lagged behind that in mice for several
determining populations with an accuracy of reasons. Mouse ova and embryos are readily
about 80% (162). Improvements in the flow available and inexpensive. The pronuclei of
cytometric cell sorting equipment and in stain- mice are clearly visible within the cytoplasm,
ing of the sperm led to 90% accuracy in sepa- whereas the ova of cattle (221) and pigs (222)
ration of bull sperm that retained the ability to must be centrifuged to displace cytoplasmic
form pronuclei when injected into hamster 00- lipid granules, which pennits visualization and
cytes (98). Furthermore, the technology was micropuncture of the pronuclei. Also, a much
used to demonstrate that bovine semen sam- greater research effort has been directed to
ples purportedly enriched in X- or Y-bearing mice and has resulted in production of hun-
populations by a number of different tech- dreds of different transgenics, including some
niques, were, in fact, unaltered in sex ratio very valuable models for the study of human
(161). Rabbits inseminated with sperm sorted disease [for review, see (90)]. Consequently, as
by flow cytometry produced 81 % males and pointed out by Pursel et al. (166), much more
94% females (99). Because only approximately is known regarding the conditions favoring
350,000 spermlh can be sorted by flow cytom- gene transfer in mice than in any other species.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 75, No. 10. 1992


There are only a few reports of transgenic single, transgenic ES cells to enucleated 00-
cattle. Four transgenic 60-d fetuses were cytes. This would avoid the lengthy and expen-
produced from 1325 centrifuged, fertilized ova, sive process of producing two generations of
of which 819 had been injected with a con- cattle, which would be necessary if the ES
struct of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase cells were transferred into blastocysts that
structural gene (13). The same research group would then develop into transgenic chimeras.
(13) later reported the birth of one calf known This system cannot be attempted at present in
to be transgenic with a human estrogen recep- either cattle, because of the lack of ES cells, or
tor gene linked to a skeletal actin promoter in mice, because it has not proven possible to
(133). Still other pregnancies had not reached produce clones with mouse inner cell-mass
term at the time of the report (133); however, cells.
only 79 pregnancies were produced from a Notwithstanding the low rates of success in
starting total of 1704 (4.6%) injected ova. One producing transgenic cattle, there is interest in
of the preceding studies (13) utilized the sheep getting growth hormone gene constructs into
oviduct as an intermediate host for 6 d be- dairy cattle with the goal of increased milk
tween the time of gene insertion into ova and production. Because the metallothionein
the nonsurgical transfer of embryos into bo- promoter used in previous sheep and pig
vine recipients. Taking into account the failure projects causes continuous transcription of the
to recover 16% of the ova from sheep growth hormone gene, a more suitable
oviducts, 17.6% of injected ova developed into promoter must be found (220). At present, few
embryos that developed normally. When a genes controlling traits of economic impor-
much less expensive system, NC, was utilized tance are known in cattle. However, a number
for gene-injected ova, a similar percentage of applications for gene transfer in dairy cattle
(15%) developed into embryos (133). Another directed at changes in milk composition have
laboratory (85) reported a higher proportion of been suggested (235). Suggested applications
development (17 to 47%) when DNA-injected are related to the protein composition of milk
bovine ova were cultured in ligated rabbit because it "is controlled very directly by gene
oviducts for 7, 8, or 9 d. expression" (235). Gene transfer related to
Another approach to gene transfer, men- milk proteins falls into two general categories:
tioned in the section on chimeras, involves the 1) changes in concentrations of particular pro-
use of ES cells. First described in 1981 [for teins, which, depending on the protein, could
review, see (177)], they represent pluripotential result in improvements in the response of milk
cells isolated from the inner cell mass of to processing, improvements in cheese produc-
blastocysts. Mouse ES cells can be maintained tion, increases in the digestibility of milk by
indefinitely in vitro in an undifferentiated state. humans, and increased resistance of the trans-
They can be injected into the blastocoelic genic cow to mastitis and 2) production of
cavity of mouse blastocysts, whereby they con- pharmaceutical proteins. The results of
tribute to the formation of chimeras. Conse- research in mice and sheep that are relevant to
quently, DNA can be inserted into ES cells, these potential applications in dairy cows were
and chimeric, transgenic mice can be produced reviewed by Wilmut et al. (235, 236). The
(178). Unfortunately, although ES-like cells birth of a transgenic dairy bull calf carrying a
have been isolated from bovine blastocysts gene for the milk-specific production of human
(54, 206), their ability to contribute to the lactoferrin was recently announced (107). This
germ layer after transfer to a blastocyst has not calf was one of 2 transganics (the other of
been demonstrated. Wilmut et al. (235) sug- which was a mosaic) out of 21 calves that
gested a future strategy for more efficient resulted from 129 embryos transferred to
production of bovine clones if bovine ES were recipients. The project started with the follicu-
to become available. By inserting DNA into lar aspiration and in vitro maturation (IVM) of
ES cells rather than into the pronuclei of early 2297 oocytes, successful NF of 1358, gene
embryos, only those ES cell lines in which the injection of 1154, and development to the
DNA is incorporated would be selected for blastocyst stage in culture with subsequent ET
use. The next unique step in the procedure of 129. Two reports simultaneously published
would be to produce clones by electrofusing detailed the production of several transgenic

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 75, No. 10, 1992

goats with human-type plasminogen activator 37°C. Only after large numbers of fertilized
in their milk (46) and three transgenic ewes bovine ova became available were IVC sys-
with human antitrypsin in their milk (240). tems rapidly improved.
The efficiency of producing the transgenic Bovine NF was first achieved in 1977 with
goats and sheep in terms of the number of semen that was capacitated in the oviduct or
embryos that were gene injected was some- uterus of estrual cow or the uterus of a rabbit
what higher than that described for the in vitro (93). The first live calf resulting from IVF was
system utilized to produce the transgenic bull. born in 1981 (20). During the evolution of
Expensive projects such as these often have NF, fertilization rates remained modest when
strong financial inducements to seek patents media of high ionic strength were used for
for transgenics. The status of patenting trans- capacitation of sperm (75, 101). The IVF pro-
genics was reviewed by Raines in 1990 (170). tocols changed significantly when the effec-
On June 13, 1991, US senator Mark Hatfield tiveness of capacitation with calcium iono-
introduced a bill to impose a 5-yr moratorium phore (24) and heparin (152) was reported.
on the granting of patents for genetically en- The first studies of NF in cattle depended on
gineered vertebrate or invertebrate animals (US surgically recovering, via laparotomy or
Senate bill number 1291). laparoscope, the activated ova from superovu-
lated females (109). Improvements in culture
IVF AND Ive systems led to NF of IVM ova in numerous
laboratories (24). Consequently, NF and IVC
The advantages of mice versus cattle in experiments were able to use ova obtained
reproductive research have perhaps been most from slaughterhouse ovaries. At present, high
evident in the development of IVM, NF, and rates of NF are possible with rather different
IVC systems. Mouse ova and embryos can be systems. An NF rate of 88% was achieved
inexpensively obtained in large numbers at any with 24-h incubation of ova and sperm using
stage of development. Until the recent de- heparin capacitation a medium containing
velopment of efficient bovine NF systems, HEPES and modified Tyrode's salt solution,
embryo culture experiments were dependent on but only 35% fertilization resulted from
surgical collection of early embryos or nonsur- 6-h incubation (243). In a defined medium
gical collection of older embryos from su- using calcium ionophore capacitation, 6-h in-
perovulated cattle. Seidel's literature review cubation resulted in 87% fertilization (97).
(192) of bovine embryo IVC between 1970 To be commercially useful, IVF embryos
and 1977 documented the widespread use of must develop and remain viable for approxi-
small sample sizes. Of 47 experimental groups mately 7 days. In the early 1970s, Lawson et
in 15 papers, the embryo sample size was 20 al. (111) showed that 1- to 8-cell bovine em-
or smaller in 22 groups. Much greater progress bryo cleaved when cultured in the rabbit
was made during this period than was possible oviduct, and pregnancy rate was high follow-
with cattle or other livestock by the use of ing ET. Similarly, sheep, rabbit, and cow
mouse ovum culture systems, which utilized oviducts were used to culture NF embryos
large numbers of ova in multifactorial experi- (114); however, various coculture IVC systems
ments. However, mouse IVC systems do not have largely replaced in vivo systems. Bovine
necessarily work well for other species, includ- trophoblastic vesicles significantly enhanced
ing cattle. For example, the developmental the development of bovine embryos from the
IVC block that occurs at 2 cells in mice occurs I-cell to the morula stage (26). More recently,
at 8 to 16 cells in cattle, and the culture bovine oviductal cells substantially improved
conditions to overcome it differ for the two the IVC development of bovine embryos (56).
species (11). The temperature of culture sys- Improvement was similar with conditioned
tems for mice is routinely 37·C, and most medium, from which oviductal cells were re-
early work in cattle was performed at 37·C in moved prior to IVC, and with frozen-thawed
spite of the fact that the body temperature of conditioned medium (57).
bovines averages approximately 39°C. Lenz et Reported pregnancy rates from ET of NF
al. (122) showed that a significantly higher and IVC embryos are based on small numbers
percentage of ova were fertilized at 39 versus but are apparently in the 50 to 70% range (56,

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 75, No. 10, 1992


95, 158), despite the report that blastocysts drilled (104). Sperm injection involves insert-
produced by NF and IVC contained only one- ing single sperm into the ooplasm of activated
half the number of cells found in oviduct- oocytes. In the bovine, exposure of sperm-
cultured embryos (94). Also, use of a double injected ova to a calcium ionophore greatly
staining technique demonstrated that the IYC enhanced activation of the ova (244). Further-
embryos contained only one-half the number more, it was recently shown that sperm killed
of inner cell-mass cells (95). However, d-5 by repeated freezing and thawing could ferti-
IVF morulae were reported to have similar lize ova when injected into the ooplasm (69).
numbers of cells whether they were produced Four pregnancies resulted from ET of embryos
by IVC or cultured in the rabbit oviduct (48). fertilized by injection of dead sperm. Another
It was recently demonstrated that 31 % (63) or variation of sperm injection, involving place-
47% (140) of IVM and NF embryos reached ment of single sperm into the perivitelline
the late morula or blastocyst stage in lYe space, resulted in low (9 to 11 %) fertilization
without coculture. Thus, in just a few years rates (89). Zona drilling and sperm injection
bovine culture systems have evolved from the are both techniques that might benefit from the
necessity of oviductal culture in an intermedi- availability of semen that was sex selected by
ate host, to coculture systems, to very promis- flow cytometry (98). Finally, it was recently
ing IYC successes without coculture. shown that primary ovarian follicles from
With the goal of producing twin pregnan- 12- to 16-d-old mice could be grown in Ive to
cies in beef cows, a large commercial project the preovulatory stage (169). Also, mice were
was developed to provide NF embryos for ET born after ET of embryos produced from an
into previously inseminated cows (67). Be- NF and IVC system that utilized oocyte-
cause it is less critical for the IYF embryos in granulosa cell complexes taken from 12-d-old
this program to have genetic value than in mice and cultured in vitro for 10 d (53).
some other situations, the ova originate from
slaughterhouse ovaries, and IYF is by ap- GENE PROBES
propriate beef sires. In contrast, application of
IVF and IYC in dairy cattle necessitates that Complementary to specific chromosomal
the ova come from genetically superior donors. sites, DNA probes represent one of many tools
Laparoscopic collection was difficult (109) and developed by molecular geneticists. Applica-
has not been widely adopted for use. In addi- tions to livestock have been a very small off-
tion, timing of collection relative to onset of shoot of the numerous and, in some cases, very
ovulation is critical. Ultrasound-guided aspira- large genetic engineering projects involved
tion of antral follicles appears to be a promis- primarily with human medicine and plant
ing technique. Initial studies demonstrated that genetics. As mentioned in the section on sex-
an average of 5 (160) to 10 (217) ova per ing of semen, specific DNA probes have been
attempt could be aspirated on a once or twice developed that will hybridize with repetitive
weekly basis. There was no detectable, DNA sequences found exclusively on the bo-
detrimental damage to the ovaries after 17 to vine Y chromosome (16). In addition, several
27 aspiration attempts (217). Widespread use commercial companies have developed probes
of IYF embryos requires that they be frozen. for the prolactin (31), K-casein (137), and ~­
However, few data are available on the sur- lactoglobulin (65) loci, all of which are linked
vival of frozen-thawed embryos resulting from to increased milk yield, protein yield, or both.
IVF. Recently, probes for the weaver trait in Brown
Zona drilling, a technique that involves Swiss and for bovine leucocyte adhesion defi-
chemical dissolution of a hole in the zona, may ciency were made commercially available (1.
have an application when sperm for IYF are in M. Massey, personal communication). Markers
low concentration. There may be problems closely linked to the bovine polled trait and to
with polyspermy associated with zona drilling red color in Holsteins are being sought. The
in human NF [for review, see (100)]. development of DNA probes such as these is
However, a recent study showed enhanced NF based on the genetic mapping of DNA mar-
and lYe development with no increased poly- kers. Markers, which represent restriction frag-
spermy in bovine ova that had been zona ment length polymorphisms, are mapped by

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 75, No. 10, 1992

the study of inheritance patterns in bovine the untreated, control recipients was at the
families, combined with DNA hybridization industry average. There is apparently no sub-
techniques and the use of polymerase chain stitute for good management of recipients.
reaction amplification. Several laboratories are There would appear to be more possibility
engaged in the development of bovine for improved pregnancy rates with frozen-
genomic maps, and at least one commercial thawed embryos, which are currently 10 to 15
laboratory reported that over 200 markers have percentage points below those produced from
been identified (66). fresh embryos. Survival of embryos may be
Specific DNA probes available for cattle enhanced by new procedures such as vitrifica-
owners are being used on blood samples from tion. This procedure may have a genuine ad-
cattle of any age and, in the case of the Y- vantage over traditional procedures if the
specific probe, on 4- to lO-cell embryo biop- problem of toxic cryoprotectants can be
sies (86). Continued improvements in IVF and reduced. There are some unpublished indica-
IVC techniques and increasing availability of tions that vitrification may be the method of
probes make it highly likely that single blasto- choice for IVC embryos produced by IVF and
meres of embryos will be monitored in various cloning, which are usually considered to be
ET projects. The substitution of traditional more fragile than in vivo embryos. Also, the
genetic selection based on phenotype for DNA delivery system for frozen embryos is cur-
markers with probe technology has become rently a limiting factor in the efficient use of
known as marker-assisted selection (66). Ge- frozen embryos in the field. Traditional thaw-
orges (66) suggested the use of the term ing techniques require the use of a microscope
"velogenetics" for the selective utilization by and the movement of thawed embryos through
ET of embryos identified through gene probes. two or three rehydration solutions, after which
Technology permitting, fetal oocytes would be the embryos are reloaded into straws for trans-
obtained and matured through IVF and IVC, fer. Single-step systems eliminate these proce-
and superior embryos would again be selected dures and make it practical for a technician to
by gene probes and then transferred. This ap- transfer a single frozen embryo on-farm, much
proach significantly decreases the number of as a single insemination is currently provided.
recipients needed to produce the best from a If only small increases are possible in preg-
potentially large group of IVC embryos. It also nancy rates from transferred embryos, there
decreases generation time from the use of fetal may be more opportunity to achieve greater
oocytes. Obviously, this technology also syner- numbers of pregnancies per donor by increas-
gizes very well with cloning and gene transfer ing the number of usable embryos per flush.
techniques. One approach is to learn how to know more
exactly when to initiate each superovulation
attempt for individual donors. Perhaps a com-
bination of endocrine and ultrasound monitor-
Within the current boundaries of the state of ing will permit the start of superovulation on
the art, commercial bovine ET routinely results the optimal day for a given estrous cycle in a
in the production of 5 to 7 usable embryos per donor. However, given the commercial neces-
superovulated donor and a pregnancy rate of sity of using sires with quite variable fertility
65 to 80% with fresh embryos and a 55 to 70% and the variation among donor females, it may
pregnancy rate with frozen embryos transferred not be possible to push fertilization rates of
into suitable recipients. Marked improvements superovulated ova much higher.
in these pregnancy rates are unlikely. Probably The rate of progress within different areas
5 to 10% of the females in any group of of the ET field is extremely variable. Present
recipients are unsuitable for use because of knowledge of how to increase the chances of
undetected fertility problems. The system may making an ET heifer pregnant has not in-
be close to its biological limits of success in creased in the past 10 yr, and the same number
the ET of fresh embryos. Field trials involving of embryos are obtained now from superovu-
attempts to enhance pregnancy rate with vari- lated donors as 15 yr ago. As originally prac-
ous hormones and drugs showed no improve- ticed, ET only provided a means to increase
ment over controls when the pregnancy rate in the number of calves per unit of time from a

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 75. No. 10. 1992


donor female. In the early 19808, specific 4 Annstrong, D. T., A. Suida, M. A. Opavsky, and Y.
genetic selection schemes, such as multiple Chandrasekhar. 1989. BiomodaI effect of luteinizing
honnone and role of androgens in modifying su-
ovulation embryo transfer (MOET) programs, perovulatory responses of rats to infusion with puri-
were developed to use ET as a means of fied porcine follicle-stimulating honnone. Bioi.
decreasing the time necessary to provide a Reprod. 39:511.
genetic evaluation on bulls. Now, as pointed 5 Avery, B., A. Bak, and M. Schmidt. 1989. Differen-
out by Seidel (195), we have recently started tial cleavage rates and sex determination in bovine
embryos. Theriogenology 32:139.
using a number of new technologies, some of 6 Avery, B., V. Madison, and T. Greve. 1991. Sex and
which probably were not even thought of 20 yr development in bovine in-vitro fertilized embryos.
ago. The polymerase chain reaction, for exam- Theriogenology 35:953.
ple, was perfected less than 10 yr ago and is 7 Baker, R. D. 1989. Embryo transfer calves produced
in the United States from 1973 to 1988. Page 108 in
now being utilized in several areas of cattle Proc. Am. Embryo Transf. Assoc. Annu. Mtg., Hast-
breeding and ET. Other less exotic but poten- ings, NE.
tially powerful techniques, such as separation 8 Baker, R. D., and B. F. Shea. 1985. Commercial
of X- and Y-bearing sperm, IVF and IVC, and splitting of bovine embryos. Theriogenology 23:3.
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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 75, No. 10, 1992

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