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7:02 PM Sun, Dec 10 8 CORD €__ standalone-financial-statements(1).pdf aaBo Peep asc) eae oer ed Standalone Balance Sheet ‘8 at 31 March 2022 (All amounts in crores, unless otherwise stated) as a 5 — i=paoe 4 ae i aie zi 7 = i z —— = : — ie a ‘ a eeneahia : + re ea ‘ a 2 i omenee a oe : — ea 3 ——— i Z i fees : # i: eee : — ee : —— ener or Es rams Pearerem : —" i= % an a ieee mee isi ae res : a tee : as = ae 3 Fa ae ‘fm nomeuren abies * ns rast cae eo Z :.——"* As z 7 ——us a : "ae enue 2 Sc a i i aa ne son cj ——"ee Total equity and babies ‘382.00 Ts08 a : ——— hiatinteemaettaeeannas eae SEI aromas mon tote tenner taste 232 [erate Pace: Now Dati EVP (nance) and Company Sortany Date: Sty 2022 MunosFOS aT 232 read Cen) ore eae elas Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss ‘ended 31 March 2022 for the ye {All amounts in «crores, unless otherwise stated) ET eet evenve rom eper 2 Otter income 2 Teta income Expenses Coat of mates coneumed oe Purchases of stock-inirade Changes in ientorie of frished goods, stockintrade and worcinprogress 5 Employee benelis expense 26 France costs a Depreciation and amortisation expense 8 Otter expenses ‘Advereement andl publicity otters 2 ‘Total expenses Profit before tax Toxexpense 4 Curent ax Deterec tax Total tax expense Net profit or the year ‘Other comprehensive income a ‘A. (toms that wil ot be reclssite o prot or loss (i) Ircome axl 8 ()_ lems mat wil be reclassified to profit or loss (i) Income tax relating totems that wil be reclassied to prof ols gto Roms that wil not be reclassified o prof or loss ‘otal other comprehensive income ‘otal comprehensive income for the your Earnings per equity share Bose? 2 Divted® ‘Summary ot significant accountng polcles 5 {The accompanying notes are an integral aro thse stanton nana statements Neer) Gost Monit Burman Pace: Now Dat Ev (nance) and Company Sorry Date: Sti 2022 fanacFes att eae acct) 5,179.50 941.58 s21.05 322789 narrar (2849) erar 1897 100.39 eat.02 1516 (755) 4o47) 1083 (2803) 140490 ant 2.08 738873 276.65 7461.38 2,786.08 aai7so (7679) ess.62 oa 143.40 e480 6299 sy7807 160331 209.78 167 20142 1,301.89 ee? (40) 25.25) 625 (6.9) 4.36876 782 720 233 7:03 PM Sun, Dec 10 8 CORD €__ standalone-financial-statements(1).pdf aaBo Standalone Cash Flow Statement forthe year ended 31 March 2022 (All amounts in ¢ crores, unless othenvise stated) ‘A CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Profit betore tax 1.99631 1,683.31 ‘Adjustments tor: Depreciation and amortisation expense 160.39 aa.4o Loss / (gain on disposal of propery, plan and equipment et) ose (039) ‘Share based payment expense 3146 73 Provision for sputed tables 1150 1350 Provision for employee benetis any 608 Finance costs 1867 ox Intros income (206.94) (22223) Unreasedforekn exchange (ganioss (net) (129 1a Expected crt (gain) loss / mpairmert of nancial and non francial assets (1279) 234 (Gain) oss on fa valuation of financial instruments ret) (129) 078 "Not gin on leo nari assets measured at FVTPL (1.15) (15.82) "Not gin on sale of nara assets measured at FVTOGI (6.02) (226) "Not gin on sale of nara assets measured a amorised cost (042) Operating profit before working capital changes and other adjustments 1919.17 921 ‘Working capital changes and other adjustments: Inventories (123.80) (905.02) “Trade receivables (17800) 9427 Curent and norcusent nancial assets 689 989 (other cument and nan-cuent assets 19.00 1509 “Trade payabies 100.66 44092 (other cument and nen-ourent franca labties 1599 4907 other cumert bites and provisions 48) 2210 Cash flow from operating activities post working capital changes 164040 serer7 Direct taxos paid (net of rtund) (028.45) (27460) Not cash flow trom operating activites (A) 1,318.95 sy7087 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES ‘Acquistion of property, plant and equipment, captal workinprogress and other (226.77) (24.90) Intangwe assets Proceeds om deposal of property, plant and equipment 22 an Purchaso of vestments in subsiianes 01) Purchase of vestments bank deposis (6241.39) (727669) Proceeds rom ealredempton of investments /bank deposits. 502.68 617248 Intorest received seo 2505 "Not cash used in investing activites (8) (622.00) 12140) 234 Board and manciat orate ear R Cacao nay [Not cash used in investing activities (8) (622.80) 234 aoa ree Rey) Financial ora rare a aay Ee ney (12140) (© CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES ‘Proceeds tom issue of equly shave capa 0.9 Proceeds / (repayment rem non-curentbortonings (ncuding eran matures) 2895 Proceeds from current bortowings (ne!) 11428 Principal payment of lee abies (274) Invorest payment of ease Babies at Diiend pais (ors) Finance costs paid (es9) ‘Net cash used in financing activities (C) (3479) Increase in cash and cash equivalents (A+84+0) 226 (Cash and cash equvalents atthe beginning of he year 701 Impact of changes in exchange rates 110 ‘Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 1047 Note: ‘Cash and cash equivalent (2s per note 14to the standalone financial statements) 10.47 ‘ances with banks in cash cred accounts (ler note 25) Balances with banks in over drat account (refer note 25) ‘Cash and cash equivalents per Standalone Cash Fiow Statement 1047 15/81 003 (25.00) eo (245) oy (62200) 676) (655.09) ars 179) 1.03 701 nar ea (058) ro Note: The above Stanlone Statement of Cash Flows hasbeen prepared under the dest Metta as set out ind AS 7,"Staternento Cash Flow The accompanying notes are an integral part of these standalone financial statements This the Standalone Gach Flow Statement eerod on our report of even date F's Revaten No -CO107SNMS00013 Neer Goel sont Burman ont Matte Nerborsp No.099514 ‘Re cone ‘cess Pace: Now Oa EVP (rare) and Company Seaway Che Frarcal fier Date: Shy 2022 Mino Fos ett Dabur india limited ‘re aan 235 Wel ee or merrd One 7:04 PM Sun, Dec 10 9 - 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