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b.Why did the rightly guided caliphs think it was important to make a compilation of the Holy
Quran? [4] When many memorizers of the Holy Quran were killed in Battle of Yamama, Hazrat
Abu Bakr realized that Quran could not be kept in memories alone and if in future battles more
memorizers would be martyred then the word of Allah could be lost. Therefore, he thought it
was important to compile the Holy Quran in a book form to preserve its authenticity although
he was aware that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) did not do this job. When Hazrat Usman was told
that the Holy Quran was being recited in different dialects by different Muslims, he realized that
this could result in the loss of the original meaning of the Holy Quran. Hence for providing
Muslims with a single source of guidance, he ordered for an authentic version of the Holy Quran
to be made. He also thought that if people were allowed to read the Holy Quran differently
there would be different interpretations as well which could cause disunity within Muslim
Ummah as people might have conflicts with each other on the meaning of the Holy Quran.
Therefore, he considered that a genuine copy of the Holy Quran was important to be made so
that the unity of the Muslims could be maintained
b.What is the significance to Muslims today of having the Quran in the form of a book. [4] The
first Muslim community did a great job by putting all chapters of the Quran together in a book
from. Their service is indeed a fulfillment of the Diving claim regarding the preservation of the
Quran: “It is for us (God) to collect it and to promulgate it” (75:17, al Qiamah) with the Quran in
compiled form, Muslims can avail its teaching in an easier way. They now follow the” Order of
recitation” of its Surahs while completing its recitation on such occasions as the Tarawih prayer
of Ramadan when several readings of the Quran are made throughout the Muslim world. The
complied version has guaranteed unity and integrity of the whole Muslim community as they
agree on the originality of each and every verse being the genuine word of God, who has
promised protection of His last massage by saying: We indeed sent down the Message and we
will surely guard it “(against corruption)” (15:9, al-Hijr) Muslims today can rightly take pride in
being the followers of the only (un-corrupted divine book that will continue to enjoy this
immunity for ever.
b.Why is understanding of teachings of the Quran important to Muslims. [4] (b) For Muslims
the Holy Quran is the basis of thought and action. It is the complete code of guidance for
Muslims and that is repetitively claimed by the Quran itself. For example, the Quran says; “And
nothing have We (God) omitted from the Book” (6:38, al-Ana’m), With this belief, Muslims are
required to not only regularly recite the Quran but should also comprehend its teachings
because this will enable them to tread the “Right Path” mentioned in Surah 1 (al Fateha), By
understanding the meanings and teachings of the Quran, Muslims may hope mercy and blessing
of God as is promised by the Quran, “And this is a Book We (God) have revealed as a blessing;
so, follow it and be righteous so that you may receive mercy” (6: 155, al-Ana’m). This means that
God wants Muslims to follow the Quranic injunctions that will help them to live a righteous life
so that they are entitled to receive God’s mercy. Quranic message can be best understood by
being familiar with the Arabic language. No doubt the translated versions of the

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Quran are also very helpful but the wisdom of the Quran can be appreciated only be getting
some command on Arabic. This language demands a special way of recitation in order to
understand that deeper meaning, about which the Quran instructs, “And recite the Quran in
slow, measured, rhythmic tones” (73:4, al-Muzzammil). The result of attaching such importance
to the Quran will influence the daily living of Muslims as they will develop genuine fear of God
and will try to fully follow the Diving Message.

Q 3/4/5
b.Explain the significance of the actions of Angel Jibrael and Warqa bin Nawfal in this
(b)Angel jibril performed his normal duty of action as a link between Allah and his messengers
this time the last messenger of Allah. He brought an answer to the queries of the holy prophet.
The Quran refers to this in Al-Duha: And he found you wandering and gave you guidance,
warqah bin naufil became a source of interpretation of Holy Prophet’s experience of receiving
the first divine revelation. He allayed all apprehensions of the Holy Prophet by telling him about
his special association with Allah by way of Jibril. This means he told him about the prophet
hood that had been granted to him by Allah. Moreover ‘he prepared the Holy Prophet for the
challenges that awaited the holy prophet by warning him about his exile from Makkah. Thus
warqah’s action greatly consoled and comforted the holy prophet. Jibril is also considered to be
Holy Prophet’s teacher as he was the one who would bring Quranic verses to him. Surah 53
mentions this “It is taught to him by one (angel) of strong faculties” (53:3
b.Why was his relationship with his wife Hazrat Khadija important for him [4] Holy Prophet
(S.A.W), marriage with Hazrat Khadija was a very important event in his life Firstly, it brought
financial prosperity in his career and the Quran, in Surah Al-Duha, makes a reference to this
aspect: “And he found you in (financial) need and made you independent” Secondly, marriage
being a significant institute in Islam, proved to be a source of bringing emotional stability for the
spiritual development of the Holy prophet(S.A.W), and thus for his prophetic mission. Thirdly,
Hazrat Khadija played an important role when the Holy Prophet(S.A.W), had his first encounter
with angel Jibril. She consoled and comforted him and became a source of interpretation of his
experience when she took him to Warqah bin Naufil. Finally, she stood by his side, when the
Holy Prophet (S.A.W) began public ministry by the command of Allah. She became the first ever
convert on Holy prophet (S.A.W)call. She would, now onwards, extend full support to her
husband n the face of all persecutions and hostility by the Makkans. So much so, that she
continued to bear sufferings during the three years of the social boycott (616-619 AD), and
finally succumbed to prolonged sufferings at the end of the boycott. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W)
was so saddened over this that he declared the whole year as “the year of grief”. b. How does
the reaction to these difficulties set an example for the modern Muslims? [4] The Holy Prophet
(PBUH) was not deflected by the bribes he was offered by the Quraish and continued his
mission. Therefore, as Muslims we should not accept bribes, for example, if someone offers us a
bribe to stop doing a rightful act, we should not accept it, and the tax collectors should also
abstain from taking bribes. Holy Prophet(PBUH) said, “The giver and taker of bribes will go to
Hell" Therefore, as Muslims we should refrain from bribes in order to follow Islam correctly.Holy
Prophet(PBUH) was considerate and forgiving towards his persecutors and enemies so as
Muslims we should learn from his example and follow the code of forgiveness in
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our everyday life. For example, if someone abuses or bullies us in school, we should not respond
aggressively, instead we should forgive him and be patient like Holy Prophet(PBUH) did to the
people of Al-Taif. As mentioned in the Holy Quran, “Hold to forgiveness; command what is right"
This shows that we should always be forgiving towards others and should try to correct others
through our polite words and actions instead of taking revenge. This would not only make them
realize their mistakes, but will lead them towards the right path. The followers of Holy
Prophet(PBUH) went through these hardships and never abandoned Islam, and as Muslims we
should take guidance from their example, like the Muslim women who are facing problems
regarding veil in Non Muslim countries should be steadfast like the followers of Holy
Prophet(PBUH), and should not abandon veil. Their intentions should be to please Allah
regardless of what people think, as the Holy Prophet(PBUH) said, “Say I believe in Allah and
remain steadfast to Islam" This shows that a true believer of Allah faces the hardships patiently
with the belief of getting his reward on the Day of Judgment.
b.How his conduct in one of these difficulties provide an example for Muslims today.[4] Life
of Prophet (S.A.W) is an eternal source of guidance for Muslims of all ages. His conduct, in
Makkah and Madina , provides examples for Muslims in their day to day affairs. The Prophet
faced opposition, mockery, humiliation in his 13 years of his life in Makka. He however stood
firm against all odds. The Makkan chiefs tried to stop him from his mission by asking his uncle
Abu Talib to pressurize his nephew to abandon preaching Islam. When Abu Talib told the
Prophet about that, he replied that he was preaching God’s message and had fear of God more
than whatever people might do to him. Abu Talib was greatly impressed by this reply and
refused to with draw his support for Muhammad (S.A.W). This event shows Muhammad
(S.A.W),had unshaken faith and clarity of mind about his mission. Muslims in modern times may
draw valuable lessons from such degree of commitment and steadfastness. They need to keep
in mind that preaching the Diving message might invite opposition by non-believers but this
should never discourage them and they should redouble their efforts with a strong faith in this
Quranic promise. “So, verily with every difficulty there is relief” (94:5). Just as the Holy
Prophet(S.A.W), eventually got success in his mission despite early setbacks and sufferings,
Muslims should believe in ultimate success with the help of God’s support no matter how
frustrating the circumstances might be. The example of conversion of the old Makkah woman
may also serve as beacon of guidance for Muslims of all the times. She had been a source of
discomfort for Holy Prophet(S.A.W), but when he came to know about her illness, he rushed to
look after her without any feeling of revenge against her. Muslims today may apply this example
of noble treatment in their lives. They should be guided in their attitude by this Quranic promise
of ultimate reward of forgiveness by God.“The recompense for an injury is an injury equal
thereto: but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from God”
b.What can these stories teach Muslims in their daily life today. [4] (b) These
ancestors-in-faith of the Muslim community set examples of endurance, unshaken faith,
sincerity, sacrifice and commitment to the faith of Islam and to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W),
Muslims today should keep the precedents of the first Islamic community whenever they face
any difficult situation. They need to remember that their faith may be tested on such occasions
because the Quran admires those who retain their faith in times of crisis:“Be sure, we shall test
you with something of fear and hunger ,some loss in goods or lives or the fruits of your toil, but
give glad tidings to those who patiently preserve”(2:155)Muslims today may be ridiculed or

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rejected on several of their lives. Many may continue to live a very hard life continuously but
they should keep strong hope in God’s help because he does extend his help when he says, “so
verily with every difficulty, there is relief”. Muslims may face setbacks despite their best efforts
in various walks of life, e.g., planning a career or excelling in studies in educational institutes. On
such occasions they should associate such setbacks with Gods decree and will, because the
Quran affirmatively declares, ”For to god do all questions go back (for decision)”
b.What can Muslims in modern times learn from these stories (torture faced by
Prophet(S.A.W)) [4] (b) These ancestors-in-faith of the muslim community set examples of
endurance , unshaken faith, sincerity, sacrifice and commitment to the faith of Islam and to the
Prophet(S.A.W), Muslims today should keep the precedents of the Quran admires those who
retain their faith in times of crisis: “be sure , we shall test you with something of fear and
hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits of your toil, but give glad tidings to those who
patiently preserve”(2:155). Muslims today may be ridiculed or rejected in various occasions of
their lives many may continue to live a very hard life continuously but they should keep strong
hope in God’s help because he does extend his help when he says, ”so verily with every
difficulty, there is relief” (94:5,al inshirah). Muslims may face setbacks despite their best efforts
in various walks of life, e.g., panning a career or excelling in studies in educational institutes .on
such occasions, they should associate such setbacks with God’s decree and will, because the
Quran affirmatively declares, ”for to god do all questions go back (for decision)”(8:44, al-Anfal).
B . Explain the importance of this event Isra and Mairaj to the Prophet (S.A.W) himself.[4] Ans:
Detail of this mysterious experience is difficult to understand but the event is very important for
the Holy Prophet(S.A.W). It occurred at a time when he was facing quite distressing
circumstances. He had lost two vital supporters Khadija and Abu Talib.,had been rejected by the
people of Taif and there was a halt of spread of Islam in Makkah. Amidst these circumstances
the experience of Miraj brought hope to him as he saw‘some of our God’s signs.’These included
paradise and Hell, seven heavens, meeting all the previous Prophet and Messengers and above
all, direct conversation with God, after reaching the highest point in the universe ---Lote tree
According to the Hadith ‘The Lote tree is rooted in the throne, and it marks the end of the
knowledge of every knower ,be He archangel (Jibraeel) or any Prophetic messenger, unknown to
any save god alone.’(Tirmizi)This honors marks the specially elevated spiritual status of the Holy
Prophet among all the chosen people of God. He (S.A.W)led all Prophets in prayer in Jerusalem
that also proves his exalted rand and the Quran refers to such distinction: ‘Those messengers We
endowed with gifts some above others’.Finally, in order to strengthen him and his people’s bond
with God, the Prophet was awarded the gift of five daily prayers whose sole purpose is to
remember God as mentioned in the Holy Quran: ‘And Establish regular prayer in order to
remember Me.’
b.Explain the importance of Pledges of Aqabah to the Prophet (S.A.W)in the period leading up
to the migration [4] The pledges of Aqaba (621-622) proved to be a major source of the turning
point in the prophetic mission of the Holy Prophet. These pledges came at a very critical
juncture of his career. Had had lost the tribal support with the death of Abu Talib, and the other
uncle Abu Lahab had flatly refused to extend protection to the unguarded Prophet(S.A.W). The
pace of growth of Islam had almost come to a halt afterwards. Then, the Prophet (S.A.W) had
been rejected by the people of

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al-Taif, when he tried to spread the divine message there, upon return from al-Taif he had to
seek tribal protection from Mutim bin Adi. Amidst these circumstances, the yathribite pilgrims
gave him strong hope and, then the pledges further encouraged him to continue his mission
beyond Makka. The second pledge, in particular, convinced him to make his mind to migrate
because; the people of Yathrib had promised him to support him both in time of peace and war.
For this reason, the second pledge is also known as the pledge of war.
b.How were these pledges important for the future community of Muslims. [4] The pledges
of Aqaba proved very important for the future of Islam. These were conducted at a critical
juncture of the history of Islam. The Prophet(S.A.W), was defenseless in Makka after the death
of Abu Talib who was the sole source of tribal protection for him. People of al-Taif had rejected
his message when he tried to preach to them in 620 A.D These were quite distressing
circumstances and he really needed some encouraging response from any other community of
Arabia. As a result of their meetings with the Prophet(S.A.W), the people of yathrib were fully
prepared to accommodate the Prophet(S.A.W),and his follower. The pledges provided the first
Muslim community to live peacefully in yathrib without any fear of persecutions at the hands of
the priests of Makka. The pledges paved the way for growth and development of Islam and
Muslims. They prepared the Prophet(S.A.W), and his follower to migrate to yathrib a town that
would now be renamed as Madina al Nabi (city of the Prophet(S.A.W), or Madina. Thus, the
pledges ensured that Islam was going to be dominant religion in Arabia .all the subsequent
benefits of the hijra are linked with these pledges-completion and enforcement of the Islamic
shari’a(legal system)emergence of the first muslim republic/state of Madina and establishment
of the mawakhat or universal brotherhood among muslins based on common “believers are a
single brotherhood.”
b.How can she (Hazrat Ayesha) be seen as a role model for Muslims now? {4} (b) Hazrat Aisha,
as an exemplary wife, set living examples for Muslim wives for all the ages. She dedicated all her
energies to console and comforts her husband. Muslim wives in the contemporary world should
act devotedly to support their husbands. They should remain caste, modest and pure in order to
strengthen the bond of mutual love as is declared in the Quran: “They (your wives) are your
garments and you are their garments” (2:187) Like Aisha, Muslim wives today should be caring
towards their husbands and be ready to suffer in hours of hardship. This will prove their
sincerity and selflessness and induce piety in them. Muslim wives should follow this Quranic
verse to become trust worthy life partners. Just like Aisha, they should retain their faith in God
and wait for divine help just as Aisha had done when she got implicated in a scandal. God surely
fulfills his promise and this Quranic verse endorses this: “….. for devout and women, for true
men and women…….. for men and women who guard their Chastity…… for them God has
prepared forgiveness and great reward “

b.What can the life of any one of these wives teach Muslims about marriage.[4] (b) All wives
of the Prophet (S.A.W) , set glorious traditions regarding the institute of marriage. The Quran
and Sunnah attach great importance to the marriage contact. According to hadith of sahih
Bukhari, the Prophet (S.A.W) , said: ”marriage is a sacred custom and whoever dislikes this way
of life is not of me”. Hazrat Sawda’s behavior as a loyal wife guides Muslim women in a variety of
ways. She remained steadfast in prayer and fasting as well as in fulfilling all her domestic
responsibilities. She played her role in taking care of the young children of the

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Prophet, while welcoming other wives of the Prophet (S.A.W), as they were added to his
household. She never developed any envy about the other wives of the Prophet (S.A.W) , and
instead, readily gave up her turn in favour of Hazrat Ayesha. Muslim wives should look towards
her example in case their husbands marry another woman. They should remember that the
charms of this worldly living are nothing against the rewards in the hereafter. Hazrat Sawda kept
herself busy in god’s worship following the Quranic command: “O consorts of the Prophet
(S.A.W) , you are not like any of the women ……and establish regular prayer and give the
alms”.This way, Hazrat Sawda acted as a model wife for all Muslim wives by acting as pious
woman, caring mother and sincerely devoted wife with the noble aim of keeping peace and
tranquility at home.
b.Taking two aspects of their relationship, explain how the marriage of the Prophet(S.A.W)
and Hazrat Khadija set a good example for Muslim marriages today. [4] b) All aspects of the
life of the Holy Prophet are an eternal source of guidance of Muslims, So, his marriage with
Hazrat Khadija (R.A) has many guidelines for Muslim couples today. The Prophet had special
love and respect for her, and often expressed this after her death. For example, once he told
Hazrat Ayesha. (R.A). “Ayesha! Khadija’s love was given to me by God: never did God give me a
better wife than Khadija” Muslim couples today may act upon this Hadith by showering love and
care towards each other; They should establish a healthy mutual relationship in order to enjoy
the blessings for a married life. The Quran endorses such mutual support and comfort in these
words, “They (wives) are your garments and you (husband) are their garments”. Similarly,
another aspect of this holy marriage was Hazrat Khadija’s (R.A) unflinching support and loyalty
towards her husband. She trusted him so much that she immediately believed in whatever the
Prophet (S.A.W) told her about his first encounter with Hazrat Jibrael (A.S) in the Cave Hira. She
was so sure of the reality of his prophetic mission that she scarified her life after the prolonged
sufferings of the social boycott in 619 AD. She left an indelible imprint in the history of devotion
and dedication. Muslim wives today should imitate Hazrat Khadija’s (R.A) tradition by supporting
their husbands for any noble mission. They should try to share their burden and be obedient to
them when they too are provably honest because the Quran commands them for this in these
words: “Therefore, the righteous women are devotedly obedient” (4:34, al-Nisa).This will
guarantee a happy family life full of trust, love and affection.

b.Can Muslims learn from the Prophet’s bond with Fatima? Give reasons for your answer.[4]
Muslims have many lessons to learn from the Prophet (S.A.W)’s special love for Hazrat Fatima.
Muslim parents need to imitate this holy and sacred relation between a father and her daughter.
They should remember that it is wrong and unjust to give preference to sons over daughters as
many Quranic versed and ahadith instruct parents to treat both equally. The Prophet (S.A.W)
gave special instructions in this regard; “Whoever becomes the father of a girl, he should neither
hurt her nor treat her with contempt more show preference over her to his sons in kindness and
affection”. The Prophet(S.A.W) demonstrated this by showering unusual love over Hazrat
Fatima. He fulfilled all her material needs and ensured her success in the hereafter by granting
her special invocations and glorification of God, e.g. “Tasbeeh-e-fatima”, that was gifted to her
guide and teacher in order to make her a role model for Muslim daughters. He provided her all
comfort that he could and went to the extent of saying, “Fatima is a part of me; whoever hurts
her hurts me”. Muslim parents should follow such glorious examples of kind behavior to their
daughters. They should educate them, take care of all their needs, train them to face hardships

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with strong faith in god and encourage them to live a simple life by reminding them: “But the
hereafter is better and more enduring”


b.“Truly, my mercy overcomes My wrath.’ This is a Hadith Qudsi. What is special about Hadiths
of this kind? [4] (b)Hadith Qudsi enjoys special status in the types of hadith based on degree of
genuineness of the hadith. It is ranked on top among the sahih (authoritative) a hadith, and is
also called the non-recitable revelation, because according to the definition of hadith by the
Muhadditheen (narrator and experts of hadith) a hadith qudsi is the divine word spoken by the
Holy Prophet(s), himself. Through such traditions were not formally incorporated in the Quran,
they continue to enjoy an exceptionally special rating because the Holy Prophet(s) was always
guided by God throughout his prophetic mission and the Quran affirms this: “nor does he
(prophet Muhammad )say anything of his own desire. it is no less than an inspiration sent down
to him” One major mark of identity of such traditions is that their matn (text)usually contains
God’s direct speech so unlike all other traditions(Ahadith),their authenticity (isnad/chain of
transmitters) is traced, by way of the Holy prophet, to God Almighty himself. According to
famous hadith expert, a sacred hadith(hadith qudsi),as to the meaning ,it is from Allah Almighty
, as to the wording, it is from the messenger of ALLAH. It is that which Allah almighty has
communicated to his the Holy Prophet, through revelation or in dream, and he (the Holy
Prophet,) has communicated it in his own words. Thus the Quran remains superior to it ,
because besides being revealed, it is his (Allah’s)wording” These traditions (qudsi hadiths) have
been included in the books of six major collectors (al–sahah al-sitta) The following hadith
highlights the importance of fasting where the Holy Prophet, narrated God’s promise:”Fasting is
for Me and I will reward for it”.

b.In your opinion what was the most important task that faced Abu bakr on becoming caliph.
Briefly discuss. [4]
Abu Bakr(R.A) faced a number of serious challenges from within and outside Arabia. Newly
established republic of Madina was threatened by the neighboring Persian and byzantine
empires. nternally, there were reports of revolts from several parts of Arabia. The most
important challenge faced by the caliph was the issue of the false Prophet and the tribes
refusing to pay zakat. Both collectively threatened the very foundation of Islam-belief in finality
of Hazrat Muhammad’s(S.A.W) prophethood and Zakat are two pillars of Islam. The apostatizing
tired to offer daily prayer but refused to pay Zakat. Abu Bakr, therefore, vowed to eliminate all
rebels by saying: “ By God! I will wage Qital (armed Jihad) against) whoever made a distinction
between the prayer and Zakat.By suppressing these apostatizing tribes Abu Bakr earned the
title of “Savior of Islam” because they might have shattered the unity of the Muslim community
by creating doubts about the fundamentals of Islam.

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b.All the books were sent by God. What in your opinion makes the Quran unique.[4] (b) The
Quran is unique and distinct from all previous scripts in several ways. Unlike, the earlier books,
the Quran enjoys immunity against corruption and that is guaranteed by no other than God
Himself: “Indeed, it is We who sent down the Message and indeed, We will be its guardian.”
(15:9, al-Hijr) This guarantee is applicable to this world as well as to the “Preserved Tablet”
(82:21-22, al-Buruj) placed in the Heavens where no evil creatures (Jinns etc.) can approach and
manipulate it. This too is mentioned in the Quran:“None shall touch it except those who are
pure (angels)” (56:79, al-Waqi’ah).The Quran is full of wisdom and guidance for all human
communities regardless of time and geographical location. “Verily it’s no less than a Message to
all the worlds”. (81:27, al-Takwir). Every Surah of the Quran is a complete chapter in its own way.
So, the Quran can be read in an easy way by picking out any Surah, unlike the Bible that has to
be read in a sequence starting from the Book of Genesis onwards. Moreover, the language of the
Quran, Arabic, is a living language whereas the languages of previous books are almost dead
today. The style of the Quranic expression is totally inimitable, and that is why the Quran itself
challenges the pagans at many places, e.g. “And if you are in doubt as to what we have revealed,
then produce a Surah like thereunto” (2:23, al-Baqara).

b.Briefly explain why Allah revealed different books from time to time.[4] Allah revealed his
message to mankind form time to time keep reminding humankind of its relation with Him.
Man always needs Divine guidance because Satan is always busy in misguiding man as declared
by the Quran: “For Satan is an avowed enemy to man” (12:5 Yusuf) God, therefore, has been
sending his guidance from time to time to guide man to the Right Path. For all the
pre-Muhammad communities, God continued to send his chosen men from time to time who
acted as guides and reforms to their respective communities. This is endorsed by the Quran.
“We did send messengers before you (Muhammad) and………… for each period is a Book
(divine script)“ (13:38 Al-Rad). This process continued in form of progressive revelation
according to the Changing times and circumstances, and as part of Divine decree to which the
Quran refers .
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