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PhDDEVED Student

A. Traditional organizational structure of student affairs

1. Interview personnel in the student affairs in any institution. Find out its
organizational structure if it maintains two (2) separate areas of student
life - curricular and co-curricular. Thoroughly describe its structure.

I have chosen to interview our Guidance Counselor Dr. Anna Marie

T. Somera about the services rendered by Student Affairs to all students
of San Jose City National High School. She initially stated that school
has the primary function to cultivate students’ skills and behaviors so
that they will attain success in their chosen careers and be life-ready
individuals. She also affirmed that all educational institutions are
structured with commonalities in maintaining the student life-curricular
and co-curricular. Since they are crucial to the student’s development,
the school creates programs and activities that meet the needs of
students academically and socially. These two separate areas contribute
to the institutional mission and vision of the school which is why they
are strengthened and improved to emphasize their effectiveness in
empowering students.
According to Dr. Somera, our institution has a complex division of
work that consists of assigned leaders to manage their specific functions
which are aligned with the school-based activities given by the Division of
San Jose City. Life-curricular and co-curricular are both included in the
following organizational chart.
PhDDEVED Student

The chart provides insight into how the school can manage the
departments working functionally. It also includes data about employees
and helps them work smoothly inside the school. Through this chart,
school activities are disseminated to the concerned areas, for example, in
life-curricular activities, the assigned personnel would be the Supervisor
of Specialization or Department Heads for the distributing of academic
information down to the teachers involved. If there is a co-curricular in
science, a quiz bee, the working body of Student Affairs will coordinate
with the head teacher in Science to inform the concerned personnel
about the activities.

As far as delegation of work is concerned, an organization can do

its tasks smoothly and effectively. That is why I agree that these two
divisions of the traditional organizational structure still maintain their
specific function up to this time.

The academic division reflects the greater part of the educational

outcomes of the students wherein they would gain their constructive
skills or higher-order thinking skills. This division is all about the
students’ learning intellectually such as reading, writing, analyzing,
investigating, and calculating.

Whereas the Student Affairs division is referring to the personal

development of the students. To help students become socially
responsible, Student Affairs engages the students in any extra-curricular
activities that may improve their potential as an individual. Exposing
students to the clubs, spelling bees, student council school theater, and
the like is a great way to help students in making themselves flexible and

2. Knowing that the traditional organizational structure involves two (2)

separate discussions, do you think the same structure could still be
maintained up to the present time? Defend your stand. (Include this in
your interview report)

B. Principles of good practice for student affairs

1. Based on your readings, Chickering and Gamson (1987) developed seven

(7) principles of good practice for student affairs.

1.1 Identify the seven (7) principles and based on your observation and
interview with student affairs dean/personnel, critique each
principle. Give your recommendations, if needed.
PhDDEVED Student


1. Good practice in student affairs engages students in active learning.

Student affairs can create educational school activities or programs

that engage students in active learning. Exposing students to
activities helps them to grow and improve their learning skills and
talents. That’s why there is a list of school activities given by the
Division Office to be done every school year and disseminated down
to different school levels.

2. Good practice in student affairs helps students develop coherent

values and ethical standards.

As a guidance personnel, one of the functions of the office is to guide

students to attain the right values and moral practices. Helping
students to realize what is right and what is wrong with the right
attitude and positive perspective in life. Giving students high-valuing
activities would teach them to realize the relevance of justice,
honesty, respect, and the like. Students need more support to grow
mentally, emotionally, and socially for them to be life-ready.

3. Good practice in student affairs sets and communicates high

expectations for learning.

Students are expected to be prepared for all challenges academically

inside the classroom, but their performance would be more motivated
if they are appreciated and recognized by the school as achievers. The
more the students are excelling in the class the more they should be
addressed based on their academic performance for example, when
they get higher grades then they will be given a recognition award
every quarter period.

4. Good practice in student affairs uses systematic inquiry to improve

student and institutional performance.

Student affairs such as Action Research practitioners conduct

research about what students need to learn and do inside the
classroom so that they can create appropriate assessments to test the
learning of the students. Improving students’ learning skills and
study habits is the focus of student affairs that needs to pay attention
to develop competitive students academically.

5. Good practice in student affairs uses resources effectively to achieve

institutional missions and goals.
PhDDEVED Student

In any institution, student affairs should manage well the human

resources and finances to support the continuity of quality education
rendered to the students. Any campus activity requires funding to
make things happen smoothly and effectively. Resources are
important in improving school facilities to make the school a good
place for learning and conducive to the learning needs of students.
This reflects the institution’s expected educational outcomes for all

6. Good practice in student affairs forges educational partnerships that

advance student learning.

Collaboration inside the campus in terms of educating students has

an impact on student’s progress academically. Relationship between
one department and another initiates a successful outcome that leads
to a healthy institutional approach to advancing student learning.
Educational partnerships can lessen the burden of implementing
institutional goals.

7. Good practice in student affairs builds supportive and inclusive


This is a good practice of every educational institution to involve

individuals in the learning communities because committing one to
the group they belong can promote social responsibility. The goal of
student affairs is to support anyone to be connected in all school
personnel such as faculty, students, and school practitioners.
Creating school activities should be well-planned to meet the
student’s social needs. 1.2 In a given institution, what specific
principles would you offer and describe the way on how you are going
to implement each. (Include this in your critique report).

C. Organizational Structure: Development

1. After knowing the organizational structures of at least two (2)

institutions, complete with their principles being implemented, come up
with your own organizational structure of a certain institution.

1.1 Make an illustration


Organizational Chart of Elementary School


Guidance Committee
PhDDEVED Student

Subject Teacher Homeroom Teacher


Organizational Chart of Highschool






1.2 Identify the roles and functions of each personnel

1.Guidance Personnel

• Responsible in leadership in the organization and re-organization of

guidance services

• stimulation of a guidance minded attitude among the members of the

guidance staff by means of orientation and in-service education

• Selection and assignment or allocation of authority and responsibility of

• Supervision of guidance activities

2.Homeroom and Subject Teachers

 Orientation
 Educational Guidance
PhDDEVED Student

 Vocational information & guidance Moral and ethical guidance Guidance

in citizenship
 Guidance in personal relations
 Health guidance
 Guidance in courtesy and good manners
 Guidance in thrift
 Recreational guidance
 Guidance in home membership

3.Teacher Counselor

• Should know his pupils well

• Be interested in their problems
• be possessed of a wealth of information
• Have a keen desire for service

1.3. Identify also the principles that you utilize in your student affairs


1.Good practice in student affairs helps students develop coherent values and
ethical standards.

In every Educational Institution, good student affairs practice should be

focused on the enrichment of values and the practice of ethical standards that
are vital keys to guiding students, faculty, staff, and student affairs educators
in demonstrating necessary and appropriate values toward the learning

All concerned personnel have an important role in making an effective

learning community that contributes to the student’s perspective in committing
themselves to justice, honesty, equality, civility, freedom, dignity, and
responsible citizenship.

This student affairs organization can develop activities to challenge

students to do opportunities that enhance their values in learning. The
function of this group highlights the importance of values in all aspects of
PhDDEVED Student

giving service to the campus community2. Good practice in student affairs

builds supportive and inclusive communities.

Supports from the people around can establish a strong attachment that
lead to a broad exposure in learning environment with confidence, social
responsibility and encouragement. Student affairs organization values
diversity, accomplishments, and belongingness that bring up relationships
between faculty, students, and student affairs practitioners.


Module IV: Organizational Structure of Student Affairs. Classwork for ED812_2023-

2024_1st_Sem Ph.D. Dev.Ed. (

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