Professional Ethics and Etiquetts

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Submitted By

Dighe Gauri Vishwanath(3133)

In partial fulfillment of

Bachelor of Engineering

TE Computer

Savitribai Phule University,Pune(MS)

Guided By:-
Ms. J. N. Ganthade

Department of Computer Engineering

Amrutvahini College Of Engineering, Sangamner

Achievement is finding out what you have been doing and what you have
to do. The higher is submit, the harder is climb. The goal was fixed and I
began with the determined resolved and put in a ceaseless sustained hard
work. Greater the challenge, greater was our determination and it guided
us to overcome all difficulties. It has been rightly said that we are built on
the shoulders of others. For everything I have achieved, the credit goes to
who had really helped us to complete this seminar and for the timely
guidance and infrastructure. Before we proceed any further, I would like
to thank all those who have helped me in all the way through. To start I
am thankful to Honorable Principal Dr.M.A.Venkatesh sir for his
encouragement and support. I would like to take this opportunity to thank
to our respected Head of Department Dr.S.K.Sonkar and Subject
Coordinator Prof.J.N.Ganthade for their guidance, care and support,
which they offered whenever I needed it the most.
Table Of Contents


Abstraction…………………………………………………………………………. ii
Table Of Contents……………………………………………………………….. iii
1.Introduction…………………………………………………………………….. iv

A person can be called as a professional based on the standards of

education, training, specific knowledge and skill he possesses in order to
fulfill the requirements of a particular task assigned to him. Engineering is
an important and learned profession as it has direct and dynamic impact
on the quality of life of people. Professional Ethics can be considered as
the personal, social, organizational and corporate ideologies of behaviors
expected from a professional. Ethics is considered as a mandatory
competency for a professional and as a standard of performance and
service the general public can expect to receive from a professional
practitioner. Ethics distinguishes professionals from others in the

Ethics has been defined as the study of morality. In a professional

environment ethics is all about development of reasonable standards for
deciding between what is right and wrong or goodness and badness, an
established set of moral beliefs, normative rules of conduct, and a
description about what one should do instead of what one will do in any
particular instance.

Ethics is not merely associated with abiding by the law instead a code of
behavior which goes beyond usual compliance with law. Two basic
theories developed by philosophers include Ethical Absolutism and
Cultural Relativism. Ethical Absolutism explains the core ethical values
such as honesty, fairness, integrity, accountability, and respect for others
etc. as global principles and applicable for any individual professional
whereas Cultural Relativism speaks about the ethical values that are
specifically formed according to the characteristics of the society in which
we live.

Professional ethics is a continuous process; it is a way of reviewing

behavior against constantly changing standards. What may be ethical
today, in a particular society may be viewed differently by others at
another time. This can be influenced by a lot of parameters such as codes
of conduct, legal systems, wider public interests etc.

The rules governing ethics shall stipulate explicitly the accepted policies
on practices, compliance with laws, rules, regulations and other statutory
obligations. Professionals shall have an understanding of their
professional and ethical responsibility, maintain and improve their
expertise by continuing professional developments and encourage others
to follow updates in the industry. Ethical guidelines shall assist the
professional in making appropriate decisions, particularly in the situations
of ethical dilemma

We, as societal beings always required ask ourselves a few triggering

questions such as, how would my actions look to my peers? Do people
trust me? If not, why not? What would an independent person think
about my actions? Would I like to be treated in this way? Do I look at ways
to improve the services I provide? Am I providing a professional service?
Do I put undue pressure on myself and others? Are my personal feelings,
prejudices or preferences influencing any decisions? How would I feel if
somebody treated me this way? Do I treat each person as individual? Am
I approachable? Do I learn from complaints? Do I take complaints
seriously? Have I considered taking advice from the professional bodies?

1. "Professional Ethics and Human Values" by R. S. Naagarazan - This book

provides an overview of professional ethics and human values, covering a
wide range of topics related to ethics in the professional world.

2. "Engineering Ethics" by Charles E. Harris, Michael S. Pritchard, and

Michael J. Rabins - Focused on ethics in the engineering profession, this
book explores the ethical issues faced by engineers and provides guidance
on ethical decision-making.

3. "The Power of Ethics: How to Make Good Choices in a Complicated

World" by Susan Liautaud - This book offers practical guidance for
professionals in various fields on how to make ethical decisions in
complex situations.

4. "The Nature of Ethical Problems in Professional Practice" by Donald M.

Larrson (Published in the Journal of Business Ethics) - This paper discusses
the nature of ethical challenges encountered in professional practice and
offers insights into addressing them.

5."Professional Ethics: Bridging the Gap Between Principle and Practice"

by Nicholas A. Ashford and Claire A. B. Freidland (Published in the
California Management Review) - This paper explores the gap between
ethical principles and their practical application in the professional world.

6. "Professional Ethics and Engineering Education” by Michael Davis

(Published in Science and Engineering Ethics) - An important paper
discussing the role of professional ethics in engineering education and the
need to instill ethical values in future professionals.

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