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Topics Covered;

1. Art od Sales
2. Characteristics of a sales person
3. Sales Process
4. Product Knowledge
5. Winning Pitch

1. Art of Sales

“Sales is life”

The Art of Sales There are a few elements of sales that are more like an art. Good sales people
need to have creativity, initiative and drive. Just like artists need to bring something new into
the world, starting from nothing, sales people have to start from zero and make things happen.
Artists are fueled by passion and self-belief.

“Some by birth – some by choice. But we all try to approach life a little bit different
than the crowd”. But what we know is that a skill can be built and harnessed with a lot
of zeal and persistence”

2. Characteristics of a sales person

 Strong willed
 Strong belief in themselves and the product they offer-( connected)
 Personal resilience to life
 Responsibility. A person with a strong sense of responsibility does not place
blame on other people when placed in a difficult situation
 Focused, A person with focus is internally driven to accomplish goals
 A salesperson with a healthy amount of optimism can be described as
someone who is slow to learn helplessness. This person has persistence—a
trait that is critical in the sales world because of the frequency of rejections
salespeople experience. In the face of failure, some people throw their hands
up in the air and resign themselves to the disappointment because they feel
helpless to change the situation.

3. Sales Process

Identify and create

the need.
NEED Explore and identify
the solutions.
NEED Pitch solutions which
provide most benefits
and least
Close the deal

As salespeople, we measure our success in terms of sales made.

A successful presentation is one where the buyer has been persuaded to say “Yes”
easily and they can see the benefits.
The Buying Process is as follows:
Persuasive selling formula provides a structure, which you use to plan your pitch to “lead”
the customer through the buying process by persuading him that he has a need.

When the customer recognises all four of the above, then you are in a
position to close the sale.
To make use of the buying process we should look at our products in
terms of what they can offer the customer. If the buyer can’t see
what’s in it for him, he won’t agree.
Therefore, to successfully use the buying process:
 We must know what our products offer the customer.
 We must recognise what are the customer needs so that we can select the correct
benefits from our proposal to satisfy his needs

Getting the basics right

What is the Home Internet Customer?
Understanding your customer is the most important step of the selling process, what we
have gathered so far:
 They are financially sound
 They are well informed
 They have an above average level of education.
 Family oriented

Intertainment Education Work Connect

Understanding this , you will note that they need an internet service that is fast ,
saves money and offers value to the whole family


Vodacom fiber internet connection. We have different types of internet :

 Mobile internet- downloads speed is the most important.
 Fixed-out internet- this one depends on the cellphone towers.
 ADSL internet- with this one you must have a telkom line(weather depended)
 Fiber optic internet- 100 times faster,stable and no interruptions no loose of
connection doesn't depend on weather

WHAT YOU SELLING FTTH fiber to the home from 20Mbps- 500Mbps UNCAPPED the
most effect way to connect to the internet fiber this days is essential product to
education, entertainment, business and online gamers we selling where fiber is live.

6. Winning Pitch


What we know so far:

Customers are tired of being sold things daily, so as soon as you knock and start by
saying you are selling, you are bound to ignored or doors being shut
We all have a vision or have experienced that “ amazing “ sales person
that we have come across at one point in our lives, this person who was
so engaging , asked you very direct questions and made you or
reminded you on how much you needed the product they were selling
and you were convinced that you can’t imagine living without it and
ended up buying that product?

Well, what we know so far that makes these sales EFFECTIVE is that :

 They make you feel so comfortable that you will forget that they are selling something
to you.
 They will remind you how much you need their product .
 They will offer you that their product will solve all your problems- discuss benefits
 They will answer all your questions with confidence and knowledge and lastly, they
will ensure they close the deal right there with you

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