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In this project we propose Attendance Management System for WCSOTI that will be applicable for all
students and Employees in the campus .This system is intended to support Human Resource officers
and all related beneficiaries of the project.The proposed system will provide different account for
different users such as student, Employees, Student Dean, Human resource and administrator.This
system coordinates all accounts together and let them to perform their tasks in a web based
Employees and Students Attendance Management System. In addition to this Users can able to access
the system any time, anywhere in the campus based on their account; such as to view their attendance,
sign their attendance etc.…
HR…………………….Human Resource

WCSOIT……………..Woliso Campus School of Technology &Information

HTML…………………Hyper Text Mark-up Language

OOSAD…………….....Object oriented system development design

PHP…………………..Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

PC……………………personal Requirement

SRS………………….Software Requirement Specification

UC…………………..Use Case

CRC…………………Class Responsibility Collaboration

CSS………………….Cascading Style sheet

GB………………….Giga Byte
MYSQL……………….MY Structural query language

UML……………………Unified modelling language

Chapter One: Introduction
1. Introduction
Attendance management is the act of managing attendance or presence in a work or any other
educational places to minimize loss due to employee or students time left. Attendance
management is the way to keep track of students or employee hours. Attendance management
also helps to control labour costs by reducing over-payments which are often caused by paying
employee that are not working. There are Different Attendance taking mechanisms which are
used in different working organizations and institutions. Traditionally manual systems were
used and are still on uses that rely on signing on paper. This kind of attendance system is prone
to different types of problems so that automated attendance systems are developed.Modern
attendance systems require employees or any users to fill Attendance using computers and
record their working hours as they enter or leave the working area or any where the attendance is
required. since, WCSOTI is large institution that deals with large number of employees and
students we are initiated to do our project on web based employee and student attendance system

1.1 Background of the organization

The organization for which we develop the system is WCSOTI.WCSOTI is one of the two branches
of Ambo University which is one of the federal Public universities built among a group of 2 nd
generation universities in Ethiopia. Being located in the south west shewa zone of the Oromia
state. The university is designed to be a centre of learning and research in a wide range of fields
to meet the growing demand of trained manpower of the country. The university has four
campuses, the main campus is located at Ambo, Guder ,Hachalu hundesa and ,woliso campus..
Ambo University is a fast growing institute that envisioned tobe one of the top leading
University in Ethiopia. WCSOIT is an educational institution that performs many administrative
and educational activities. One of the activities in this campus is the attendance taking system.
Therefore technology based attendance system is very important to reduce the burden and
difficultness of manual approach. [2].

1.2 Background of the Project
Our proposed project is web based student and employee attendance system. Our main focus
is to make the attendance taking system computerized and secure by making files and data more
protective and to reduce loss of time due to manual attendance systems. Web-based student and
employee attendance system is very useful for Educational Institutes to save the time that will
take to check the absent and the present students and employees and it also save the time to
check the paper and prepare attendance lists. It will help the Institute to make the attendance
system secure at dormitory area and human resource areas. The effective use of“web based
student and employee attendance system”. Any Educational Institute or working organization
can use it to computerize their attendance taking system and to make it highly reliable.Web-
based students and employees attendance system is launched because it is beneficial for both the
WCSOIT Campus and students. With this system,Students and employees can take attendance
inside the campus in specified amount of time. This system is an attempt to remove the existing
flaws in the manual system of taking attendance.

1.3 Statement of the problem

At present WCSOIT has no Web based student and employee attendance taking system due to
this the existing manual system faces many categorized problems. One of the major problems
associated with the current attendance system is Security.
The major problems associated with current student and employee attendance system are
Not Secure:- the current manual attendance system is not secure this means by having a deal
with the attendance taker one employee can sign attendance of another employee this is a big
cries for WCSOIT . Beside this, one student can also cheat and take attendance for another
student because of this student can spend the night outside the campus and addicted to different
kinds of addictions like alcohol especially women student are affected by unwanted pregnancy
and this has high economical, political and social impact on both the campus, student and the
family members who sent their children by trusting the security of the university.

Difficulty in report generating:-the current System Report generating way is very time taking
in both employee and student attendances. In dormitory attendance proctors generate report
manually to dormitory coordinator (Auditor) and the dormitory coordinator send the report
second time to proctors Team Leader this way of Generating Report is every time taking and

takes a lot of paper and man power. In employees attendance report generating is also hard.
Employees attendance report from all section offices will be directly send to HR office manager
in paper the HR manager have to Check all Reports from all section offices this could lead to
error and also workload for The HR.

Resource:-as mentioned above the current attendance system require high amount of resource
like paper and pen for attendance process but, beside this to register information of every single
student in the campus it requires a lot of money of paper including the printing cost.

Loss of time:-this is grater issue for students because the existing attendance system takes time
Even if students have exams, projects, mid exams and other educational tasks and has to be in
library or lab they must be in the dorm while proctors start the attendance otherwise they will be

Not user friendly: the existing system is not user friendly because the retrieval of data is very
slow and data is not maintained efficiently

Error prone: - since the attendance system is done manually there could be some error in the
process of taking attendance at both dormitory and employee staff areas.


Therefore, we will need to improve existing systems by eliminating manual works and increase
the speed of process and able to make it available to the students and employees through the
campus to give the service.

1.4 Objective Of The project
1.4.1 General objective
The general objective of our project is to develop web based student and employee attendance
system for WCSOIT.

1.4.2 Specific objective

The specific objective of this project is:

 Study the Existing system.

 Specify requirements of the system.
 Analyse requirements of the system.
 Design the proposed system.
 To design user friendly interface.
 To deploy the designed system.
 Implement and test the system.

1.5 Feasibility Analysis

Feasibility Analysis is used to investigate the feasibility of proposed system in multiple
dimensions. It used to indicate whether the system is feasible or not. Our system can be seen
according to the following literals.

1.5.1 Operational feasibility

Operational feasibility is the process of examining the possibility of the project will achieve its
desired objective. Our project will satisfy needs of students, employees, human resource office
and also proctors regarding to attendance system of employee and students in dormitory.

1.5.2 Technical feasibility

In technical feasibility we should state that our new system can implement with current
technology. The system will be technically feasible because the technical resources needed to
develop, install and to operate is available in the present infrastructure. So our system is
technically feasible, because we used most familiar and user friendly tools to make the system

used easily.Beside this our system will include a Help support and Guidance for new users to
easily interact and use the system.

1.5.3 Economic feasibility

The system which we are going to develop will have economic benefits and it is economically
feasible. Those economic benefits may be tangible and intangible.
Tangible benefit: This means the concrete benefit that can be expressed in terms of dollars or
birr. Currently WCSOIT spent a lot of money for both employee and Student Attendance. We
have calculated the amount of paper work that is required to take attendance per year
Amount of paper required to take student Attendance at dormitory:
Paper for taking student attendance in a month=1596 paper (19152 per year)
Paper for generating report from proctors to dormitory coordinator (Auditor), dormitory
coordinator (Auditor) to proctors team Leader,proctors team Leader to student Dean=328 paper
per month (3936 per year)
Paper for registering student information=1 paper for a single student so totally there are up to
7000 regular students in the university therefore total amount of paper is 7000 per year and
amount of cover pages in all blocks is 28.In Addition to this Cover page for student Attendance
system in a month is 28 for all blocks .
The cost for one paper is 1 birr then, Total amount of money for all papers =30,088*1=30,088
The cost for one cover page is 10 birr then, Total amount of money for all cover pages =3080
A single print cost is 5 birr currently so the Total amount of birr for printing all papers
=30,088*1=30,088 birr
Amount of paper required to take Employee Attendance:
Maximum amount of Paper for taking Employee attendance in a year =50 in a single section
office there are up to 10 section offices which is found in the campus this means 500 papers are
Papers required for report generation from all section offices to HR office and HR office to
finance=160 papers in a month (4320 per year) and 10 cover pages are also required for all

section offices attendance form.
Total amount of money for all cover pages and Total amount of money for all papers including
the printing price=6125 per year.
Generally the whole attendance process costs 43,735 per year. Therefore for 10 years WCSOIT
would spend 437,350 birr for paper work. But our proposed system as shown in project budget
only needs 80 000 including the deployment costs in which most of the expense is even a one
time expense.Therefore our system will minimize those costs mentioned above and is
economically feasible.

Intangible benefit:

Intangible benefits are the benefits that cannot be expressed in terms of money.

Those benefits are:-

 Better service to the university.

 Reduce waste of time.

Project budget
The project costs to be acquired in developing the system are:-

Software development cost

Table 1 Software development cost

Software Price(in birr)

Wamp server Free download

MYSQL server Free download

Microsoft 2019 Free (From lab assistance)

Computer windows: windows 10 Free

Hardware development cost

Table 2 Hardware Development cost

N Material Amount Use Price

o Birr
1 Computer (hp 1 For every activity of the project 14000
and dell)
2 Flash To store and transfer files 250
3 Paper 2 (packet of desta) Used for hard copy documentation 370
4 Printing 1 To print the document of the project 750
5 CD 1 To keep permanent data for retrieval purpose 15
Deployment web server deployment Already has it so no Hw cost
Cost There may be training 3 days* 1000 3000

1.5.4 Schedule feasibility

Project activity (schedule) can be shown by pert chart or Gantt chart which is calendar-based, the
expected elapsed time, and when the activity is scheduled to begin and end.Our team is working
as the following project plan or schedule which is given by Gantt chart to develop the proposed


Figure 1 Project schedule

1.5.5 Legal feasibility

Legal feasibility determines whether the proposed system conflicts with the legal requirement or
not. We will keep all laws and regulation of the university while doing our project and after
development of new applications everyone who wants to use our system must accept license
agreements and copy right.

1.6 Scope and significance of the project
1.6.1 Scope of the project
Our project has the following scopes:-

 The system will allow employees and students to sign attendance at specified time .
 The system will generate report.
 Student Dean manages the attendance of students and manages the generated report.
 Human resource officer mange the attendance of employees and manage the generated
 The students, Student Dean ,HR officer and employees can access the system easily by
using the graphical interfaces with simple computer knowledge.
 The system will allow employees and students to view their own attendance.
 The HR officer can approve or Reject Annual leave request of employees using the
 The employee can send and acknowledge annual leave request.

1.6 2 Limitation of the project

 It uses or works in English Language only available for user who can only understand
 Biometric finger print device can not available in our project.

1.6.3 Significance of the Project

The web based student and employee attendance system will be highly reliable, easy, fast,and
consistent. In addition to this it will play a crucial role and provide reliable service for students,
proctors and employees of the university.

The significance of our system includes:

 To make the Attendance System computerized and easy to use.

 The project has technological significance since it makes the attendance system web
 Reduction of paper work.
 Major operations that are done manually can be done within a matter of seconds I..e Sign
Attendance, Generate Report ,Register Employee and Student etc..

 Student and employees can easily Sign attendance.
 It will simplify the Work load of the proctors and HR officer.
 All the team members will gain a lot of knowledge to develop this project like knowing
how to design new system and how to develop a system.
 Decrease students and Employees time waste for signing Attendance
 Developing students and employees effective communication with the university.

Beneficiary of the project

There are various beneficiaries from this proposed system. Some of those includes:-


 It makes the employee and student control mechanism secure.

 Increase effectiveness of employees and students.
 Easily store the Available Attendance information in the database

2. Student and Employee:-

 Save their time

 Increase Effectiveness
 Obtain knowledge and experience from it.

3. Proctors:-

 Reduce their time and work load.

4. Team members of project:-Through developing this system the team will gain experience
how to develop software, how to exchange and apply our knowledge that gained through
learning and reading to practical things.

5. HR officer

 Reduce complexity
 Reduce complexity in Generating Report
 Easily access information from organized and centralized database

1.7 Methodology For the project
1.7.1 Data collection mechanisms

Data collection methods are the most important part of our project to find the main requirements
of system and how to understand the system is done.

Information is one of the major requirements to accomplish our project from different
mechanisms to gather information we prefer the following methods, as we think as they used us
to collect the major information. These are:

1. Interview:-To determine the objective and scope of the system we have interviewed proctor ,
students , HR officer and some responsible employees for handling the attendance system.
[2]Now ,they gave the following information.

The Human Resource officer will collect all the attendance forms delivered from all section
officers and will send to finance officer.

The Annual leave, total working hour in a day, who are the employees that must Sign attendance.

2 .Document analysis: - Since the current manual system has paper works we will also analyse
those documents to fit our project with the university requirement and standard.

3. Observation: - we have observed the working environment to assure those requests gathered
using the interview and existing document stated above.

We observe how the attendance system works at the dormitory.

We observe how report is generated manually.

We observe how the attendance system works at employees working environment.

1.7.2 System Analysis and Design Approach

We use the Object Oriented System Analysis and Design (OOSAD) for the development of the
system among the different methodologies. We used OOSAD because of the following important

 It is better way to construct, and manage the objects that are implemented in our
 This approach is necessary for reuse concepts of inheritance
 OOSAD used to improve the quality of our project.
 Used to add new feature on the system.
 Used to decrease maintenance cost.
 In object oriented analysis phase our team will use use case modelling to model
the function of the system, find and identify the business objects, organize the
objects and identify the relation between them and finally model the behaviour of
the object.

1.7. 3 Development tools

Table 3 Software Development Tools

Tools Activities
MySql To record information
PHP Used to create pages and user forms.
HTML and CSS For designing the web application client side (forms and style sheet).
Apache Used as a server.
Microsoft office For the documentation.
Java script To validate the forms.
Edraw, Microsoft visio For UML Diagram

Hardware development tools

 Computer: Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8500 CPU @ 3.00GHz 3.00 GHz , Logical
Processor(s) installed memory RAM 8 GB
 Pen
 Paper
 Printer:for printing Documents
 Flash disk:- to share and store files
 CD/RW:-to submit the final code

1.8 Communication Plan
Our team member met together every 3 days in a week to make the proposal to communicate
each sub title and again meet with team members to organize all sub titles and to create new
ideas that is usable to our project. And we also will meet every day to do other tasks of the
project in the future. We also met and we will meet with our project advisor once in a week to
get the required information which is important to develop our project.

1.9 Team composition

The project development team is organized by five members. Each of the members has
his/her own responsibility on the development system for timely and quality development. In
case of workload there is high cooperation overcomes the workload.

Table 4 Team composition

ID Name Phone or Responsibility

50875/13 Ermiyas Zewdu 0904369076 All (Preparing documentation, designing and coding)

52121/13 Ebrahim Kamil 0985232912 All (Preparing documentation, designing and coding)

51940/13 Tamirat Tadesse 0939808706 All (Preparing documentation, designing and coding)

35999/12 Taju Hassen 0955131544 All (Preparing documentation, designing and coding)

51357/13 Dastu Mohammed 0924298339 All (Preparing documentation, designing and coding)

Chapter Two

Description of the Existing System and Requirement Gathering

2.1 Introduction
In this chapter we will explain about the detail of existing system. this chapter is all about Describing and
modelling the major functions of the existing system to identify problems in the existing system, to
provide alternative solutions for the problem identified, to select the feasible solution among the
alternative solution and finally to decide the functional requirements of the proposed new system .This
chapter presents the description of the existing employee and student attendance process in
WCSOIT university. In addition, it presents the main business rules and constraints for employee
and student attendance system in WCSOIT.

2.1.1 Existing System Description

Existing system refers to the system that is being followed still now. Presently all of the
university employee and student attendance process is done manually.

The major practices of the current employee and student attendance Signing process in the
University are as follows:-

Employee attendance Signing Process:-

1. The attendance collectors of all section offices prepare the attendance list for every
employee in a staff except lecturers.
2. Employees come to the attendance collectors and sign attendance twice in a day
from 2:00-2:30 at morning time and from 8:00-8:10 on afternoon.
3. The attendance collector checks the attendance list and absent non present
employees at the end of the day.
4. The attendance collector selects the days that employees are absent and generate
5. The attendance collector sends the generated report to human resource officer.
6. The human resource officer sends the generated report to finance officer that are
collected from all section offices at the end of the month.

7. Finally, the finance officer calculates all employees present day in a month and
pays their salary.

Student attendance signing Process:-

1. Proctors prepare the attendance list for all students in the university.
2. Proctors in every block takes attendance by checking the present students
in every single dorm.
3. Proctor selects the absent student list and generate report.
4. Proctors send the generated report to Dormitory coordinator (auditor).
5. The Dormitory coordinator (auditor) sends the generated report to the
proctors Team leader.
6. The proctors Team leader sends the generated report to student dean..
7. The Student Dean contact with absent students and give advice and
warning for each.
8. Finally, if the students are absent again the student dean will contact the family
members of the absent students.

Generally the above procedure describes the manual attendance system for employee and

2.1.2 Existing System Work flow Structure

The existing attendance taking system work flow structure designed as follows:

Employee Student

Sign Attendance Sign Attendance


Section Proctor
Officer (at dormitory)

Pay Generate and send Report

Salary Generate and send Report

Officer (Auditor)

Send report Send Report

Proctors Student
Officer Send Report
Team Leader Dean

Figure 2 Existing System Work flow Structure

2.2 Users (players) of existing system

The Existing system has many users that are responsible for different tasks. Those are:

1. Employees
 Sign attendance every day except the weekend days.
 Receive their salary based on the days they come to work in a month.

2. Students:-
 Signs attendance four days in a week except holy days and students break
3. Proctors:-
 Takes students attendance four days in a week.
 Generate Attendance Report manually.
 Send the Generated Report to the Dormitory coordinator (auditor).

4. proctors Team Leader:-
 Receive the reports sent from Dormitory coordinator (auditor) and send it to
Student Dean.
5. Student Dean:-
 Receive the Reports and contact Students.
6. Section officer:-
 Take attendance of employees that works only in their office.
 Generate Attendance Report manually.
 Send the Generated Report to the Human resource officer.
7. Human resource officer
 Receive all the attendance forms from every section offices and send the
generated report to finance officer manually.
8. Finance officer
 Pay salary based on the report send from human resource manager.

2.3 Major functions/activities in the existing system like inputs, processes &

The whole process of the existing system is done by manually or paper based. The inputs in the
system are:
For employee Attendance:-
 Employees basic information
 Employee name
 Employee Job
 Employee Salary
 Attendance Date
 Attendance time
For Student Attendance:-
 Students basic information
 Student name
 Student id

 Student Dorm
 Student block
 Attendance Date


The existing system performs the following operations while taking student and employee

 Take attendance of every employee in the university except lecturers.

 Take attendance of every student in the dormitory.


After taking the above inputs and processing them the existing system provides the following
results or out puts.

 Generate report manually.

 Pay salary based on the generated report for employees.
 Contact the family member of students that are absent more than three days.

2.4 Business Rules

In every organizations or institutions there are rules and policies, which are used to govern all
activities in specified work flow and control the work flow performed in the working

The following are the rules and regulation around dormitory and employee attendance system
in AU:-

For employee attendance:

 The attendance taking time for every employee is at morning from 2:00-2:30 and on
afternoon 8:00-8:10 local time except shift time workers.
 All secretaries in every staff must sign attendance at human resource office.
 All employees cannot leave the campus at working hours without permission except

 The staff manager can give permission depend on the specified amount of permission
days in the country rule (proclamation). [Appendix 3]
 Finance officers cannot give salary without calculating the absent and present day of
every employee.
 All employees must sign attendance except lecturers.

For student attendance:

 The attendance taking time for every student is every four days in a week from 3:00-5:00
pm local time.
 Every student must be at dorm while proctors take the attendance.

2.4.1 Constraints
Constraint means anything that challenges to do our project properly. We expect the
following constraints may encounter while doing the project:

 Budget constraint :- Starting from gathering information to do this project we didn’t

have enough resources to complete our project

 Shortage of time

 Limited of Knowledge group members

 Fluctuation of electric power.
 Lack of internet connection.

2.5 Report generated in the existing system

The flow of report in the existing attendance taking system has been done in many ways:

1. Monthly Report:-from every employee section officer to human resource office and from
human resource officer to finance officer

1 Weekly Report:
 From proctors to Dormitory coordinator (Auditor).
 From Dormitory coordinator (Auditor) to proctors Team Leader.
 From proctors Team Leader to Student Dean.

2.6 Bottlenecks of the existing system
2.6.1 Performance (Response time)
One of the common problems of manual attendance taking process is it is very time-
consuming .so as the current attendance process in WCSOIT university is manual The
performance or response time of existing attendance system is very low. Currently WCSOIT
university has more than 400 employees in different sectors and up to 2000 students in different
departments so to take attendance of all this employees and students in short response time and
high performance there has to be computerized attendance system and our project is aim to do
that .

2.6.2 Security and Controls

The current attendance system is not only time taking, it is also prone to error and not secure.

 Since it is on paper the attendance form can be lost or stolen easily.

 By having a deal with the attendance taker there may be cheating.
 The attendance process is only at morning there is no leaving attendance so employees
can leave early without permission.
 It is hard to control all employees and students manually.

 Due to lack of security control an authorized user are capable to access information.

2.6.3 Efficiency
When humans manually do a task, the task usually has a greater risk of error and is less efficient
as the existing attendance process is manual in Ambo University; this puts the institution at risk
of error and being less efficient

2.7 Proposed solution for the new system

Based on the mentioned bottlenecks and problems of the existing system our team proposes web
based employee and student attendance system that solves all the problems stated. In the
proposed system the user is provided with a very quick solution by using our system. Our project
solves the mentioned solutions by:-

 Allow employees and students to sign attendance easily by their specified id number.
 Making the attendance system quicker than the manual one.
 Developing a system that give response with in a second of time
 Developing large storage capacity of database to reduce data loss mentioned above.
 Students don’t have to go to dormitory unless they want to with the proposed system they
can sign attendance anywhere inside the campus this will save their time especially in
final exam times.

2.8 Requirements of the Proposed System

A requirement specifies a function that a system or component must be able to perform. The
purpose of the requirement gathering is to correctly identify the data, process and interface
functional and non-functional requirements for the user of the new system.The whole process of
taking attendance in both employee working areas and student’s dormitory places was done
manually. But our proposed system is automatically different from this.

Services and functionalities the system required to perform can be categorized in to Functional
and Non-Functional requirements.

2.8.1 Functional requirement

The functional requirements describe the interaction between the system and its environment.
The environment includes the user and any other external system that interacts to the system.
Using web based employee and student attendance system the following functional requirements
are performed by the actors of the system.

Functional Requirements for Administrator

 Log in to the system

 The system administrator must be allowed to Create user accounts
 The system administrator must be allowed to Deactivate user accounts
 The system administrator must be allowed to Update user accounts
 The system administrator must be allowed to View user accounts
 The system administrator must be allowed to Manage user accounts
 Change password

Functional Requirements for human resource Officer (HR)

 Login to system.
 Register employee information.
 Change password
 View Employees attendance
 Generate report
o Monthly
o Daily
o Weekly
o annually
 Update information of every employee
 Approve employee Annual leave

Functional Requirements for Employee

 Login to the system

 Sign attendance.
 View attendance.
 Send Annual leave Request.
 Acknowledge annual leave request
 Change Password

Functional Requirements for student dean

Some student dean features are as follows:

 Login to system.
 Register student information.
 Change password
 View student attendance
 Update information of students.

Functional Requirements for Student

Some student features are as follows:

 Login to the system.

 Sign attendance.
 View Attendance.
 Change Password.

2.8.2 Non-functional Requirement
1. Security:-our system is secure because employees and students can sign
attendance only by login to their Account.
 One employee cannot sign attendance of another employee in their own account.

2. Performance: -The system shall perform its operations within a Second of time.

-The system will be very fast since it is computerized.

-The system will support use of multiple users.

3. Availability:-the system is available for Taking attendance by login to the system.

3. User Interface: - The effective usage of the system is highly affected by the user interface, how it is
designed. Our system user interface will be simple and very attractive in order to be visited by users.

4. Response Time:-The system will let all users (Administrator, HR, and student dean) to access the
needed information and to take attendance more quickly with in minimum amount of response time. The
attendance system is computerized so the system gives response within seconds of time this means the
response time of the system is very fast.

5. Accessibility: The system will provide access right control for each of its user and every user can
access the data which belong to them.

6. Error handling:The system will have error handling mechanism. It displays error message if the
user input invalid information.

7. Accuracy:The web based employee and student attendance System will provide a quick response
with very accurate information regarding the users. Any details or system in an accurate manner, as and
when required.

8. Usability:-The system shall have a help support.

9.Compatibility: The system will be fully compatible with different type of operating system
and computer devices since it is web based.
10 Backup and recovery:When failures happen, the system shall be recoverable. For this the
administrator is responsible to get backup of every activity of the system under a specified time.
The system should be holding a backup of the data by using different storage devices.

2.9 Modelling the existing systems
2.9.1 Essential Use Case Modelling
A use case represents a complete flow of events through the system in a sense that it describes a
series of related interactions that result from the initiation of the use case
Actors: An actor can be defined as some internal or external entity that interacts with the system.
The Existing Attendance system has the following actors.

1. Employee
2. Student
3. Human Resource Officer (HR)
4. Student Dean
5. Dormitory coordinator
6. Finance officer
7. Proctors
8. Section Officer

Essential Use case Diagram


Register Employee
Information Student

Take Attendance

Generate Report

HR Dormitory
Officer Coordinator
View Attendance

Register Student

Section View Attendance Proctor

Officer Report

Contact Students
View Report

Send Report Student

Finance Pay Salary

Figure 3 Essential Use case Diagram

2.9.2 Essential User Interface Prototyping
It is technology independent prototype used to identify UI requirement. Since we are doing both
Employee and student Attendance we included both Technology independent Essential user
interface prototypes.
Essential user interface prototype for Employee Attendance.

Essential user interface prototype for Student Attendance

Figure 4 Essential user interface prototype for Student Attendance

2.9.3 Essential User Interface Prototyping flow diagram

Proctor Dormitory Student Section

HR Officer Finance
Student Employee
Coordinator Dean Officer Officer

Register Take Register Sign Sign

Student View View Employee Employee Attendance Attendance
Information Report
Information Report Attendance

Take Take
View Employee
Student Pay
Attendance Generate Attendance Salary
View Contact Employee
Student Students Generate Attendance
Attendance Report

Send Report
Generate Report
Report Send


Figure 5 Essential user Interface Prototyping Flow Diagram

2.9.4 Domain modelling with class responsibility collaborator (CRC)

A Class Responsibility Collaborator (CRC) model is a collection of standard index Cards that
have been divided into three sections; class name, responsibility and collaborator. Those can be
shown in the table.

Table 5 CRC Model

Class name

Responsibilit Collaborator

Name: The name, located at the top of the card, describes the class that the CRC card represents.

Responsibility: A responsibility is something that a class knows or does, represented along the
left side of the card.

Collaborators: Responsibilities will collaborate with one or more other classes to fulfils one or
more Scenarios. Collaborators are listed on the right hand side of the CRC card, next to the
responsibilities that they are helping to realize. The project contains the following CRC:-

1. Attendance:-class name collaborate with HR Officer, Proctor, Student

and Employee to view ,take, Generate attendance Report and sign
2. Register: - class name collaborate with Student, Employee HR officer
and Proctors to register and update Student and employee information.
3. HR officer:-class name collaborate with Attendance and Employee to
register employee and to take Employee Attendance
4. Employee:-class name collaborates with Attendance and Register to be
Registered and sign attendance
5. Student:- class name collaborates with Attendance and Register to be
Registered and sign attendance
6. Proctor:-class name collaborates with Register, Student ,Attendance to
register student ,to take attendance of students.

Table 6CRC model For Attendance Class

Attendance Date HR officer
Attendance Time Proctor
View Attendance Student
Sign Attendance Employee
Take Attendance
Generate Attendance Report
Check Employee Identity

Table 7 CRC model for Register Class

Record Information HR Officer
Update Information Student Dean

Table 8 CRC for HR Officer class

HR Officer
Name Attendance
Register employee info Employee
Update Employee info Register
View Attendance
Take Attendance
Approve annual leave
Generate Attendance Report

Table 9 CRC for Employee Class

Emp id Attendance
Emp name HR Officer
Job Register
Sign Attendance
Submit annual leave request

Table 10 CRC for Student Class

Student id Attendance
Student name Proctor
Department Register
Sign Attendance


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