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RODZINA | PRZYJACIELE 5.1 FAMILY AND ITS PROBLEMS = 1 Louk at the family tree, Say as much as you can about the family and ite members. : Prayjrzyj sig drzewu genealogicznemu i opisz szczegétowo przedstawiona na nim rodzine. 12 Read the text and decide in which paragraph (1-5) the information below (2-f given. There is one piece of information you won't need. Preeczytaj tekst. Nastepnie zdecyduj w ktorym akapicie (1-5) podane sa poniasme informacje. Jedna 2 informacji podana jest dodatkowo. a) The empowerment of the fair sex. b) The concept of the family ~ no longer unequivocal. ©) The gory alpha-male battle for dominance. 4) Confusion over the household chore division €) Females being mighty, hence intimidating 1) Assane consensus must be stuck. [ 60] cla srednio zawansowanych i zaawansowanch RODZINA | PRZVJACIELE Alpha-males or alpha-females - da traditional families still exist? @ HT Alothas been said about the disappearance ofthe traditional, extended family model, which Ii has been replaced by the nuclear family, with a husband and wife and one or more chile ‘This model, however, used to be modern and to the new generation it looks very traditional, if Not boring. With the rowing divorce tate, a broken home is perceived as something absolutely ‘normal. With so many single parents around, nobody is surprised when a child has two homes, cr even when all the ex-wives and ex-husbands spend their holidays together. Thus. the ‘modern family often means a blended family, but inight alse mean homosexual marriages oF couples ca-habiting and not hurrying to the registry office. But the biggest changes that the Vision of the new family has introduced are in the perception of the roles of a man and wornan ‘when they form a couple and when they dom ‘After women gained economic independence, the divorce rate increased. One of the reasons was that women felt stronger. and faring clomestic violence. abuse or alcoholism, they could much more easily say no. The alpha-male became an endangered species. no more protected by social rules. Women broke off relationships and marriages and stayed with Uieir children The necessity of protecting and caring for their children often meant women having to go to ‘work and spend more time in the office than before. EI Nowadays woman ti 4 single-parent family usually combines all the roles that used to be performed by two parents. She works, does the household chores and takes care of the children. Being hard-working, stress-esistant and powerful, she isthe new alpha-female, She is even stronger than that, as men never combited alle rule in Uie family ~ there was always a woman wha dusted the shelves. It might be difficult for a single mother to start a new family as men in general are afraid of alpha-females and seek an environment in which they can pertorm ther tractional role. Men also prefer to provide fur Ure own children. The new man, ‘who is divorced and pays alimony, does not look for a woman who has children, because if he wanted more children, this could be financially unbearable for the couple. Couples, on the other hand, find it dificult to redefine ther roles. Women work as much as men do, but men stil find it dificult to clean and wash up as much as women do. The years of the practice when a man would come home from the office, sit cown with a remote contol in his hands and have his dinner served for him are not easy to erase. The man gets frustrated because much more is expected from him these days, and he doesn’t understand why. The ‘woman gets frustrated. realizing she is probably part of the frst generation of women-slaves ‘who understand the frustration while stil not being able to change the situation. Ether they hire a cleaning lady, or work out some compromise. If not, the couple will inevitably split up. So, what should we do to be able to survive asa family? Couples should definitely take the time and courage to openly renegotiate their rules in family, taking note of who does wat One of my friends managed to discus all the aspects of family life with her husband. She loves cooking, but hates leaning and shopping. They agreed that she would cook dinner every day. \while her husband would do the shopping and minor cleaning tasks. The major cleaning is done by a hired professional, He drives the children to school, while she collects them. She has one evening off when she attends photography lessons. He has one evening off, usually going to the pub with friends. Iney always go out together once a week, leaving We children With a babysitter. They have invented a system of tokens. If ane of them cannot do their job, they ask the partner (o do it, who gets'a token’. The token can then be used when the other Cone wants another free evening or a tree weekend. Ils may sound complicated — but I works. | remember what my friend told me: ‘'ve seen too many couples spiting up because one partner felt something was unlit. | decided that my marriage would be different. | know it sounds weird to have so many rules, but i's like with football or tennis ~ you have to learn the rules at the beginning to be able to play well in the future.” sew jezykiobeep SS ‘Anglelskl, Repotytorium leksykalno-tematyezne VOCABULARY FAMILY MEMBERS AND FAMILY LIFE abuse — wykorzystywat (np. seksualnie) alpha-male - samiec alfa ancestor ~ preodek broken home - rozbity dom cohabit - miesckat raze commitment - oddanie descendant - potomek divorce rate -liezba rozwodow domestic violence - preemoc domowa ‘economic independence - niezalesnose finansowa ‘emotional support - wsparcie emocjonalne ex-boyfriend ~ byly chlopak cexcgilfiend — byia dziewcryna ex-husband — byly maz ex-wife ~ byla zona extended family ~ rozszerzonayauza rodzina family-centric -nastawiony na rodzineg father/mother-in-law - teitesciowa foster parents _preybrani rodzice half-brother ~ brat preyrodni half-sister -siosta preyrodnia homosexual marriage - malzefistwo hhomoseksuaine illegitimate child —niedlubne dziecko ‘make an effort - zrobie wysitek maternal/patemnal tamily ~ rodzina ze strony matklojca rmultigenerational family ~ rodzina wielopokoleniowa nuclear family —rodzina nullearna offspring - potomstwo orphan - sierota parenting roles role rodziielskie parents-in-law ~tesciowle registry office — urzad stanu cywilnego remarriage - powtome malderistwo self-sufficient ~ samowystarceany sibling(s)~ rodzefistwo single-parent family ~ rodcina niepeina son/daughter-in-law ~ zieesynowa spouse - malzonek/malzonka stepfamilly — ruudia pizyrodnia [62] ia srecnio zaawansowanych izaawensowanych RELATIONSHIPS ~ PHRASAL VERBS break off a relationship ~ zekonezyé ‘awiazek drop by wpxé drop off - zdrzemnaé fall behind with (work/payments) zalegaé (w pracylz oplatari) fall out with ~ poktecc sie get down to work - zabrac sie do pres, get un with somebody mice 2 kins dobry kontakt keep in touch — byé w kontakcie let somebody down ~ zaviic% kogo! look down on somebody ~ patrzee n= hogot = g6ry look up to somebody ~ szanowat koe make up ~ pogodzi¢ sie make up (an excuse/a story) — Wy (wymowke/historyjke) ‘make up for something - wynagrodz< put somebody down upokarzaé boss split up with somebody ~ rozstaé sie 2 kims take after somebody byé podobny= do kogos take somebody out for lunch/dinner— ~abra¢ kogos na lunchikolace take up a hobby ~ zacza¢ hobby tell somobody off — zrobif komik awanture ‘tum somebody down — odmovit kom RODZINA | PRZVJACIELE i 5 3 z z 3 g : & 2najdé w diagrat Szukaj pionowo, poziomo i ukofnie. ww Jeaykiobce.p I ‘Angielski, Repelytotium leksykaino-tematyozne 1 4 Decide which of the words in exercise 3 are synonyms or close synonyms of words. ‘Zdecyu), kt6re wyrazy z zadania 3 sq zwrotami synonimicznymi w stosunku podanych wyrazen. dwell together adoptive paren forefather = progeny = successor = parentless child = husband or wife #5 Match the words 1-5 with the words a-e to make phrases. Then write thelr definitions. Dopasu) wyrazy 1-5 do wyraz6w a-e, tak aby powstaly wyradenia. Nastepme napisz ich definicje. 1 divorce a) child 2 leyiinate by marriage 3 multigenerational family 4 self. a) rate 5 heterosexual sufficient ty fat) etteee eee? eer 7 RODZINA | PRZVJACIELE Fa ‘ ‘i Preeczytaj ponizsze zdania. Niektore z nich sa prawidiowe, a w nlektorych pozamieniano przyimki przy czasownikach zlozonych. Zaznacz zdania prawidiowe, poptaw adania 1 She found it difficult to even look at the boy, as he took after his father a lot, who had abandoned and humiliated het. 2 These days, finding a genuine mentor, a person to look up at, is immeasurably dificult. 3 Impetuous as she was, she kept telling her then-boyftiend out in front of all his mates, so cone day he had had enough and they split off 4 Hardly had they made up after a massive falling out when she sent him a text message announcing that she wished to break up the relationship. 5) We had known that humiliation was part uf the package when we aucepted dhe job, but the continual practice of putting us back, verbal insults and looking though on us as if ‘we were uneducated imbeciles was way over the top. raieotictpl Do jakich swiat odnosza sig ponitsze dwie grupy wyraz6w? Opowiedz, jak ‘obchodzi sie te Swieta w Polsce. the dropping ball fireworks, sparkling wine. resolution Holy Week, the Passion, incense, daffodils. lamb 8 g 0 Rocszyfruj wyrazy w nawiacach i uzupein liste rzeczy do zalatwienia preed Swigta mum’ Dod Katia do the (roling) > (reac! tuo) do the (vangcuumi) shop for special (ofd0) the attic range the (heels) (des tuo) + (aw) cards ‘the floors do the (unalrdy) ‘Outdoor |~ (ub) Christmas|» (ikep pu) (up tuo) activities | _ presents the Christmas tree | _ the lights on Ure por Fun stuff |» (dateecor) the wee visit our widowed elderly neighbour with delicacies and best (wisesh Preeczytal tehot. Nastepnie wstaw 2dania ao w luli 1-5, tak by tekst bv! sp6iny i poprawny stylistycznie. Or else, what happens if they are left alone. We play chess (1 never know liuw lv move) or draught (never manage in have a King Take lst Christm. | don't understand how you can play gamer at Christmas ‘And we help each other to clean the house RODZINA | PREVJACIELE ‘D0 you like holidays? Before each Chrisunas oF Easter | alway tit, ‘Olt nu, Ht aya 'Ym so busy every dav working overtime and doing all the household chores that having any additional work to do seems. nightmare. (3)... December is always a hot time inthe office a 1's the end of the year. Now: a few days before christmas school holidays start, which ‘means i's not ‘who's going to collet the children from schoo. It’s ‘who stays with them (2)... Teens at home with friends coming round meant that ordinary leaning, sweeping the tlgor or vacuuming was not enough, Ine mess was So bad thet! Nad to take a day oft work to tidy it all up. Then, on the 24°, | had to goto the office to finish everything. As a result, | had three hours to prepare dinner. The only thing | was dreaming about was taking a nap. | didn’t even manage to do my hair! | was completely exnausted. rmarion70 Holidays, like alcohol, are for those who can use them wisely. In our family, everybody ‘does zomething, 0 you ztil hove plenty of time to relat I've got 2 huge, multigenerational family and we divide work between ourselves to make sure nobody becomes a ‘slave at Christmas. For example, for dinner, everybody brings one dish. (3)... Infact, it seems that the celebrations start much earlier, when my grandded prepares his famous punch and,

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