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Abdoullah Ndao

Dr.Thiao, Head of the English department.

English Composition I

17 October 2023

"In the army, bravery is measured in character, not gender.”

In all the talk about equality and how society sees things, folks have been going back and

forth about whether girls should be allowed in the military. It's a real hot-button issue, with

lots of different angles to consider. For a long time, people have had this idea that certain

jobs are just for guys, and the military has been one of them. But things are changing, and

folks are starting to think maybe girls should get a shot too. Women have always played

important roles in supporting the military, but now the question is whether they should be

able to go out on the frontlines and fight like the guys. Supporters say that gender shouldn't

stop anyone from defending their country, and they think everyone should have the same

opportunities. Critics, though, worry about the physical differences between men and

women, how it might affect morale in the units, and the mental toll combat can take on

women. Despite all the reservations, I reckon that girls should have the chance to join the

military. It's all about creating a fair and equal society, and that means giving everyone a

shot, no matter what gender they are.

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