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There are many unfold mysteries that remain unexplainable, one of this are the Dragons (Mythical
Dragons). In Etymology, the name "dragon" comes from the Greek δράκων (drakōn), which means "a
big snake, a sea serpent or sea fish, a python," and the verb δέρκoμαι (derkomai) which means "to see
clearly," which could be a reference to the creature's lethal gaze. According to the Medieval mythology,
Dragons are believed possessed supernatural power or magical power creating, one of that is they can
create tremendous fire from their mouth and many people believe that these animals are wiser than
humans, and believed to be extremely long-lived, living hundreds or thousands of years. They are also
reported to be capable of human speech or perhaps the ability to speak all languages in some
In Eastern culture/civilization, Chinese mythology, dragons seen as a positive light and were life-giving
rains and water resources. Ancient Chinese dragons are very long like snakes without wings but have
four legs, they bring lighting and thunders. Some historians said that Chinese dragons are fascinating
in which you cannot really make an eye-to-eye contact because of its lethal gaze or demon gaze. The
historian R. Dawson gives the possible description of the Chinese Dragon’s physical attributes, it has a
horn as a stag, forehead of a camel, the eyes of a demon, the neck of a snake, the belly of a sea monster,
the scales of a carp, the claws of an eagle, the pads of a tiger, and the ears of an ox. (231) Despite its
terrifying appearance, the dragon was not always viewed as the evil monster that appears in mythology
from various civilizations around the world, where it is frequently slain by a valiant hero figure. In a
myth tells that a dragon is a kind creature, Yu the Great (c. 2070 BCE), the famous and legendary
founder of the founder of the Xia Dynasty, who was helped by a dragon and a turtle to control the flood
of waters that were destroying his realm and thus create a better irrigation system. Chinese considered
the dragons as a lucky symbol and a bringer of wealth and which the Chinese Emperors used to wore
dragon robes which designed such creature. We knew that China celebrates their Chinese New Year,
also called Lunar New Year, annual 15-day festival with a traditional dragon dance.
In Japanese mythology, dragons are highly recognized as a wise and divine creature just like in Chinese
In Vietnamese mythology, dragons bring rain for the farmers (a help in water crisis) and represents the
power and prosperity of the nation, also, just like Chinese mythology.
In Western or European, dragons seen as a large reptile (snake), has a demon gaze and has four legs.
They are seen as a demon or evil and they were known for eating humans and could create tremendous
fire from their inner throat and Western has two types of dragons: the “Major Dragons” who breathe
fire and “Minor Dragon” who don’t breathe fire. There are dragons also believed that they could breathe
frost breath one of the types of “Drakes” which sometimes used synonymous to dragon, and this is
according to Jennifer Walker. Dragons are often used in fairy tales about heroes, just like the story of
Beowulf who killed many dragons and monsters in his way, in Greek mythology, Heracles (Hercules)
killed Ladon the serpent-like dragon with the one hundred heads of snakes and Lernaean Hydra the
water serpent dragon with an immortal head, Apollo the son of Zeus killed Python with the use of his
bow and arrows, Perseus, Cadmus and many more gods in Greek mythology killed or slew dragons
with the use of their power and abilities. Western dragons were a symbol of evil, or the devil.
Scandinavian dragons symbolized greed or pride. Many mythologists believed that Western dragons
are true and portrayed as the most powerful creature among other creatures that made. Many
paleontologists and scientists believed that dragons are something related to dinosaurs and reptiles
because of its features.
When we go to Chinese scholars, they have classified the dragons as one of the 369 animal species with
scales. And we have this so-called Paleontology believed that fossilized bones in the continent of
Europe and Asia had found the remains of dragons from an early age. In Greek scholar Philostratus
(c. AD 170-245) they said, "The dragons of the mountains have scales of a golden color, and in length
excel those of the plain, and they have bushy beards, which also are of a golden hue; and their eye is
sunk deep under the eyebrow and emits a terrible and ruthless glance." A dragon could strangle an
elephant with its tail, according to Roman scholar Pliny the Elder (AD 23-79).
In the Holy Bible, in the book of Revelation chapter 12, after the second coming of God it was said that
there appeared a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels, and
the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan which deceived the whole
world: and Satan was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out also with him (Chapter 12:7,9).
In the Bible the dragon symbolizes devil which is Satan has tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven,
and this was all the vision of John the Beloved one of the twelve apostles and the vision he saw was
inspired by the power, knowledge, and wisdom from the Almighty God.

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