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Marion Gibbon


Throughout my professional life I have interacted in many fields of study. I studied biology
and then trained as a teacher. I taught biology and science for a year in Surrey. After which I
took a post in Kenya for two years at Imani School in Thika. Whilst there I saw many
malnourished children and became interested in nutrition with a desire to use my knowledge
to bring about change.

Upon my return to England I studied nutrition at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine. This led to a post with the school as a researcher. My research was amongst
children in Sri Lanka. Unfortunately, the deterioration in the country meant we had to leave.
The following year I moved to Kenya and later in Nepal. My work in Kenya was with
malnourished children and their families. In Nepal I undertook a doctorate which was focused
on women’s health and empowerment.

Back in England after over 10 years overseas, I worked in academia and the National Health
Service. Through the NHS I became a Consultant in Public Health and trained as a coach.
Today I am an artist and have developed a programme that brings creativity and coaching

My coaching focuses on Embodied Leadership, bringing together mind, body and spirit. This
gives clients the ability to learn how to create and become more present and have greater
awareness of their role and the impact they have. Embodied Leadership is not contingent on
external position, rather the position one has within one’s own life, family and community.
From this place of embodied leadership my clients have agency and a new way to be leaders
in the world.

I am offering coaching with Intentional Creativity and a fortnightly discussion about

‘embodied leadership’ with tools that you can use in your personal development.

Embodied Leadership

Embodied Leadership, bringing together mind, body and spirit. It is a process of being more
fully yourself, having certain qualities and becoming focused on action and change.
Embodied leadership is contingent becoming more present and having greater awareness of
your role and subsequent impact. Embodied Leadership is not contingent on external
position, rather the position one has within one’s own life, family and community. From this
place of ‘embodied leadership’ you have agency and a new way to a leader in the world. I am
currently writing a book on the subject. If you want to find out more about how you can get
involved do please get in touch. I am currently undertaking interviews to explore this topic. I
have developed some questions and hope to set up an online questionnaire in due course.

The use of metacognitive drawing as a tool of systems intelligence

Metacognitive drawing is undertaking drawing to know more, by using the information

gained from putting pen to paper in a spontaneous manner and drawing freely without
thought. I will guide you through a process that allows you to uncover blind spots and inner
wisdom to address personal and professional challenges.

The use of intentional creativity tools for your personal and professional development

You will be introduced to several intentional creativity tools which will help you explore
possibilities to help you get unstuck when you are unclear on your next move.

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