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Connect each of the phrasal verbs below with the correct definition.

1) branch out (into) a) to explain by separating into smaller parts

2) break down b) to decrease

3) break into c) to expand into other areas of the market

4) catch on d) to enter a market with a lot of effort or force

5) drop off e) to research or investigate

6) find out f) to be special or more noticeable than the rest

7) look into g) to become popular

8) pick up h) to compare prices in different places before buying

9) sell out i) to discover

10) shop around j) to obligate or force a company or product to leave the market

11) squeeze out k) to improve after a slow performance

12) stand out l) when all of a product is bought by customers

Insert the phrasal verbs that fit best into the gaps in the sentences below.
You will need to conjugate them appropriately.

1) Their product wasn’t all that popular at first but after an expensive advertising campaign it soon _______ _____.
2) Our R&D department is _______ _____the online spending habits of teenagers to see if we can improve our
3) It is a soft drinks company but it wants to _______ _____ into the health food sector.
4) The new children’s toy the company designed didn’t sell very well at first, but sales _______ _____ at Christmas
and it has been doing well ever since then.
5) The new Z190 smartphone is unique. There is nothing like it on the market. It really ______ _____ from the rest.
6) It is going to be very difficult to _______ _____ that market with so much competition from companies with
many more years of experience than our small firm.
7) Nowadays, the average customer prefers to _______ _____ a bit to compare prices before deciding to buy
8) That new children’s toy we have produced has already _______ _____ in several department stores. We have
received a lot of orders for more. I hope the production department can keep up with the demand.
9) The R&D department is analysing the data from its research into teenage online shopping habits to see if it can
_______ _____ what motivates the average teenager to make a purchase.
10) It was a very successful producer of mobile phones for many years but, in the end, it was _______ _____ of the
market by Asian companies with their superior but cheaper products.

11) Sales for children’s toys normally _______ _____ after Christmas.

12) If we _______ _____ the latest figures from our sales department and the research data into four different
areas, we will be able to see a clear pattern emerging that explains the current consumer trends.
Play the Kahoot game from the link below
Connect each of the phrasal verbs below with the correct definition.

1) branch out a) to explain by separating into smaller parts

2) break down b) to decrease Answers

1) = c)
3) break into c) to expand into other areas of the market 2) = a)
3) = d)
4) catch on d) to enter a market with a lot of effort or force 4) = g)
5) = b)
5) drop off e) to research or investigate 6) = i)
7) = e)
6) find out f) to be special or more noticeable than the rest
8) = k)
7) look into g) to become popular 9) = l)
10) = h)
8) pick up h) to compare prices in different places before buying 11) = j)
12) = f)
9) sell out i) to discover

10) shop around j) to obligate or force a company or product to leave the market

11) squeeze out k) to improve after a slow performance

12) stand out l) when all of a product is bought by customers

1) Their product wasn’t all that popular at first but after an expensive advertising campaign it soon caught on.
2) Our R&D department is looking into the online spending habits of teenagers to see if we can improve our sales.

3) It is a soft drinks company but it wants to branch out into the health food sector.
4) The new children’s toy the company designed didn’t sell very well at first, but sales picked up at Christmas and it
has been doing well ever since then.
5) The new Z190 smartphone is unique. There is nothing like it on the market. It really stands out from the rest.

6) It is going to be very difficult to break into that market with so much competition from companies with many
more years of experience than our small firm.

7) Nowadays, the average customer prefers to shop around a bit to compare prices before deciding to buy

8) That new children’s toy we have produced has already sold out in several department stores. We have received a
lot of orders for more. I hope the production department can keep up with the demand.
9) The R&D department is analysing the data from its research into teenage online shopping habits to see if it can
find out what motivates the average teenager to make a purchase.
10) It was a very successful producer of mobile phones for many years but, in the end, it was squeezed out of the
market by Asian companies with their superior but cheaper products.

11) Sales for children’s toys normally drop off after Christmas.

12) If we break down the latest figures from our sales department and the research data into four different areas,
we will be able to see a clear pattern emerging that explains the current consumer trends.
This game can only be played with even numbers. If you have a group of odd numbers then you should join in the game to make up the
numbers. Print out the cards and laminate. For a game of two players just give them a pack of 1 colour (blue or red) each. Groups of
four shouldn’t be a problem. Players put their cards in front of them face down. Players take it in turns to place a card in the middle,
word side up – without looking at it first. When the card lands in the centre of the table, all the players should say the word. If a card
lands on top of a card that has the same meaning somebody must say “snap!” to win that round. After saying snap, the winner must say
the meaning for both words correctly. The winner then takes all the cards in the centre and places them next to their pile. The winner of
the game is the last person with the most cards.

Print this page and the next on both sides of the same sheet of paper twice.

Print this page and the next on both sides of the same sheet of paper twice.

Print this page and the next on both sides of the same sheet of paper twice.
Phrasal verb snap marketing Phrasal verb snap marketing Phrasal verb snap marketing
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Print this page and the next on both sides of the same sheet of paper twice.

Print this page and the next on both sides of the same sheet of paper twice.
Phrasal verb snap marketing Phrasal verb snap marketing Phrasal verb snap marketing
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Cut out and place the definition slips in a cup or envelope. Cut out the bingo cards and give to the students. Take a definition
slip from the cup one at a time and read the definition. Students tick off the corresponding phrasal verbs. Once a student has
crossed out 5 words on a card they shout “bingo” and the round starts again with fresh cards. Repeat the process 3 times.

branch out = break down = break into = catch on = drop off =

to expand into to explain by to enter a market to become popular to decrease
other areas of the separating into with a lot of effort
market smaller parts or force
find out = look into = pick up = sell out = shop around =
to discover to research or to improve after a when all of a product to compare prices
investigate slow performance is bought by customers in different places
before buying
squeeze out = stand out =
to obligate or force to be special or
a company or more noticeable
product to leave than the rest
the market

break into branch out find out break down

break down catch on
find out catch on branch out squeeze out

drop off shop around stand out drop off

sell out shop around
pick up break down look into find out

catch on sell out branch out break into

pick up catch on
shop around squeeze out find out squeeze out

break into catch on stand out break down

look into branch out
sell out drop off squeeze out break into

shop around
sell out look into
squeeze out
branch out
sell out
find out shop around
look into branch out

drop off shop around

look into stand out
squeeze out
squeeze out
pick up sell out
find out pick up

find out look into

pick up sell out
stand out
shop around
pick up drop off
branch out look into
pick up stand out
sell out break into
look into
squeeze out
catch on catch on branch out
stand out

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