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Right On!

2 – Mid Test (Modules 1-3)

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE _______________
CLASS ______________________________________________ SCORE ––––––
(Time 50 minutes)

1 He …… up early at the weekends. 15 How old is he?

A isn’t getting B doesn’t get C don’t get A He’s of medium height.
B He’s in his early thirties.
2 Anna’s got …… , straight, black hair.
C He wears glasses.
A medium B tall C long
16 I …… there is enough sugar in my tea.
3 I usually …… out with friends at the weekends.
A am not thinking
A hang B hangs C hanging
B doesn’t think
4 Did you meet the new student in school? C don’t think
A No, I didn’t. B No, thanks.
17 When it …… , the grass gets wet.
C Not really.
A will rain B is raining C rains
5 I’m bored. Let’s …… a games night!
18 The roller coaster is my favourite ride at the
A do B have C go
…… .
6 What do you do …… New Year’s Day? A circus B amusement park
A in B on C at C stadium
7 You are very tired. You should …… a break. 19 She took a selfie and …… it on her profile page.
A take B have C make A posted B played C made
8 Amy …… short hair when she was a child. 20 George doesn’t want to take part …… the game.
A did have B used to have A in B at C of
C use to have
21 Mark’s dream is to climb …… Mount Everest.
9 James has …… done snowboarding before, but A - B the C a
he wants to try it.
22 When you wear …… , you swim faster.
A usually B always C never
A trainer B flippers C skates
10 Jenny, what …… for online?
23 In ice hockey, you hit a puck with the help of a
A are you looking
…… .
B do you look
A helmet B snorkel C stick
C look
24 Are you interested in …… yoga with us
11 My friend Suzie is …… and always tells the truth.
A generous B honest C bossy
A going B playing C doing
12 …… my sister and my brother know how to play
25 What’s he like?
A he’s quite slim.
A Both B Neither C Either
B He’s talkative and very funny.
13 We will definitely visit …… National Museum in C He’s tall and chubby.
26 Can I take your order?
A the B - C a
A Oh, really?
14 What does he look like? B Sounds good.
A Well, he’s shy. C I’d like a chicken burger, please.
B Well, he’s energetic.
27 Oscar has been going windsurfing …… ten
C Well, he’s tall and thin.
years now.
A for B since C yet

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Right On! 2

Right On! 2 – Mid Test (Modules 1-3)

28 It’s too cold in here. I …… the window. 42 The stadium was full …… people waiting to see
A will close B am going to close their favourite team play.
C am closing A in B with C of

29 Maria enjoys …… to the cinema with her friends. 43 Daniel bought new boxing …… for the
A goes B going C go kickboxing competition next week.
A goggles B skates C gloves
30 The new comedy show was so …… we couldn’t
stop laughing. 44 I was playing computer games while my mum
A amusing B interesting C boring …… dinner.
A have cooked B was cooking C cooked
31 Sue is …… a sleepover with her friends tonight.
A doing B going C having 45 Tom was driving to the restaurant when it …… to
32 We watched a …… last night about wildlife on
A start B was starting C started
the Galapagos Islands.
A cookery show 46 Emily was so …… to go snorkeling with us that
B soap opera she almost didn’t come.
C documentary A scared B surprised C sad

33 She sounds really nice. 47 I usually have …… as a snack.

A Yes, she is. B Thank you. A steak B biscuits
C Don’t worry. C orange juice

34 What time is it on? 48 When I was young, I loved watching …………

A I’ll get some popcorn. films with stories taking place in the future.
B Let’s watch it. A thriller
C It’s at 8:00 on Channel 4. B animation
C science fiction
35 …… regularly is good for your health.
A Painting B Exercising 49 Would you like chips with that?
C Watching TV A A large portion, please.
B A can of lemonade, please.
36 …… comics when you were younger?
C A selection of ice cream flavours.
A Do you read B Were you reading
C Did you use to read 50 Let’s watch it.
A OK. B Not really.
37 I’ve …… booked the tickets for tonight.
C There’s this film on.
A ever B yet C already
51 I hope to …… the theatre performance tonight.
38 Jane and her brother ………… their
A attend B go C sample
grandparents last Saturday.
A visited B was visiting 52 Susan is a …… person; she only cares about
C have visited herself.
A generous B selfish C popular
39 Do you want to watch the documentary on
Channel 2? 53 They were all …… by her talent in ice skating.
A She sounds really nice. A surprised B scared C bored
B Not really.
54 She’s on holiday …… a great time!
C Let’s see.
A taking B making C having
40 Is his hair fair?
55 John thinks more people …… public transport in
A He’s short and thin.
the future.
B No, it’s dark actually.
A are going to take
C He sounds really nice.
B will take
41 Harry …… the Net in the evenings. C are taking
A posts B plays C surfs
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Right On! 2
Right On! 2 – Mid Test (Modules 1-3)

56 Nathan and Susan …… down the River Thames 68 The …… is famous for its talented acrobats.
many times. They love the experience. A concert hall B circus C theatre
A have gone B went
69 Anything to drink?
C were going
A An apple pie, please.
57 Our new teacher is quite …… . He smiles a lot B Just a small portion, please.
and tells great jokes. C A bottle of mineral water, please.
A talkative B cheerful C selfish
70 Would you like anything else?
58 I want to watch a football match later. A No, thanks.
A Don’t worry. The film will be over before it B Sounds good.
starts. C That’s right.
B It looks like a thriller.
71 Jack is exhausted! He …… all night.
C It’s called Fifth Gear.
A has studied
59 We’ve got apple pie and a selection of ice cream B has been studying
flavours. C studied
A No, I didn’t.
72 Sophie spends every Saturday morning ……
B No, thanks.
C I’ll get some snacks.
A doing B making C having
60 I like game …… because they are educational.
73 Don’t …… a noise; the children are asleep.
You can learn many things!
A have B do C make
A fictions B shows C operas
74 Amy needs some medicine for her sore …… .
61 She has dance lessons …… the evenings.
A cold B throat C headache
A at B on C in
75 They …… the delicious street food in Camden
62 The Moon …… around the Earth.
A moves B is moving C move
A sampled B took C picked
63 What else is on?
76 It looks like it’s a science fiction film.
A There’s a film on Channel 4.
A Anything to drink?
B Oh, I know that one.
B Here you are.
C Sounds good.
C Oh, I know that one.
64 That’s £5.00, please.
77 Thomas …… horse-riding around Hyde Park this
A That’s right.
B Oh, really?
A goes B is going C will go
C Here you are.
78 …… ice hockey nor snowboarding are
65 If you don’t take your coat, you …… cold.
interesting for John.
A will be
A Either B Neither C Both
B are going to be
C are 79 How about dessert?
A I’ll get some snacks.
66 …… watch the game show on TV?
B I’ll get some popcorn.
A Do you
C A vanilla ice cream, please.
B Are you going to
C Will you 80 It started 5 minutes ago.
A What time is it on?
67 Maria …… doing yoga yet.
B Great. Let’s watch it.
A didn’t try
C Not really.
B wasn’t trying
C hasn’t tried

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 Right On! 2

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