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NIM : P1337420121343


Conversation in the telephone

Nico : Hallo Ara
Ara : Hallo, why you call me?
Nico : I just want to tell you that I can not accompany you to
Gramedia. ( direct speech)
Ara : It’s okey Nico, I will go there myself
Nico : No, I ask Agung to accompany you to go there. He said he
wanted accompany you to go there. ( in direct speech)
Ara : Okey thank you Nico.
Nico : Sure.

2. Telling Another Person


I will introducing about my friend. His

names is Nicolas Apriansya Pakpahan, you can
call him Nico. He is the second child of three
siblings. He was born in Bangka on 9th of April
two thousand and three. He is eighteen years old.
Younger than me a year. He live in Sungailiat, on
Jendral Sudirman street number 125, Bangka. He
has a sister named Debora and a brother named Andi.
He is so charming. His hobby is sports. Almost every day he runs
in the morning. And in the afternoon he runs again, sometimes once a week
he plays futsal. He is very tall, his height is 179 cm. He is very
independent, even he can sews his torn clothes himself. He was a hard
worker and doesn’t give up easily. He looks cool but he is so kind and care.
He likes coffe and his favorites food is chicken. He likes chocolatos matcha
or drink beng- beng. His favorites color is black, he likes traveling. He is
good at plays guitar and sings. He is a good and so charming man.
3. Pas Activity
Momo: What did you do at last weekend?
Ara : Last week, I went to Gramedia with my friend, how about you?
Momo: I just watched my favorite Korean drama.
Ara : What the tittle ?
Momo: Squid game.
Last years I traveled to Bangka and Palembang.
I lived in Mecca for five years.
You said you want accompany me go to Gramedia.

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