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Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH

Thời gian: 60 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề)

ĐỀ SỐ 4:
Questions 1 – 2: Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions. (0.5m)
1. A. picture B. village C. picnic D. climate
2. A. gathered B. divided C. destroyed D. arrived
Questions 3 – 4: Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary
stress in each of the following questions. (0.5 m)
3. A. re’duce B. pro’vide C. ‘wander D. in’vent
4. A. col’lection B. ‘countryside B. ‘uniform D. ‘pesticide
Questions 5-16: Choose the word or phrase that best fits the gap in each sentence. (3ms)
5. We usually go to our home village at least once ________ the summer.
A. on B. in C. of D. for
*quy tắc in/on/at

6. Minh never listens to music on the radio, ________?

A. does MinhB. doesn’t he C. don’t you D. does he
*Câu hỏi đuôi
7. I wish my sister ________ harder for her examination.
A. will work B. worked C. has worked D. works
*Câu wish hiện tại
8. The course________ a class book, a practice book and an audio tape.
A. consists B. contains C. comprises D. composes
- consit of = comprise (v): bao gồm các thành phần cấu tạo nên nó
Ex: The British Parliament comprises/consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords
(Dịch: Quốc hội Anh bao gồm Hạ viện và Thượng viện)
- compose (v): cái gì tạo nên cái gì (ngược với consist of và comprise)
Ex: Two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen compose the water molecule (Dịch: Hai
nguyên tử hydro và một nguyên tử oxy cấu thành các phân tử nước.)
- contain (v): chứa đựng (có bên trong), bao gồm, bao hàm
Ex: The course contains a class book, a practice book and an audio tape.
9. If John were here now, he ________ me with the work.
A. would help B. will help C. may help D. helps
* Câu điều kiện loại 2
10. ________ there is no official day for Mothers and Fathers in Viet Nam, people always think of
their parents.
A. However B. Because C. Although D. Therefore
Dịch nghĩa: _____ ko có ngày dành cho mẹ hay cha chính thống ở VN, mọi người vẫn thường
xuyên nghĩ về cha mẹ họ.
A. Mặc dù (nhưng phải có dấu phẩy đằng sau)
B. Bởi vì
C. Mặc dù (này ko cần dầu phẩy)
D. Vì vậy
11. You can see the ________ about the sale in the local paper.
A. notice B. advertisement C. warning D. announcement
Dịch nghĩa: Bạn có thể thấy ____ về bán hàng ở các tờ giấy địa phương.
A. sự chú ý
B. sự quảng cáo
C. sự cảnh báo
D. sự thông báo
- take notice of = pay attention to: chú ý tới cái gì
12. I can’t understand some words in the letter________ was written by my pen pal.
A. which B. where C. who D. whom
* mệnh đề quan hệ
13. The secretary________ on the computer since the director left the room
A. typed B. was typing C. have typed D. has typed
* since (dấu hiệu của thì hoàn thành)
14. She looks forward to ________ payment for the services detailed above
A. receive B. receives C. receiving D. received
- look forward to +Ving = be looking forward to Ving: mong chờ điều gì
15. When Mount Pinatubo ________ in 1991, hundreds of people died but thousands were saved
thanks to scientists’ warnings
A. collapsed B. reached C. blew D. erupted
Dịch nghĩa: Khi ngọn núi Pinatubo ___ vào năm 1991, hàng trăm ng đã chết nhưng hàng ngàn
người đc cứu nhờ vào sự cảnh báo của các nhà khoa học.
A. sụp đổ (thường dùng cho buildings)
B. đến (reach + destination/ swh = go/ get +TO)
C. thổi
D. phun ra
16. “Why don’t we go to the cinema now?” “________”
A. Will you join us? B. Yes, let’s!
C. I’d like it. D. What play is it?
Why don’t we + V(nguyên mẫu) = I suggest + Ving = I suggest that sb (should) + V(nguyên mẫu) =
How about + Ving : câu đề nghị
trả lời: That’s a good idea/ Yes, let’s/ Let’s do it/...
Questions 17 – 18: Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
questions. (0.5m)
17. Oil price is getting higher, so I suggest that we should to use public transportation instead
of motorbikes.
* viết gth ở trên r (to use -> use)
18. Lyn asked Dan that she would come to the meeting the following day.
* câu tường thuật yes/no (that-> if)
Questions 19 – 20: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of the
words in brackets. (0.5m)
19. Modern _____APPLIANCES_____ such as washing machines, vacuum cleaners and
dishwashers make housework easier (apply)
- apply (v): áp dụng
- appliance (n): vật dụng
- applicant (n): người ứng tuyển
20. In America, hurricanes are _____tropical_____storms that reach 120km per hour. (tropic)
- tropic (n) : nhiệt đới
- tropical (adj): thuộc nhiệt đới
Questions 21 – 24: Read the following passage and choose the word or phrase that best fits
each of the numbered blanks from 21 to 24. (1m)
Can E-learning replace the traditional classroom?
E-learning is a form of learning, using electronic means, primarily e-mail and the Internet. The
teacher’s role in online learning is mainly that of a (21) _______. There is less direct teacher-to-
student interaction than normally found in the classroom. Learning is largely self-motivated, and the
student bears more individual responsibility to manage time and complete tasks within the given
time frame. (22) _______, some students learn less effectively through this method and do not have
the required self-discipline to learn via the Internet.
Although E-learning provides a number of advantages for users, significant disadvantages also
exist for students. Additionally, their learning styles may differ and they may not be able to
comprehend the given information (23) _______ further explanation from a teacher. E-learning does
not have a way of ensuring that the students are really learning the material. Therefore, as suggested
by a private Masters’ of Computer Application’s college, E-learning (24) _______ be able to
completely replace the traditional classroom.
21. A. classmate B. conservationist C. facilitator D. performer
22. A. Otherwise B. Moreover C. Therefore D. However
23. A. with B. without C. about D. on
24. A. will B. shan’t C. can’t D. may not
Questions 25 – 28: Read the passage and do the tasks that follow (1.5ms)
In April 2010, a group of 14- and 15-year-old students from Loughborough, in the UK,
went to Iceland on a school trip. They wanted to see things they studied in their Geography
lessons at school so they visited an area which has a lot of active volcanoes. (25) (*) However, in
the middle of the night on Tuesday 13 th April the Eyjafjallajokull volcano began to erupt(29).
Emergency services woke up the students and their teachers in their hotel at 4a.m. They didn't have
time to get dressed and left in their pyjamas. A bus took them to Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland,
where they were safe.
When Eyjafjallajokull erupted, it affected people all over the world (26) (**). In the local area
800 people left their homes immediately because of floods from local rivers and dangerous smoke
and gases. The volcano also sent a big cloud of ash 8km up into the air. This was dangerous for
planes because the pilots couldn’t see in the ash cloud.
Many countries in Europe, including the UK, France, Sweden and Norway, closed their airports for
many days in April. Thousands of travelers around the world couldn't get home.(27)(***) They
slept in airports or tried to get to their destinations by car, train, bus or even taxi(30). Icelandic
volcanoes are very active. When the volcano Laki erupted for eight months in 1783, almost two
million people died around the world.(28) It was the worst volcanic eruptions in history. The
students from Loughborough were lucky!
(25) (*) vào tháng 4 năm 2021, 1 nhóm hs từ 14-15 tuổi từ Loughborough, ở Anh, đã tới
Iceland trong 1 chuyến đi của trg. Họ muốn xem những thứ mà họ học ở tiết Địa lí ở trường
nên họ đã tới 1 nơi mà có rất nhiều ngọn núi lửa đang hoạt động. ( là họ đã họ về núi lửa rồi
mới đến Iceland)
(26) (**) Nó ảnh hưởng toàn cầu nên ng địa phương cũng bị ảnh hưởng.
(27)(***) nếu đọc ở đoạn 1 (phần gạch chân) sẽ thấy giữa đêm 13 tháng 4 núi lửa phun trào và
ở câu in đậm thì viết là hàng ngàn ng du lịch ko thể trở về nhà nên True
Task 1: Decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F).
25. ____T______The students learned about volcanoes before they went to Iceland.
26. _____F_____The eruption of Eyjafjallajokull didn’t affect local people.
27. _____T_____ Many people who travelled around the world couldn’t get home for many days in
28. _____F_____In 1783, almost two thousand people around the world died when the volcano Laki
Task 2: Answer the questions.
29. When did the Eyjafjallajokull volcano begin to erupt?
the middle of the night on Tuesday 13th April the Eyjafjallajokull volcano began to erupt.
30. What did travelers do when they couldn’t get home?
They slept in airports or tried to get to their destinations by car, train, bus or even taxi
Questions 31 – 32: Rearrange the following words or phrases to make complete sentences.
31. In spite of/ my roommates / the movies / go / every Saturday / to / the high prices,
In spite of the high prices, my roommates go to the movies every Saturday.
In spite of/ Despite + Ving/N, clause = Although/Though + S + V, clause = mặc dù
32. has been / with/ The river / polluted / toxic waste / local factories / from/.
The river has been polluted with toxic waste from local factories. (bị động)
Questions 33 – 36: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means almost
the same as the original sentence, beginning with the words given (2ms)
33. I’m sorry I can’t play piano
I wish I could play piano.
*wish hiện tại
34. The girl is my best friend. Her brother serves in the army.
The girl whose brother serves in the army is my best friend.
* mệnh đề quan hệ
35. Janet began to study Vietnamese six months ago.
Janet has studied Vietnamese for six months.
*đã gth ở đề 3
36. Since the water is polluted, we cannot swim in this river.
Because of the polluted water, we cannot swim in this river.
Because of + Ving/N, clause = Because + S+V, clause = Vì
NĂM HỌC 2023– 2024

Câu 1 – 2 (0.5 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)

1. D 2. B

Câu 3 – 4: (0.5 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)

3. C 4. A

Câu 5 – 16: (3 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)

5. B 6. D 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. C
11. B 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. B

Câu 17 – 18: (0.5 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)

17. C 18. A

Câu 19 – 20: (0,5 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)


Câu 21 – 24: (1 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)

21. C 22. D 23. B 24. D
Câu 25 – 30: (1,5 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)
25. T 26.F 27.T 28.F
29. The Eyjafjallajokull volcano began to erupt in the middle of the night on Tuesday 13th April.
30. They slept in airports or tried to get to their destinations by car, train, bus or even taxi.
Câu 31 – 32: (0.5 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)
31. In spite of the high prices, my roommates go to the movies every Saturday
32. The river has been polluted with toxic waste from local factories .

Câu 33 – 36: (2 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.5đ)

33. I wish I could play piano
34. The girl whose brother serves in the army is my best friend
35. Janet has studied Vietnamese for six months
36. Because of the polluted water, we cannot swim in this river.

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