University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila

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Lab Manual (11)

Power Generation

Submitted to: Sir Kashif

Faisal MasoodSattar

Submitted by: Ali Khan

Zahir Hassan

Reg number: 20-EE-87


Section: 'D'‘C’

Electrical Engineering Department

Determining the best location for solar PV panels
and collector using solar path finder.
The objective of this experiment is to select the best location for Solar PV panels as well as:
• Identify potential obstacles to solar radiation.
• Assess solar resource reduction using data from Solar Pathfinder.
• Operate Solar Pathfinder to gather shading information.
• Analyze and interpret Solar Pathfinder results.
• Understand the implications of shading on solar energy prospects.

Picture Credit: RET Lab

The lab focuses on the practical application of solar pathfinding to optimize the placement of solar PV panels and
collectors. Solar pathfinding involves assessing shading patterns to identify ideal locations for solar energy
harvesting. This process is crucial for maximizing energy efficiency and output in solar installations. The lab
introduces students to the Solar Pathfinder tool and provides hands-on experience in using it to evaluate potential
obstructions and determine the best positions for solar infrastructure. Through this, students gain valuable insights
into the importance of accurate placement for harnessing solar energy effectively.
Equipment Required:
• Solar Pathfinder
• Wax marking pencil
• Standees (tripod stand)
• Instrument section
• Dom section
• Compass (Note: Users need to know the difference between solar South and
magnetic South.)


Equipment Details:

Solar Pathfinder:

Picture Credit: RET Lab

The Solar Pathfinder is a device used to assess shading patterns and determine the optimal placement of solar PV
panels and collectors. It consists of a transparent dome and an instrument section.
The transparent dome captures the reflection of surrounding objects, helping to visualize shading patterns
throughout the day. The instrument section houses a compass and other tool for accurate solar path analysis.
Significance: By using the Solar Pathfinder, one can identify potential obstructions and determine the best locations
for solar installations, maximizing energy production.
Wax marking pencil:

The wax marking pencil is an essential tool for marking points on the Solar Pathfinder. These marks help record
observations and shading analyses during the solar path assessment.
Users can make precise markings on the Solar Pathfinder to document shading details and key points, aiding in the
interpretation of results.
Standees (tripod stand):

The standees, or tripod stand, provide stability to the Solar Pathfinder during measurements. They ensure that the
device remains fixed in position, allowing for accurate and consistent readings.

The tripod stand is designed to withstand environmental conditions, preventing any unintended movement that
could affect the reliability of the solar path analysis.

Instrument section:

The instrument section of the Solar Pathfinder houses tools such as a compass and other instrument necessary for
solar path calculations. These components contribute to the accuracy of the shading assessment.
Measurement Precision:
The instruments in this section are calibrated to provide precise data, aiding in the identification of solar radiation


The compass is used to determine the orientation of the Solar Pathfinder. It helps users distinguish between solar
South and magnetic South, ensuring accurate solar path analyses.
Orientation Precision:
Proper orientation is crucial for obtaining reliable data, and the compass aids in aligning the Solar Pathfinder
correctly for effective shading assessments.
Dome section:

Picture Credit: RET Lab

The dome section is a critical part of the Solar Pathfinder, working in conjunction with the instrument section. It
captures the reflection of surrounding objects, allowing users to visualize shading patterns effectively.
Visualization Aid:
By observing the shading patterns in the dome, users can make informed decisions about the placement of solar
panels and anticipate potential obstructions.

Latitude Angle:
The latitude angle of UET Taxila is 33 degrees, influencing the sun's path. This angle determines how directly
overhead the sun appears and affects the sunpath arcs on the solar diagrams.

Sunpath Diagrams:
Two main types of monthly sunpath diagrams are used at UET Taxila:

Horizontal Diagram:
• Designed for applications with 0-20 degrees tilt.
• Commonly used in ecological studies or for flat-roof PV installations.

Vertical Diagram:
• Suited for applications with 20-90 degrees tilt.
• Often referred to as "South facing" (or "North facing" in the southern hemisphere).
• Mainly employed in solar applications.
Instrument Set-Up:
The Solar Pathfinder consists of three key sections:

Dome Section:
• Contains the translucent lens/dome.
• Must be handled carefully to avoid scratching the transparent, reflective lens.

Instrument Section:

Picture Credit: RET Lab

• Houses the compass and level.

• Essential for accurate solar site analysis.
Base Section:
Equipped with rubber grommets to secure the tripod.

Picture Credit: RET Lab

Step-by-Step Setup:

1. Assemble the Tripod and Base:

• Sequentially insert the rounded ends of the tripod legs into the rubber grommets on the base.
• Adjust the legs to achieve an approximately level base.

2. Place the Sunpath Diagram:

• Position a paper sunpath diagram over the central pivot of the instrument section.

3. Adjust for Magnetic Declination:

• Gently pull out the brass Magnetic Declination Tab located by the compass.
• Rotate the sunpath diagram to account for the magnetic declination of the location.

4. Set Up the Instrument Section:

• Place the instrument section onto the base, ensuring the bubble is centered using the built-in level.
• Rotate the instrument until the compass points directly above the "N," indicating magnetic south.
5. Dome Section Placement:
• Position the dome section on top of the instrument section, aligning the opening with the compass.
• This configuration allows the use of a wax pen for marking on the diagram.
The Solar Pathfinder serves as a crucial tool for precise solar site analysis, guiding decisions on solar PV panel
placement and collector orientation at UET Taxila.


1. Preparation:
• Check the Solar Pathfinder data sheet for the correct latitude.
• Ensure the Solar Pathfinder is positioned in the plane of the array on a corner of the mock roof.
2. Orientation:
• Place the Solar Pathfinder facing solar South, with the December lines closest to the South.
• Check and adjust the direction to align with solar South, considering the magnetic declination.
3. Leveling:
• Level the Solar Pathfinder, ensuring that the bubble is centered in the black circle on the bubble leveler.
4. Reflection Analysis:
• From directly overhead, observe reflections in the plastic dome.
• Look for reflections from trees, buildings, telephone/power poles, and other stationary objects.

5. Obstruction Mapping:
• Use the wax pencil to draw lines on the Solar Pathfinder, tracing the outline of potential obstructions
identified in the reflections.
6. Examination:
• Examine the marked form on the Solar Pathfinder to determine if shading occurs between 9 am and 3 pm
throughout the year.
7. Decision Making:
• Mark the roof or a to-scale drawing to indicate the acceptability of the specific spot for PV installation.
8. Repeat Analysis:
• Repeat the process across different areas on the roof where the PV array may be placed, focusing on corners,
center, and edges.
9. Final Assessment:
• Based on the shading analysis, assess and finalize the areas deemed suitable for the installation of solar PV

Note: The Solar Pathfinder can be used on any day with visible reflections in the plastic dome. Cloudy days
are advantageous as they reduce glare during reflection observation.

Picture Credit: RET Lab


• Average =𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑠

• = 95+84+99+97+94+93+93+97+98+96+96+77
= 1119
• Average percentage of sunlight falling in an area for whole year = 93.25%
Results and Discussions:

Average Sunlight Percentage:

The average percentage of sunlight falling in the analyzed area throughout the year is 93.25%. This indicates a
relatively high potential for solar energy capture.

Shading Impact:
Shading has a significant impact on PV output. The calculated average highlights the importance of accurately
assessing shading to optimize PV system performance.

Quantitative Measurement:
The data emphasizes the need for quantitative measurement of potential shading losses. Relying on subjective
assessments ("eyeballing") is not acceptable for accurate solar analysis.

Solar Pathfinder Accuracy:

Proper use of tools like the Solar Pathfinder is crucial. Ensuring it faces due solar South, maintains perfect
horizontal alignment, and lies in the array's plane is essential for accurate assessments.

Optimizing PV System Output:

Tools such as the Solar Pathfinder play a vital role in optimizing PV system output. Accurate shading analysis
allows for effective planning and design to mitigate potential losses.

Lessons Learned:

Importance of Accurate Shading Analysis:

The lab underscores the importance of accurate shading analysis for solar installations. It highlights that relying on
precise tools is necessary for realistic assessments.

Consideration for Changes:

Planning should consider potential changes in the environment, such as the growth of trees. Anticipating and
accounting for these changes is crucial for long-term system efficiency.

Quantitative Approach:
The lab emphasizes the value of a quantitative approach to solar analysis. Using tools and calculations provides a
more reliable basis for decision-making than qualitative methods.

Optimization Strategies:
Understanding shading patterns allows for the development of strategies to optimize PV system output. This can
include selecting suitable locations on the roof or implementing shading mitigation measures.

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