NeatoToolio Bugreport

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date/time : 2022-12-22, 20:54:41, 290ms

computer name : DESKTOP-60UMQSR

user name : ub25
registered owner : ub25
operating system : Windows 10 x64 build 19044
system language : English
system up time : 8 days 21 hours
program up time : 1 minute 15 seconds
processors : 8x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HK CPU @ 2.90GHz
physical memory : 6546/16253 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 28,81 GB
display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id : $156c
allocated memory : 508,64 MB
largest free block : 707,30 MB
executable : NeatoToolio.exe
exec. date/time : 2022-12-22 20:01
version :
compiled with : Delphi 10.3 Rio
madExcept version : 5.0.0
callstack crc : $9f72ff98, $b10c4f6f, $b10c4f6f
exception number : 1
exception class : EArgumentOutOfRangeException
exception message : Argument out of range.

main thread ($278):

004c938c +014 NeatoToolio.exe System.Generics.Collections 3753 +1
00a38666 +06a NeatoToolio.exe FMX.Memo.Style 3346 +4
00a30be2 +012 NeatoToolio.exe FMX.Memo.Style 1091 +1
00a47b02 +056 NeatoToolio.exe FMX.Memo 157 +4
00a4759d +1a5 NeatoToolio.exe FMX.Memo 1835 +16
005449bf +053 NeatoToolio.exe System.Classes 7262 +9
00544965 +005 NeatoToolio.exe System.Classes 7249 +1 TStringList.Add
012038a3 +037 NeatoToolio.exe formMain 2314 +1
009c34e1 +015 NeatoToolio.exe FMX.Types 5602 +2 TTimer.DoOnTimer
009c348c +014 NeatoToolio.exe FMX.Types 5588 +1 TTimer.Timer
00976420 +07c NeatoToolio.exe FMX.Platform.Win 853 +8
753d5f7b +00b USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
009760d3 +02f NeatoToolio.exe FMX.Platform.Win 742 +8
009f4333 +03b NeatoToolio.exe FMX.Forms 1859 +3
00975eae +03a NeatoToolio.exe FMX.Platform.Win 680 +6 TPlatformWin.Run
009f4c87 +03f NeatoToolio.exe FMX.Forms 2161 +3 TApplication.Run
0122035f +06b NeatoToolio.exe NeatoToolio 152 +5 initialization
757600f7 +017 KERNEL32.DLL

thread $2f40:
753dc897 +47 USER32.dll MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
753dc83a +1a USER32.dll MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
004befb9 +0d NeatoToolio.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004bf01e +32 NeatoToolio.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($278) at:
5a3067ca +00 gdiplus.dll

thread $1630:
76cce16d +fd KERNELBASE.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
004befb9 +0d NeatoToolio.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004bf01e +32 NeatoToolio.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($278) at:
758c5f71 +00 combase.dll

thread $3da0:
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $40ac:
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $38b8:
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $6a4:
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4c60:
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $49ec:
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3668:
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4388:
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1514:
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1504:
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4ee8:
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $750:
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $d38:
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4710:
757600f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

00400000 NeatoToolio.exe C:\Users\ub25\Desktop
59b20000 windowscodecs.dll 10.0.19041.1706 C:\WINDOWS\system32
59ca0000 D3D10Warp.dll 10.0.19041.2075 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
5a270000 olepro32.dll 10.0.19041.84 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
5a290000 gdiplus.dll 10.0.19041.2251 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\
5a400000 FaultRep.dll 10.0.19041.2364 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
5a470000 SHFolder.dll 10.0.19041.1 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
5a480000 wininet.dll 11.0.19041.2193 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
5a9d0000 IdnDL.dll 10.0.19041.1 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
60bb0000 COMCTL32.dll 6.10.19041.1110 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\
6e220000 cryptnet.dll 10.0.19041.906 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
6e300000 dxcore.dll 10.0.19041.546 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
6e330000 dataexchange.dll 10.0.19041.1387 C:\WINDOWS\system32
6eab0000 wintypes.dll 10.0.19041.2311 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
6eb90000 twinapi.appcore.dll 10.0.19041.1865 C:\WINDOWS\system32
6ed20000 CoreUIComponents.dll 10.0.19041.546 C:\WINDOWS\System32
6efa0000 CoreMessaging.dll 10.0.19041.2193 C:\WINDOWS\System32
6f1b0000 textinputframework.dll 10.0.19041.2075 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
6faa0000 d2d1.dll 10.0.19041.546 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
6ffc0000 DWRITE.DLL 10.0.19041.1566 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
70260000 d3d11.dll 10.0.19041.2075 C:\WINDOWS\system32
70440000 dxgi.dll 10.0.19041.2311 C:\WINDOWS\system32
70720000 dbghelp.dll 10.0.19041.1052 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
708e0000 TextShaping.dll C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
70c10000 apphelp.dll 10.0.19041.2075 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
70e70000 dcomp.dll 10.0.19041.2075 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71430000 d3d9.dll 10.0.19041.2311 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
71ca0000 winmm.dll 10.0.19041.546 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
736a0000 version.dll 10.0.19041.546 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
73740000 aswhook.dll 22.11.7716.0 C:\Program Files\Avast
73790000 dwmapi.dll 10.0.19041.746 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
737e0000 netapi32.dll 10.0.19041.2130 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
73800000 WINSTA.dll 10.0.19041.2075 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
73850000 winspool.drv 10.0.19041.2311 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
73910000 Fwpuclnt.dll 10.0.19041.1682 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
73e30000 wtsapi32.dll 10.0.19041.546 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
73ee0000 mpr.dll 10.0.19041.1806 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
73f70000 wsock32.dll 10.0.19041.1 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
740c0000 uxtheme.dll 10.0.19041.2193 C:\WINDOWS\system32
74160000 SspiCli.dll 10.0.19041.2130 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
741b0000 d3d10_1.dll 10.0.19041.1 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
741e0000 dbgcore.DLL 10.0.19041.2311 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
74220000 d3d10_1core.dll 10.0.19041.1 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
74230000 cryptbase.dll 10.0.19041.546 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
74240000 rsaenh.dll 10.0.19041.1052 C:\WINDOWS\system32
74270000 CRYPTSP.dll 10.0.19041.546 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
742b0000 NETUTILS.DLL 10.0.19041.1466 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
74960000 profapi.dll 10.0.19041.844 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
74980000 propsys.dll 7.0.19041.1741 C:\WINDOWS\system32
74a60000 msasn1.dll 10.0.19041.2251 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
74a70000 kernel.appcore.dll 10.0.19041.546 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
74a80000 Wldp.dll 10.0.19041.2311 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
74ab0000 10.0.19041.2311 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
75110000 ntmarta.dll 10.0.19041.546 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
75210000 iphlpapi.dll 10.0.19041.546 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
75250000 RPCRT4.dll 10.0.19041.1806 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75310000 clbcatq.dll 2001.12.10941.16384 C:\WINDOWS\System32
753a0000 USER32.dll 10.0.19041.2364 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75540000 comdlg32.dll 10.0.19041.1806 C:\WINDOWS\System32
755f0000 SHLWAPI.dll 10.0.19041.2075 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75690000 sechost.dll 10.0.19041.1865 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75710000 Normaliz.dll 10.0.19041.546 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75720000 win32u.dll 10.0.19041.2364 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75740000 KERNEL32.DLL 10.0.19041.2364 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75830000 combase.dll 10.0.19041.2311 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75b10000 shcore.dll 10.0.19041.1645 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75ba0000 bcryptPrimitives.dll 10.0.19041.1415 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75c00000 oleaut32.dll 10.0.19041.985 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75ca0000 GDI32.dll 10.0.19041.2130 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75d30000 IMAGEHLP.DLL 10.0.19041.1415 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75d50000 advapi32.dll 10.0.19041.2130 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75dd0000 ole32.dll 10.0.19041.1202 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75f20000 gdi32full.dll 10.0.19041.2364 C:\WINDOWS\System32
764d0000 cfgmgr32.dll 10.0.19041.1620 C:\WINDOWS\System32
76510000 SHELL32.dll 10.0.19041.2311 C:\WINDOWS\System32
76ad0000 MSCTF.dll 10.0.19041.2193 C:\WINDOWS\System32
76bb0000 KERNELBASE.dll 10.0.19041.2364 C:\WINDOWS\System32
76f40000 bcrypt.dll 10.0.19041.1023 C:\WINDOWS\System32
76f60000 ucrtbase.dll 10.0.19041.789 C:\WINDOWS\System32
77090000 msvcrt.dll 7.0.19041.546 C:\WINDOWS\System32
77150000 msvcp_win.dll 10.0.19041.789 C:\WINDOWS\System32
771d0000 WS2_32.dll 10.0.19041.546 C:\WINDOWS\System32
77250000 CRYPT32.dll 10.0.19041.1889 C:\WINDOWS\System32
77350000 IMM32.DLL 10.0.19041.2193 C:\WINDOWS\System32
77390000 ntdll.dll 10.0.19041.2364 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32

0000 Idle 0 0 0
0004 System 0 0 0
007c Registry 0 0 0
020c smss.exe 0 0 0
02f8 csrss.exe 0 0 0
0058 wininit.exe 0 0 0
019c csrss.exe 1 0 0
031c services.exe 0 0 0
032c lsass.exe 0 0 0
03a0 winlogon.exe 1 0 0
0408 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0424 fontdrvhost.exe 1 0 0
042c fontdrvhost.exe 0 0 0
0448 WUDFHost.exe 0 0 0
04b4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
04d4 WUDFHost.exe 0 0 0
0518 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0570 dwm.exe 1 0 0
05dc svchost.exe 0 0 0
05e8 svchost.exe 0 0 0
05f4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0684 svchost.exe 0 0 0
068c svchost.exe 0 0 0
06bc svchost.exe 0 0 0
0704 IntelCpHDCPSvc.exe 0 0 0
0710 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0730 svchost.exe 0 0 0
07c0 svchost.exe 0 0 0
07e0 IntelCpHeciSvc.exe 0 0 0
0828 svchost.exe 0 0 0
08e0 WUDFHost.exe 0 0 0
0914 NVDisplay.Container.exe 0 0 0
094c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0958 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0974 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0a04 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0a0c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0a20 wsc_proxy.exe 0 0 0
0a30 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0a38 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0a4c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0a68 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0b10 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0b34 Memory Compression 0 0 0
0b7c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0bdc igfxCUIService.exe 0 0 0
09ac svchost.exe 0 0 0
0cb8 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0d5c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0d64 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0e04 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0e48 RtkAudioService64.exe 0 0 0
0ec8 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0ed0 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0f3c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0f60 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0f70 AvastSvc.exe 0 0 0
1010 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1068 RAVBg64.exe 1 0 0
107c RAVBg64.exe 1 0 0
10c4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
11d4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
121c aswToolsSvc.exe 0 0 0
1278 spoolsv.exe 0 0 0
12a0 svchost.exe 0 0 0
12c8 svchost.exe 0 0 0
130c svchost.exe 0 0 0
1420 OneApp.IGCC.WinService.exe 0 0 0
1428 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1430 AppleMobileDeviceService.exe 0 0 0
1438 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1440 armsvc.exe 0 0 0
1448 mDNSResponder.exe 0 0 0
1450 KillerAnalyticsService.exe 0 0 0
1458 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1460 AdminService.exe 0 0 0
1468 esif_uf.exe 0 0 0
1470 QcomWlanSrvx64.exe 0 0 0
1478 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1480 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1490 RstMwService.exe 0 0 0
1498 svchost.exe 0 0 0
14a4 VpnSvc.exe 0 0 0
14b0 LMS.exe 0 0 0
14b8 SynTPEnhService.exe 0 0 0
155c svchost.exe 0 0 0
1580 svchost.exe 0 0 0
158c WMIRegistrationService.exe 0 0 0
15b0 TeamViewer_Service.exe 0 0 0
15dc svchost.exe 0 0 0
15e4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
15ec KillerNetworkService.exe 0 0 0
1660 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1714 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1734 jhi_service.exe 0 0 0
1814 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1960 xTendUtilityService.exe 0 0 0
1a4c xTendUtility.exe 0 0 0
1a8c conhost.exe 0 0 0
0da0 aswEngSrv.exe 0 0 0
1c20 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1ff8 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1fc8 svchost.exe 0 0 0
19f0 aswidsagent.exe 0 0 0
0884 NVDisplay.Container.exe 1 0 0
0724 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1130 svchost.exe 0 0 0
2188 svchost.exe 0 0 0
23c8 dptf_helper.exe 1 0 2 normal C:\
2088 SynTPEnh.exe 1 92 54 above normal C:\
Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP
0680 sihost.exe 1 41 18 normal C:\
0dd8 svchost.exe 1 0 1 normal C:\
0664 svchost.exe 1 0 1 normal C:\
0a00 PresentationFontCache.exe 0 0 0
13b0 svchost.exe 1 4 4 normal C:\
19dc taskhostw.exe 1 10 6 normal C:\
2434 svchost.exe 0 0 0
2488 svchost.exe 0 0 0
24d4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
2554 ctfmon.exe 1 0 0
2618 svchost.exe 0 0 0
2664 explorer.exe 1 1214 575 normal C:\
266c SynTPHelper.exe 1 0 0
26a4 igfxEM.exe 1 10 14 normal C:\
2604 GoogleCrashHandler.exe 0 0 0
25e0 GoogleCrashHandler64.exe 0 0 0
05fc svchost.exe 1 0 8 normal C:\
2980 StartMenuExperienceHost.exe 1 7 31 normal C:\
2a30 RuntimeBroker.exe 1 40 1 normal C:\
2b2c SearchIndexer.exe 0 0 0
2908 RuntimeBroker.exe 1 44 13 normal C:\
2eb8 svchost.exe 0 0 0
28c8 RuntimeBroker.exe 1 40 1 normal C:\
13c4 SecurityHealthSystray.exe 1 7 5 normal C:\
1ac4 SecurityHealthService.exe 0 0 0
08a0 RtkNGUI64.exe 1 18 26 normal C:\
Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA
2d60 RAVBg64.exe 1 5 13 normal C:\
Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA
1074 AvastUI.exe 1 131 81 normal C:\
Program Files\Avast Software\Avast
1524 AWSoundCenterUILauncher.exe 1 0 0
2de4 AWSoundCenterSvc32.exe 1 0 0
0f00 AWSoundCenterSvc64.exe 1 0 0
16b8 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1638 Cortana.exe 1 0 8 normal C:\
Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.549981C3F5F10_4.2204.13303.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
2db0 Vpn.exe 1 41 52 normal C:\
Program Files\Avast Software\SecureLine VPN
30cc RuntimeBroker.exe 1 0 1 normal C:\
3120 Vpn.exe 1 2 3 above normal C:\
Program Files\Avast Software\SecureLine VPN
3188 svchost.exe 1 0 1 normal C:\
31fc Vpn.exe 1 0 1 normal C:\
Program Files\Avast Software\SecureLine VPN
3218 Vpn.exe 1 0 1 normal C:\
Program Files\Avast Software\SecureLine VPN
32f8 firefox.exe 1 179 124 normal C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
1534 firefox.exe 1 0 0 normal C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
333c firefox.exe 1 4 26 normal C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
3500 firefox.exe 1 0 0 normal C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
34c4 firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
20ec svchost.exe 0 0 0
2418 DDVRulesProcessor.exe 0 0 0
1bac ServiceShell.exe 0 0 0
2cdc Dell.TechHub.exe 0 0 0
2e3c SgrmBroker.exe 0 0 0
2950 Dell.TechHub.DataManager.SubAgent.exe 0 0 0
2d28 conhost.exe 0 0 0
2d24 Dell.TechHub.Instrumentation.SubAgent.exe 0 0 0
2e08 conhost.exe 0 0 0
2f70 Dell.TechHub.Diagnostics.SubAgent.exe 0 0 0
0c54 conhost.exe 0 0 0
1afc Dell.DCF.UA.Bradbury.API.SubAgent.exe 0 0 0
3654 conhost.exe 0 0 0
0980 SupportAssistAgent.exe 0 0 0
0edc svchost.exe 1 0 1 normal C:\
2918 DDVDataCollector.exe 0 0 0
0b84 DDVCollectorSvcApi.exe 0 0 0
2b00 Dell.TechHub.Instrumentation.UserSessionAgent.exe 1 0 0
2770 UserOOBEBroker.exe 1 0 1 normal C:\
0f44 AvastUI.exe 1 2 3 above normal C:\
Program Files\Avast Software\Avast
0458 AvastUI.exe 1 0 2 normal C:\
Program Files\Avast Software\Avast
38e0 Video.UI.exe 1 0 10 normal C:\
Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.ZuneVideo_10.22091.10031.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
3b30 RuntimeBroker.exe 1 0 1 normal C:\
3ad4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
2bf8 SearchApp.exe 1 1 34 normal C:\
0a78 AvastUI.exe 1 0 2 normal C:\
Program Files\Avast Software\Avast
2288 firefox.exe 1 0 3 normal C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
14d4 firefox.exe 1 0 0 normal C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
3640 firefox.exe 1 0 0 normal C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
2750 firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
32ac LockApp.exe 1 6 22 normal C:\
3820 RuntimeBroker.exe 1 70 14 normal C:\
44e4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
36ac svchost.exe 0 0 0
4530 stremio.exe 1 50 64 normal C:\
35c0 stremio-runtime.exe 1 0 1 normal C:\
09e4 conhost.exe 1 10 3 normal C:\
3860 QtWebEngineProcess.exe 1 0 1 normal C:\
40d4 QtWebEngineProcess.exe 1 0 0 normal C:\
3be0 OSPPSVC.EXE 0 0 0
0b2c ShellExperienceHost.exe 1 6 41 normal C:\
3d78 RuntimeBroker.exe 1 40 6 normal C:\
3220 ApplicationFrameHost.exe 1 56 27 normal C:\
0954 TextInputHost.exe 1 0 37 normal C:\
4410 SearchApp.exe 1 18 78 normal C:\
2c90 dllhost.exe 1 0 3 normal C:\
36ec WmiPrvSE.exe 0 0 0
4900 rundll32.exe 1 0 2 normal C:\
4adc PhoneExperienceHost.exe 1 4 17 normal C:\
Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.YourPhone_1.22102.229.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
28fc taskhostw.exe 1 0 0
2244 CalculatorApp.exe 1 0 21 normal C:\
Program Files\WindowsApps\
2ba4 RuntimeBroker.exe 1 0 1 normal C:\
1640 firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
38e8 unsecapp.exe 0 0 0
1228 dllhost.exe 0 0 0
0e74 Microsoft.Photos.exe 1 0 9 normal C:\
Program Files\WindowsApps\
30ec RuntimeBroker.exe 1 39 11 normal C:\
3c04 audiodg.exe 0 0 0
3694 svchost.exe 0 0 0
2e8c firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
4764 taskhostw.exe 1 2 2 normal C:\
4d80 svchost.exe 0 0 0
4130 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0554 firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
3d98 firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
0e8c firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
2f20 firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
3ae4 firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
1cb0 firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
05a8 firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
14d0 firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
4820 SystemSettings.exe 1 14 36 normal C:\
3a3c svchost.exe 1 0 1 normal C:\
4a78 mmc.exe 1 0 0
455c firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
4eec AvastUI.exe 1 0 2 normal C:\
Program Files\Avast Software\Avast
11c8 firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
4ed4 firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
1ec4 firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
4034 firefox.exe 1 0 0 idle C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
4028 firefox.exe 1 0 0 normal C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
3acc svchost.exe 0 0 0
3c08 firefox.exe 1 0 0 normal C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
3954 firefox.exe 1 0 0 normal C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
3744 svchost.exe 0 0 0
2910 smartscreen.exe 1 0 4 normal C:\
27ec BstkSVC.exe 1 0 10 normal C:\
Program Files\BlueStacks
45b4 WmiPrvSE.exe 0 0 0
36c8 svchost.exe 0 0 0
156c NeatoToolio.exe 1 223 168 normal C:\
3bb0 firefox.exe 1 0 0 normal C:\
Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
14ac dllhost.exe 1 0 4 normal C:\

+ {1ed2bbf9-11f0-4084-b21f-ad83a8e6dcdc}
- Canon MF4100 Series (FAX)
- Canon MF4100 Series UFRII LT
- Microsoft Print to PDF
- OneNote for Windows 10
- Root Print Queue
+ {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}
- Generic USB Hub
- Generic USB Hub
- Generic USB Hub
- Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.0 (Microsoft)
- Intel(R) USB 3.1 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft)
- USB Composite Device
- USB Composite Device
- USB Composite Device
- USB Composite Device
- USB Mass Storage Device
- USB Printing Support
- USB Printing Support
- USB Root Hub (USB 3.0)
- USB Root Hub (USB 3.0)
+ {4d36e966-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- ACPI x64-based PC
+ {4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- HGST HTS721010A9E630
- Mass Storage Device USB Device
- PC300 NVMe SK hynix 1TB
+ {4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 (driver
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (driver
+ {4d36e96b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- HID Keyboard Device
- HID Keyboard Device
- Standard PS/2 Keyboard
+ {4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- Intel(R) Display Audio (driver
- NVIDIA High Definition Audio (driver
- Realtek Audio (driver 6.0.8816.1)
- SB X-Fi Surround 5.1 Pro
+ {4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- Generic PnP Monitor
- Generic PnP Monitor
- Generic PnP Monitor
+ {4d36e96f-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- HID-compliant mouse
- Touchpad (driver
+ {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- Avast SecureLine Wintun Adapter (driver
- Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
- Killer E2500 Gigabit Ethernet Controller
- Killer Wireless-n/a/ac 1435 Wireless Network Adapter (driver
- Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
- Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter
- Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #2
- WAN Miniport (IKEv2)
- WAN Miniport (IP)
- WAN Miniport (IPv6)
- WAN Miniport (L2TP)
- WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
- WAN Miniport (PPPOE)
- WAN Miniport (PPTP)
- WAN Miniport (SSTP)
+ {4d36e979-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- Canon MF4100 Series (FAX) (driver
- Canon MF4100 Series UFRII LT (driver
+ {4d36e97b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- DAEMON Tools Lite Virtual SCSI Bus (driver
- Intel(R) Chipset SATA/PCIe RST Premium Controller (driver
- Microsoft Storage Spaces Controller
- Standard NVM Express Controller
+ {4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- ACPI Fixed Feature Button
- ACPI Lid
- ACPI Power Button
- ACPI Processor Aggregator
- Alienware Embedded System Control (driver
- Charge Arbitration Driver
- Composite Bus Enumerator
- High Definition Audio Controller
- High Definition Audio Controller
- High precision event timer
- Intel(R) 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family LPC Controller (CM238) - A154
- Intel(R) 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #1 - A110
- Intel(R) 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #5 - A114
- Intel(R) 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #6 - A115
- Intel(R) 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #9 - A118
- Intel(R) 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family PMC - A121 (driver
- Intel(R) 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family Thermal subsystem - A131 (driver
- Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Generic Participant (driver
- Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Generic Participant (driver
- Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Generic Participant (driver
- Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Generic Participant (driver
- Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Manager (driver 8.3.10209.6897)
- Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Processor Participant (driver
- Intel(R) Management Engine Interface #1 (driver 2145.1.42.0)
- Intel(R) Power Engine Plug-in
- Legacy device
- Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Embedded Controller
- Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
- Microsoft Basic Display Driver
- Microsoft Basic Render Driver
- Microsoft Hyper-V Virtualization Infrastructure Driver
- Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver
- Microsoft Virtual Drive Enumerator
- Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI
- Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI
- Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI
- Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI
- Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI
- Motherboard resources
- Motherboard resources
- Motherboard resources
- Motherboard resources
- Motherboard resources
- Motherboard resources
- Motherboard resources
- Motherboard resources
- Motherboard resources
- NDIS Virtual Network Adapter Enumerator
- Numeric data processor
- PCI Express Root Complex
- PCI standard host CPU bridge
- PCI-to-PCI Bridge
- PCI-to-PCI Bridge
- PCI-to-PCI Bridge
- PCI-to-PCI Bridge
- PCI-to-PCI Bridge
- PCI-to-PCI Bridge
- Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator
- Programmable interrupt controller
- Remote Desktop Device Redirector Bus
- Synaptics SMBus Driver (driver
- System CMOS/real time clock
- System timer
- UMBus Root Bus Enumerator
- Volume Manager
+ {50127dc3-0f36-415e-a6cc-4cb3be910b65}
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HK CPU @ 2.90GHz
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HK CPU @ 2.90GHz
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HK CPU @ 2.90GHz
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HK CPU @ 2.90GHz
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HK CPU @ 2.90GHz
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HK CPU @ 2.90GHz
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HK CPU @ 2.90GHz
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HK CPU @ 2.90GHz
+ {533c5b84-ec70-11d2-9505-00c04f79deaf}
- Generic volume shadow copy
+ {53d29ef7-377c-4d14-864b-eb3a85769359}
- Windows Hello Face Software Device (driver 10.0.19041.1889)
+ {5c4c3332-344d-483c-8739-259e934c9cc8}
- Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader Host Interface (driver 1.41.2021.121)
- Intel(R) Graphics Command Center (driver
- Intel(R) Graphics Control Panel (driver
- Intel(R) iCLS Client (driver 1.63.1155.1)
- Intel(R) Management Engine WMI Provider (driver 2130.1.15.0)
- Intel(R) Pinning Shell Extensions (driver
- Killer Networking Software (driver 2.4.3337.0)
- Killer Networking Software (driver 2.4.3337.0)
+ {62f9c741-b25a-46ce-b54c-9bccce08b6f2}
- Bluetooth
- Microsoft Device Association Root Enumerator
- Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth
- Microsoft Radio Device Enumeration Bus
- Microsoft RRAS Root Enumerator
- Wi-Fi
+ {6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}
- Canon MF4100 Series (driver
+ {72631e54-78a4-11d0-bcf7-00aa00b7b32a}
- Microsoft AC Adapter
- Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery
+ {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}
- HID-compliant consumer control device
- HID-compliant consumer control device
- HID-compliant consumer control device
- HID-compliant consumer control device
- HID-compliant consumer control device
- HID-compliant consumer control device
- HID-compliant consumer control device
- HID-compliant consumer control device
- HID-compliant vendor-defined device
- HID-compliant wireless radio controls
- Intel(R) HID Event Filter (driver
- Trust Mouse (driver
- USB Input Device
- USB Input Device
+ {88bae032-5a81-49f0-bc3d-a4ff138216d6}
- EyeChip
- USB C Video Adaptor
+ {b4f2027a-f326-4c3b-8e28-80d112a7f7d1}
- Kionix KXCNL Freefall Sensor (driver
+ {c166523c-fe0c-4a94-a586-f1a80cfbbf3e}
- 1080p60 (Intel(R) Display Audio)
- Digital Audio Interface (SB X-Fi Surround 5.1 Pro)
- Line (SB X-Fi Surround 5.1 Pro)
- Microphone (Realtek Audio)
- Speakers (SB X-Fi Surround 5.1 Pro)
- Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio)
- TX-SR507 (2- NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
+ {ca3e7ab9-b4c3-4ae6-8251-579ef933890f}
- TOBII Video (driver
+ {e0cbf06c-cd8b-4647-bb8a-263b43f0f974}
- Bluetooth Device (RFCOMM Protocol TDI)
- Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator
- Microsoft Bluetooth LE Enumerator
- Qualcomm Atheros QCA61x4 Bluetooth (driver
+ {e0def58b-33e8-4ff0-a75d-f20e1f68e5d7}
- DBUtilDrv2 Device (driver
+ {e1c7dabe-63de-4630-a4de-a4adc0503be3}
- DellInstrumentation Device (driver
+ {eec5ad98-8080-425f-922a-dabf3de3f69a}
- F:\
cpu registers:
eax = 23d84a10
ebx = 0000028d
ecx = 00000000
edx = 042a04d0
esi = 0019fba0
edi = 06d526c8
eip = 004c9391
esp = 0019fb54
ebp = 0019fb84

stack dump:
0019fb54 91 93 4c 00 de fa ed 0e - 01 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 ..L.............
0019fb64 68 fb 19 00 91 93 4c 00 - 10 4a d8 23 8d 02 00 00 h.....L..J.#....
0019fb74 a0 fb 19 00 c8 26 d5 06 - 84 fb 19 00 84 fb 19 00 .....&..........
0019fb84 84 fc 19 00 91 93 4c 00 - 44 55 67 0c a0 cf 6a 0c ......L.DUg...j.
0019fb94 8d 02 00 00 6b 86 a3 00 - fc 62 e9 06 c8 26 d5 06 ....k....b...&..
0019fba4 80 fc 19 00 04 fc 19 00 - 1e fe 40 00 b8 fb 19 00 ..........@.....
0019fbb4 5f e3 46 00 80 3d a4 00 - 17 00 00 00 c8 e3 46 00 _.F..=........F.
0019fbc4 d0 e3 46 00 80 3d a4 00 - 7c fc 19 00 1f 01 00 00 ..F..=..|.......
0019fbd4 5b 02 c8 e1 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 [...............
0019fbe4 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff - 80 3d a4 00 a0 ee e5 02 .........=......
0019fbf4 7c fc 19 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |...............
0019fc04 38 fc 19 00 04 e4 46 00 - 80 fc 19 00 00 00 00 00 8.....F.........
0019fc14 ff ff ff 7f 00 00 80 bf - 00 60 7f 41 d5 da 46 00 .........`.A..F.
0019fc24 01 00 00 00 20 0a a4 00 - 25 ed 40 00 da ed 40 00 .... ...%.@...@.
0019fc34 28 0a a4 00 28 0a a4 00 - 84 fc 19 00 00 00 00 00 (...(...........
0019fc44 74 fc 19 00 70 b5 e2 05 - e7 0b a3 00 21 17 00 00 t...p.......!...
0019fc54 20 a4 d0 07 05 7b a4 00 - 8c fc 19 00 3c c4 40 00 ....{......<.@.
0019fc64 84 fc 19 00 54 3a 20 01 - 54 3a 20 01 9c fc 19 00 ....T: .T: .....
0019fc74 21 17 20 01 8d 02 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 !. .............
0019fc84 c0 fc 19 00 a2 75 a4 00 - ec fc 19 00 3c c4 40 00 .....u......<.@.

004c9378 public System.Generics.Collections.TListHelper.InternalInsert4: ;
function entry point
004c9378 3752 push ebx
004c9379 push esi
004c937a push ecx
004c937b mov esi, ecx
004c937d mov ebx, edx
004c937f mov [esp], eax
004c9382 3753 mov eax, [esp]
004c9385 mov eax, [eax+4]
004c9388 cmp eax, ebx
004c938a jnb loc_4c9391
004c938c > call -$3725 ($4c5c6c) ;
004c9391 3755 mov eax, [esp]
004c9394 mov eax, [eax]
004c9396 test eax, eax
004c9398 jz loc_4c939f
004c939a sub eax, 4
004c939d mov eax, [eax]
004c939f mov edx, [esp]
004c93a2 mov edx, [edx+4]
004c93a5 cmp eax, edx
004c93a7 jnz loc_4c93b2
004c93a9 3756 mov eax, [esp]
004c93ac inc edx
004c93ad call -$3656 ($4c5d5c) ;
004c93b2 3757 mov eax, [esp]
004c93b5 mov eax, [eax+4]
004c93b8 cmp ebx, eax
004c93ba jz loc_4c93da
004c93bc 3758 sub eax, ebx
004c93be mov ecx, eax
004c93c0 add ecx, ecx
004c93c2 add ecx, ecx
004c93c4 mov eax, [esp]
004c93c7 mov eax, [eax]
004c93c9 lea edx, [eax+ebx*4+4]
004c93cd mov eax, [esp]
004c93d0 mov eax, [eax]
004c93d2 lea eax, [eax+ebx*4]
004c93d5 call -$c0ee6 ($4084f4) ; System.Move
004c93da 3759 mov eax, [esi]
004c93dc mov edx, [esp]
004c93df mov edx, [edx]
004c93e1 mov [edx+ebx*4], eax
004c93e4 3760 mov eax, [esp]
004c93e7 inc dword ptr [eax+4]
004c93ea 3761 mov eax, [esp]
004c93ed cmp dword ptr [eax+$10], 0
004c93f1 jz loc_4c9403
004c93f3 3762 mov ebx, [esp]
004c93f6 mov edx, esi
004c93f8 mov eax, [esp]
004c93fb mov eax, [eax+$c]
004c93fe mov cl, 1
004c9400 call dword ptr [ebx+$10]
004c9403 3763 pop edx
004c9404 pop esi
004c9405 pop ebx
004c9406 ret

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