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TOPIC-HRS TAKE ON EQ 1.Arushi Arora College- International management Institute. Email id- Contact no.-9958331534 2.

Ayushi Anand College- International management Institute. Email id- Contact no.-9711443589

Emotional Intelligence quotient (EQ) has become a vital part of how today's HR meets the significant challenges it faces. In the middle of the "Talent War", especially at the highest levels in organisations, emotionaly intelligent employees i.e. , the ones who have the capacity to grasp, appreciate and discerningly manage emotions of others, can give organisations a competitive edge. Success at work is 80% dependent on emotional intelligence and only 20% dependent on Intelligent quotient," HR magazine, November 1997. As a consequence, EQ has become more relevant to important work-related outcomes such as individual performance, organizational productivity because its principles provide new ways of understanding and assessing behaviours, attitudes, interpersonal skills, and potential of people. It is a powerful strategic tool in human resource planning, job profiling, customer relations and recruitment. The HR professionals worldwide have not only started including the measurement of EQ as a part of their recruitment strategies but are also discovering and creating more ways of training their employees to become emotionally intelligent. As HR and line management become skilled partners in improving EQ, it tends to ignite the best and most inspired performance from employees , improves the company's creativity, and create synergy from teamwork. Interestingly, Goleman in the year 1955 proposed the idea that three organizational Factorsleadership, HR and the organisational climate and culture are interrelated. Each of these inuence emotional intelligence through the impact on relationships, and each factor inuences the other two. For instance, the HR functions of recruitment and selection, training and development have a strong impact on leadership EI . This suggests two important implications for practice. First, any effort to improve the EI of organizational members will ultimately fail unless it affects naturally occurring relationships among those members. The second important implication is that interventions that focus on only one part of the model are not likely to be very effective. So, for instance, a training program designed to help members become emotionally intelligent will not be of much help because it targets only one part of the modelHR functions. Such training efforts will succeed only if the organizational leadership and culture support them

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